The Source Field Investigations (46 page)

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Carr told everyone to stuff their pockets with rocks, clumps of dirt and grass from their destination. Otherwise, when they returned, they wouldn’t have any conscious memory of going anywhere, and would think the whole thing was a failure—not unlike Backster’s roommate waking up from hypnosis and thinking nothing had happened. Sure enough, when Ring came back from the trip, he remembered nothing—but his pockets were stuffed with grass. He was absolutely stunned—and only later remembered the trip, as if waking up from a dream. When he asked Carr how it worked, this is what he said.
Otis Carr’s illustration of how the Tesla turbines fit into the saucer-shaped gravity-shielding craft he developed.
Your brain is there to operate your body. You’re in a vessel here. It’s an illusionary vessel that people don’t realize, because we’re creating it in microseconds. From one second to the other, these shutters are opening and shutting, creating all this reality you see around you, but it doesn’t really exist. It’s all spirit. It’s all energy, but we’re creating it. . . . People don’t realize that Man in a sense created time. Time doesn’t exist, in essence. It does when we create it, and we have a beginning and an end to something. We call that time. But in a greater reality, there is no time.
The “shutters opening and closing” sounds just like the fluctuations in physical, chemical, biological and radioactive reactions that Shnoll discovered are happening all over the world.
Unfortunately, agents working within classified projects swooped in on Carr in 1961, and they wouldn’t take no for an answer.
They came over with all their bells and whistles and said, “You’re shuttin’ down right now.” And we asked them why, and they said, “Because of your threat to overthrow the monetary system of the United States of America.” That was their ploy. . . . “And we’re confiscating everything.” They went into the offices and they went into the lab, and they started just confiscating everything. Then they debriefed us and told us, in essence, “You guys are wrong. You’re attempting to overthrow the monetary system.”
This secrecy has gone on for quite some time—a “Cosmic Watergate,” as Dr. Stanton Friedman referred to it in an article that circulated through mainstream media while I was writing this book.
This may be an outgrowth of the same secrecy the founding fathers kept around the meaning of the Great Seal of the United States—putting a message out there for those who would bother to find it, but never explaining it in any direct, open way. I hope it has become clear by now that there is an obvious, uniform system of principles behind these technologies. Once we fix the mistakes we’ve made in science, we can explain all the observations—and realize how these same forces already appear in nature. Right for now, no one has made a definite breakthrough with a technology like this that has gone mainstream—though similar discoveries were made by Thomas Townsend Brown (the Biefield-Brown effect), Professor John Searl (the Searl Levity Disc) and others. Brown decided to cooperate with the security apparatus and his work became classified, whereas Searl fought against it and was ruined—but their results are also consistent with everything we’ve been discussing here. Two Russian scientists, Roschin and Godin, independently rebuilt Searl’s technology and got a very strong lift, though their device had to be bolted to the laboratory table for safety.
Searl and his associates have recently released videos online showing his unique turbine in action, which skeptics previously attacked him about and had said was impossible.
Searl’s team is allegedly working to develop a fully operational prototype of their device, as is Ralph Ring.
Do It Yourself—with Lung-Gom
At the time I write this book, none of us have open access to these technologies—but perhaps this shift into the Golden Age represents a time where we won’t need them. Is it possible to generate enough coherence that you could actually levitate your own body—without any technology at all? The Tibetans appear to have inherited the secrets to this amazing trick as well. The technique is called lung-gom, and it was witnessed by Alexandra David-Neel and written up in her 1931 classic
With Mystics and Magicians in Tibet.
In this case, the monks are able to go into a deep trance state where they can run along in huge leaps at a remarkably fast speed—using their bodies in a way that completely defies gravity as we now understand it.
Lung-gom may have originally been used to travel vast distances much more quickly than walking or riding a yak. Each time one of their feet hits the ground, they launch off again in another huge leap. Though this may be an exaggeration from one too many movies, each leap may lead to them traveling as much as thirty feet high and one hundred feet forward, if not more. David-Neel had heard stories about this practice, but finally one day she witnessed it happening, at a distance, through binoculars. Her Tibetan traveling partners could see the image of the monk with their naked eye, and confirmed that it was, indeed, a
—a monk skilled in this fascinating art.
She wanted to go to the man, witness it up close and ask him questions, but she was sternly warned.
Your Reverence will not stop the lama, nor speak to him. This would certainly kill him. These lamas when traveling must not break their meditation. The god who is in them escapes if they cease to repeat the ngags [mantras], and when thus leaving them before the proper time, he shakes them so hard that they die.
To me, this sounds like a mythical legend that was created to explain something we now can understand scientifically. Based on these new laws of physics we are now rediscovering, we can assume that in order for the monk to accomplish the practice of lung-gom, he would have to be able to bring roughly half the atoms and molecules in his body into time-space. He would then be half-in, half-out. How exactly did they learn this practice? Does this require some sort of “pineal gland awakening” process? That may be part of it. David-Neel explained that in order to train for this ability, you must first spend several years practicing various types of breathing exercises. Eventually, your teacher gives you a mantra that you repeat in a rhythmic fashion. Your breathing and your footsteps all have to keep time with the syllables of the mantra while you do the practice.
To me, there is a remarkable amount of data in this report that is consistent with what we have been learning so far—which David-Neel obviously had no idea about at the time. Heat disrupts the coherence in the Source Field—and during the hottest times of day, lung-gom doesn’t work very well. Also, the shape of an area determines the structure of the Source Field, just like the pyramid effect—so uneven ground, narrow valleys and trees all create influences that can disrupt the path of a lung-gom-pa, whereas flat land and wide desert spaces make it much easier. And lastly, your normal state of mind shifts into a deep trance, where most of your awareness is no longer here in space-time. Your pineal gland is probably quite active, as most of your awareness has now transferred over into your astral body or energetic duplicate in time-space, as Gariaev and others have shown in the DNA Phantom. Interestingly, David-Neel also reports that if the monks did this practice too often, they could become stuck in a halfway point—and then actually have to weigh themselves down with chains in order to be able to stay on the ground.
Although there are many well-documented cases of human levitation that could not have been faked, including Christian saints, yogis and the exceptional abilities of Daniel Dunglas Hume in the 1800s, witnessed by scientists, scholars, governmental figures and other luminaries,
one story of levitation, in Dr. Claude Swanson’s
The Synchronized Universe
, stood out to me. This involves Peter Sugleris, a young Greek boy in the 1980s who could move objects, bend spoons and other metal utensils without even touching them—as witnessed by many people. These spoon-bending feats can now be explained by the atoms flipping over into time-space, so the material actually starts to be bendable. And yes—Sugleris was also able to levitate. In 1986, his wife photographed him as he hovered eighteen inches off the kitchen floor and stayed up there for forty-seven seconds. The exertion appeared on his face as a frightening grimace, and he broke out in a cold sweat and was exhausted afterward. It took him ten or fifteen seconds to regain normal consciousness. In order to do it, he “required immense concentration and a purification vegetarian diet for several weeks before the event.”
Geometry Class Just Got Much More Interesting
ur quest to recover the lost secrets of the ancients appears to be nearly complete. Our biggest discovery has been that the three dimensions of space we see all around us—as the real world—is only half of the picture. The other half is a parallel reality, in which all the rules are basically the same—but space over there is time over here, and vice versa. These two realities are intimately and totally dependent upon each other for survival—their swirling movements blend together within every atom. Nature was never told that gravity shielding was impossible—it seemingly happens all the time in tornadoes, waterfalls, the stems of plants and trees, and certain insects’ wing cases. Gravity appears to have much more structure in it than merely being a tug-of-war between the downward-pushing gravity force and the upward-pushing levity force. There are spiraling motions within gravity as well, which push in other directions besides strictly down. In order to cancel out gravity, achieve coherence and enter into time-space, we have to know how to create the proper vortex currents in the Source Field—so we can levitate, teleport and travel in time, which may be a key part of the predicted Golden Age. Geometry appears to be the key to creating the vortex currents we need to achieve these stunning results.
Geometric Vortex Points
It is entirely possible that certain areas on earth could have greater coherence than other areas—thus making levitation, teleportation and time travel much easier in those spots. Gravity may take on a spiraling, sideways push in these areas—creating circular or oval-shaped flow patterns in air, water, magnetic fields or the mantle. Ivan T. Sanderson was searching for just such vortex points in the 1960s with his Society for Investigation of the Unexplained. Charles Berlitz actually made extensive use of Sanderson’s library when he wrote
The Bermuda Triangle
in 1974. From 1945 to 1975, fully 67 different ships and boats, and 192 aircraft of all different types, disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle. As a result of these events, 1,700 different people vanished. These incidents do not include many other disappearances that were later given conventional explanations.
In 2004, Gian Quasar revealed that in the preceding twenty-five years, 75 aircraft and hundreds of pleasure yachts vanished in the Bermuda Triangle without a trace—and on the cover of his book, he indicates that more than 1,075 people disappeared as a result.
The Bermuda Triangle was only one of a series of locations Sanderson had found where strange things were happening. By the late 1960s, Sanderson had clearly determined that there were ten areas on earth, approximately equidistant, where ships and planes kept disappearing, strange phenomena were seen in the sea and in the air, and/or equipment malfunctioned.
Five of these areas were on the same northern tropical latitude, and each one was 72 degrees of longitude apart from the next. Five others had the same basic layout in the southern hemisphere, but they were all shifted 20 degrees to the east of the ones in the north. Almost all of Sanderson’s network television appearances in the early 1970s discussed these vortex points, which created a great deal of mystery and intrigue. Well over one thousand people had disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle alone, though Sanderson said there was nothing triangular about it. As a result of his popularity, military and commercial pilots began supplying him with even more interesting data. The pilots said that in these same ten spots, or immediately near them, they were experiencing time anomalies—arriving at their destinations either “much too early” or “much too late.” This could be confirmed with their own instruments as well as ground records.
The Dick Cavett Show
was extremely popular on ABC in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Arthur Godfrey was a frequent guest—a seasoned pilot who enjoyed thirty years as a television personality, often representing the view of the biggest aviation companies. A debate was set for March 16, 1971, between Godfrey and Sanderson about these ten vortex points. Although they were old friends, in two earlier appearances Godfrey skeptically dismissed Sanderson’s idea as “a lot of bloody nonsense,” or something to that effect. Nonetheless, when Sanderson brought out the globe with the points clearly marked, and laid out all the evidence, Godfrey was blown away. He’d had three different experiences, in those same areas, that directly confirmed what Sanderson was saying.

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