The Silken Cord (15 page)

Read The Silken Cord Online

Authors: Leigh Bale

Tags: #romance, #inspirational, #england, #historical, #wales, #slave, #christian, #castles, #medieval, #william the conqueror

BOOK: The Silken Cord
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“I shaved it for you, cherie,” he cajoled in
his soft accent.

He turned his head and kissed the palm of
her hand. Warmth tingled up her arm and she shuddered. His strong
fingers curled around hers, pulling her near. She stared up at him,
thinking him more handsome than any man she’d ever seen. But he was
also dangerous and could be her destruction. She should leave.
Right now.

She moved closer. “I should return to

“There’s no hurry. You know I would never
hurt you.” He lowered his head and kissed her. Softly at first,
then becoming more insistent.

Ariana gasped for breath, her arms wrapped
tightly around his back. Heaven help her, she hungered for him. And
that knowledge was like a splash of cold water to her face.

She jerked back and held out a hand to keep
some distance between them. “My father would not approve.”

The brief flash of his smile seemed overly
bright in the dark night as he spoke in a husky whisper. “Nor would
mine. But seeing you here in the moonlight, it’s difficult to
resist your beauty.”

His compliment pleased Ariana. She felt a
strange stirring within her to know what manner of man had sired
Wulfgar. How horrible Wulfgar’s punishment must have been for his
family. His poor mother. The woman must be half-crazed with

“Did your men give you news of your mother?”
she asked.

She crossed her arms, to keep from reaching
out and touching him again.

“They don’t know anything. I only hope she’s
alive and someone has seen to her care. My father is dead.
Otherwise, it would have killed him when William sentenced me to
slavery.” He shrugged and his gaze lowered to her lips.

How sad. Ariana almost cried for him. Having
known Wulfgar only a short time, she’d learned enough to believe
his concern for his mother was genuine.

“You have no one else?”

His gaze swept her as he lifted a hand and
caressed her cheek. “Just you.”

Ariana’s heart lurched. What could she say?
She didn’t want to love him. Yet, he depended on her. He needed her
as she needed him.

She stepped away, feeling shy. A shiver
trembled over her. “You once had a brother.”

“And he was my great friend.” Wulfgar’s
mouth quirked up in a boyish grin, then dropped away to be replaced
by a studious frown. “He died some years ago, fighting in Normandy
against the French. Always my family has fought for William’s
cause. Always we have been loyal to him. Never would I betray

There was such vehemence in his voice that
Ariana found herself believing what he said. But if he hadn’t
betrayed his king, why had William sent him away? Surely King
William would have been able to discover the truth.

“I’m sorry.” Her love blinded her. She
mustn’t let her heart rule her mind. She ran an idle finger over
the soft linen of her sleeve, thinking she should leave, yet
wanting to stay.

Inclining his head, Wulfgar breathed a great
sigh. “There’s also Raulf and my other men. Raulf is loyal to me in
every way and we are as close as brothers. No matter what others
might say or what evidence there is against me, he has always stood
beside me.”

Her heart squeezed. Despite her better
judgment, she couldn’t help feeling sorry for Wulfgar’s plight. How
lonely and forlorn he must have been to lose everything and be sent
into bondage. He had no one now, except Raulf and his rag-tag band
of Norman outlaws. But her own people had their own plight and she
must serve them first.

“I wish to return to camp, now.” Her gaze
shifted to the lights of the fire.

He stepped aside to let her pass. He wore
soft leather shoes and had his long knife sheathed at his waist.
Though he was dressed as a peasant, the way he carried himself gave
no doubt he was a man to be reckoned with.

He accompanied her as she lingered along the
narrow path.

“Lake Elan reminds me of the lake on
Callum’s island,” she told him with a smile.

He chuckled. “Yes, it was an adventure.”

She laughed, remembering their island with
fondness. “Someday, I’d like to return with gifts for Callum, Gara
and their babe.”

“And I’d like to accompany you. I haven’t
seen your father, yet. Where is he?” Wulfgar asked.

Ariana’s breath caught in her throat.
Without a word, she continued toward camp. Wulfgar clasped her arm,
turning her to face him.

Tremors of pain tore at her heart. The thrum
of crickets and croaking frogs sounded in her ears along with the
pounding of blood at her temples.

“Let me go.” She jerked her arm from his

His head tilted to one side and his brows
lowered in a thoughtful frown. His gaze never wavered from hers and
Ariana blinked at the intense candor in his eyes.

“Where is King Rhys? Why can’t I speak with

Ariana’s jaw clenched and she tried to move


She halted, her back to him. Her shoulders
trembled as tears clogged her throat. “My father is dead.”


“Yes, my entire family has been killed at
the hands of Normans.” She grit the words out in a harsh tone.

“Did he die at Aberystwyth? Your men said
the king wasn’t there.”

Shaking her head, Ariana choked back an
anguished sob. Her soul was wracked with sorrow as she began to
speak in a hollow whisper. “It was a hard winter for my people.
Edwin burned our crops and killed our sheep. He ordered that our
homes be burned. My father’s manor house at Trallwm was destroyed.
Powys Castle was burned to the ground. We were driven to and fro by
Edwin’s mercenaries, never knowing when the Normans might descend
upon us. Cruel barbarians, bent on destruction and horror. They
delight in killing and think nothing of mercy.”

She took a deep, shuddering breath and
wrapped her arms about herself. “My people were starving. They were
wracked with sickness. The children were freezing. They cried with
hunger and I could hardly stand to watch them suffer. My father was
hunting for meat with Jenkin and the others in Radnor Forest when
Edwin’s men attacked. My father was cut down and died later that
night in my arms. Shortly afterward, I was away, seeking help for
my people, when Edwin raided our camp and took Dafydd hostage. It
was me Edwin was after, but since I was gone, he took my small
brother instead. Now he demands a ransom we can never pay.”

She finished speaking and quaked with the
horrid memories.

Wulfgar stood silent for several moments,
his eyes piercing as he mulled this information over in his mind.
“Edwin doesn’t know King Rhys is dead?”

With a shake of her head, Ariana clenched
her eyes closed. “And he mustn’t find out. So far, we’ve kept the
secret from him. But I fear one of my people may go to Edwin and
speak the tale in exchange for food.”

Wulfgar tensed, breathing slowly. “If Edwin
knows Rhys is dead, he’ll kill Dafydd immediately.”

Tears squeezed from beneath her lashes.

Her voice cracked and so did his heart.
Wulfgar understood now. With the king and his sons all dead, it’d
be easy for Edwin to take Powys. The Welsh were too weak to stop

“Can’t you pay the ransom?” he asked.

She shook her head and sniffed. “We’re a
poor people. We don’t have enough wealth and we cannot give up more
of our land. He has asked for me in exchange for Dafydd. I would
gladly take my brother’s place, but I’m not stupid. If I give
myself to him, Edwin will murder my brother anyway. With the royal
family destroyed, Edwin will make my people his slaves. I can’t
watch that happen.”

Wulfgar tensed, hating Edwin of Carlinham.
The man didn’t care about the innocent lives he slaughtered. He
cared only for his own gain. Because the border was so difficult to
hold, King William had chosen his fiercest men to rule along the
Welsh Marches. In return, the king left these barons alone, as long
as they didn’t openly defy him. The earls along the border were far
away from William’s rule. Their word was law, their dominion often
unchecked by William. Their armies gave them the strength to do as
they pleased. And Edwin had abused that power. It was only when
King William felt threatened that he challenged his marcher

And Wulfgar had paid dearly for it.

When it became apparent Wulfgar was
gathering a large army, William had felt vulnerable. Waltheof, the
Earl of Northumberland and Huntingdon, was to wed the king’s niece.
Waltheof felt guilty for his part in the plot. He went to Normandy
and told the king that Wulfgar was conspiring with him and the
Scottish king to take England by force. King William had invaded
Glyndwr with haste. Because he was loyal to William, Wulfgar hadn’t
raised a single hand to stop the king. Wulfgar was taken to
William’s stronghold at Winchester and cast into the dungeon. There
Wulfgar was condemned by Waltheof’s testimony.

It was a lie, but Wulfgar had been unable to
prove his innocence. Waltheof had been condemned to death and now
awaited execution. Edwin of Carlinham had been named Earl of
Glyndwr and Wulfgar was sold into slavery. In a matter of days,
Wulfgar’s world had shattered.

Wulfgar had known Carlinham would be a cruel
ruler. Even before Edwin had been given Glyndwr, Wulfgar had heard
stories of his tyranny. The man had a penchant for gambling and had
lost his own estates years earlier. Though he’d been heir to an old
title, Edwin no longer had wealth to back his name. Somehow he had
gotten into King William’s graces and had been rewarded with
Wulfgar’s rich earldom.

And Wulfgar would take Glyndwr back.

No wonder Ariana was desperate to free
Dafydd. It wouldn’t be long before Edwin of Carlinham discovered
that King Rhys was dead. Then the Welsh would be at Carlinham’s
mercy. Ariana’s people had little time. Indeed, Wulfgar was
surprised the secret had been kept so well.

“It speaks well of your father that his
people are so loyal to him and to you,” Wulfgar said. “It wouldn’t
be unusual for another man to rise up to lead your people. I’m sure
Jenkin could do it easily enough.”

Ariana’s jaw dropped open, her eyes filled
with doubt. Wulfgar wondered just how much she trusted Jenkin.

“Dafydd is my brother. I’ll do anything to
help him,” she said.

“I believe you’re as loyal to your people as
they are to you.”

“My people fear Edwin.” Ariana shivered with
repulsion. “He tortures even those who would serve him. If one of
my people betrayed us by going to Edwin, he could very well be
killed by Edwin afterward. So far, we’ve hidden the truth. But
we’re out of time. Soon, all will be lost.”

She stepped back and wiped her face with the
backs of her hands. She was shaking and Wulfgar wrapped his arms
around her. She leaned against him for several moments, relying on
his strength to comfort her.

Trusting him.

“You see why we must make haste?” she spoke
low. “There are many warriors here who will join with us to

He understood her precarious situation and
wanted to help, if he could. If they could get inside the castle
walls, they had enough men to take the keep. “We’ll leave in the

Ariana drew away. “I only hope we’re in


Chapter Ten

Wulfgar stood in the dark, watching Ariana
flee through the bushes. The lights of the campfire winked at him
through the trees. The air was filled with hushed whispers as
people settled for the night and the smell of wood smoke.

From behind him, Wulfgar heard the snap of a
twig. Clutching his knife, he whirled about to face the

Jenkin came through the trees, gripping an
ax and carrying a lighted torch. The flames from the torch
scattered light and shadows around them, making Jenkin’s eyes
appear deep and hollow.

“Fear not, Welshman,” Wulfgar reassured the
man. “Your princess has just returned to the safety of the

Jenkin met Wulfgar’s eyes with an angry
glare. “That’s good for you. Had you put your hands on her, I would
have buried this ax in your skull. When the lookouts reported you
were alone with her, I came in haste.”

Wulfgar gave a caustic laugh. “Do you really
think she needs a watch dog?”

Jenkin hardened his jaw. Wulfgar wasn’t
surprised he’d been seen with Ariana. Numerous scouts ranged the
mountain day and night, watching for intruders.

“You’ve no need to fear for her safety when
she’s with me. I would never harm her,” Wulfgar said.

Jenkin snorted, his grip on the ax
tightening. “No doubt you cared for her on the island so you might
use her to your advantage later on.”

“That’s not true.” Angry heat crept over
Wulfgar’s face. He was tempted to hit Jenkin for his insults, but
Ariana wouldn’t approve.

He took a step, but Jenkin’s next words
stopped him. “Where do you think the princess sought help when
Dafydd was taken by Edwin?”

Wulfgar froze. Turning, he lifted his brows
as he stared at the other man through the dark.

“She went to find you,” Jenkin’s tone
dripped with sarcasm. “Her father was dead, her brother taken, and
she went to seek your aid. You were her betrothed and she thought
you would help. That was before she knew what kind of man you

Wulfgar’s throat tightened. He found no
words to reply.

A look of triumph registered on Jenkin’s
face. “Imagine her dismay when she discovered you’d been sentenced
to be sold into slavery for conspiring with Waltheof against your
own king. All your holdings had been given to Edwin of Carlinham.
You couldn’t save yourself much less Prince Dafydd.”

Shifting his feet against the damp
embankment, Wulfgar frowned. “Ariana was at William’s Court?”

Jenkin nodded, his tone biting. “Aye, after
you were sentenced, with me by her side. She was dressed in all the
finery of an English noblewoman, but she wore a scarf to hide her
face. No one knew her true identity for we kept her away from all
the men who admired her beauty. She was there the day after you
were convicted. It took some doing, but I discovered you were to be
taken and sold as a slave. That’s when the princess decided to buy
you so she might find out how to enter Cynan.”

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