The Soother (13 page)

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Authors: Elle J Rossi

BOOK: The Soother
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Krystoff placed his hands on her shoulders. “I had some help.”

“Do I want to know?”

“Probably not,” he said with a smile in his voice. “I’m not sure you’d approve.”

He was almost certainly right about that. Calliope didn’t know what to think. This scene was the epitome of romance
nothing. Charmer was indeed living up to his name. Her body thrummed with pent-up desire and a heavy dose of nerves. Were they really about to do this? How could they? How could they not? With everything going on, they shouldn’t be even thinking about a few stolen moments. Yet her mind refused to think of anything else at all.

“Stop,” he said turning her around to face him.

She blinked at the emotion etched into his face. Hard lines showed she wasn’t the only thrumming one here. “Stop what?”

“Thinking.” He brushed a thumb across her lip.

“That’s what I do best.” Her eyes nearly rolled back into her head. Such bliss and all he’d done was graze her bottom lip with the pad of his thumb.

His mouth curved ever so slightly. “I imagine there are plenty of things you excel at. In fact,” he said, his smile now full and dazzling. “I’m sure of it.”

Had his voice dropped another octave? She looked back at the glimmering pools of water, inviting steam rolling over the top like celestial clouds. “Is that water warm?” she asked, then bit her lip. She thought she knew every part of this mountain. Somehow she’d completely missed this slice of dreamland. A hot bath appealed to her more than a hot meal. More than hot sex. Well, maybe not more than that, but she’d love to wash away the evidence of battle. Though Krystoff had conjured clean clothes for her and the others, she still felt the thick coating of disaster in her pores.

He chuckled. “It is warm. Actually, it’s probably a lot closer to hot. I take it you approve?” he asked while massaging the back of her neck.

She nodded her answer, already feeling her muscles relaxing one by one, the knots loosening and sliding back into place.

“And do you forgive me now?” Krystoff asked and kissed the top of her head.

Did she dare try her hand at wicked? “Not yet,” she said, and strolled away, discarding her shirt before moving on to her lacey skirt. Behind her, Krystoff hissed and Calliope discovered just how good being wicked could be. There was something about this man that made her feel absolutely devious. And for once she didn’t shun the notion.

Sitting on the heated rock next to the towels, Calliope removed her boots and then slowly shimmied out of her thigh-high, striped tights, swaying her hips like the star of a burlesque show. Nothing left now but her undergarments. She slid one bra strap down her arm and then flicked a hooded gaze to her audience before completely removing her bra. Casting another look over her bare shoulder, she eased into the blissful water, sinking to her neck. Treading water, Calliope turned her hidden body toward Krystoff.

Swirls of steam couldn’t hide the wizard, and only added to the mystery. Krystoff stood in the same spot, jaw locked tight, watching, seemingly entranced. Lifting her brows, Calliope offered him a wily grin. “It’s rather lonely in here, Charmer.”

He cocked his head, remained silent, storms swirling in his eyes every bit as much as the shadows behind him.

“Suit yourself,” she said with a teasing shrug, then took a deep breath and dove under. Hot water slid over her body like a silk-gloved lover. Calliope sighed inwardly, feeling the remnants of combat washing away, leaving her content and more than a tad lonesome. Before she could come back up for air and force Krystoff to join her, strong fingers gripped her ankle and yanked her back down. Calliope clamped her lips shut to keep from squealing. Lungs full of water would only spoil the mood. That’s what she got for teasing him. She’d taunted. He’d pounced. Just like a dangerous game of cat and mouse.

One hand skated over her calf while the other slid up her back. Water churned when Krystoff kicked them to the surface. Still, Calliope couldn’t breathe. She’d never seen a more handsome being in her life. Fitting her body against his, she shoved her wet hair away from her face and then traced the lines of his jaw with her dripping fingers, watching his eyes for the sign. Silver edged the grey and she knew she better take a breath if she wanted to survive his kiss.

A measured tilt of his head and then she was lost. Tender nips and gentle strokes warred with the powerful feelings taking control of her heart. Krystoff’s body was bare to her. Her soul was bare to him, his for the taking. If only he knew how utterly exposed she felt.

Fingers tangled in her hair, tugging softly as he dipped deeper, possession growing stronger. Calliope tried to shut off her thoughts but couldn’t help but wonder if he needed her as badly as she needed him. And not just physically, although any second now the physical would take precedence.

Pressing her body closer, she kneaded the muscles in his back, worked her way to his tight triceps. She held tight, rocking against him, her aching body silently begging for something only he could give.

Krystoff eased back, cupped her face with both hands. Calliope leaned in, chasing what she so desperately needed.

He held her off with a look. “Do you trust me?”

In this moment?

“Good. Now hold on.”

• • •

Krystoff waited until Calliope tucked her head into his neck and wrapped her legs around his waist. The temperature of the water couldn’t compare with the heat he felt coming from her core. He’d never been a fan of warmth, had always preferred the coolness of the shadows. Calliope was now the one and only exception to that rule. Nothing more than a thin strip of lace separated their bodies. Soon, even that would be gone. What he wouldn’t give to lay her out on the ground and study every inch of her shapely body until her image was burned into his memory. For now, feeling it would have to suffice. Not that he was complaining. He’d known she would feel good, just not this torturously good. Once would never be enough. With every swoop of his hand, he memorized the intricacies and concaves, the gorgeous hills and valleys that made her uniquely and irresistibly Calliope. He used both legs and one arm to push them through the water, her body tucked intimately against him.

Calliope craved warmth. He understood that, but it didn’t work for him for prolonged periods of time. Nor would it work for what he had planned. She’d said she trusted him. He was about to test the limits of that trust. If he was wrong, she wouldn’t forgive this time.

As he drew close to the waterfall, cool mist fell over his shoulders like snowflakes in summer. He ducked deeper into the water to keep the chill away from Calliope’s skin. Still, she shivered. Lowering his head, he pressed his lips to hers and turned her away from the fall. The water was shallower here, allowing Krystoff to stand. Breaking the kiss, he shifted, pressed a long kiss to her cheek, her forehead, each of her eyelids. The one place he wouldn’t go, couldn’t go, was her neck. That much control he didn’t have and she wasn’t ready.

She sighed, running her hands up and down his arms, over his back, teasing him with whisper-filled touches. Her hands drifted lower, trailing seductively along his sensitized skin. When she slid two fingers across the top of his buttocks, his last bit of control snapped. With a groan, Krystoff held tight, ripped the only remaining piece of her clothing away and slid inside with a powerful thrust.

Calliope cried out and he instantly stilled. On the outside, Krystoff was motionless, but his insides trembled with barely restrained power. “You okay?” He searched her face but was clueless as to if she was experiencing pleasure or pain. Truth was, he was teetering that fine and exquisite line.

She lifted her head, gave him a shy smile, then, “Yeah. I’m good. It was just … unexpected.” She blinked, shuddered.

He laughed, low and deep. “That’s one I’ve never heard.”

“Don’t get yourself all twisted up about it, stud,” she said while pressing her body against his.

Krystoff wedged a hand between their bodies, cupping her full breast.

Calliope swallowed, leaned into his hand when he skimmed his finger over a tight peak. “All I meant was the sensation was unexpected. There’s something rather — oh,” she moaned when he moved to her other breast “ — delicious about fire and ice coming together.”

Krystoff licked his lip, kissed her quick and began to move again, gliding into her heat with a smoothness that concealed the urgency swirling inside. “I couldn’t agree more. You are breathtaking.”

“Yes, please.”

He tilted his head in question, also wondering about the conversation. This would be the first time he’d held one during sex.

“Take my breath.”

Her raspy voice nearly did him in. “Consider it done.” As she’d requested, Krystoff ravished, driving inside her with the force he’d tried to contain. She took it, demanded more. Raw desire had his vision flickering like the flame of a candle. The urge to possess, to claim, rose up. He fought it, instead placating himself with the sweet bite of Calliope’s kiss. Her tongue was velvet, her lips … plump miracle makers.

Krystoff’s muted pulse pounded in his ears. Other than Calliope’s sighs and near orgasmic moans, he heard nothing but the sound of his blood roiling and his nerve endings crackling.

Her fingers splayed upon his chest, Calliope lowered her head and dragged her lips over his shoulder. She bit down, and then, as if realizing her error, she licked the very spot her teeth had grazed. Krystoff wanted to roar. Her bite seduced, enticed, pulling graphic murmurs from his aching throat. One day, she would experience the same thrill. This was a vow he made to himself.

Krystoff pumped inside her, sliding in and out of her silky sheath with hard and fast thrusts.
I need to taste her
. But he couldn’t. Not now.
. Yes, soon. Either that or go mad. Everything about this witch called to him. How would he ever walk away?
I have to. Must. Protect.

Calliope had his hair caught in her fist, tugging. Her nails slid down his back, surely leaving trails of fire. He welcomed the pain, fed off her excitement. Krystoff broke the kiss to stare into her eyes, the blue shimmering with desire like a sea full of sunken treasure. He silently called for his shadows, then with a groan, distracted her by lowering his lips back to hers. He deepened the kiss and held her close. Her moves grew sluggish as the shadows neared. Krystoff nipped her lower lip to keep her focused on him.

Close now, the shadows slid over both of them, touching and caressing with velvety fingers. As he’d predicted, Calliope stirred with renewed energy, urgency driving her kisses to frantic heights.

“So good.” She met him stroke for stroke, her breath coming in sobs.

Wrong. Calliope was so very wrong. Good didn’t come close to touching what this was.
, he thought. Absolute perfection.

When her body began to tremble, Krystoff slowed his rhythm, leisurely dragging his shaft out before pushing back in with slower, intentionally calculated thrusts. Her body welcomed him home every time. Fueled by more than lust now — something his mind refused to acknowledge — his tongue danced to the same slow beat as his hips. Calliope tensed, then shattered around him, her legs clamping tight even as her arms grew slack. Krystoff held strong, milking her with deliberate strokes.
He couldn’t hold back any longer. Shoving his shadows back, he dropped his lips to her neck, breathed and exploded.

His fangs throbbed along with his shaft, signaling him to take.
. If he pricked her now, he’d turn perfection into disaster. Lifting his head from her neck, Krystoff swallowed the urge to bite. He turned, lifted her onto the rock ledge and cradled her face in his hands, swiping droplets of water from her skin with his fingers. “You are beautiful, Calliope.”

Red fought with the pink already tingeing her cheeks. “As are you,” she said. She leaned in, kissed him slow.

Minutes passed as he basked in the aftermath of exploring Calliope’s body. Contentment was a feeling he was unfamiliar with. Until now. Being with her …

“I know what you did,” Calliope mumbled against his lips.

“Do you?” What exactly was she referring to? He’d done so much, most of which she wouldn’t approve of.

Calliope gently knocked her forehead against his. “You … ” Her gaze flicked to the side. “You let those shadows touch me.”

Something laced her words, but he couldn’t quite place the emotion. “I let
shadows touch you.” For now, they were his as he still had control of the shadows. But soon the dark mists would take over his body and mind. By then he would be long gone and Calliope would be safe from him. And the empty feeling would return.

As if pondering his words, she looked away. “Why didn’t they make me tired?”

So she wasn’t angry? Still too hard to tell. “I’m only speculating, but my guess is because this time they actually touched you.” Krystoff reached for her hand only to drop his arm when she pulled out of reach. “Your body responds positively to the shadows’ contact. Maybe I shouldn’t say this, but it’s almost as though you crave them.”

Now that he’d started, Krystoff wouldn’t be deterred. Not even by her blade-thin lips and piercing gaze. “Being good all the time only gets you so far. There are certain circumstances — quite a few actually — that require a strong backbone.”

Without a word, Calliope shoved away from him. She conjured ripped jeans and an off-the-shoulder black cotton shirt. Krystoff hated that she had covered her body so quickly. “Look,” he said, trying to explain.

“Look? You just called me spineless. Is that what you really think?” she asked, hurt coating her voice as she hastily tugged on her boots.

Krystoff hopped out of the water, caught the hitch in her breath when her eyes fixed on his still-naked body. He quickly closed in, wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her to him for a blazing kiss. Once he got the response he wanted, he broke away. “Two things,” he said, his hand circling the back of her neck. “One: you misconstrued my words. Two: You have no idea what I’m thinking, Ms. Brennan.”

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