The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology (103 page)

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Authors: Ray Kurzweil

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115.7 (December 26, 2003): 879–91. These researchers have found that CPEB may help form and preserve long-term memories by undergoing shape changes in synapses similar to deformations of prions (protein fragments implicated in mad-cow disease and other neurologic illnesses). The study suggests that this protein does its good work while in a prion state, contradicting a widely held belief that a protein that has prion
activity is toxic or at least doesn’t function properly. This prion mechanism may also have roles in areas such as cancer maintenance and organ development, suspects Eric R. Kandel, University Professor of physiology and cell biophysics, psychiatry, biochemistry, and molecular biophysics at Columbia University and winner of a 2000 Nobel Prize for Medicine. See Whitehead Institute press release,

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R. Llinas and J. P. Welsh, “On the Cerebellum and Motor Learning,”
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J. Voogd and M. Glickstein, “The Anatomy of the Cerebellum,”
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Voogd and Glickstein,“Anatomy of the Cerebellum”; Eccles, Ito, and Szentágothai,
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J. L. Raymond, S. G. Lisberger, and M. D. Mauk, “The Cerebellum: A Neuronal Learning Machine?”
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The simulation included 10,000 granule cells, 900 Golgi cells, 500 mossy fiber cells, 20 Purkinje cells, and 6 nucleus cells.

J. F. Medina et al., “Timing Mechanisms in the Cerebellum: Testing Predictions of a Large-Scale Computer Simulation,”
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Medina et al., “Timing Mechanisms in the Cerebellum.”

Carver Mead,
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Lloyd Watts, “Visualizing Complexity in the Brain,” in
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Gordon M. Shepherd, ed.,
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E. Young, “Cochlear Nucleus,” in ibid., pp. 121–58.

Tom Yin,“Neural Mechanisms of Encoding Binaural Localization Cues in the Auditory Brainstem,” in D. Oertel, R. Fay, and A. Popper, eds.,
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John Casseday, Thane Fremouw, and Ellen Covey, “The Inferior Colliculus: A Hub for the Central Auditory System,” in Oertel, Fay, and Popper,
Integrative Functions in the Mammalian Auditory Pathway
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Diagram by Lloyd Watts,
, adapted from E. Young,“Cochlear Nucleus” in G. Shepherd, ed.,
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John Casseday, T. Fremouw, and E. Covey, “Inferior Colliculus” in ibid.; J. LeDoux,
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Brain regions modeled:


                Cochlea: Sense organ of hearing. Thirty thousand fibers convert motion of the stapes into spectrotemporal representations of sound.

                MC: Multipolar cells. Measure spectral energy.

                GBC: Globular bushy cells. Relay spikes from the auditory nerve to the lateral superior olivary complex (includes LSO and MSO). Encoding of timing and amplitude of signals for binaural comparison of level.

                SBC: Spherical bushy cells. Provide temporal sharpening of time of arrival, as a preprocessor for interaural time-difference calculation (difference in time of arrival between the two ears, used to tell where a sound is coming from).

                OC:Octopus cells. Detection of transients.

                DCN: Dorsal cochlear nucleus. Detection of spectral edges and calibrating for noise levels.

                VNTB: Ventral nucleus of the trapezoid body. Feedback signals to modulate outer hair-cell function in the cochlea.

                VNLL, PON: Ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus; peri-olivary nuclei: processing transients from the OC.

                MSO: Medial superior olive. Computing interaural time difference.

                LSO: Lateral superior olive. Also involved in computing interaural level difference.

                ICC: Central nucleus of the inferior colliculus. The site of major integration of multiple representations of sound.

                ICx: Exterior nucleus of the inferior colliculus. Further refinement of sound localization.

                SC: Superior colliculus. Location of auditory/visual merging.

                MGB: Medial geniculate body. The auditory portion of the thalamus.

                LS: Limbic system. Comprising many structures associated with emotion, memory, territory, et cetera.

                AC:Auditory cortex.

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B. Roska and F. Werblin, “Vertical Interactions Across Ten Parallel, Stacked Representations in the Mammalian Retina,”
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