The Source Field Investigations (33 page)

BOOK: The Source Field Investigations
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Unless it all happened 24,000 years ago, which many scientists dispute, there is no climate shift event on earth that could help account for this change. Katerina Harvati, a paleoanthropologist from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, explained further.
Our findings suggest that there was no single climatic event that caused the extinction of the Neanderthals. Only the controversial date of 24,000 radiocarbon years for their disappearance, if proven correct, coincides with a major environmental shift. Even in this case, however, the role of climate would have been indirect—by promoting competition with other human groups.
This “major environmental shift” from 24,000 years ago was clarified in an article from the BBC. During that time, sea surface temperatures were the lowest they had been in the last 250,000 years—creating an Ice Age.
If we go back another Great Year of 25,920 years into the past, we arrive at roughly fifty thousand years ago. This clearly corresponds with yet another sudden jump in human evolution. Humans did not use any tools more sophisticated than a crude stone blade until about fifty thousand years ago.
Suddenly, at this time, we began making musical instruments, needles and other sophisticated tools, as well as doing drawings.
According to anthropologist John Fleagle, we also see the carving of bone for religious reasons. Harpoons, arrowheads, beaded jewelry and other forms of ornamentation all appear as a “coherent package about fifty thousand years ago.” Furthermore, “the first modern humans that left Africa between fifty thousand and forty thousand years ago seem to have had the full set.”
Clear and undeniable religious art also appeared abruptly, fifty thousand years ago, for totally unknown reasons. Graves of human beings were marked with red ochre and oriented to a single star in the night sky. James Lewis continued on this theme in a 2007 article he wrote for
American Thinker.
All over the prehistoric world, physical symbols of power and devotion are laid in the ground, next to the honored dead; giant Neolithic stone works are found all over the Old World, like Stonehenge but spread far and wide; and even the utilitarian stone hand axes that did not change over hundreds of thousands of years, are suddenly refined into ritual shapes too fragile for any practical use. Something very profound happened to human nature fifty or seventy millennia ago, and it has all the earmarks of what we inadequately call religion.
Interestingly, another significant change occurred in our biosphere during this same time that made the earth more comfortable for human life. As revealed by Professor Peter Ward in 2004, giant mammals experienced a mass extinction fifty thousand years ago on every continent except Africa.
Many of these giant mammals were dangerous to humans—so this appears to be another intelligent adaptation of the earth to be able to help our own evolution along.
If we go even farther back in time, two human skulls found in Africa were recently dated to be roughly 200,000 years old—and they are not from Neanderthals. University of Utah geologist Frank Brown said, “It pushes back the beginning of anatomically modern humans.” Since culture, religious art and complex tool-making didn’t appear until fifty thousand years ago, Brown said that this “would mean [we had] 150,000 years of Homo sapiens without cultural stuff.”
Robert Roy Britt, writing for LiveScience, said, “The finding suggests our ancestors spent a long, long time wallowing in an uncultured era with no music, art or jewelry.”
Now we have an incredible case for mass, energetically directed evolution. Dr. John Hawks genetically proved that mass human evolution has been speeding up for the last forty thousand years, and began moving one hundred times faster in the last five thousand years. We have compelling evidence that the precession of the equinoxes has an effect upon these evolutionary bursts, as we see in the dying out of the Neanderthals roughly 25,000 years ago—and the sudden emergence of creativity and spiritual behavior in humans fifty thousand years ago. The trail of bread crumbs left by the wonders of the Great Pyramid have led us to a cornucopia of remarkable new healing technologies, and the potential to save the earth from the cataclysms that now seem to be threatening us. That technology, if you will, is coherence—it is the energy of love. This is no longer something that can be dismissed as a pseudoreligious burst of wishful thinking to be lambasted by skeptics—it is an active, working presence that we could call the Source Field. The next stop in our investigation will reveal the stunning proof that Time is a Source Field phenomenon as well—and can also be modified by various energetic processes. We will also explore compelling new evidence that some people considered everything in this book to be common knowledge—and left us all the blueprints to reconstruct their lost science. This includes the ability to create pyramids out of giant blocks of stone, as well as the understanding of how and why they work.
It’s About Time
he Source Field investigations give us hard scientific proof that nonelectromagnetic Universal Energy can affect how we think, how fast we heal, and even the structure and function of our own DNA. Existing species can be transformed into entirely new creatures by strictly energetic means. This appears to be already happening in our own human evolution, making the ancient prophecies of a coming Golden Age all the more interesting. The 25,920-year cycle is not just a number written into ancient myths and the dimensions of the Great Pyramid—it is a physical, measurable wobble in the earth itself. This suggests that the movements of the earth—and the other planets—may be directly affecting the behavior of our minds and bodies in time.
In order to find out if time can be measured, experienced and even driven by the energy we move through—even if it is not visible to the naked eye—we may have to throw away some of our deepest and most basic assumptions about what time really is. Once we do that, it may all very well make perfect sense . . . on a physical, mathematical and logical level.
Russian physicist Professor Simon Shnoll made truly civilizationchanging discoveries by studying a “wide range of physical, chemical, and biological processes, from radioactive decay to the rates of biochemical reactions” for well over twenty years.
This may sound dreadfully boring, but it ultimately means Shnoll studied the behavior of every single atom and energy wave on earth, looking for any common patterns in how they were behaving—and when. What happens at the molecular level when you heat up water and turn it into steam? What happens when water freezes into ice? What happens when you mix two chemicals together? What happens when the cells in your body exchange information and nutrition with each other? What happens when radioactive isotopes slowly release energy? What happens to a burst of electricity as it flows through a conductor? These are very basic questions, and it’s all about “how stuff works.”
Most scientists expect that all physical, chemical, biological and radioactive processes will start small, steadily build up to a nice peak, and then glide nicely back down to zero—in a path that looks the same going down as it did going up. Any time the graph doesn’t fit into a smooth bell curve like this, scientists are trained to throw the data away—by a simple process they call renormalization.
Professor Shnoll decided not to throw the data away. It’s easy to understand why, because he found the graphs were not normal at all—they were very unusual. Sometimes these reactions would race up to maximum intensity, then plummet almost all the way back down to zero. Then, just as quickly, they would rush all the way back up to the peak again. They may even do this three times in a row over a short period of time. That’s not a smooth flow at all. How can matter or energy even stay stable if it’s actually doing this all the time?
Just go take a walk—and think about how many physical, chemical and biological reactions there are. Electricity is humming along through the power lines. Sunlight is striking the paint on everything around you and gradually bleaching it out. The leaves on the trees convert that sunlight into food. Running water dissolves salt crystals in the soil. Birds digest the seeds they peck off the ground. The dry glue from a postage stamp turns into a weird-tasting goo on your tongue as you walk up to your mailbox to drop in a letter. There are trillions of these various reactions going on—just within the area your eyes can see. Shnoll found that every single atom and energy wave around you is doing the same weird things at the same time—racing forward and backward in very specific patterns. These patterns are almost as unique as a fingerprint. We’ll get back to why I said almost in a minute.
Did you have any idea that the untold trillions of atoms and energy pulses that are surrounding you right now are constantly rushing through this on-off, on-off behavior at the tiniest level? That they are not having nice, smooth, normal reactions, but instead are constantly jumping back and forth in fits and starts? You’re not alone—hardly anyone knows about it, as Shnoll’s research is still almost completely obscure in both scientific and spiritual circles—even though he published his findings in Russian scientific journals since at least 1985. Again, the most amazing part of the story is that everything around us works perfectly, despite the fact that the reactions themselves are switching on and off, on and off . . . all the time. Though this may seem like a gross leap in logic, it’s almost as if energy waves and molecular reactions were behaving like they were made up of individual frames within a strip of film—flickering in and out of our reality all the time.
Perhaps the film only appears to be moving forward, creating the world we see all around us—but it’s really just a collection of still frames. Either way, the “lucid dream,” if that’s what we’re all really experiencing in some sense, is a very convincing illusion. Matter and energy move along just fine, regardless of how strangely they may be acting down at the quantum level. We never worry about whether our chair will suddenly dematerialize as we read this book.
All this is just the setup for the really good stuff. Let’s say you mix two chemicals together, and chart out the unique zigzagging graph they make as they react. Now you have a friend in a lab, thousands of kilometers away, who graphs the flow of radioactive energy decay at the exact same time—and he sends his chart to you. Naturally we would expect that when you compare these two charts side by side, they would have absolutely nothing in common. If they did look the same, then that defeats everything we thought we knew about mainstream science . . . but in the process, we may just discover an even deeper layer of the Source Field investigations.
By the year 1985, Shnoll had discovered that any physical, chemical, biological or radioactive reactions do look the same, if you graph them out at the same time—even when they were measured in areas that were thousands of kilometers apart.
Since distance does not appear to pose any barrier to this effect, it appears to be a worldwide phenomenon. This would mean that every single atom, every single molecule and every burst of energy on earth is going through the exact same hiccups at the same time—at the very tiny, or quantum, level. This is obviously not the science we were taught to believe in school. These reactions are supposed to be separate and totally disconnected from each other—but they are not. Western quantum physicists do not appear to know about Shnoll’s findings yet, though some of their discoveries lead us in this same direction.
So what are the hiccups that are happening in matter and energy? How could we possibly explain something like this? Professor Shnoll isn’t sure, but he believes that “a global change of space-time structure” could be causing it.
In the simplest possible terms, this means that time itself is speeding up and slowing down at the quantum level. And this is apparently happening all over the world, in the same way, at the same time. Space and time itself is doing this bizarre dance, on a level at least as massive as the entire earth—since we’re all being affected by it. This creates distinctly measurable quantum effects—and yet somehow we continue to enjoy a nice, neat and linear experience of time.
Remember—no matter how weird the graphs look, everything works fine. This flickering does not appear to have any detrimental effect on how energy flows, or how chemicals react. In fact, thanks to Einstein’s breakthrough discoveries, we know that if you could transport yourself down into the quantum level, and ride around in a tiny spaceship, your clock would appear to move along just fine—no matter how much time was rushing forward and backward all around you. The trick is that whatever happens to you will also happen to your clock—so within your own “frame of reference,” you can’t tell that anything is going on. The apparently smooth flow of time may well be little more than a psychological experience that keeps us from having severe mental disorientation. If these same quantum effects are somehow happening to us on a large-scale level as well, and we just don’t realize it yet, then from another vantage point outside our own time flow, we would appear to be frozen in place one minute and moving around really quickly the next.

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