The Silence Within (The Young Ancients: Tiera) (21 page)

BOOK: The Silence Within (The Young Ancients: Tiera)
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The vast man made a strange noise and then shook his head a bit.

"I wasn't aware of that. She and her husband are at the country estate for the winter now. If I see her, I'll be sure to pass your regards along."

It was nearly grudging, which didn't make a lot of sense, unless he
hated Dorettas. It could just be that his clever plan to get her to fight him had failed. They'd sort of done that before already, even if the man didn't remember it. He'd been in a combat rage at the time after all, and most people didn't know what they were doing when that happened.

Then the only person that spoke to her politely was Raul, who made small talk about harvests, and his desire to get some of Timon's new fast craft, or even Tor's space vehicles for his flyers corps. That part was done with a slight bit of suggestiveness, as if he wanted her to help with it. Instead she suggested he get with Orange and see about having people train with her. If they had people already able to use the devices, then Tor would be a lot more likely to just make another batch of them for the man.

"I think anyway. I can ask him, if I see him? I wouldn't make the mistake of offering to pay him for them though. The things are worth more than the treasury after all. With him it's always better to just show that you have good plans in mind that might help people anyway. He'd give you his shirt if he thought it would aid someone else." She paused and grinned up at the man, his blue eyes lovely in the magical lights of the room. "Um, I mean that by the way. Don't ask for things you don't need."

They were interrupted, when Tiera was called to the back meeting room, along with Prince Alphonse and Princes Karina. No one paid all that much attention to it all, but Count Peterson stood when she did, being very gallant, as he was.

"If we miss each other later, please do remember to get in touch to make arrangements?"

"I will." She didn't promise it, but so far he seemed to be her best friend, as far as the other Counts and Countesses went. She needed to cultivate that.

The room they went into was a new one to her, and was nicely decorated as far as the walls went, having patterns made of wood tiles there, and a nice stone floor, but other than that there were just chairs. Two large ones, for the King and Queen, and on either side there were smaller ones that the younger people sat in.

Hers, it was clear, was the smaller one done in gray, rather than red, and while nice, was situated right in front of the other four people.

Smiling she pointed at it and then sat when the King nodded.

is rather adversarial, isn't it? Me having to face off with all of you alone. In the
chair too, so that you can lord over me?" She shook her head, but didn't sound upset about it, just a little teasing. "I'd like to point out that it really wouldn't matter. You could all sit on the floor and be near as tall as I am standing."

This was addressed to the Giant King, but Prince Alphonse answered, his hands spreading.

 "Well, really it isn't that bad this time. That's pretty much why it's done this way however. Most don't pick up on it instantly, or at least don't mention it. I think it makes me look commanding, don't you?" He was trying to smooth things over it seemed, but it wasn't really needed. After all, she wasn't in charge here, they were.

"Really, it does. I'll try not to let myself be too intimidated."

The King moved his mouth a bit, as if starting to speak and then stopping, which was a lot more careful than she would have expected for him to be regarding her, Countess or not.

Finally he got his words out.

"I was hoping to make certain that everything was well between us? I didn't intend for the seating to be an insult, and as Alphonse so helpfully pointed out, you did understand the reason for it. Really, Connie was just worried about the situation with our Royal Guard, George and wanted to assure you that he'll be punished appropriately for striking you, that one time." The man knew the real score on it, but seemed willing to let George take the blame anyway.

Even to the cover story, which was that the man been ordered to do it, that was wrong though. The real facts were even more so, since
been the one that asked him to do it, to try and make her cry for show. From the way the others were acting, they all thought it was a real issue. Karina looked a bit upset, but the Queen seemed stern about it. Fierce even.

"We cannot punish Count Lairdgren for ordering it, but the tool can be. It's all we have to give you for it, I fear." She made direct eye contact and didn't look away, which made things oddly harder. It was pretty clear the woman still didn't know what it had all been about.

Her son did, which explained why he wasn't looking at her.

She had to think for a moment, because it felt like anything she said would be too harsh, that or give them away. Constance was trying to prevent the war she thought would be coming over a few slaps, and the King really didn't want the whole thing with her passing messages to be known? It was a bit of a mess then, wasn't it?

"Well, George and I have already made our peace, so that won't be needed. As you said, the tool
be punished, but I find that tools are best cared for and kept ready, not blamed for doing what they're designed for." She had to resist sticking her tongue out, it sounded so pompous. "Of course in this case he's a
. Not a sword, hammer or bit of magic. I'd not see him harmed over this."

She didn't know if it was the right thing to say, but everyone seemed relived suddenly and Constance actually moved to her, and hugged her solidly.

"Wonderful. I know that I'll sleep easier, knowing that you won't call for him to be put to death over the issue."

Tiera blanched and didn't bother to hide it at all.

? Over a few slaps? I was thinking you'd, I don't know, just slap him back for me.
, as I mentioned, but..."

The red haired Princess stood, and then sighed and started pacing, which got her mother to give her a
one that said she wasn't supposed to do things like that. She didn't speak for a while, which was a bit odd, since it was very clear she wanted to. Finally the tall, very thin girl turned and moved closer to Tiera.

"So, that's
Countess that would do that. I think we could, between all the Counts and Countesses, sitting or not, say that four, maybe five of you would have said that just now. It shows a lot more wisdom than not, but in anger, well, people that have armies and the right to do whatever they want most of the time can be a problem." She took a deep breath and rushed on, saying something that Tiera was almost certain was an act of war. "If you start doing that... I'll have to kill you. I mean
, personally. I don't know how I'd get it done, but with your anger... Please understand?" The last bit was an actual plea, even as the others all gasped.

"Karina!" Queen Constance stood then, looking ready to strike her own child, or at least grab her and wrestle her out of the room.

Tiera tried to take a moment to actually think about it. It
make her angry, being threatened like that, but the alternative was probably to have her brothers or grandfather have to do it, if the need arose, which would hurt them, Tiera thought. At least she hoped they liked her well enough. Maybe not Count Lairdgren, but the others.

"Deal then. I'll try my best." That got everyone to give her very shocked expressions, and the Princess to sit before Tiera went on. "My current plan is to get the County on its feet, economically, and then give it over to someone else to run anyway. I don't know who yet, for certain. I'm thinking of my right hand man, Lawrence. Lawrence Morris, a second or third cousin to the old Count. So far he's been a good find, swore to me under Truth verification and everything. That's just what I'm having people do for now, so that my closest advisors are good people that don't particularly want me dead. It might not be him." She shrugged, then waited to see what they would all think of it.

The King gave her a blank and unreadable expression, and the others seemed... bored.

"Are you certain that's what you wish? It's a lot of power to give away. You could set up your man to simply run things, which is about the same amount of power, if you're generous. Then you can protect him, acting as a shield for the man, from the worst of the intrigue and back stabbing."

It took her a few seconds to get that the King thought he was joking for some reason. She didn't get it, but smiled politely.

"Maybe. For right now I have a few million golds worth of amulets, as well as a million gold solid coming, just to spend on that. Getting things back in order."

Richard sat back and went cold on her suddenly.

"You told Tor to lend these things to you?" Everyone looked at her as if she were evil all of a sudden.

She knew why too, since for once she'd been filled in on everything.

"Oh, he didn't tell you? He pulled that response, that bit that made him do that kind of thing, from himself. Plus he didn't know I was a Countess when I asked. So it wasn't me controlling him that way. I just said the words, and didn't even wheedle. He isn't selfish you know. It's not about him not having a choice either, he's a good man that way. Of course I'm going to have to earn some coin of my own, if I want to keep eating. Those funds are for the County, not lining my personal vault." Especially since she didn't have one of those. Not yet.

That got some slow and considering nods at least.

"Well enough then. I was told about that actually, the changes that he'd made to himself and Timon. Please keep us apprised as to what's happening in County Baker? It isn't strictly needed, but it will mean I don't have to send half as many spies in, which will save coin."

"And probably keep them from being caught anyway, what with all the Truth amulets around. I can't promise that I'll be regular or timely, but I'll see what I can do that way? Right now, if it isn't rude, might I be allowed to leave? I have to be up very early in the morning." She paused, then said the words anyway, even if these people might think she was stupid or something. "Running Tor's bakery for the day. That starts early." She didn't let herself yawn for affect, but it was tempting.

The giant King stood then and gestured to the back of the room. She couldn't make out a door there, but it seemed like it was that or where they did the beatings. There was a nice empty space for it, either way.

"Certainly. I hope to see you again soon?"

"Probably. Oh, Alphonse..." She called the words out brightly, but not too loud. "Make sure I get that invitation to the wedding? Or, you know, send a letter telling me that you're snubbing me if you need to, I won't take offense. And Princess Karina... I'd like to take you up into orbit soon, so you can report to everyone about it?" It sounded official enough and really was a good idea, she looked at her parents, which got a single nod and smile from the King and a worried, wide eyed look from her mother.

"Is it safe?"

"Very. Probably more safe than walking the Palace halls. Which I hear isn't all that dangerous at all most days. Everyone will expect at least one of you to go up, so that we can tell everyone about it and it will be believed." She wasn't going to fight about it if the Queen said no. That wouldn't be worth the effort and just get her to dig her heals in.

"Well, as long as it's reasonably safe, I suppose. When would this trip be taking place?"

Tiera had to fight an eye roll, since that wasn't just rude now, but would be a direct insult to the Queen from a person that it might actually be a problem if it came from. Things were easier when she was a nobody.

"When would be good? I'll see about arranging it with Alice Orange. Right now we aren't doing much, getting ready to train the Instructors is all, but sooner is better than later, because of that. Fewer bodies in the way."

They agreed on it being three days hence, which was a school day for Tiera, but didn't matter, since she wasn't going, most likely.

Then the King showed her how the door opened, which took both hands and squeezing clamps that were hidden in the woodwork. The panel swung into the room very quietly, and just entered the hallway outside the dining room she'd been in. That was just a bit further down, meaning she knew how to get out without help.

 Just as she put up her shrunken sky blue and green craft, the Royal Guard Kara, who'd helped her earlier with her hair and make-up, called to her. She had a small canvas bag with her, held over her shoulder by a sturdy looking strap.

"Countess?" She said the word softly, though the other guards on the door would still be able to hear her. "If I could beg something of you?"

Tiera turned on her and tried to think of what she might want. Nothing really came to mind, not that she had to give at least. Still, friendliness was important, and that meant to everyone, all the time.

"No need to beg. If I can help you, I will."

The woman actually relaxed then, as if it hadn't been certain that would be the case at all.

"Thanks. I was hoping to catch a ride to Lairdgren school? I can't afford to pay at all. It's... well, I'm actually assigned to watch Tor, but I don't have any other reason to be there anymore. I used to be a weapons Instructor at the school, when he attended. So I was kind of hoping you'd help talk him into letting me stay with him there?" It seemed like she meant it and everything, so after Tiera handed her a Truth amulet and questioned her intent for a long while, she agreed.

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