The Soothing Scent Of Earth (Elemental Awakening, Book 2) (13 page)

BOOK: The Soothing Scent Of Earth (Elemental Awakening, Book 2)
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I don't know how I made it. Running on empty, bare feet, clothes torn and falling off, dirt and ash smeared on my tear streaked face, a still burning branch in my hand, making locals stare strangely at me. I really don't know how I made it, knowing the forest burned behind me, even though I'd asked the Fire to stop.

It protected me. It held me up when I could not. It pushed me on when I could go no further.

Until I stood at the entranceway to a surprisingly beautiful hotel complex, the words 'Tropical Manaus' standing out brightly across the arched portico above my head.

My sore feet were now on rough concrete, a feeling I had forgotten in just over a day of freedom. But my bruises and scrapes meant nothing, when out of the front doors ran Theo.
Here already, but obviously only just landed. Because his trousers and shirt were crumpled and his gorgeous thick black hair was sticking up at odd angles, as though he'd pulled at it, or run hands through it, or slept sitting up in an airline seat.

I sobbed out a sound of disbelief and unending happiness, not caring that tears continued to fall unchecked. And watched him stride towards me, a determined look on that stoic immortal face.

It seemed to take forever for him to reach me, but I couldn't reduce the distance. Once I'd stopped moving even
couldn't get me to lift my feet again. My knees buckled, just as he wrapped his arms around my body, pulling me tight against his hard chest.

I inhaled deeply, feeling like I'd finally made it home.

he breathed. So much said in one simple word. Heartache. Joy. Fear. Relief. Wonder.

I opened my mouth to say the words I'd promised I'd voice as soon as I saw him, my eyes searching his face, taking every little detail in.

Then, as though she'd somehow called my name, but I don't think she actually did, my gaze swept away from Theo, over his shoulder and landed on a
I had hoped
to see again.

And instead of saying, 'I love you', I said, "What the
is she doing here?"

Chapter 9
This Man Confounded Me At Times

"Cassandra," Theo chastised, although his voice was strained and low. "We need Dora."

"Isadora," I corrected him, not wanting to hear the nickname for his on-again-off-again ex-lover fall from his lips. "Don't call her that."

He pulled away slightly, searching my face. But my eyes were on the haughty, superior, smug look on Isadora's. She was enjoying this. My discomfort. My obvious disapproval of her being here. No doubt, enjoying the sorry state of my dress. She, in comparison, was moulded into a designer skirt suit, six inch heels making a mockery of my bare, bruised feet.

," Theo said softly, trying to get my attention. "You have changed."

That brought my eyes back to Theo's face. Yes, I had changed. How could I not? I was no longer the innocent, naive young woman he'd known in Auckland. Would he still want me?

It was too much to process. Too much to deal with after everything I'd been through. My eyes filled with stinging tears, my bottom lip quivered, I sniffed and tried to bring a hand up to my face to cover what was surely going to be a horrendous meltdown.

"Casey," Theo murmured, pulling my cheek against his chest. "Sweetheart," he added, voice so tender, so full of emotion it made my heart ache. "I have you. I'm here."

And then the tears fell. I hadn't thought I'd have more. But they kept coming as he scooped me up in his arms. They kept coming as he brushed past Isadora, her face and reaction to my blubbering thankfully blurred behind the waterworks. And they kept coming while we ascended to a higher floor in an elevator, while Theo marched down a carpeted hallway, deep, silky voice giving the other woman a command at the door to a room. And they continued falling when we crossed the threshold and he shut the door in Isadora's face.

Theo walked me directly to the bathroom, my tear-filled eyes unable to take in the splendour of the hotel room, but I could smell orchids. The room was filled with them. They settled a little of my heartache, soothed my soul.

A shower was turned on and then Theo began to undress me. I flapped at his hands ineffectually, trying to stop the disrobing. But as I didn't have much in the way of clothing on, and all it took was a gentle tug from Theo and they fell to shreds on the tiled floor, my attempts to stop him were futile.

"Shhh," he murmured, his hands steady and careful; not trying to elicit a sexual response, just doing a necessary task while attempting to soothe and comfort me. "I'm not going anywhere and you need to get clean."

I sniffed at the reminder I was covered in filth and God alone knows what else, and pushed the embarrassment at that fact away. I had good reason to smell like a vagrant.

Theo pushed me gently under the spray of water and for a moment, when the liquid touched my bare skin, I forgot where I was, who I was with. A sound of utter contentment left my lips. I lifted my face to the shower head, and closed my eyes, revelling in the sensation of clean, flowing, hot water. I'd had to bathe in a sink full of cool water for months. And while free of my prison, it had miraculously not rained in the forest. The threat had hung heavy in the air, but never eventuated.

But this.
was heaven.

Theo stepped under the spray, joining me and making me realise he'd stripped naked too. My eyes flicked up to his face to gauge his intent, but only saw tenderness and concern etched in the fine lines marring his forehead. He reached past me and picked up a soft sponge, poured liquid soap on it, and while still holding my gaze, began to run the soapy softness over my skin. So carefully, so sweetly, so tenderly. So very slowly, making the moment seem suspended in time.

The odd tear still slipped from my eyes, travelling down my cheeks and melding with the water from the shower. I felt completely wrung out, completely scoured empty. Yet so many emotions were swirling inside me right now.

I kept my eyes locked on Theo's, noting the small smattering of gold that shone every now and
then when his fingers brushed over a bruise making me flinch, or he found a scrape. As yet he hadn't seen the scar on my back. I knew his reaction would overshadow all of these when he did. But for now I just held on to his eyes, to his touch, to him.

Being here with him changed everything. The tears that fell were no longer bitter-sweet, pain-filled, and desperate. They were beautiful. Filled with so much love. Filled with such wonder and pure, unadulterated happiness. He was alive. He was with me. Oh God, nothing could compare to this.

And with every stroke of his hand, every brush of the sponge that washed evidence of the past three months away from my skin. With every flare of his nostrils and flash of gold in his eyes. With every single sensation he wrought, I felt like I'd come home.

Theo Peters was my home.

And no matter what had happened, no matter where we'd been or what amount of distance had separated us, being with him made me feel full, alive, whole again. The filth of the past few months wiped clean. The heavy weight of imprisonment and mistreatment lifted. And only his touch, his love, his infinite tender care was left in their wake.

I had no idea what lay ahead, I knew realistically that our battles were not won. But I also knew that whenever I was with Theo I'd always feel free, home, and loved.

He turned me slowly, his hands on my shoulders, kneading slightly, guiding my body to where he wanted it next. I held my breath, let the falling water soothe my nerves in preparation for the moment that was about to come. His movements stopped when his eyes must have landed on my back. He didn't make a sound. Just that brief moment of stillness. And then the sponge was washing my back, flowing down my spine, trailing across the scar.

I hadn't breathed for what felt like a full minute, maybe more. He'd washed my back and down my legs and turned me to face him again before I sucked in a breath of air. And I only did it out of surprise and shock. And a deep seated sense of agony.

Theo was crying. Tears ran unchecked down each glorious cheek.

He lifted gold blazing eyes to mine and said, voice cracking slightly, "I will kill whoever did this." A vow. A promise. But he was too late.

"He's dead already," I whispered, my hand automatically coming up to run along the muscles of his chest, to touch his perfect body, to
Pyrkagia Stoicheio
flared through me, taking the last of my breath and making Theo grunt in surprise.

I looked up at him, a small amount of fear slipping into my psyche. He was bathed in gold, which I knew must be coming from me. What would he think? Do?

," he breathed, and wow! Gold flashed back at me, but not any shade I'd seen before. This was all-consuming. Vibrant. Full of passion and desire and something else.

I watched, stunned, as Theo's fists clenched at his side, his eyes trailed over my body, differently than they had before. No longer filled with pain, or angered at the injuries that marred my body, or saddened at the tears that coated my face. This time there was hunger and possession. And if I wasn't mistaken, elation. The type of satisfied, vindicated euphoria a person has when all their most sacred dreams come true.

"Gold," he groaned. "
gold." He took a step closer, his massive frame looming above me in the small shower stall. A predator's stance, staring down at his prey. His tongue flicked out and licked along full lips. His eyelids drooped, as a feral growl emanated from the back of his throat.

I'd seen Theo with a hunter's glare in his eyes. I'd seen when his big body readied itself for that final pounce. But I'd never seen Theo like this. He... was...
. Beautiful. Exquisite in his heated
fuelled desire. Hungry. Ravenous. And, I was thinking, perhaps a little out of control.

I should have been scared. But I wasn't. I should have said something to bring him back to the moment, and out of the visceral reaction he'd just had that was dictating his every move. But I
didn't. I should have done something other than reach up a steady hand and stroke the beast before me. Offering invitation, when I should have been backing away.

But I'd thought Theo dead for three months. I'd suffered the cruelty of watching him die almost every day. I'd hurt more emotionally, than Davos had ever been able to make me hurt physically. I wanted this Theo, this uncontrolled, animalistic predator. I wanted him more than sanity should have allowed, faced with his incomparable desire right then.

"Theo," I murmured, watching the gold that blazed from my eyes sweep over the droplets of water that clung to his bronzed skin. So many sparkles; jewel-like yellows flashing back at me. He groaned, his own hand coming up to touch my feverish skin.

"You're fuelling your
Pyrkagia Stoicheio
," he murmured. "It is -" A pause. "-
fucking fantastic
. How has this happened,
How are you now my kind?"

I shook my head, closed my eyes, and let the sensations of touching his body wash through me. Fire. Heat. An electric shock of pure molten desire. My lips parted on a gasp as an orgasm flowed through me. Not like the climaxes Theo has given me, but unbelievably fulfilling all the same.

," Theo moaned, pressing my back against the wall of the shower and moulding his frame to my front. Evidence of his arousal was half way up his stomach, practically covering the length of mine. "You have to stop, Casey," he murmured, as his face nestled into the crook of my neck, his lips pressing eagerly against my skin, his teeth grazing over flesh, teasing me. "I can't... I.." A groan, a rock of his hips. "I can't deny you, sweet little
. Fuck," he murmured. "I want you so much."

I couldn't see a problem with that. I wanted him. He wanted me. Why was he fighting it?

"Casey," he groaned again. "
, you're swaying on your feet. You need food and sleep. In that order. Not me staking my claim on you against the shower wall."


"I kind of liked the shower wall idea," I complained and received a rumble of laughter back. He pulled away slightly, managing to win his battle of wills. To take back a small semblance of self-control.

"Oh, Cassandra," he whispered. "Where has my little bird gone? The one that flits from tree branch to tree branch, and then hides in the foliage when she gets scared."

His hand cupped my cheek, his thumb stroked gently across my skin.

"I think I like this new attitude." His face fell briefly. "But not the reason why you've had to grow so much, in such a short amount of time. Please, Casey," he pleaded. "Let me care for you tonight. Let me hold you, feed you, protect you. Tomorrow we'll investigate this new
dynamic between us." I pouted, his lips twitched. "
I will claim you again.
Mark my words.

BOOK: The Soothing Scent Of Earth (Elemental Awakening, Book 2)
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