Read The Slave Online

Authors: Laura Antoniou

Tags: #luster editions, #submission, #circlet, #laura antoniou, #Adult, #bdsm, #erotic slavery, #dominance, #bondage, #the marketplace, #erotica, #marketplace series, #erotic novel, #circlet press

The Slave (55 page)

BOOK: The Slave
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She felt a slight twinge at the
thought of having to keep their past from her
curiosity about why she should. But it was very doubtful that
Monica would ask a direct question that would force the information
out, and there was certainly no harm in not mentioning it. Robin
cleaned up that night and happily went to sleep in the guest room
by herself, setting her travel alarm for bright and early the next
day so she could start on the housekeeping. Judy and Khim might
very well be former slaves, but they sure didn’t bring with them a
sense of the anal-retentive call for order that was hammered into
Robin during her training.

But she didn’t even mind that. It was always
nice to be needed. Especially by people who knew the effort it took
to serve!


* * * *


Days passed so quickly and easily that
Robin could barely believe it. Judy and Khim were perfect owners
for a pair of former slaves―they stayed out of her way when she was
working, took control of her for their own purposes cleanly and
without apologies, and played with her somehow almost every day,
even if only for a few minutes before they turned to each other,
stumbled into bed, and waved her from the room with

She tried very hard not to disappoint, and
they were more than pleased at the amount of trash she managed to
remove from the house, and the gradual shine that came up on
shelves, table tops, and fixtures. She aired out their bed every
morning and dusted everything she could find, and soon clutter gave
way to order. She even found their neglected pile of mending, and
the things she couldn’t do herself she quietly snuck out to a local
dry cleaner, leaving the receipt with the other bills to be

As the weekend rolled around and the women
had time at home, they prepared to make more erotic use of her in
elaborate ways again, like the day she was welcomed. This time, it
was Khim who summoned her downstairs, and when she got there, she
was surprised to see Judy, her hands tied behind her back,
blindfolded, kneeling in the open space by the table. She was naked
except for a soft leather strap much like the one around Robin’s
throat, and Robin felt a sort of ghostly thrill at seeing it. There
didn’t seem to be two free women and a slave in the room any more,
but two slaves, older and younger, sisters in some mystical
otherworld. Judy’s breathing was slow and deep, lifting her breasts
softly. She was not the sprite Robin had imagined any more, her
body softened in age, but her skin was tender and white, her
posture beautiful. She displayed neither impatience nor boredom,
only an alert sort of expectation, her head slightly cocked to
catch stray sounds.

Robin could only wish that she looked as
charming when she was in a similar position.

Khim was in one of her beautiful corsets
again, this time a scarlet one that made her figure goddess-like in
its strength and beauty. But instead of a skirt or panties, there
was a harness around her hips, and between her thighs was a
formidable dildo, with black and red swirls in the stylish

Robin thought that if there was ever truly a
divine androgyne, s/he would look like that.

Khim laid a finger across her lips and
Robin didn’t make a sound. At a hand gesture, though, she stripped,
quietly, and put her clothing aside. She began to feel nervous as
Khim reached over to a rack and pulled something down―it was
another harness. Instead of being stiff, shiny red leather like
Khim’s, it was an old, soft canvas. The dildo it came with was less
ornate as well, but still respectable in size. Robin glanced up,
and Khim nodded, and for the first time, Robin slipped the straps
of a dildo harness around her body and settled it between her

It felt awkward at first. The cock hung
between her thighs and felt like it would surely slide off in a
moment. Khim reached around her and tugged and pushed, and
positioned the harness better. Before she tightened the straps, she
took a scrap of soft cloth, folded it over several times and put it
over Robin’s clitoral area, and then pulled the straps of the
harness tighter. Robin felt the compression around her already
swollen and slightly tender clit, but it wasn’t sharp, and the
cloth would hopefully be a sort of buffer for any pounding

But I never did
, she
fretted, as she gazed down at her new toy.
I know, it seems weird that it’s one
thing I haven’t done in a fairly perverted life―but no one ever
wanted me to!

She remembered Chris talking to
her one day about being asked to top. “It’s unlikely that you will
be,” he had said, while she knelt at his f
eet, taking her eternal mental notes.
“You are young and inexperienced. You will probably not be called
upon to manage a staff, and owners who like to be topped generally
look for slaves who are specifically trained to do so. But you
never know if you will be acquired by an owner who wants to create
a top from nothing―or that your owner’s tastes might change, or
that they may want you to work with them on another slave, upon a
guest, or on some free lover of theirs. When that time comes, you
must pay as much attention to those tasks as anything else, and
above all, strive to please. Never show the slightest discomfort at
being asked to do any form of topping. It might make your owner
embarrassed, and that is unacceptable. That look in your eyes right
now is wrong―you think you will never be able to top, even if
commanded. Don’t even try to contradict me, I can see it. Rid
yourself of both the look and this stubborn belief that you will be
able to choose what your new owner wishes of you. If you do not
know how to physically do something, and attempting it might be
dangerous, then of course you must say so. But otherwise, you must
deliver your obedience and your service with the proper attitude
and be grateful for the chance to give pleasure when it is

Sure, it was easy for him to say! He liked
being on top; he had been a frightening sadist for all of his cool
distance. She couldn’t imagine him staring at a sex toy in
confusion and wondering what to do with it.

For one second, she remembered a wonderful
evening with one of her former masters and one of her fellow
slaves, when she had been fucked by the slave who was being fucked
by the master. If only that was what Khim had in mind!

But Khim was holding something else out to
her―a short, fat whip, the strands almost velvety in her fingers.
If she had any hope of backing out of this for fear of being
dangerous because of her lack of experience, this toy killed that
possibility. The only way she could hurt someone with it was to
force it down their throat.

Time to party, sweetheart,” Khim suddenly
said, and Robin jerked. So did Judy, whose head shot up. She had
been perfectly silent in her patience, and Robin absurdly felt
proud for her. How many years had she been out of the collar, and
yet she fell into the old behaviors so easily and

Khim reached down and took hold of one of
Judy’s upper arms, and nodded to Robin to do the same. Together,
they hauled her to her feet, and Khim pressed her against the
table. Robin couldn’t help but notice that Judy had flinched when
Robin touched her―maybe Judy didn’t even know that Robin had been
called down!

You need this,” Khim was whispering
into Judy’s ear. “So I don’t want to hear any

She stepped back and with one easy
backward swing, brought her own whip down on Judy’s ass. Judy bent
forward at the waist, her body braced against the table, her wrists
still tightly joined behind her. Robin’s arms ached in sympathy―she
didn’t much like being bent over like that without her arms to
brace her. But as Khim mimed, she drew her own arm back and with
the middle of the tress bundle, hit Judy’s ass directly across the
center. The impact thudded back up her arm, and Robin gasped as
Khim laughed. Judy gasped too, and then giggled, kicking one foot
slightly back.

That’s right,” Khim said, delivering
another hard smack to her lover. “You’re going to get ’em twice as
fast tonight.”

Robin hit again, this time aiming a little
lower, and found that she hit the sweet spot right under the curve
of Judy’s sweet heart shaped ass. Judy moaned and hissed “Yess!”
and Khim laughed again.

Oh I think we should hear a lot of
that tonight,” she said, smacking again. “I like that. Don’t hold
back. Show our little guest what a good slave you were. What a good
slave you still are.”

Robin fell into the rhythm easily, and
gradually lost the fear of missing her target. The whip was heavy
enough to weary her after a while, but the tresses delivered their
soft thumps with no complaints at all from their target, and if
Judy’s moans were any indication, she wasn’t doing a bad job at
all. In fact, it had a lot in common with giving a massage―she
moved, and Judy responded, the flesh warmed, and so did the room.
Khim was magnificent to watch, her eyes flashing like green amber
in the playroom light, her arm unerringly accurate. From time to
time, she aimed at Judy’s legs or her back, but kept Robin hitting
Judy’s ass over and over again, until it first turned pink, and
then red, and then was actually hot to the touch.

By then, Judy’s moans and yesses had faded
to a constant stream of sighs and minor whimpers. Robin understood
that state very well! Monica could take her there when she got
fancy, taking out her deerskin whips and lined cuffs and really
working her over. How nice to know she could help do this for
someone else! Why―it didn’t feel like topping at all, just another
form of service.

Oh, Chris, you were right
, she
wish you could see me now, whipping the hell out of this woman’s
grinned suddenly and realized, to her surprise, that her nipples
were hard and she was kind of damp where the straps held that cock
between her legs.

Khim sighed and raised a hand, and Robin
stopped. Khim ran fingers down Judy’s ass. Judy moaned and shivered
and rose up on her toes. “Oh isn’t that nice?” Khim asked,
scratching her nails across the tender skin. “And in half the usual
time. We might have to get help in more often. I think you’ll
really like act two.”

Khim pointed to the side and Robin hung
both whips up on the rack and looked at the top of the cabinet.
e were two condoms
and a tube of lubricant. She swallowed hard and picked them

Khim had Robin cover her dick―and didn’t
insist that she do it with her mouth, something that Robin
certainly had done, on real cocks and fake ones, but not much
lately. She coated Khim’s red and black cock with lube, too, and
realized why when Khim didn’t slide it up into Judy’s lightly fuzzy
pussy, but into her tight little asshole instead. Robin gulped and
felt another surge of moisture between her legs. It had been far
too long since she had been fucked in the ass! It was not one of
Monica’s favorite activities. But it was apparently one of Judy’s,
because she hissed and groaned, and arched herself backward to take
that cock easily.

Oh yeah, that’s my sweetheart, that’s
my girl,” Khim crooned. “That’s right, take that big cock. And you
know what? It’s not over!”

She reached forward and pulled her lover to
her, and then, with her cock still seated firmly in Judy’s ass,
turned her around, so that Khim was bracing her ass against the
table and Judy was facing Robin.

Robin knew what she had to do.
With Khim’s nod, she covered and lubed up her own cock, and felt
the twinge as her own fist put pressure on the padding that covered
her ring.
Well, to hell with you
, she thought furiously.
It’s been more than two months! I
don’t care how much it hurts. I’m going to do this

She had to bend her knees to angle the cock
against Judy’s cunt, and was thrilled at her first touch of the
short hair and soft skin as she found the swollen, wet opening with
her fingers. Judy gasped along with her, and her hips moved, just
so, and Robin knew that the head of her dildo was in. She
straightened her legs slowly, and felt the pressure build at the
base of the dildo as more and more of the shaft slid inside of the
tiny woman now sandwiched so firmly between Robin and Khim.

Oh yes!” Judy cried out, her head
falling back onto Khim’s shoulder. “Oh yes, oh give it to me,

Khim laughed, and Robin felt the startling
shift in pressure that told her that Khim’s cock was moving―and
then a second later, Judy started to move, too, her body humping
slightly forward.

That’s my sweetie,” Khim chuckled.
“Taking it all. Here’s a little more―just the way you like

Slowly, Robin moved her own hips. The
steady ache of the ring became intermittent stabs of pain, but she
ignored it. Judy was having a wonderful time! Her body arched and
rocked as the two cocks plundered her, rhythms establishing, in and
out, back and forth. From time to time, Khim pulled her lover back,
stretching her body, impaling it from behind in a sharp thrust
while Robin sped up, or rocked from side to side. She cupped her
hands around Judy’s breasts, lifted and pushed them together, and
Robin needed no command to lean in and take each of Judy’s nipples
in her mouth, one at a time, sucking and flicking at them with her

It was that combination of penetration and
nipple play that made Judy gasp sharply and thrust back and forth
between the two cocks inside of her. Her wild thrashings almost
dislodged Robin several times, and the sharp pains around her clit
ring intensified enough to bring tears to her eyes. But it was so
good, so hot to do this, to be melded together with these women in
a sexual fury! She held on and ground in tighter and deeper,
working her fingers down to the base of the dildo and letting the
back of her hand bump and grind against Judy’s clit until the woman
came, screaming into Robin’s ear.

BOOK: The Slave
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