Read The Slave Online

Authors: Laura Antoniou

Tags: #luster editions, #submission, #circlet, #laura antoniou, #Adult, #bdsm, #erotic slavery, #dominance, #bondage, #the marketplace, #erotica, #marketplace series, #erotic novel, #circlet press

The Slave (12 page)

BOOK: The Slave
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Oh, don’t be stupid. It can’t
hurt, not for a few minutes. No sense in getting paranoid over
So she
reached over to her table and pulled the phone down on to the
floor. When her call connected, she heard:

Welcome to the Dial-in-Dungeon, where
your hot Mistress or Master awaits. Your call will be 30 cents for
the first minute and 10 cents each additional minute. If you are
under eighteen years old, hang up now. And if you’re old enough and
bold enough, you may now enter the Dungeon!”

What is this, a computer
asked herself
. I wonder when I have to tell them whether I want a master
or a mistress?
But before she could actually giggle, she heard someone
speaking. we ended up going to the movies
while she had a plug up her ass. I kept pinching her nipples all
through the show. Thea was wet as a fucking river! Weren’t you,

The voice was masculine, but slightly
muffled. Robin pushed the phone closer to her ear, fascinated.

Yeah!” came an enthusiastic response.
Thea’s voice also sounded slightly muffled. Robin figured that it
must be the connection. “I was so sore when we got back! Master had
to soothe me all night.” She laughed, and her laughter was joined
by several other people on the telephone line.

So what did you do this weekend,
Cutiepie?” Another man’s voice cut through the laughter. For a
split second, Robin thought that he meant her, although how he
would even know she was there was a mystery. But a different woman,
her voice making her seem older then the first, sighed and

I stayed home, Roy. And did the
fucking dishes. I tell you, life’s a bitch when a slave can’t get a
good master.”

Awww, poor baby. You can come over
and I’ll be your master.”

Yeah, right. Roy, you’re a fucking
slave, honey, and you just wanna get laid.”

Well, a man’s gotta try, right?” More
laughter sounded out.

All you guys gotta try. I swear, one
night you’re all masters, but let one mistress get on the line and
you’re all foot slaves. I need a real man,” Cutiepie whined.
“Someone who’s really the boss. Like Mark.”

Thank you, Cutie,” responded the man
whose voice had welcomed Robin to the line. “But I have my hands

Anything more than a handful is
wasted, buddy!” someone added.

Robin sighed, heavily. That line was tired
among the freshmen. God help any adult who thought it was witty.
And this was where she was going to find a master or mistress? Not
bloody likely. She was going to hang up when she heard yet another

Hello! Any submissive sluts out there
who need some phone domination?”

Hi Bob,” chorused a few of the voices
on the phone. Robin drew her knees up to listen for a little while
longer. What on earth was phone domination?

Hi, Master Bob,” purred Cutiepie.
“When am I gonna get to meet you?”

Anytime you want, Cutie. On the
phone. Care for another session with my toy bag? Call me right now,
and you’ll get it all.” His voice was very deep, and compared to
the others on the line, much more assured.

Oh, you tease. You know I’m on the
courtesy line. Lemme call you later.”

No. Now. I want to see how much
you’ll give up for me.”

And what will you do if I get off...
the phone I mean!” Giggles and muffled laughter flooded the line.
“Will you do all the things I like?”

I’ll do whatever I want, Cutie. Take
it or leave it.”

Whoa!” came several

Such a tough guy,” someone

Well, be that way. There’s no one
else out here except for me and Thea anyway, so you wasted your
call!” Cutiepie did actually sound miffed.

Robin swallowed hard and said, “I... I’m


Who was that?”

Is that a new girl?”

Voices crowded each other, and Robin almost
slammed the phone down. But she held onto it, hoping that Bob
hadn’t left.

Who’s out there? Is that you,
Destiny? Or is it Lola?”

All the women seemed to have
made-up names
, Robin thought
. Quick! What do I call myself?

Um. This is...” Her mind shut down on
her. What could she say? Oh God, what a time to freeze; isn’t it
just like her, the pervert who couldn’t say her name! Then she drew
a deep breath and said, “I’m Perverse.”

That got a hearty laugh. “So are we all,
honey, so are we all!”

Hey, Perverse! Waddaya look

Waddaya into?”

Are you dominant or

What are you wearing?”

The questions were fired off in rapid
succession, all of the inquisitors male. Robin bit her lip, trying
to figure out what to say, when Cutiepie’s voice cut through the

Hey, cool it, fellas, cool it! You’ll
scare her away with all your fucking questions! Perverse, you still
out there?”


Well, speak up, honey, we all wanna
hear ya. What’s your story?”

Robin panicked again. “I... I don’t know
what to say.”

For starters, are you dominant or


Oh good!” some male voice said.
“Wanna call me?”

Um, I don’t know,” Robin replied.
“Why should I want to?”

Oh! You’re a virgin!” Cutiepie
laughed, and Robin flushed. “Tell the truth, Perverse, you never
called this line before.”

This is my first call,” Robin

Well, welcome to the line, sweetie.
And don’t sweat the little boys; they’ll back off after a while.
What are you looking for?”

I don’t know.” Robin
barely got the words out.
How can I answer that?
she thought furiously.
I’m not ready for
this. I shouldn’t have called.

Why don’t you give me a call?” It was
Bob. “I won’t bite. But I can explain how this all

I don’t know,” Robin repeated

Oh, give him a call, Perverse, he’s
OK. And you never have to worry about meeting him!” Cutiepie
declared. There was a tone in her voice that sounded slightly

Bob gave out a telephone number, but Robin
was sitting naked, in the middle of her floor, with nothing around
her but newspapers and books. She sprang forward, reaching for her
desk. “Wait a minute! Wait!”

Bob repeated the number for her, and the
other people online all yelled out various good-byes before she
hung up.

, she thought, staring at the piece
of paper in her hand,
was weird. What did these people do on this toll
call? Chat about what they did on the weekend? And how was it that
they all seemed to know each other? Why did the men have real names
and the women have phony ones?

She called the number, her heart

Hello?” His voice was the same as it
had been on the line, but much clearer. Deep, but

Um. Bob?”

That’s right. Hi, Perverse. Do you
know what you’ve gotten into?”

Robin laughed suddenly. “No! That’s why I
called you.”

Well, before we start, just get
comfortable and relax. No one’s going to hurt you. Are you

Robin pulled her pillows down and did as he
suggested. “Go ahead,” she said when she was comfortable. “I’m

Good. Are you into dominance and

No. Yes. I mean, I think so.” Robin
found herself flushing again. “God, you know I’m usually not so

He laughed companionably. “Relax! Let me
rephrase it. What do you like to think about when you come? You do
masturbate, don’t you?”

Boy, you just come right out with the
personal questions!” Robin laughed again. “Whatever happened to
‘So, what are you doing tonight?’”

I’m hoping that you’ll masturbate,”
Bob answered easily. “That’s one of the benefits of paying six
dollars an hour to talk to a couple of fellow S&M devotees. You
may find a few who like the same things that you do and would like
to share their fantasies with you until you want to explode from
pleasure. You might even meet people if you want to, and maybe hit
it off in person.” He paused. “So to speak.”

Robin snorted in amusement. Bob was turning
out to be a good bet. “How do you do this?” she asked. “Phone
domination, I mean. Can I stop it if I don’t like it?”

Of course, silly. You can always hang

. Robin sighed. “OK, never mind me.
Please go on.”

There’s nothing much more to say.
Except that you shouldn’t use your real name on the line, or ever,
ever, give out your phone number. And you shouldn’t agree to meet
with anyone who no one knows. If someone wants to meet you very
badly, try and find out if they’ve met with anyone else on the
line, and ask if they’re safe. You can always call me, any time, to
ask about someone. I’ve been on this line for a long

Yes, but how do I know if I can trust

Good! Now the brain is on. You ask
the other women out there, like Cutiepie. She knows me.”

But she said she never met

That’s true. I don’t meet people at
all. But I do talk to them a lot, and I hear what everyone says
about everyone else. Enough about me. Are you naked?”

Robin jerked up a little. “Um. Yes.”

Good. I like my submissives naked.
And you are going to be my little submissive tonight, aren’t

Robin froze for a
, she thought, clutching the phone.
Ohmigod, this could be so good.
But this is so silly! On the phone? How can I do this on the

Come on, my little slave girl. Tell
your master how much you need to be a good girl for

Yes,” Robin whispered, sliding back
down onto her pillows. “Yes.”

Say ‘Yes, master,’

Robin sighed. “Yes, master.”

That’s a good girl. Now, tell me what
little toys you play with when you’re naughty all by yourself. Do
you have any dildos? A vibrator?”

Yes.” Robin blushed deep red, but
felt a complementary warmth reaching up from her loins.

Yes, what?” Bob snapped, his voice
suddenly harsh.

Oh! Yes, master.”

There’s a penalty for being so slow,
slave. You have to learn to respect me. So I’m just going to have
to take you over my knee and spank your ass very hard. So think of
your body bent over my knee, slave, your cunt right up against my
leg, and your tits hanging down. Can you see it? Can you feel

His voice was deep, and soothing, but
hurried. It hit her in a hypnotic rhythm, and she moaned

Yes,” she whispered. “Yes,

I’d take one arm tightly in my hand
and pull it up behind your back so you can’t move, slave. And then,
I’d stroke that pretty ass of yours, and get you ready for your
spanking. Have you ever been spanked, slave? Spanked by a

No,” she moaned, closing her

That should have been ‘No, master,’
slave. I was going to give you ten smacks. Now, it’ll be twenty.
And they’ll be hard ones. They’ll be so hard that you’ll be tender
there, and you won’t be able to sit. Are you going to be a good
girl and take them for me?”

Yes, yes, master!” Robin rolled over
on to her stomach and pushed her ass up into the air. With her eyes
closed, she could almost imagine the feeling of being over
someone’s knee.

Then here they come, slave. Feel
them!” And suddenly, there was a loud, sharp slapping sound coming
through the phone. Robin jerked in surprise, and then realized that
Bob was clapping, or slapping something down. But when she closed
her eyes again and rocked her hips with each striking sound, she
began to draw her breaths faster.

Count them, slave!”

Oh! One! Two!”

That should have been ‘One, master.’
We start again!”

The slapping sounds continued, and Robin
allowed her body to react to each one as though it had actually
fallen on her. She counted desperately, moaning between each count,
clenching her thighs together and pressing them apart. By the time
they got through the first ten, she was already in a state of
intense excitement. Her nipples were hard, like little stones, and
there was a steady dampness between her legs that almost frightened
her. She had never gotten so hot so fast.

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