The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology (75 page)

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Authors: Ray Kurzweil

Tags: #Non-Fiction, #Fringe Science, #Retail, #Technology,

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As I discussed in
chapter 6
, there are conjectures that an advanced civilization may create a new universe to perform computation (or, to put it another way, to continue the expansion of its own computation). Our living in such a universe (created by another civilization) can be considered a simulation scenario. Perhaps this other civilization is running an evolutionary algorithm on our universe (that is, the evolution we’re witnessing) to create an explosion of knowledge from a technology Singularity. If that is true, then the civilization watching our universe might shut down the simulation if it appeared that a knowledge Singularity had gone awry and it did not look like it was going to occur.

This scenario is also not high on my worry list, particularly since the only strategy that we can follow to avoid a negative outcome is the one we need to follow anyway.

Crashing the Party.
Another oft-cited concern is that of a large-scale asteroid or comet collision, which has occurred repeatedly in the Earth’s history, and
did represent existential outcomes for species at these times. This is not a peril of technology, of course. Rather, technology will protect us from this risk (certainly within one to a couple of decades). Although small impacts are a regular occurrence, large and destructive visitors from space are rare. We don’t see one on the horizon, and it is virtually certain that by the time such a danger occurs, our civilization will readily destroy the intruder before it destroys us.

Another item on the existential danger list is destruction by an alien intelligence (not one that we’ve created). I discussed this possibility in
chapter 6
and I don’t see this as likely, either.

GNR: The Proper Focus of Promise Versus Peril.
This leaves the GNR technologies as the primary concerns. However, I do think we also need to take seriously the misguided and increasingly strident Luddite voices that advocate reliance on broad relinquishment of technological progress to avoid the genuine dangers of GNR. For reasons I discuss below (see p.
), relinquishment is not the answer, but rational fear could lead to irrational solutions. Delays in overcoming human suffering are still of great consequence—for example, the worsening of famine in Africa due to opposition to aid from food using GMOs (genetically modified organisms).

Broad relinquishment would require a totalitarian system to implement, and a totalitarian brave new world is unlikely because of the democratizing impact of increasingly powerful decentralized electronic and photonic communication. The advent of worldwide, decentralized communication epitomized by the Internet and cell phones has been a pervasive democratizing force. It was not Boris Yeltsin standing on a tank that overturned the 1991 coup against Mikhail Gorbachev, but rather the clandestine network of fax machines, photocopiers, video recorders, and personal computers that broke decades of totalitarian control of information.
The movement toward democracy and capitalism and the attendant economic growth that characterized the 1990s were all fueled by the accelerating force of these person-to-person communication technologies.

There are other questions that are nonexistential but nonetheless serious. They include “Who is controlling the nanobots?” and “Whom are the nanobots talking to?” Future organizations (whether governments or extremist groups) or just a clever individual could put trillions of undetectable nanobots in the water or food supply of an individual or of an entire population. These spybots could then monitor, influence, and even control thoughts and actions. In addition existing nanobots could be influenced through software viruses and hacking techniques. When there is software running in our bodies and brains (as we
discussed, a threshold we have already passed for some people), issues of privacy and security will take on a new urgency, and countersurveillance methods of combating such intrusions will be devised.

The Inevitability of a Transformed Future.
The diverse GNR technologies are progressing on many fronts. The full realization of GNR will result from hundreds of small steps forward, each benign in itself. For G we have already passed the threshold of having the means to create designer pathogens. Advances in biotechnology will continue to accelerate, fueled by the compelling ethical and economic benefits that will result from mastering the information processes underlying biology.

Nanotechnology is the inevitable end result of the ongoing miniaturization of technology of all kinds. The key features for a wide range of applications, including electronics, mechanics, energy, and medicine, are shrinking at the rate of a factor of about four per linear dimension per decade. Moreover, there is exponential growth in research seeking to understand nanotechnology and its applications. (See the graphs on nanotechnology research studies and patents on pp.

Similarly, our efforts to reverse engineer the human brain are motivated by diverse anticipated benefits, including understanding and reversing cognitive diseases and decline. The tools for peering into the brain are showing exponential gains in spatial and temporal resolution, and we’ve demonstrated the ability to translate data from brain scans and studies into working models and simulations.

Insights from the brain reverse-engineering effort, overall research in developing AI algorithms, and ongoing exponential gains in computing platforms make strong AI (AI at human levels and beyond) inevitable. Once AI achieves human levels, it will necessarily soar past it because it will combine the strengths of human intelligence with the speed, memory capacity, and knowledge sharing that nonbiological intelligence already exhibits. Unlike biological intelligence, nonbiological intelligence will also benefit from ongoing exponential gains in scale, capacity, and price-performance.

Totalitarian Relinquishment.
The only conceivable way that the accelerating pace of advancement on all of these fronts could be stopped would be through a worldwide totalitarian system that relinquishes the very idea of progress. Even this specter would be likely to fail in averting the dangers of GNR because the resulting underground activity would tend to favor the more destructive applications. This is because the responsible practitioners that we rely on to
quickly develop defensive technologies would not have easy access to the needed tools. Fortunately, such a totalitarian outcome is unlikely because the increasing decentralization of knowledge is inherently a democratizing force.

Preparing the Defenses


My own expectation is that the creative and constructive applications of these technologies will dominate, as I believe they do today. However, we need to vastly increase our investment in developing specific defensive technologies. As I discussed, we are at the critical stage today for biotechnology, and we will reach the stage where we need to directly implement defensive technologies for nanotechnology during the late teen years of this century.

We don’t have to look past today to see the intertwined promise and peril of technological advancement. Imagine describing the dangers (atomic and hydrogen bombs for one thing) that exist today to people who lived a couple of hundred years ago. They would think it mad to take such risks. But how many people in 2005 would really want to go back to the short, brutish, disease-filled, poverty-stricken, disaster-prone lives that 99 percent of the human race struggled through a couple of centuries ago?

We may romanticize the past, but up until fairly recently most of humanity lived extremely fragile lives in which one all-too-common misfortune could spell disaster. Two hundred years ago life expectancy for females in the record-holding country (Sweden) was roughly thirty-five years, very brief compared to the longest life expectancy today—almost eighty-five years, for Japanese women. Life expectancy for males was roughly thirty-three years, compared to the current seventy-nine years in the record-holding countries.
It took half the day to prepare the evening meal, and hard labor characterized most human activity. There were no social safety nets. Substantial portions of our species still live in this precarious way, which is at least one reason to continue technological progress and the economic enhancement that accompanies it. Only technology, with its ability to provide orders of magnitude of improvement in capability and affordability, has the scale to confront problems such as poverty, disease, pollution, and the other overriding concerns of society today.

People often go through three stages in considering the impact of future technology: awe and wonderment at its potential to overcome age-old problems; then a sense of dread at a new set of grave dangers that accompany these novel technologies; followed finally by the realization that the only viable and responsible path is to set a careful course that can realize the benefits while managing the dangers.

Needless to say, we have already experienced technology’s downside—for example, death and destruction from war. The crude technologies of the first industrial revolution have crowded out many of the species that existed on our planet a century ago. Our centralized technologies (such as buildings, cities, airplanes, and power plants) are demonstrably insecure.

The “NBC” (nuclear, biological, and chemical) technologies of warfare have all been used or been threatened to be used in our recent past.
The far more powerful GNR technologies threaten us with new, profound local and existential risks. If we manage to get past the concerns about genetically altered designer pathogens, followed by self-replicating entities created through nanotechnology, we will encounter robots whose intelligence will rival and ultimately exceed our own. Such robots may make great assistants, but who’s to say that we can count on them to remain reliably friendly to mere biological humans?

Strong AI.
Strong AI promises to continue the exponential gains of human civilization. (As I discussed earlier, I include the nonbiological intelligence derived from our human civilization as still human.) But the dangers it presents are also profound precisely because of its amplification of intelligence. Intelligence is inherently impossible to control, so the various strategies that have been devised to control nanotechnology (for example, the “broadcast architecture” described below) won’t work for strong AI. There have been discussions and proposals to guide AI development toward what Eliezer Yudkowsky calls “friendly AI”
(see the section “Protection from ‘Unfriendly’ Strong AI,” p.
). These are useful for discussion, but it is infeasible today to devise strategies that will absolutely ensure that future AI embodies human ethics and values.

Returning to the Past?
In his essay and presentations Bill Joy eloquently describes the plagues of centuries past and how new self-replicating technologies, such as mutant bioengineered pathogens and nanobots run amok, may bring back long-forgotten pestilence. Joy acknowledges that technological advances, such as antibiotics and improved sanitation, have freed us from the prevalence of such plagues, and such constructive applications, therefore, need to continue. Suffering in the world continues and demands our steadfast attention. Should we tell the millions of people afflicted with cancer and other devastating conditions that we are canceling the development of all bioengineered treatments because there is a risk that these same technologies may someday be used for malevolent purposes? Having posed this rhetorical question, I realize that there is a movement to do exactly that, but most people would agree that such broad-based relinquishment is not the answer.

The continued opportunity to alleviate human distress is one key motivation for continuing technological advancement. Also compelling are the already apparent economic gains that will continue to hasten in the decades ahead. The ongoing acceleration of many intertwined technologies produces roads paved with gold. (I use the plural here because technology is clearly not a single path.) In a competitive environment it is an economic imperative to go down these roads. Relinquishing technological advancement would be economic suicide for individuals, companies, and nations.

The Idea of Relinquishment


The major advances in civilization all but wreck the civilizations in which they occur.



This brings us to the issue of relinquishment, which is the most controversial recommendation by relinquishment advocates such as Bill McKibben. I do feel that relinquishment at the right level is part of a responsible and constructive response to the genuine perils that we will face in the future. The issue, however, is exactly this: at what level
we to relinquish technology?

Ted Kaczynski, who became known to the world as the Unabomber, would have us renounce all of it.
This is neither desirable nor feasible, and the futility of such a position is only underscored by the senselessness of Kaczynski’s deplorable tactics.

Other voices, less reckless than Kaczynski’s, are nonetheless likewise arguing for broad-based relinquishment of technology. McKibben takes the position that we already have sufficient technology and that further progress should end. In his latest book,
Enough: Staying Human in an Engineered Age
, he metaphorically compares technology to beer: “One beer is good, two beers may be better; eight beers, you’re almost certainly going to regret.”
That metaphor misses the point and ignores the extensive suffering that remains in the human world that we can alleviate through sustained scientific advance.

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