The Son of Light Book 1: Rebirth

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The Son of Light

Book 1: Rebirth


By Christopher Parker

Copyright © 2015 Chris Parker

All rights reserved.

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Illustration by Lawrence Mann

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Chapter 1

The City of Pasag


Nick opened his eyes and sat up. He felt pain on his back.
What happened?
he thought.
Where am I?
He looked up and saw a giant hole in the ceiling.
Did I fall through there?
He saw fire all around him. Suddenly, his eyes fell on an old lady. Her head was split wide open, her robes soaked in blood.

Nick shrieked. Then he heard cracking above him. He looked up and saw the giant dove crucifix collapsing towards him. He desperately rolled away as it smashed onto the altar, breaking it into many pieces. He sprung to his feet and made his way towards the large doors of the church, passing dozens of burning bodies. The heat was unbelievable as the flames roared around him. Then he saw a familiar body lying in the aisle.

“Seth!” shouted Nick, racing towards him.

Seth was barely conscious and had cuts running down his arms and face. With large chunks of the ceiling falling around them and the fire growing in size, Nick desperately dragged Seth towards the doors. But a chunk of the ceiling crashed onto them, knocking them out cold.


A few hours earlier inside a narrow underground tunnel, a silver pod sped further and further below the surface of the Colorado streets. Inside, two teenage boys sat quietly. One was thin with wavy, black hair and he wore a royal blue hoodie. His name was Nickolas Suzuki. He glanced over at the other boy who had a pale face, short blonde hair, and was dressed in a black shirt. His emerald green eyes looked off into space as he sat slumped in his seat. His name was Seth Parker. About five minutes passed before the pod reached the end of the tunnel and entered a large chamber with a larger pod inside.

The pod opened and the two boys step out. Nick raced to the end of the chamber, bringing Seth to an abrupt stop.

“Wait here. I have to uh…clean some things,” said Nick.

Seth raised an eyebrow as Nick opened the door, still facing Seth, and slipped in, trying not to open it completely.

Nick locked the door and scanned the room. The room resembled a large college dorm and was filled with birthday decorations, brightly colored balloons, and a big banner that read, “Happy 14
Birthday,” and had a faint smell of marijuana. In the middle of the living room was a small table with a four-layered German chocolate cake with fourteen candles burning merrily.

Another boy sat on a green couch at the end of the room. He had a shaved head, a long peach fuzz mustache, and wore a gold elephant necklace. His name was Trent Sanit. He waved at Nick without changing his expression.

“Where are Karl and Engel?” asked Nick.

Trent pointed to the bedrooms to Nick’s right. Nick turned to a long hallway with two doors on each side and dashed down, opening the first two. He heard heavy breathing behind the third door on the right. Worried, he opened it and was greeted by a strong sent of marijuana and stuffy heat. He saw two boys in bed beneath the sheets engaging in sex. The athletic looking boy on top was, Karl Reynosa. The boy under him was, Engel Luna.

“Whoa!” shouted Nick covering his eyes.

Engel faced Nick then faced Karl again.

“Oh shit! KARL!” shouted Engel.

Karl stopped thrusting, faced Nick, and smiled.

“He’s here!” urged Nick. “Karl! Vístete ahora!”
Karl! Get dressed now!

“Sólo dame un minuto,” said Karl.
Just give me a minute.

Nick shut the door, shaking his head, and rushed back into the living room. He turned to Trent and spoke to him in Thai, asking him why he didn’t tell him that Karl and Engel were in the room, making love. Trent smiled and put on a party hat. He and Trent waited for five minutes for Karl and Engel to finish, but all they heard was arguing.

“Jesús! Termine ya!” moaned Engel.
Jesus! Finish already!

“Espere!” moaned Karl irritably.
Hold on!

On and on they went, auguring like an old couple. Nick rolled his eyes. Trent suddenly got off the couch and rushed to the kitchen. He took out a huge pot from a cabinet, placed it in the sink, and filled it with water. He then opened the freezer and poured half a bag of ice into it. Nick watched him carry the pot to the room and heard Karl and Engel scream.

“The fuck, man?” shouted Engel.

Moments later, Trent pulled them out to the middle of the room with nothing on but the covers from their bed. Nick headed to the door to unlock it, but suddenly jerked around again.

“The candles!” he said in hushed voice.

“On it!” said Engel brushing his wet curly bangs from his face.

He aimed a hand towards the candles and small glowing particles gathered in his palm around an outline of an upside-down triangle symbol with a ring around it —summoning symbol. It flashed and sparked. He lit three candles before hitting parts of the cake. He let out a yelp, and Karl pushed him aside to try to finish the job, nearly blowing off half of it. Nick rolled his eyes and gestured to Trent, who finished lighting the candles. When Nick saw he was done he opened the door.

“Surprise!” he shouted as Seth looked over him at Karl and Engel dripping wet.

It took a while for Seth’s face to light up as they sang happy birthday. Nick sat him down at the table. Seth looked at the cake awkwardly and blew out the candles, and the boys cheered again.

“Let’s show Seth some love!” said Nick, cheerfully.

He and the others hugged Seth all at once, making a loud “Ah!” sound, and then broke away.

“More love!” said Nick.

They hugged him again, and then once more making a louder “Ah!” each time, with the smile on Seth’s face growing each time.

“Gift time!” shouted Nick, cheerfully.

He and the other boys got closer to Seth. Engel put two tickets into his hand. Seth’s face lit up as he read them.

“Philip Glass!” he said in disbelief.

“He’s performing next month in New York.”

“Thank you!” said Seth, holding the tickets dearly.

Engel smiled. Then Karl held an image of a 2009 black Cadillac CTS in front of Seth’s face.

“This is what he got for you,” said Engel gleefully. “It’s a Cadillac.”

“He got me a car?” asked Seth, stunned. “I’m not old enough to drive yet.”

Nick chuckled and then told Karl the same thing in Spanish.

“Es okay. I’ll drive it for you until you’re old enough. Though personally, I prefer Lamborghinis,” said Karl, drooling.

Nick was trying to hold back his laughter, as Karl had had the same wild look when he was making love to Engel. Trent moved towards Seth and placed a fair-sized silver elephant with emerald eyes on the table, with Seth’s name carved on its forehead. Nick saw Seth’s face light up again.

“It matches your eyes,” said Nick.

“Thank you, Trent,” said Seth.

Trent put his hands together and bowed. Finally, it was Nick’s turn. He took out a small black box from his pocket and gave it to Seth. Seth opened it, revealing a triangular-shaped platinum bracelet. At its corners were small emerald gems.

“Turn it around,” said Nick.

Doing so, Seth read these words as Nick’s face brightened:
Happy 14th Birthday, Seth. I am truly blessed to have another son. Thank you for bringing even more happiness to my life. From your loving mother, Kaldea.

For a while Seth just stared at it. Then he turned to Nick and nodded. Nick nodded back.

“Well? What now?” asked Engel.

“There’s a city close by. We’ll hang there.” said Nick.

“Sweet!” said Engel.

said Karl, cheerfully. “Let’s try out my new car! Oh — er — I mean Seth’s new car!”

Engel grabbed Karl by the hand and pulled him towards their room. Minutes later, Karl came out in a muscle T-shirt and navy blue sweats. Engel followed him, putting in his two bottom lip rings and wearing nothing but skinny jeans, white shoes, and about six wristbands.

Nick led them to the pod chamber. Engel and the others entered the larger of the two pods, but when Karl passed him, Nick pulled him back.



Nick put out his hand.


Nick continued to glare at him trying to hide his smile. Finally, Karl rolled his eyes and took out a bag of weed and a small bottle of vodka from his pockets and placed them in Nick’s hand. Nick left the items in the corner of the chamber.

“Pensé que era una fiesta.” murmured Karl, grouchily.
Thought it was a party.

Nick shook his head and pushed him into the pod before getting in himself. Like a good leader, he asked everyone if they had their phones to which Engel replied in a mocking tone,
“Yes, Daddy.”

He pressed a few buttons on the glowing control panel in front of him. The pod closed and moved down a different tunnel than the one Seth and Nick had travelled in earlier.Twenty minutes later, they emerged from the base of a mountain surrounded by woods they stopped near a shiny black Cadillac CTS amazed. They hopped out and piled into the Cadillac with Karl as the driver and Seth in the passenger seat. Once they were all in, Nick took in the new car smell. He saw Karl doing the same. But then Karl began to hug and caress the steering wheel. He took another big whiff of the new car smell rolling his eyes to the back of his head. Nick and the others waited for him to finish, but Karl kept taking in more huge whiffs. Finally, Engel poked him.

“Karl. Karl. Karl,” repeated Engel.

But Karl wasn’t reacting. He just sat there continuing to roll his eyes with his mouth hung open. With a light smack to his boyfriend’s head, Engel shouted, “Karl!” Karl snapped out of it and started the car as the others chuckled.

Once they got going through the woods, Nick relaxed as he and Engel squished Trent in the back. As Trent rested on Nick’s shoulder, he saw Engel took a bag of weed out of his pants.

“What are you doing?”

Engel smirked as he took out a joint out of the baggie and lit it.

“Let’s just say Karl planned ahead.”

After taking a few puffs he leaned to Karl trying to pass it to him.

“Give me that!” Nick ordered.

He reached over, but Engel quickly put the bag in his briefs. Suddenly, Trent reached into his pants snatching the bag and handed it to Nick. The others laughed as Engel squirmed. Karl drove the car onto a street and approached a stoplight.

“Where to now?” asked Karl.

“Just keep going straight. It’ll take us all the way up the mountain,” answered Nick.

“Do we have to get there at a particular time, or can I take a joy ride?” asked Karl eagerly.

“I told the others we’d be there at noon. Oh, when we get there, everything is on me,” said Nick.

“Awesome sauce!” shouted Engel.

“Others eh? One of them, you know who?” said Karl raising his eyebrows up and down.

Nick blushed and turned to the window, ignoring the snickers from everyone but Seth.

“How did you get the money?” asked Seth.

“Stole it from my
. For once their money is doing something good,” answered Karl.

Nick saw Engel’s happy face turn serious. Then he saw Seth face Engel.

“What does that mean?” asked Seth.

Engel remained silent. Then Nick placed a hand on Seth’s shoulder.

“Don’t worry about, yeah?”

He smiled, but knew the atmosphere had changed. An awkward silence loomed over them.
Okay, what would mom do?
he thought desperately. He needed to lighten the mood.

“Hey! So why did the tomato blush?”

His friends let out a loud sigh.

“Because it saw the salad dressing. Huh? Huh?”

There was a long pause. Then he felt Trent patting him on the back and saw Engel burying his face in his hand. Nick went on.

“What’s a duck’s favorite drug?”

“Stop Nick.” moaned Seth.

“Quack!” he laughed. “Get it? Quack.”

The light turned green and Karl hit the accelerator. He cut off a cherry red pickup truck with a pink dove on the hood and tires, causing it to swerve across the road.

“Slow down!” said Nick.

Moments later, he heard the truck speed up behind them, and it pulled up next to Karl.

“Mother F-er! Learn how to drive, A-hole!” a female voice hollered.

Nick saw a middle-aged woman sticking her head out the window, shaking her head furiously and messing up her salt and pepper colored hair. Her crossed eyes fixed on Karl.

“I’m gonna to God-dang kill you for runnin’ me off the dang road!” she screamed, her eyes bulging and baring her crooked teeth.

“Karl, just apologize and drive away,” Nick said nervously.

From what he could tell, Karl was about to apologize, despite looking very reluctant, but then they heard her say, “Dirty God-dang Mexican! Pull over! If I had a gun I’d shoot you DEAD! I have children back here! Pull over, wet back! I’m gonna kill your mother too!”

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