The Silver Sphere (15 page)

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Authors: Michael Dadich

BOOK: The Silver Sphere
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Shelby approached Stuart and patted him on the back. She glanced
at the charcoal drawing on his leather jerkin. It looked vaguely familiar, but she
couldn't place it.

"Way to go, Stuart. A tremendous battle," Shelby said.

Riley jumped closer. "Yeah, awesome!"

"Thanks. I'm a video game nut back home. My mom is always
on my case about playing too much. Who'd have thought how handy that skill would
be?" Stuart grinned.

"This is just the beginning, I'm afraid," Presage said
as he walked away from another soldier. The two had been talking for almost ten
minutes. "We must head to Meracuse now. Lord Achernar awaits us. The uprising
has begun, and Nightlanders have circled the city of Degei, the main port of trade
for Meridia."

The camp began packing for the journey to Meracuse. Several soldiers
wounded by the Minotaur were being placed on wagons. Tents were broken down and
rolled up, food was stored, barrels of water hefted onto carts, and men suited up.

Smiling, Boozer approached Stuart. "So the Minotaur lost
his firs' conflict. Way to go, kiddo. Ya weren't fooling when ya said ye could play
the game. Now I've got to find me a different warrior to be undefeated with."
He laughed.

"Anytime, anywhere," Stuart said, smirking.

Shelby smiled. Everyone seemed in high spirits.

As soldiers took down the camp, Vilaborg strode over. Even with
everyone's help, breaking camp and moving out would take a while.

"So, my dear Kin," Vilaborg said, "your interceptors,
along with Boozer and Sol here, will be traveling with you at all times. Of course,
soon you'll be surrounded by a brigade for the sojourn to the capital. Lord Achernar
wished us to be your personal guard. I have chosen two other soldiers, two of the
best here, to join us—Dukas Rendle and Crater Mathers. The march will be short,
about three hours. When we arrive at the headquarters, Lord Achernar will greet
you and explain his strategy. Mr. Dempsey, you are welcome to join the Kin."

Mr. Dempsey nodded. "Anything I can do to help, Vilaborg."

Barrick handed out leather backpacks. "Each contains a bunch
of useful goodies. Don't lose these."

Now that Shelby was accustomed to him, Barrick didn't seem as
terrifying as before. In fact, he was quite a nice guy.

He clasped her on the shoulder and murmured low enough for only
her to hear. "Shelby, while we ride, keep Miss Emily company. I fear she may
be scared. No Kin should return home and be terrified."

"Return?" Shelby asked, but Barrick had turned away
to help deconstruct Presage's tent.

She inspected the contents of her bag: chud, canteens, blankets,
a teakettle with cups, knives, and a compass were the featured items. The pack weighed
heavier than most she'd carried before, but now that she was stronger, she slung
it over her shoulder with ease, amazed at how effortless it was.

The two new soldiers, Dukas and Crater, arrived. Dukas was slender
and fair-skinned, and would have been a handsome individual had his nose not been
broken and a pair of his teeth knocked out. Across his back, he shouldered a claymore,
and a short sword was strapped to his hip.

Crater was also tall and fair, but his hair was darker than Dukas',
and he carried a crossbow and knife. Both bore several other weapons. Vilaborg helped
set them on the ground.

"Kin, gather around. These here are your weapons. You'll
find you are skilled in certain areas, which mirror your Aulic Assembly link. As
Presage explained earlier, you inherited specific abilities when you came through
the mobile portal, though you all will carry a primary blade."

He motioned them closer and resumed. "For instance, Emily,
your counterpart is Elita Ezmer. She is quite the archer, one of the best in Meridia.
Your skills will be similar to hers at your age. You may need to shoot a few to
sharpen up, but you'll tap your link's expertise to a certain extent."

Vilaborg fixed his gaze on Max. "Macklin Morrow is an excellent
all-around soldier and adept with a long sword." He hefted an elegant blade
up and placed it in Max's hands. "Take some time to get used to its weight."

He motioned to Stuart, who approached. "Stuart, Satchel
Spool is your link and has never misfired a hand-cannon. He also can handle a scimitar
rather well." Stuart lifted the two weapons from the pile. "Take care
when you aim with the cannon. The backlash is pretty harsh."

He turned to Shelby. "Yours was difficult to narrow down.
Let's just say Bianca Saddler is good at almost everything. You will carry a rapier
and a crossbow."

The rapier was heavier than Shelby expected, and the sheath was
of white leather embroidered with leaves and vines. The hilt of the blade shone
in silver, with gold and bronze leaves interwoven, creating a hard shell to protect
her hand. She gathered the two weapons and belted the saber to her side. If the
beast approached her now, he'd tremble and cower in fear.

Presage smiled at Riley. "Rowan Letty is an excellent rider
and also a fierce adversary with many weapons, in particular a slingshot she has

Riley accepted the slingshot and a bag of metal bullets, as well
as a rapier.

Shelby spied her friend examining the specialized weapon, carved
from bone with steel inlaid for extra strength. The bed of the slingshot was soft
leather and fitted each bullet snugly.

Vilaborg finished handing out the weapons, and they all packed
up their newfound belongings. Some, like Max and Shelby, took time feeling their
armaments and getting to know them.

Shelby glanced at Stuart as he studied the hand-cannon. When
he put his fingers around the handle, the weapon started humming, and a small red
light switched on at the nozzle.

"Be careful with that now, laddie," Cumber said. "As
I told ya earlier, it can be very powerful. The nozzle will control the pressure
of the blas'. The more ya turn the mechanism clockwise, the more po'ent the blas'.
On low, ye can blow a candle ou' from across the room." He winked.

Stuart smiled. "Thanks, Cumber. Why don't we all have hand-cannons?"

"Ah, good question. Because of sorcology, it will shoot
on low for anyone, but to be po'ent, the wielder mus' bear the proper inner-energy
component. Turns ou' mos' folks don' possess it. Satchel Spool is the only member
of the Assembly tha' can operate a hand-cannon on full power. I'm one o' a few in
this company tha' can, along with Sculptor."

Stuart moved in closer. "You mentioned sorcology. What exactly
do you mean by that?"

Shelby paused to listen.

Cumber said, "Sorcology is technology enhanced by the grea'
arts, more commonly known as magic on Earth. They are a strong combination."

"I also noticed the skies are clear," Stuart pointed
out, "and that we're riding instead of being picked up by a helicopter or a
truck or something. I don't see any advanced technology outside of some weapons
and games."

"Well, we do share a fleet of star darts, opera'ed by the
United Forces, but they're called into action only as a las' measure if our planet
is being attacked. Ya need to be aware, the First Grea' War with Biskara and his
son, Hideux, was one of the bloodies' in this universe. When Hideux was defea'ed,
the Aulic Assembly and the mentors, along with the other grea' leaders on Azimuth,
agreed tha' a better way to live needed to be found. Since then, we abide by a code.
The United Forces is supplied by the world to protect it from outsiders, and they
run the star darts. If the battle sways in the Nightlanders' favor, the United Forces
will respond. But they are mos'ly an aerial assault, with a few smaller groups of
highly trained ground soldiers."

Cumber stretched his back.

"So, although we enjoy many o' the pleasures and some weapons
of technology and sorcology, cer'ain things—all voted on by the people o' Azimuth—we
live withou'."

He paused, took a swig out of his canteen, and continued. "Millions
o' lives were lost against Hideux. As the mos' powerful son, he did no' simply attemp'
to take over Meridia or Azimuth. He wan'ed the whole southern hemisphere of the
universe, and he wouldn' have stopped there. Lord Achernar the First defea'ed him
after a long war. We were losing because Biskara was involved. Then the truth seekers
showed up and the Silver Sphere was crea'ed. Tha' was when the tide turned. I'll
tell ya more later on, though we need ta ge' on the road."

It was all very interesting, but as Cumber walked away, Shelby
wondered what was so bad about technology. On Earth, people got along just fine
in general.
Then again, we don't have evil beings trying to take over.

Max unsheathed his sword and swung the long blade effortlessly
through the air a few times.

Shelby unleashed her rapier and did the same thing. She looked
over at Max and smiled. Mr. Dempsey approached her.

Max strolled over to them after she caught his eye. "Hi,
you look like you're pretty good with the blade."

"Almost as talented as you." Shelby offered a shy smirk.

Barrick trotted over. "Mr. Dempsey, can I have a word with


Barrick steered Mr. Dempsey a little way from where the Kin prepared
for the journey ahead. Meanwhile, other soldiers in the camp finished taking down
tents, dousing fires, and packing carts, horses, and wagons. They were nearly ready.

Shelby motioned to Max and the two sidled closer to Barrick and
Mr. Dempsey to listen in.

"Well, sir," Barrick said, "I wanted to check
how you were doing. To the Kin, part of them is at home here. You came through the
portal and are not a Kin. We have been blessed with your presence, but Presage wanted
me to make sure you weren't having any anxiety or irregular feelings."

Mr. Dempsey placed his hand on Barrick's shoulder. "No,
although this is a bit of a shock, I am fine. But thank you for asking. I'm comfortable
around kids. I know Shelby, and I want to look after her."

"Well, Mr. Dempsey, Shelby and her Kin may be the ones looking
after you. You see, since you have no link to connect with here, no major skills
have transferred over, though you probably sense greater strength than you did on

"I'll be fine. Presage mentioned these Nightlanders have
surfaced and have attacked a main port?"

ed and shook his head. "Yes, horrible
news. I think we all held out hope it was a false alarm, but Malefic raised an army,
mostly of Lampurians, and reports are this group is of considerable size. The army
will pick up steam as evil beings come out of the woodwork to join them. With Biskara's
involvement, war is inevitable. We need to return to Meracuse as quickly as possible,
locate the Assembly, and operate the Silver Sphere to find Biskara and summon the
truth seekers. If Malefic reaches Meracuse before us and takes control of the Sphere,
legend has it he'd have the power to unleash Biskara on the mortal plane."

The sound of pounding hooves emanated from the forest ahead of
them. Shelby and Max scampered over to Barrick. Both left their blades unsheathed,
ready in case of an attack.

"Sounds like a lot of horses," said Shelby.

A horde of glorious warriors burst from the thicket, the early
morning sun glaring on their polished armor. Several of the Meridian soldiers froze
and gazed up at the newcomers in awe. The man leading the swarm pulled his imposing
steed right up to Barrick.

He leapt off the charger, his long golden locks swished. He stood
in full confidence, peering down into Barrick's face with piercing blue eyes based
with a chiseled jaw. He extended his herculean arm.

Barrick shook his hand.

"Milo Morgante, now yer a pleasure for my weary eyes. At
least I hope so."

"Biskara has arrived, Barrick. The Stonecoats and I are
prepared for battle," Milo boomed.

"So, you're here to serve Lord Achernar?" Barrick shifted
his feet, his eyebrow twitching.

"No need to ask a stupid question. I will aid no politician
or self-proclaimed royal family. I always said I'll fight alongside Bianca and the
Aulic Assembly if Azimuth is in danger. The time has come."

"The Assembly is missing. The Kin have been summoned,"
Barrick said.

Milo nodded and fixed his authoritative gaze on Shelby and Max.
"Then we'll fight with the Kin. Where is Presage? I need to speak to him."

"He is at the head of the camp about fifty yards down the

Milo motioned a few hand signals to the Stonecoats. He mounted
his pearly steed and spun the reins in the direction Barrick had indicated. The
horse snorted and tossed its mane as it started through the muddy camp.

"Milo?" Barrick called out.

The Stonecoat stopped and turned.

Barrick thumped his chest once. "I'm as proud as a Tuskarian
can be to ride with you and the Stonecoats."

Milo dipped his head and galloped off, leaving the other Stonecoats

Barrick turned to the Kin and beamed. "Milo is the greatest
warrior of our generation. And these men here are the Stonecoats, the best soldiers
assembled today."

"They are not Meridian soldiers?" Shelby asked.

"In his younger days, Milo was a Meridian. He does not see
eye-to-eye with Lord Achernar. He signed up with the United Forces, and then went
on his own for adventure as the leader of the Stonecoats. The Stonecoats, a brotherhood
that has been around for hundreds of years, have always been loyal to the Aulic
Assembly. But make no mistake, Milo and the Stonecoats serve no one." Barrick
pumped his fist in the air.

Sculptor joined the conversation. "Renegade heathens is
what they are, shunning responsibility for adventure."

Mr. Dempsey waved his hand toward some Stonecoats that unpacked.
"Well, they certainly don't resemble heathens. They look in tremendous shape,
and their armor sparkles."

"Sure, sure," Sculptor said. "They come thundering
into a Meridian camp, barking orders after having their armor polished by the Bogmen
or some other poor souls for a bit of chud. They live life in careless abandon like
a big men's club, and then they expect Lord Achernar, whom they despise, to open
the red curtain for them."

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