Read The Sorcerer's Dragon (Book 2) Online

Authors: Julius St. Clair

The Sorcerer's Dragon (Book 2) (15 page)

BOOK: The Sorcerer's Dragon (Book 2)
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Chapter 15 – No Hard Feelings

“Are they going to be okay?” Olivia asked as they traversed down the long, narrow and dark tunnels to the mountain’s base. Harlan was about to mention that they could reach the bottom in seconds with Alicia’s help but he kept silent.

“They’ll be fine,” Alicia said. “As long as they keep the doors shut and set off the avalanches as needed.”

“Avalanches?” Eckard asked.

“Yeah, last minute resorts in case Cimmerian was getting too close to the base of the mountain. We have traps set up all around the mountain.”

“Speaking of Cimmerian…” Remi’s voice trailed off. “I think it’s only right that I tell you where we’re headed next so that you have a chance to change your mind.”

“Please don’t tell me we’re heading to Cimmerian.”

“We are.”

“What for?” she demanded. Even though Remi couldn’t see her eyes as she was taking the lead, she could swear that she smelled something burning nearby.

“It’s to save a friend of ours that was captured. We can’t leave him there.”

“He’s probably dead.”

“Not likely,” Ian said. “Not with how valuable Remi is to them. Also, if they’re thinking that she might enlist someone like you to help her, then it’s getting two weapons for the price of one.”

“That’s not comforting. Even if we succeed and retrieve your friend, the Cimmerians will be taking notes. They’ll devise new ways to combat against our abilities. So far I’ve been keeping my presence at a minimum. I’d rather not fly around their homes exposing my weaknesses.”

“That’s why I wanted to give you some notice,” Remi said. “In case you changed your mind.”

“That’s mean to say after you gave me that annoying speech about us changing our destinies.”


“Do you have any idea where he is?”

“Not a clue.”

“Then we’re dead. Have you met them?”

“We fought against them when they attacked Paragon.”

“That’s nothing. Those are the grunts. I’m talking about the soldiers. The ones that travel throughout the streets making sure that their families are safe.”

“Families?” Harlan scoffed. “They don’t even know the meaning of the word.”

“Shows how little you know,” she sighed. “They might not be able to have children, but they still gather together with others that think like them and congregate. They form families and each one has their own leader that acts as a voice. These voices meet every so often to discuss current events and where they’re all headed next.”

“I didn’t know they were so organized,” Olivia replied. “I imagined them as a bunch of blood-thirsty murderers.”

“That’s the folly of Paragon. And exactly why they’ll lose the war.”

“Not if I have anything to say about it,” Harlan replied but Alicia paid him no mind.

“If he’s near the borders, which he mostly like will be…there will be an ambush waiting for us. Plenty of traps and small militias to interfere if the battle starts going in our favor. They don’t play around. If they know they have a chance to capture both of us, they’re going to devote considerable resources to the cause.”

“Then what were the attacks on the mountain?”

“Tests,” she said. “To analyze the full extent of our forces. Keeping them in the dark is half of the battle when it comes to defeating them.”

“Is there any way we can implement those tactics when retrieving Kace?” Remi asked.

Alicia ran her fingers through her hair as she thought. “Not sure. The more time they have to prepare, the harder it will be for us. The moment they find out that we’re headed toward Cimmerian, they’ll begin amassing their forces.”

“Then what’s best is if we head right there,” she said, evaluating how everyone felt about it.

“Do you think this would be taken as an attack by Paragon?” Milo asked. “I’m not saying I’m scared. I’m just wondering.”

“That’s a risk that we’ll have to take,” Remi replied. “Doesn’t matter if it’s now, or a few weeks from now. We’re going to get Kace, and we’re going to be fighting the Cimmerians in the process.”

“This isn’t exactly what I signed up for,” Alicia replied. “But you promised me that there is light amidst the darkness. If you think that this is the right move, I’ll see this to the end.”

“Thank you,” Remi said, trying not to blush.

“But don’t get my words twisted,” Alicia said, smoke seeping out of the corners of her mouth. “If this goes horribly, I have no intention of sticking around for the next adventure.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Remi swallowed. She was glad when Alicia’s face softened.

“Let’s get ready for what’s to come then,” Olivia said. “Everyone do what you have to do to psych yourselves up.”

They walked in silence, and even when they reached the base of the mountain and walked out into the crisp winter air, it didn’t dispel the fear that had gripped their minds. Though the icicles and snow hanging off the tree branches were beautiful to behold, it only reminded Remi of how cold the Cimmerians seemed to her. It’s not like her feelings were completely justified—she had never met one outside of battle. She was sure they had their own opinions on the war and why they hated Paragon, but weren’t they one causing all the trouble? Weren’t they ones that would bring on an age of peace simply by standing still and keeping to themselves?

“This is not the end,” Ian said, breaking her concentration. Though they were walking in nearly knee high snow, she hadn’t heard him approaching her from behind.

“Why are we walking?” she heard Milo groan. “Alicia could fly us there in no time.”

“Because I still don’t trust your ass,” Alicia shouted back. “For all I know you could have set up a couple traps. I’m sniffing them out to see if that’s true.”

“There’s no traps,” he whined and she glared at him.

“I didn’t survive this long by trusting people at face value.”

“Well, just let me know when you’re ready to transport us.”

“You’re not going,” she snapped, and he nearly broke down in tears.

“You can’t be serious!” he cried. Remi glanced over to see if the situation was about to get hostile when she noticed the solemn look on Ian’s face.

“I’m sorry,” she said, giving him her attention. “You were saying something?”

“I was saying that this isn’t the end.”

“What do you mean?” she asked.

He sighed heavily. “I hope our time together has been pleasant.”

“That’s the appropriate word,” she giggled.

He winced. “That’s what I was afraid of. I don’t want it to be ‘appropriate.’ I want it to be more. I want it to be passionate and exciting.”

“Maybe that’s not what our relationship is.”

“Then what is it?”

Remi paused to think for a moment. “I think…that it’s exactly what you think it is.”

“You’re a great friend,” he said, giving her a curt smile. “And a wonderful guide. I’ve learned a lot on this journey.”

“Are you sure? You’ve barely picked up anything on the road? You haven’t seen anything useful?”

“A few things, but I didn’t feel right picking them up. I feel as if I didn’t earn them.”

“But that’s the arrangement. You find materials and I protect you.”

“Yeah…that’s the thing. That’s the arrangement I said I was signing up for, but it’s not what I wanted.”

He stepped in front of her, halting Remi in her tracks. Remi looked forward and noticed that Olivia and Eckard were watching, but then they turned their heads and continued on with the others. She heard Olivia saying something about giving her and Ian “space.”

“I know what you wanted,” Remi whispered. “But only my arms and one of my legs are artificial. Not my heart. I can’t just turn it on whenever I feel like. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. I don’t blame you. I was hoping that being together for so many days…it would bring us closer, but I guess I was just being a dreamer. Still, I…I have to know.”

Ian kissed her suddenly, and though Remi had more than enough instincts to parry the attempt, she allowed it because she also had to know for herself. The kiss was cold and dry, and it wasn’t just because of the weather. She grimaced after a second and found herself pulling away. Ian still had his lips pursed, in awe over how little time their kiss had lasted, and how little he himself had felt.

“What did you see in me?” she asked, and he closed his eyes, deep in thought.

“I saw a warrior princess in you,” he replied. “The girl of my dreams.”

“But not the girl of reality,” she replied, shrugging her shoulders. “A princess? I’m sorry, Ian, but I am not that girl. Look at me. I was designed for war and battle. I’m not saying that I like it, but I’m getting pretty good at it. I’ll never be the girl that fits into those dresses of yours. I’ll never walk arm in arm with you around Paragon talking about the new shops that have been built or what the latest gossip from the King’s palace is doing to the masses. It’s just not me.”

“I see,” he said, clearing his throat. “I see that now.”

“But that doesn’t mean we can’t be friends,” she said. “Or teammates.”

“About that,” he said, looking behind him. The group had returned. Whatever space they had given them, it had been too much.

“What is it?” Remi asked, searching his face.

“I’m leaving,” he said, averting his gaze. “I’m sorry, but I have to.”

“I don’t understand,” Remi said, but then she heard Olivia chuckle.

“He’s scared,” Olivia said, glancing over at Alicia. The dragon Mistress had her arms crossed. She wasn’t impressed, but at the same time, her face was stoic, as if she had been waiting for this moment to happen.

“Where are you going?” Remi asked and Ian rubbed his fingers through his hair.

“Back home,” he said. “And Harlan and Milo are coming with me.”

“Who cares?” Olivia scoffed. “What kind of an ability is a strong grip anyways?”

“Hey!” Harlan exclaimed, but she ignored him.

“I’m staying with them,” Milo stated, throwing his suitcase from his left arm to his right.

“What?” Ian swiveled around to face him. “Why would you do that?”

“Just because things didn’t work out the way you wanted them to, it doesn’t mean it hasn’t for me. I didn’t come out here for love. I came for the adventure and the experience. You were the one lying to yourself, and Harlan? Well, he’s been complaining about his pathetic excuse for a farm ever since we got out here.”

“The times are changing,” Harlan replied. “The soil could be getting worse. I have to figure out a way to compensate for the new rains.”

“It’s okay guys,” Remi said. “I know that what comes next won’t be…” she stopped to look at Ian. “Pleasant. I will understand if no one wants to come.”

“To be honest,” Ian sighed. “I would be a liability.”

“I won’t,” Milo declared. “I’ll be beating up the scrubs that the ladies can’t finish off.”

“And I’ll assist,” Eckard said. Olivia rolled her eyes.

“You don’t have to explain yourself,” Remi said to Ian. “And if we ever come back to Paragon, I’ll see how you’re doing.”

“Really?” he asked, perking up. “You’re sure? No hard feelings?”

“None,” she said, giving him a hug. Before he could wrap his arms around her, she parted from him and then walked over to Harlan and did the same. Harlan wasn’t sure what to do so he just kept his arms at his side.

“Take care,” Remi said. Harlan nodded as she looked to the others. They were all staring at her in surprise as she scowled at them. “What? There’s no hard feelings.”

“Okay,” Olivia chuckled under her breath. “Whatever you say.”

“Will you two be okay on your own?” Milo asked. Ian and Harlan nodded. “Well, alright then. You two take care. I’ll see you someday.”

“Farewell,” Ian said, giving them a weak wave.

Alicia stepped forward. “I think this is as good a time to fly off as any. This is the first time I’ve met someone with major birth defects and I’d rather get as far away from them as possible before I get sick.”

“What birth defects?” Harlan scowled at her.

“You’ve got no guts,” she said, clenching her jaw, “and no spine.”

“Okay, that’s enough,” Remi said, stepping between them. “Fighting won’t solve anything. The decision has already been made. I can tell. Let’s part ways before things get ugly.”

“If I’m in the mix, it will be quite clean,” Alicia replied, licking her lips.

Ian grabbed Harlan’s arm and began leading him away.

Olivia shook her head. “Well, that’s annoying.”

“Let’s get in the air,” Remi said. Alicia signaled for Milo to turn around and he obeyed as she began stripping down. Once she was naked, she handed Olivia her clothes and began transforming. Her neck stretched out to inhuman proportions and it widened until it was the circumference of a tree trunk. Her skin turned dark red as her body began transforming at a rate so alarming that Remi nearly had to tackle Milo out of the way to make sure he wasn’t hit by Alicia’s tail.

When she stretched out fully, she took out several trees with her massive wingspan, and the snow beneath her feet was obliterated—crushed and melted almost instantly. She growled from deep within her throat and threw her head back, motioning for them to climb on.

BOOK: The Sorcerer's Dragon (Book 2)
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