The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology (29 page)

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Authors: Ray Kurzweil

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A key technical challenge to interfacing nanobots with biological brain structures is the blood-brain barrier (BBB). In the late nineteenth century, scientists discovered that when they injected blue dye into an animal’s bloodstream, all the organs of the animal turned blue with the exception of the spinal cord and brain. They accurately hypothesized a barrier that protects the brain from a wide range of potentially harmful substances in the blood, including bacteria, hormones, chemicals that may act as neurotransmitters, and other toxins. Only oxygen, glucose, and a very select set of other small molecules are able to leave the blood vessels and enter the brain.

Autopsies early in the twentieth century revealed that the lining of the capillaries in the brain and other nervous-system tissues is indeed packed much more tightly with endothelial cells than comparable-size vessels in other organs. More recent studies have shown that the BBB is a complex system that features gateways complete with keys and passwords that allow entry into the brain. For example, two proteins called zonulin and zot have been discovered that react
with receptors in the brain to temporarily open the BBB at select sites. These two proteins play a similar role in opening receptors in the small intestine to allow digestion of glucose and other nutrients.

Any design for nanobots to scan or otherwise interact with the brain will have to consider the BBB. I describe here several strategies that will be workable, given future capabilities. Undoubtedly, others will be developed over the next quarter century.

  • An obvious tactic is to make the nanobot small enough to glide through the BBB, but this is the least practical approach, at least with nanotechnology as we envision it today. To do this, the nanobot would have to be twenty nanometers or less in diameter, which is about the size of one hundred carbon atoms. Limiting a nanobot to these dimensions would severely limit its functionality.
  • An intermediate strategy would be to keep the nanobot in the bloodstream but to have it project a robotic arm through the BBB and into the extracellular fluid that lines the neural cells. This would allow the nanobot to remain large enough to have sufficient computational and navigational resources. Since almost all neurons lie within two or three cell-widths of a capillary, the arm would need to reach only up to about fifty microns. Analyses conducted by Rob Freitas and others show that it is quite feasible to restrict the width of such a manipulator to under twenty nanometers.
  • Another approach is to keep the nanobots in the capillaries and use noninvasive scanning. For example, the scanning system being designed by Finkel and his associates can scan at very high resolution (sufficient to see individual interconnections) to a depth of 150 microns, which is several times greater than we need. Obviously this type of optical-imaging system would have to be significantly miniaturized (compared to contemporary designs), but it uses charge-coupled device sensors, which are amenable to such size reduction.
  • Another type of noninvasive scanning would involve one set of nanobots emitting focused signals similar to those of a two-photon scanner and another set of nanobots receiving the transmission. The topology of the intervening tissue could be determined by analyzing the impact on the received signal.
  • Another type of strategy, suggested by Robert Freitas, would be for the nanobot literally to barge its way past the BBB by breaking a hole in it, exit the blood vessel, and then repair the damage. Since the nanobot can be constructed using carbon in a diamondoid configuration, it would be far stronger than biological tissues. Freitas writes, “To pass between cells in
    cell-rich tissue, it is necessary for an advancing nanorobot to disrupt some minimum number of cell-to-cell adhesive contacts that lie ahead in its path. After that, and with the objective of minimizing biointrusiveness, the nanorobot must reseal those adhesive contacts in its wake, crudely analogous to a burrowing mole.”
  • Yet another approach is suggested by contemporary cancer studies. Cancer researchers are keenly interested in selectively disrupting the BBB to transport cancer-destroying substances to tumors. Recent studies of the BBB show that it opens up in response to a variety of factors, which include certain proteins, as mentioned above; localized hypertension; high concentrations of certain substances; microwaves and other forms of radiation; infection; and inflammation. There are also specialized processes that ferry out needed substances such as glucose. It has also been found that the sugar mannitol causes a temporary shrinking of the tightly packed endothelial cells to provide a temporary breach of the BBB. By exploiting these mechanisms, several research groups are developing compounds that open the BBB.
    Although this research is aimed at cancer therapies, similar approaches can be used to open the gateways for nanobots that will scan the brain as well as enhance our mental functioning.
  • We could bypass the bloodstream and the BBB altogether by injecting the nanobots into areas of the brain that have direct access to neural tissue. As I mention below, new neurons migrate from the ventricles to other parts of the brain. Nanobots could follow the same migration path.
  • Rob Freitas has described several techniques for nanobots to monitor sensory signals.
    These will be important both for reverse engineering the inputs to the brain, as well as for creating full-immersion virtual reality from within the nervous system.
    • To scan and monitor auditory signals, Freitas proposes “mobile nanodevices . . . [that] swim into the spiral artery of the ear and down through its bifurcations to reach the cochlear canal, then position themselves as neural monitors in the vicinity of the spiral nerve fibers and the nerves entering the epithelium of the organ of Corti [cochlear or auditory nerves] within the spiral ganglion. These monitors can detect, record, or rebroadcast to other nanodevices in the communications network all auditory neural traffic perceived by the human ear.”
    • For the body’s “sensations of gravity, rotation, and acceleration,” he envisions “nanomonitors positioned at the afferent nerve endings emanating from hair cells located in the . . . semicircular canals.”
    • For “kinesthetic
      sensory management . . . motor neurons can be monitored to keep track of limb motions and positions, or specific muscle activities, and even to exert control.”
    • “Olfactory and gustatory sensory neural traffic may be eavesdropped [on] by nanosensory instruments.”
    • “Pain signals may be recorded or modified as required, as can mechanical and temperature nerve impulses from . . . receptors located in the skin.”
    • Freitas points out that the retina is rich with small blood vessels, “permitting ready access to both photoreceptor (rod, cone, bipolar and ganglion) and integrator . . . neurons.” The signals from the optic nerve represent more than one hundred million levels per second, but this level of signal processing is already manageable. As MIT’s Tomaso Poggio and others have indicated, we do not yet understand the coding of the optic nerve’s signals. Once we have the ability to monitor the signals for each discrete fiber in the optic nerve, our ability to interpret these signals will be greatly facilitated. This is currently an area of intense research.

As I discuss below, the raw signals from the body go through multiple levels of processing before being aggregated in a compact dynamic representation in two small organs called the right and left insula, located deep in the cerebral cortex. For full-immersion virtual reality, it may be more effective to tap into the already interpreted signals in the insula rather than the unprocessed signals throughout the body.

Scanning the brain for the purpose of reverse engineering its principles of operation is an easier action than scanning it for the purpose of “uploading” a particular personality, which I discuss further below (see the “Uploading the Human Brain” section, p.
). In order to reverse engineer the brain, we only need to scan the connections in a region sufficiently to understand their basic pattern. We do not need to capture every single connection.

Once we understand the neural wiring patterns within a region, we can combine that knowledge with a detailed understanding of how each type of neuron in that region operates. Although a particular region of the brain may have billions of neurons, it will contain only a limited number of neuron types. We have already made significant progress in deriving the mechanisms underlying specific varieties of neurons and synaptic connections by studying these cells in vitro (in a test dish), as well as in vivo using such methods as twophoton scanning.

The scenarios above involve capabilities that exist at least in an early stage
today. We already have technology capable of producing very high-resolution scans for viewing the precise shape of every connection in a particular brain area, if the scanner is physically proximate to the neural features. With regard to nanobots, there are already four major conferences dedicated to developing blood cell–size devices for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.
As discussed in
chapter 2
, we can project the exponentially declining cost of computation and the rapidly declining size and increasing effectiveness of both electronic and mechanical technologies. Based on these projections, we can conservatively anticipate the requisite nanobot technology to implement these types of scenarios during the 2020s. Once nanobot-based scanning becomes a reality, we will finally be in the same position that circuit designers are in today: we will be able to place highly sensitive and very high-resolution sensors (in the form of nanobots) at millions or even billions of locations in the brain and thus witness in breathtaking detail living brains in action.

Building Models of the Brain


If we were magically shrunk and put into someone’s brain while she was thinking, we would see all the pumps, pistons, gears and levers working away, and we would be able to describe their workings completely, in mechanical terms, thereby completely describing the thought processes of the brain. But that description would nowhere contain any mention of thought! It would contain nothing but descriptions of pumps, pistons, levers!

                   —G. W. L


How do . . . fields express their principles? Physicists use terms like photons, electrons, quarks, quantum wave function, relativity, and energy conservation. Astronomers use terms like planets, stars, galaxies, Hubble shift, and black holes. Thermodynamicists use terms like entropy, first law, second law, and Carnot cycle. Biologists use terms like phylogeny, ontogeny, DNA, and enzymes. Each of these terms is actually the title of a story! The principles of a field are actually a set of interwoven stories about the structure and behavior of field elements.

J. D


It is important that we build models of the brain at the right level. This is, of course, true for all of our scientific models. Although chemistry is theoretically
based on physics and could be derived entirely from physics, this would be unwieldy and infeasible in practice. So chemistry uses its own rules and models. We should likewise, in theory, be able to deduce the laws of thermodynamics from physics, but this is a far-from-straightforward process. Once we have a sufficient number of particles to call something a gas rather than a bunch of particles, solving equations for each particle interaction becomes impractical, whereas the laws of thermodynamics work extremely well. The interactions of a single molecule within the gas are hopelessly complex and unpredictable, but the gas itself, comprising trillions of molecules, has many predictable properties.

Similarly, biology, which is rooted in chemistry, uses its own models. It is often unnecessary to express higher level results using the intricacies of the dynamics of the lower-level systems, although one has to thoroughly understand the lower level before moving to the higher one. For example, we can control certain genetic features of an animal by manipulating its fetal DNA without necessarily understanding all of the biochemical mechanisms of DNA, let alone the interactions of the atoms in the DNA molecule.

Often, the lower level is more complex. A pancreatic islet cell, for example, is enormously complicated, in terms of all its biochemical functions (most of which apply to all human cells, some to all biological cells). Yet modeling what a pancreas does—with its millions of cells—in terms of regulating levels of insulin and digestive enzymes, although not simple, is considerably less difficult than formulating a detailed model of a single islet cell.

The same issue applies to the levels of modeling and understanding in the brain, from the physics of synaptic reactions up to the transformations of information by neural clusters. In those brain regions for which we have succeeded in developing detailed models, we find a phenomenon similar to that involving pancreatic cells. The models are complex but remain simpler than the mathematical descriptions of a single cell or even a single synapse. As we discussed earlier, these region-specific models also require significantly less computation than is theoretically implied by the computational capacity of all of the synapses and cells.

Gilles Laurent of the California Institute of Technology observes, “In most cases, a system’s collective behavior is very difficult to deduce from knowledge of its components. . . . [N]euroscience is . . . a science of systems in which first-order and local explanatory schemata are needed but not sufficient.” Brain reverse-engineering will proceed by iterative refinement of both top-to-bottom and bottom-to-top models and simulations, as we refine each level of description and modeling.

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