The Siren Series 3: Brandon (A Siren Novel) (11 page)

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I can't breathe I'm so pissed. And to think I've been softening toward Brandon!


“Nova,” he says in his sex-on-a-stick voice, “it's not like it sounds.”

“I heard ‘group fuck Nova.ʼ That sounded pretty definitive to me.”

“Nova,” Ren begins and I give him a look that bleeds with my betrayal all over my face like an open wound. He manages to hold back the flinch but his eyes tighten at my expression. He's discussing me like a commodity.

“Listen to me, I have only your welfare in mind. There are certain things in play none of us can help. You have talked with the other Druid—”

“They don't even practice magic!” I say, incensed. “How do we have a meeting of the minds? Also—the queen? She is so—I can't even say—

Brandon's eyes narrow on me. “Queen Holly is young, but she's fair and just. She doesn't behave in a small way toward anyone, Nova.”

“Oh!” I slap my thigh. “So somehow
the petty one.”

Brandon folds his arms over his yummy chest. I catch myself getting distracted and jerk my face up.

I hate this Druid heat thing.

He rolls his shoulders into a shrug. “If the shoe fits....”

“Gah!” I yell. “You try being me for a minute, stud, and you'd see I’ve got a stupid bunch of choices. My position is this: I have a bunch of crap options and have to pick the best one out of the bad. ʼKay?”

Brandon's arms drop to his sides. “I can't protect you when you're throwing yourself under the bus. There's not one thing you've tried to meet us halfway on.”

My hands clench into fists. “I hate being choiceless.”

He strides to me. His large hand covers my nape, squeezing it just shy of pain. “Is fucking me really that much of a hardship?”

I swallow hard. With him this close, looming over me in his muscular, smoldering, chemical mix-up, I can't even think.

“No. I just wanted to choose, you dumbshit. Why can't you see that?”

His lips hover over mine. “I see a young woman who doesn't give herself a chance to feel. All you do is run. If you just give in to your needs now, what we both know you must have—you'd want this.” His hand presses between my breasts then moves to his own chest.


My lip trembles and I bite it to keep Brandon from noticing my indecision.

He leans over me and takes my lips in a kiss so soft I open my eyes to make sure it happened.

His eyes meet mine, feeding my barren soul. His pupils appear to be eaten by the Mer irises.

I remember our siren's song and close my eyes against the cool waters in the windows of his eyes.

Brandon presses his forehead against mine. His breath tickles my eyelashes. The scent is male, spice, and fresh all rolled up into a delicious candy I'll never get sick of.

“Maybe if it was just you, I could—I could do it,” I say. “But you're throwing me to the wolves. I mean, vamps. I can't just have sex with everybody. It's not right. Sometimes sharing intimacy isn't about morals, it's about what edifies someone. Or tears them down.”

He steps away, his hands sliding from my shoulders to my waist. Ren moves up behind him, and my gaze shifts to his. He and Brandon look so much alike. It's then I realize they've made some kind of alliance. A decision.

Oh Goddess
, I realize with a shock.
It's me.

“It would not be just anyone, Nova,” Ren says, solid as a rock.

“You?” I breathe in surprise.

Ren inclines his head. “Yes.”


Brandon's finger runs down my face, and he grins. “Well, how it goes is, we all get naked—”

“Quiet,” I say, my gaze locking on Ren's face.

“I am Druid.”

My body tenses. “How—why didn't you tell me?”

“Because a Harborer who is not Druid enough to breed cannot have relations with a Druid female.”

“That's why you wouldn't… you know,” I say accusingly and cross my arms.

“He did right by you,” Brandon says.

My eyes flare at Ren, but his are steady.

how I feel about you, Ren.”

He shrugs dismissively. “A schoolgirl crush.”

Brandon's eyebrow rises. “She's not a youngling anymore.”

He nods. “I know. I'm having difficulty making the transition from protector to possible stud Druid. Forgive me, it's awkward.”

My face scrunches up, but a smile chases my scowl. “This is all because of Kellan?”

“Yes,” Brandon says.

“I thought you were a one-mate kind of guy?” I ask.

He shakes his head. “All Druid vampire, Reapers—even Faction and the
need sustenance. It has to be in the form of a bleed and a fuck, though not always in that order. Some of us can go longer between those needs. But yes, I do want just you as my mate.”

. So a bunch of whore-vamps scuttle around finding chicks to hump and puncture? I roll my eyes. “So what makes me special? If you go around—doing that with whomever—what guarantee do I have you'll stick around when I'm all barefoot and pregnant?”

Not that I want to be barefoot anything.

Brandon's expression is comical. He says with some insult, “Once our true mate is found, she solely provides for our needs.”

“Ah-huh,” I say, unconvinced. “Who provides for mine?”

Brandon gives me a pained expression. “I will protect you, feed you, shelter you, and give you unlimited—access.”

I laugh—I can't help it. I sweep a palm down the front of his body. “To your awesome wares?”

Brandon frowns, and Ren stifles a chuckle.

“I don't mean it like that,” Brandon says. “We'll share each other, Nova. Mated. It's not a trivial thing.”

I look at them both. Maybe they need the facts finally. “Listen, I don't know if you've received the memo, but I'm a virgin, guys.”

Brandon's eyebrows leap on his forehead.

He didn't know.

Ren should have guessed. I'm just a little bit hesitant to jump in the sack with three guys, two of whom I don't know. And I don't like the idea of Ren doing me as a mercy fuck.

I turn my anger on him.

“I've been tossing myself at you on and off for
. Now because my life's in danger of being some creepy sacrifice to the fire dick, I'm suddenly on the menu?”

Ren winces. “Nova, you know I care for you.”

I cross my arms. “Helluva way to show it, Harborer.”

He moves around Brandon and pulls me against his body. “This is my ultimate sacrifice, Nova.”

How many times did I want him to hold me like this?

I hear such pain in his voice that I pull back and search his eyes. “What do you mean?”

“It means I love you, I always have, but I must be realistic. I will never have a chance with you because I am not Druid enough. Always wanting, never having—that is my role in this existence. Now I have an opportunity to be with you as a male. All the other women have been a distraction because like every man alive—I have needs. But none of them were you, Nova.”

Ren cups my face and kisses me.

It’s not the kiss I imagine. It’s reverent.

Ren sips at my lips, and I fold my smaller body against his. His hands are hungry on my body, resting on my hips. He pulls me against him. His tongue finds entrance inside my mouth as I slide my hands around his neck.

He groans, and my toes clear the floor as his arms cinch around me and lift me.

“Nova,” he says in a throaty call that tugs at my heart.

I feel Brandon behind me, his erection splitting my butt cheeks as Ren's divides my now-engorged pussy lips.

“No.” They scare me and turn me on at the same time.

“Say yes, Nova,” Ren pleads against my mouth as the men surge together, pinning me between their stiff shafts.

The chemicals of what make us who we are also bind us, scrambling my intellect and making me submit to emotion’s rule.

Like a rare moth on a board, I am pinned between them.

My heart slams against my rib cage while their hands hold me. I should hate their dominant control—it won't lead anywhere I want—but a small insistent voice wants to follow the erotic path they're leading me down.

“Who else?” I ask breathlessly.

“One other,” Ren says.

The third male is between us like a phantom, not seen but felt. I should say no, I don't even know who we'll choose to secure my protection against Kellan.

“Okay,” I say instead.

We break from our lust and each male takes my hand.

To my future.




Hell, if I'd known Nova was a virgin, I may have handled things differently.

To think, as an innocent, she'd been so close to getting nailed by Kellan was enough to make my balls shrivel.

I think of the women I've been with. None were virgins. I’d had my pick on the scouting missions with the other Reapers of our coven. Those women were always willing. Being Druid gave us an almost pheromonal thrall over humans, and we were magnets to the few Druid females we'd stumbled over who weren't breeders but had enough delicious blood to be a Druid delicacy.

Now I have Nova. Actually, I might not have her.

She nervously looks around the room full of Reapers. All the males of our coven are gathered: Zach, Josiah, Elias, Andrew, Cole, and my father, Beau. Holly, Rachel, and Aubree stand next to their respective mates. Lucia and Tarrin stand quietly together on the side. I briefly wonder where Abrianna, my other twin sister, is. I don't see Gabriella, so they must be napping.

The twins keep the night schedule the rest of us do.

“Listen, I'm not some answer to everyone,” Nova says into the silence.

I have a tight hold of her hand. It's icy.

Zach, as king, speaks first. “Answer enough, Nova. We all understand what has happened with the vile dream-share, what Kellan is capable of.”

Mikhail and Damon shift nervously. I know I'd be rocking my rage shit
if I was in the middle of a kiss where a female had almost been violated by my traveling companion.

“So I have to choose between one of these guys?” Nova sighs.

Tension fills the room.

“What can make it easier, Nova?” Zach asks.

Her chin lifts. “If none of this had ever happened.”

Zach chuckles. “That won’t work. You're here. You're Druid. The obvious answer is to breed with the Reaper who possesses the most Druid blood.”

His gaze travels to Ren, and Zach grunts suspiciously. “And how much does the Harborer have?”

“He's enough,” Nova says defensively.

I feel a stab of painful jealousy at her comment.

Just this once.
Never again

I'll never share Nova again.

Mikhail steps forward.

“No way,” Nova says, leaning back against me. “I'm not doing you. A buddy of Kellan's? I don't think so.”

I'm instantly hard again from her nearness.

Mikhail nods. “I know you believe we were in alliance with him, but we were fooled by him. However, it doesn't alter the facts. My mother was a full-blood Druid. My father was Faction with Reaper blood.”

Zach whips his head toward Mikhail. “You know we could invoke rights of death for your Faction blood?”

Mikhail nods. “I'm a product of a rape. There's nothing glamorous about my existence.” Mikhail takes his tunic off in a tearing pull over his head. Numerous scars cover his body where lashes met his flesh in the not-too-distant past.

“The Faction did not care if I shared their mongrel blood. It was survival of the fittest. Not until Damon found me half-dead and starved did I learn that torture is in part motivated by jealousy. I possess something they do not.”

His eyes focus on Nova.

She steps away from the shelter of my body, and I allow it.


“A chance,” he says in a growl. “A chance to breed with a female of quality. A worthy female.”

“By kidnapping me?”

He shakes his head, and some hair falls from the tie at his nape. “I'd hoped all things would be overcome in time, that we'd learn to cleave as is meant to be.”

“Don't get all stuck on that idea, Reaper,” I say dryly. “For one, she's mine. Nova's not going to boink a slew of Reaper-Druids. I know we're short on breeding Druids, but we're not going to be like Cole's home coven.”

“I haven't chosen anything yet,” Nova says.

Before I can respond, Cole says, “Most of our breeders were treated well, but they were paired with two or three of us.”

Nova doesn't acknowledge Cole's comment. “I don't know what I want. Considering having sex with guys I don't know...”

Ren clears his throat, and Nova squeezes his hand. “Except Ren. I know him. And he's on board with this… plan.” Her throat convulses in a hard swallow.

“Trust me, breeder, once you begin with males who have enough blood of your blood, you will want all that we offer,” Mikhail says.

Nova gives a shaky laugh. “If I can get past all the caveman speak.”

Rachel laughs. “Nope. But it makes for good comedy.”

“What?” Holly asks with a mild pout. “I kinda like it.”

Nova looks at her. “Yeah, that makes perfect sense.”

Mother smiles at their interaction.

I just want to finish this. Protect Nova.
Claim her.

My eyes meet my Father’s, and he nods.

Time to move things along.

“Talking won't be an important part of breeding, Nova.”

She looks at Mikhail once more, her vague smile melting away as her expression grows serious.

“Scent them,” Zach says. “You don't have to listen to Mikhail. Your blood will know the best match. You're awakening to your cycling. Let your biology choose for you.”

Nova looks at Zach. “Like some kind of bloodhound?”

Zach dips his chin. “If you will.”

Nova snorts. “Ooookaay, boys.”

She walks toward the row of males who've been in my coven from the beginning, then the two newcomers. “Pfft. I feel stupid doing this.”

“It's like choosing the perfect ice cream flavor,” Holly pipes up.

Nova gives her a withering stare, and Zach sends her an indulgent glance. Holly pats her swollen belly, returning his loving glance with a sly smile.

Watching Nova move through the ranks and sniff the vampires makes my guts clench.

She hesitates over Josiah then moves on. Nova stands in front of Mikhail. His bare chest moves up and down quickly. His breathing gives away his nervousness.

Nova sets her palms on his chest, and he flinches as though it hurts.

I know it doesn't. His eyes widen at the skin to skin contact.

Nova's do as well. “Oh,” she says in a slightly mystified whisper.

His face leans down beside hers, and his large hand moves to her lower back. “My restraint is not limitless, breeder.”

Nova sinks to the flats of her feet. Her hand creeps up to his shoulder. “Okay.”

Nova steps away, glancing over her shoulder at Ren and me.


I close my eyes against what I see in her gaze: certainty and lust.

Why does that cause me pain when that's how I look at her? It's a question I don't want to examine too closely.

“So be it.” Zach looks around for challengers. Seeing none, though the other males manage their disappointment badly, he continues, “The breeder has chosen.”

Nova walks back to my side.

I want to hate Mikhail, but he sees what this costs me, and he waits where he stands for his invitation.

Rachel moves to Nova’s side. “Come on. We'll get you all sassy and slutty for the boys.”

.” Nova gives me a covert glance and blushes.

My dick is so hard it hurts.

I watch her walk out of the room to be primped for the breed.

Zach waits until after Nova is out of earshot. “Now tell me about this other breeder, Alicia.”

“A-lee-c-ia,” I correct automatically.


I tell him.

He turns to Josiah, Elias, and Andrew. “You heard what Brandon said. She holds his seed. Any supernatural within fifty miles will scent her.”

He turns back to me. “How many days has it been since this occurred?”

I think back. “Maybe a few? Three?”

“Damn.” Zach looks at Damon, as quiet as the inside of a church. “Can you stay and provide guard for the kiss? We will be down three Reapers when they scout for Alicia, and your fellow warrior will breed with two others. That leaves only Cole and myself. It is not sufficient numbers in case Kellan, or others, come calling.”

“Only if I have a promise in return,” Damon announces.

I still, as does Ren, Cole, and the king.

“And what would that be?” Zach asks slowly.

“I want a chance to fuck the new breeder.” He jabs a thumb in my direction. “This one already sunk his meat in her willing snatch. It is for the rest of us to taste of her Druid ripeness.”

Seconds pound by.

“Agreed. But in this coven, we do not deal in rape. We deal in chemistry. The right Reaper-Druid with the correct female. Is that clear?” Zach asks.

Damon's face contorts into disgust. “I do not need to force a breeder.” A cruel smile curls his lips. “Though I am not above rough play.”

“How rough?” Cole asks, his eyes narrowing at the newcomer.

Damon's gaze narrows. “As rough as the breeder can stand.”

Zach lifts his chin. “And what blood do you possess?”

“Many,” Damon answers vaguely.

“Only a few supernaturals enjoy violence as part of their sex,” Cole offers.

“Faction?” Zach replies to the unspoken question.

I hit on it first. “Werewolf.”

Damon smiles at me, the grin looking toothy around the edges.

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