The Slave Master's Son (6 page)

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Authors: Tiana Laveen

BOOK: The Slave Master's Son
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“In the name of Jesus, I, Hannah Davis, take you, John Stewart, to be my husband to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, for as long as we both shall live. This is my solemn vow.”

“John, you may present the ring to Hannah,” Mason directed, his voice shaking. John reached into his pocket and pulled out a thin, gold wedding band. He slid it onto Hannah’s finger.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife. John, you may kiss the bride,” Mason said in his rickety tone. John bent his six-foot-three-inch frame towards Hannah and kissed her gently. Mason looked at the two of them and took them by the arms.

“The Lord works in mysterious ways, children. Be strong. Do what you must to stay together. Fight evil and love one another.” John shook Mason’s hand, thanked him, and walked him down the flight of stairs as Hannah sat in disbelief. A few minutes later the bedroom door slowly opened and John reappeared.

“My father thinks I left with Gayle,” he said as he closed the bedroom door and locked it. He’d returned with some of the reception food.

“I could barely eat tonight. Are you hungry?” he asked as he sat on the bed beside Hannah and smirked. She shook her head “no.”

“What’s funny?” Hannah asked.

“You.” He kissed her nose and poured two glasses of wine, then lifted them for a toast.

“To Mr. and Mrs. Stewart. That’s your last name now,” he said as he clinked their glasses together. Hannah giggled as she took a sip. John gulped his.

He held her close, kissing her cheek. She resisted the urge to pull back. Then realization seeped in.

“This is our wedding night. I know what that means,” she thought to herself.

“John, you supposed to be with your real wife. The wedding night’s sacred.” Hannah snapped herself back into reality.

“Hannah, this is our wedding night. I didn’t marry Gayle in my heart. God knows I didn’t.” John kissed her passionately as he ran his fingers over her thick curls. Hannah was overcome. Her fear turned to excitement as she watched John walk to his bedroom door and turn the knob to make sure it was locked. He walked to the other side of the room and leisurely disrobed. Hannah had seen him naked many times before, but tonight was different. His body had changed from the war. His youthful slenderness was replaced with substantial muscle tone and battle scars.

“Don’t be afraid,” he whispered. Hannah slowly stood up from the bed and unbuttoned her nightgown. She let it fall to the floor while John visually explored her trembling nude body. He unhurriedly walked towards her.

“You’re beautiful, Hannah,” he whispered as he lightly rubbed her shoulders. His fingertips drifted down towards her full breasts. He gently rubbed her taut, dark coffee nipples then traveled to her stomach, pressing his hard body into her softness as he kissed her cheek. He gingerly picked her up and placed her down on the expansive bed. Hannah looked up at John as he moved his naked body over hers. Her eyes widened as she was seized with trepidation.

“John, I’m scared,” she uttered between bated breaths.

“Don’t be. I promise to be gentle,” he assured. Hannah shook as if she were a cold kitten caught in the rain on a winter’s night. John covered their exposed bodies with the layers of soft quilts. He kissed her sweetly, taking his time. He rubbed her arms, warming her as he hummed a song in her ear.

“That ring on your finger is your wedding band. It means you’re married – married to me. It’s a symbol of the promises we made to each other tonight,” he whispered in her ear.

“I love you, John,” she said quietly.

“I love you too. I love you more than I could ever fully express, my dear.” John carefully spread Hannah’s legs with his own. He slowly explored her nether region with his erect penis. She gasped as she felt him slowly insert himself. She held onto his back tightly as he took her virginity with sweet, gentle determination. She pushed her feet into the footboard as she braced herself by gripping one of the quilts tightly. She winced as his body claimed hers, over and over again. Tears rolled down her face as the pain and love she felt merged.

She was told by her mother to just get through it when the time came, but this was nothing like what she expected. She enjoyed being with John. Having him inside her seemed so right. She watched as he closed his eyes and rocked back and forth. She instinctively let go of the quilt and wrapped her arms around his neck. His thrusts slowly intensified as they held on tightly to one another.

“I love you,” he whimpered as he released inside his beloved bride. He breathed heavily, panting as he lay his head on her warm breasts. He swallowed deeply, taking in shallow bits of air as his heart raced like a scared runaway Stallion. He rose and smiled down at her.

“You’re my dream come true,” he whispered as he kissed her nose.

“Don’t you have to get home – to her?” Hannah asked weakly.

“No, this is where I belong. You’re my wife. I’ll go before breakfast.” Hannah kissed John’s shoulder as he massaged her arms with his large hands. He leaned in closer, wrapping her legs with his own as they continued caressing.

“I’ll take care of you and protect you for the rest of your days,” he said as a single tear escaped Hannah’s eye.

After embracing for what seemed an eternity as time stood still, John re-clothed himself, and Hannah followed suit. He carried her down the steps, back to her bedroom. He pushed the door open with his shoulder. Mary rose suddenly and watched silently as her daughter was delicately placed onto her mattress. John kissed Hannah’s forehead. Mary took note of his partially buttoned shirt, bare feet, and disheveled hair. She looked at both of them in astonishment. He kissed Hannah’s lips one last time, then made his way back towards the bedroom door.

He turned to Mary and said, “Mama Mary, I’m terribly in love with your daughter. I assure you I’ll protect her and keep her safe from this day forward. I know that you saw me marry another this evening, but your daughter – she’s my true bride.” As he disappeared, Mary walked over to her daughter’s side. Hannah sat up in bed, her quilt wrapped around her aching but satisfied body.

“Tell me right now what you and John done,” Mary demanded, her voice shaking.

“Mama, we got married. Mason married us.”

“You means to tell me that Mason conducted a marriage ceremony for you two! I saw John get married to that other gal with my own eyes. Hannah, I done told you that you can’t marry John. It ain’t law.”

“Mama, it’s law to us. We promised God we’d do right by each other.”

Mary nodded. She realized that there was no convincing Hannah.

“Are you still chaste?” Mary asked as she slowly pulled back the quilt from her daughter’s body. Hannah did not answer. Embarrassment and shame crept inside. Mary peeked under her daughter’s gown and saw the evidence she was looking for. Mary slowly stood up and went to the water basin, dampening a cloth. She rung it out and sat back down beside her daughter.

“Please don’t be upset, Mama!” Hannah whispered, crying hysterically. Mary patted her tears away.

“At least you did it ’cause you in love. Right or wrong, you in love. You didn’t have it taken from you like I did. You didn’t have to barter it or it be taken. You got married to the man you love, and for that, you ain’t gonna never have regrets,” Mary sobbed as she cleaned her daughter’s body.

“The first time I was in love, Hannah, was with a man named James. He was a slave in the field over there on that plantation that ain’t been cared for in years now. He was smitten with me. I wanted to build a life with him. We planned to run away together. I was only twelve. I already had my first baby against my will, but he didn’t mind; he still wanted me.” Mary continued to cry as she gently patted her daughter clean. “Somehow, someone found out what we was plannin’. James…James was whipped in front of me and sold, and I was beaten within an inch of my life. They raped me right in front of him,” Mary sobbed.

“Mama, I’m sorry.” Hannah cried as her mother turned away.

“The second time I falls in love, he went off and married another woman just like your John did. Only mine never came back until it was too late.” Mary looked at Hannah’s gold ring, shimmering and smooth.

“John give you that?” Mary asked, wiping her tears from her face.

“Yes, Mama. He gave it to me as we said our vows. It’s a real wedding ring,” Hannah smiled.

“It sure is pretty,” Mary smiled and laughed. “I know John is a good man, but that ain’t the point. He’s a white man, a wealthy white man, at that. He done had some ceremony with you, gave you a ring and everything, and took your virtue all in one fell swoop. I’m very afraid for the both of you. I can’t believe he was held up with you while his wife lay alone somewhere. I don’t understand this. I can’t wrap my head no ways around it. I know that you both are convinced that this is real, and ain’t no sense in arguing with the convinced. Don’t tell a living soul about this. Don’t tell nobody you two married, and don’t tell nobody you ain’t pure no more. It’ll bring harm to you both,” Mary said sternly, shaking her finger in Hannah’s face.

“I won’t, Mama. I’m going to wear the ring around my necklace until it’s safe to wear it on my finger, but I ain’t never takin’ if off.”

“That’s fine, Baby. I know you a woman now, but you still my baby.” Mary kissed her daughter’s forehead and returned to her bed, holding the cloth in her hand as she drifted away into painful memories and what-if dreams.


* * *








“He hasn’t laid so much as a finger on me!” hollered Gayle to her mother. “Not one!”

“Dear, you shall be thankful. The marital duty isn’t pleasant. It will happen soon enough,” assured John’s mother-in-law, Tabitha.

“Mother it’s not that I desire it. I just know in the depths of my soul that something is wrong,” Gayle said woefully.

“What do you think it could be?” Tabitha asked as she gathered her daughter’s hair and began to braid it affectionately.

“I’m not certain. Last night I even presented myself to him. He looked away as if I weren’t even standing there.”

“Never do that again. He’ll think you’re a loose woman. Let him come to you, dear,” Tabitha said as she pinned her daughter’s hair up.

“Mother, it’s been over a month.” Gayle wiped the tears from her eyes with the back of her hand. “He wasn’t home on our wedding night. He’s gone most of the week, especially late in the evenings. I don’t feel married. I don’t feel I have a husband at all,” sobbed Gayle.

“I suppose I shall have a chat with Master Stewart. Maybe he can shed light on this baffling situation. It will be just fine, dear.” Tabitha kissed the top of her daughter’s head and smiled though deep concern and worry brewed inside her. Later that afternoon, Tabitha told her husband of their daughter’s concerns.

“I’m not certain how to broach this topic except to be frank.” Tabitha said, looking cautiously over her cup of tea.

“Just tell me,” Mr. Douglass stated, looking down at his periodical, slightly annoyed.

“Well, it appears that our son-in-law hasn’t…hasn’t consummated the marriage.” Brief but heavy silence filled the room. Mr. Douglass saw this as quite problematic since grandchildren were a part of the agreed arrangement.

“Come, Tabitha. We’re going to speak to Master Stewart.”


* * *







“Please, do come inside,” Master Stewart stated as he led Mr. and Mrs. Douglass to his elaborate dining room. Tabitha smiled then immediately excused herself to an adjoining room, leaving the men to their discussion. Master Stewart took notice of her departure.

“Please, sit down,” Master Stewart stated with a sincere grin across his weary face.

“John,” Mr. Douglass began, “I wish the terms of my visit were more joyous, however, something rather troubling has come to my attention.” Mr. Douglas held his hat in his hands, perched above his round stomach.

“What seems to be troubling you, William?” Master Stewart asked.

“I’ll cut to the chase. The matter is rather delicate, however.” Mr. Douglass stated, looking cautiously at Master Stewart above his thin-rim glasses.

“William, we’ve known each other for years. We’re now bonded by marriage. I consider Gayle, your wife, and you to be family. Please tell me whatever is necessary so that I may be of possible assistance,” encouraged Master Stewart. Mr. Douglass sighed.

“Your son hasn’t consummated his marriage with my daughter. You and I are both men. I think you know clearly what’s going on here,” Mr. Douglass said, trying to push down his irritation.

“And what might that be?” Master Stewart asked, adjusting himself in his seat.

“Your son is lying with someone else. He must have another woman. This is one of the few benefits of taking a wife – consummation and the steady relations that there follow. Your son is young and virile. He’d been away at war. He was highly sought after. There’s no other explanation. He surely is fulfilling his needs with another woman,” Mr. Douglas said flatly.

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