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Authors: S. E. Brown

The Shore (24 page)

BOOK: The Shore
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Looking up, Cody grinned as his hand left her panties and he slid his finger into his mouth. He closed his eyes as he enjoyed the taste of her.

Ryan looked at him and felt herself flush. The look in Cody’s eyes when he finally opened them had changed from desire to hot need.

“I’ve been wondering how you’d taste.”

Cody’s hands quickly reached for her panties and pulled them down to her knees.

He walked her backwards until her legs found the bed and helped her sit. He knelt in front of her, sliding her panties off and tossing them to the floor.

He brought her legs up and kissed the inside of each of her thighs. She leaned back on her elbows so she could watch him.

Cody started to tentatively tease her, kissing everywhere but where she wanted him to. He felt her hands on his head guiding his tongue to her center where she needed it most.

He trailed his tongue from the bottom to the top of her lips, relishing the taste. He flicked her clit with his tongue and sucked it into his mouth. Each time he did, he had to hold on for dear life as she writhed beneath him.

He reached up to caress her breast, rolling the nipple between his fingers.

He trailed his fingers down her body and plunged first one, then two fingers into her center while his tongue continued to lick and flick her clit.

Ryan felt the tension boil within her and she wrapped her fingers in his hair. At last, he pushed her over the edge and Ryan saw fireworks behind her eyes. Cody continued to lightly lick her, causing tiny orgasms to continue. When he finally stopped, she looked down and saw him smiling.

“Holy shit! That was … intense,” she said breathily.

He smiled and stood up, running his hands up her legs as he did.

“Are you going to come up here and share?”

Cody felt his cock twitch, “Holy fuck, that’s hot.”

He crawled up her body, placing his knees on either side of her hips and supported his weight on his hands. Ryan wrapped her arms around his neck and as he leaned down to kiss her. She moaned again as she tasted herself on him.

Ryan’s hands slid down his neck and along the smooth skin of his chest, finally finding the waistband of his jeans. She unbuttoned them and pulled the zipper down. Her hands slid over his hips and under his jeans as she grabbed his ass and pulled him down to her.

Cody rolled them so Ryan was on top. He enjoyed the feel of her from tip to toe.

After kissing for a few moments, Ryan slid down and took ahold of his jeans and pulled first the denim, then each of his socks off. She wrapped her fingers beneath the waistband of his boxer briefs and tugged them gently down his legs. She smiled to herself when his cock bobbed from the motion.

When she laid back down, she put one leg over his and laid to the side. With her head on his chest, she began caressing his pecs, then his nipples.

Her hand traveled down his abs and found a small pool of stickiness. Her thumb caressed the head of his cock. Cody’s breath quickened as she wrapped his length in her hand, sliding it slowly up and down. She loved the hard, yet smooth feel of his skin.

Cody felt her lips travel down his stomach, and just before they reached his cock, he put his hand on her shoulder.

“Babe, as much as I would love to feel those beautiful lips around me, I need to be inside you.”

Caught a little bit by surprise, she suddenly felt very confident and desired.

“Where do you keep your condoms?”

He reached over to his nightstand, and quickly snatched a foil packet from the drawer. He tore it open with his teeth and reached down to roll it on. Taking Ryan back in his arms, he rolled them again so she was beneath him.

He looked into her eyes and kissed her as he slowly slid in to her. She gasped upon entry, loving the feel of him inside her. Her hands slid up to caress his shoulders and she dug her fingernails into him lightly as he slid in and out and in again. He leaned down and kissed her with a hunger.

He put his hands on either side of her head. “God, you’re so fucking tight. You feel amazing.”

Ryan moaned in response.

Cody could feel himself getting close.

Desk chairs, table lamps, Ryan laying naked beneath me with my cock sliding in and out of her. Shit!

“Are you close?” he asked, still trying to control himself.

Ryan grunted a response letting him know she was.

“Reach down and rub your clit. I want us to come together.”

He lifted her legs so his arms were under each of her knees as she lowered her hand to herself and frantically rubbed her clit. He rocked his hips forward, sliding deep into her with each stroke. Ryan couldn’t even remember her own name as she began to get close.

“Oh my god, don’t stop,” she moaned. “Don’t stop.”

Reality was fading again. Every nerve ending in her body was lighting up. She moaned louder and still louder, finally falling over the edge.

Cody looked down and the sight of his cock sliding in and out of her while she rubbed herself pushed him right to the edge. He couldn’t take it anymore and allowed himself to come, hard.

They collapsed in a heap, both of them breathing heavily. A moment later, Cody rolled off of Ryan, removed the condom and threw it in the garbage. He laid back down and opened his arms to her.

Content and happy, Ryan wiggled closer to him and wrapped her arm and leg around him, nuzzling into his chest.

Cody pulled the blanket over the two of them, and kissed the top of her head. As he began to drift off, all he could think about was the feel of Ryan against him, the coconut scent of her hair and the heavy scent of the love they just made.

Ryan couldn’t think in that moment. She loved the feel of him against her and his smell. If only she’d let herself have this a couple days ago…

Chapter 24





Ryan woke with the feel of Cody’s hand gently caressing her back. Her body felt stiff, as if she hadn’t moved the entire night. She turned her head to look at him and saw a smile in his eyes. He leaned down to kiss her and she immediately brought her hand to her mouth.

“No, not yet. I haven’t brushed my teeth.”

Cody took her hand from her mouth and wrapped it behind her.

“I don’t care, Ryan.” He leaned down and kissed her gently.

When the kiss ended, Cody smiled softly. “See? Not so bad, was it?”

She just shook her head with a smile.

“Want some breakfast? I was thinking bacon and eggs.”

“That sounds great. I’m famished.”

“That’s because you got such a good workout last night.”

Ryan laughed quietly as Cody leaned down and kissed the tip of her nose.

“Meet you in the kitchen when you’re ready,” he said.

As Cody lifted the sheets from his body and stood, Ryan couldn’t help but admire the view of his bare ass. He grabbed a pair of boxers from the drawer and slid them on.

When he turned around, he found her watching him.

“Were you just checking me out?” he grinned, repeating her question from the night before.

“Damn straight.”

He winked at her as he turned toward the kitchen.

Ryan climbed out of bed and found Cody’s discarded shirt from the night before and slipped it on. She loved having his scent all around her. In nothing more than his shirt, she went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth. She noticed the toothbrush she used the day before was resting in the same cup as his. She smiled at the gesture and then joined Cody in the kitchen.

He could sense her presence before he saw her. She walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist, her lips traveling from one shoulder blade to the other.

“You keep doing that, the bacon is going to burn.”

“And that would be a problem why?”

“Because it’s good bacon.”

“So you’d rather I sat back here and let you cook?”

Cody turned around and lifted Ryan onto the counter behind her.

“Yes, you can sit here while I make us breakfast,” he grinned. “I'm starving.”

“Oh,” she said with a pout. “But what If I don’t want to?”

Ryan grabbed the waistband of his boxers and pulled him between her legs.

Cody raised an eyebrow

Ryan lifted her arms and slid them around his neck.

“What if I’d rather sit here, with you between my legs, and kiss you?”

She raised her chin and met his lips with hers.

Ryan tasted like fresh mint and Cody almost felt bad that he hadn’t brushed his teeth before he came out here. He broke the kiss with a smile and asked, “Scrambled with cheese, right?”

Ryan nodded and grinned. She released him so he could move back to the stove and continue making their breakfast. She found herself looking over every inch of his back and admiring just how cute his ass looked in those boxers.

“I can feel you looking at me.”

“Yeh? What you going to do about it?”

“Oh, nothing. I kind of like it.”

Ryan laughed. “A little into yourself, aren’t you?”

Cody turned so he was facing her but was far enough that she couldn’t easily touch him.

“No, just confident.”

“And what makes you so confident?”

He closed the gap between them, placing his hands on either side of her and bringing his face close to hers.

“I’m confident because last night was the best sex of my life and this morning, after we’re finished with breakfast, I’m going to take you into the shower and make you come until you can’t stand anymore.”

Ryan felt herself blush. “Okay.”

Cody grinned and kissed her again, then turned to finish making their breakfast.

“Feel free to continue admiring the view if you’d like.”

Ryan laughed and raised her foot to kick him in the ass, but couldn’t quite reach.

As Ryan finished her breakfast, she realized she had been hungry, too. The events of the last couple days had been making her crazy, and it was a relief to know everything had been sorted out.

Cody stood and took both plates to the sink. He could deal with the dishes later – he had better things to do.

He walked back to Ryan, bent down and lifted her from her chair. Her arms immediately went around his neck.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

“I told you, I’m taking you to the shower.”

Cody walked through his bedroom and straight to the bathroom. He set her down and began kissing her. He reached down, grabbing his shirt she was wearing, and lifted it over her head. Not waiting for her to reciprocate, he quickly pushed his boxers down to the floor, feeling his cock bounce against his stomach. He was hard already – or maybe it was still.

He reached into the shower and turned on the water. While he waited for it to heat, he turned to Ryan and began kissing her – her lips, her neck, her collarbone, her breasts. When she started to breathe heavy, he stopped, checked the temperature of the water and grabbing her hand, stepped into the shower.

Cody positioned Ryan under the spray, loving the feel of her wet skin. He grabbed the container of body wash and put some in his hand. He proceeded to wash every inch on her body, paying special attention to her breasts. Once he rinsed her clear of the suds, he used his tongue on her nipples to ensure they were as clean as could be.

The attention he was paying to her breasts was driving Ryan crazy. She’d never come just from someone sucking on her nipples. If he kept it up, today just might be a first.

Taking the body wash in his hand once more, Cody put a dab on the palm of his hand and reached between Ryan’s legs. She moaned loudly into his neck as his fingers slid against her clit. She lifted her leg and rested it on the tub. He ran his palm up her center, his finger sliding between her lips. She was already wet, but the body wash helped his finger easily glide over her.

Ryan felt her knees go weak. She laid her head on Cody’s chest and enjoyed the feel of his fingers alternate between rubbing her clit and pushing up inside her.

Cody reached down to her chin with his hand and drew her mouth to his. That was all it took and Ryan felt herself explode all over Cody’s hand. He wrapped an arm around her waist to help steady her as she came down off her high.

“Holy crap,” Ryan said breathlessly.

Cody grinned and finished rinsing the remaining suds from her body, particularly between her legs. He knew she could go again, but he wanted to be inside her when she did.

After Ryan caught her breath, she reached for the body wash and returned the favor. She switched spots with Cody so he was under the spray then started with his shoulders and washed him from neck to toe. She enjoyed the feel of his tight abs as she ran her hands down his stomach. She purposefully avoided his groin area and lowered herself to wash his legs.

Cody sighed quietly as he registered her avoidance tactic.

Once she had covered nearly his entire body with suds, she rinsed him and grabbed the body wash again. Putting a small pool in her hand, she reached up and put her other hand behind his neck, drawing him down for a kiss.

She rubbed her hands together, spreading the wash between them and slowly ran her hands up the length of his cock. Cody hissed his approval. She slowly ran her hands up and down the length of him. Then, using both hands, she alternated twisting them up his length. At the sight of his pre-cum at his tip, she rinsed his cock of the suds and knelt in front of him.

“Babe…” Cody moaned quietly as Ryan licked the head.

She ran her tongue up the length and took the head into her mouth, sucking it gently and running her tongue around the ridge. She felt his hands on her head, guiding her.

“Babe… I’m not going to last…”

Ryan smiled to herself and continued to lick and suck. She wrapped her arms around his thighs and ass, pulling him to her. His cock began to jerk and she felt stream after stream of his fluid pump into her mouth. She swallowed it all, licking her lips.

As his orgasm settled, Ryan continued to suck gently on the head until he became sensitive. Cody lowered his hands and helped her stand. He put his hands on her face.

“Holy shit, Ryan,” he said, still catching his breath.

She smiled up at him and placed a small kiss on his lips. He pulled her tightly against him and intensified the kiss. Ryan could feel him harden again between them.

Her hands reached down to grab him again, but Cody stopped her.

“Let me wash your hair and then we can get out of here, okay?”

“Okay,” she smiled.

Cody switched positions so Ryan was under the spray and took the shampoo from the ledge. He very gently spread the shampoo through her hair, and she thought that was the sexiest thing he’d done yet. She loved how he cared for her.

After he rinsed the shampoo and eventually the conditioner from her hair, they switched again and Cody quickly washed his own hair. Turning off the water, he kissed her lightly.

“Hang on one sec. Let me grab some towels.”

Dripping wet, Cody stepped out of the shower and grabbed a couple of towels. He quickly dried himself so he wasn’t leaving a trail of water through the bathroom and walked back to Ryan. He laid one towel on the floor and helped her out, then wrapped another around her shoulders. He reverently dried every inch of her body while she stood there.

“Thank you,” she said with a soft smile as he finished. “No one has ever done that before either.”

“Looks like we have a lot of firsts to take care of,” he grinned.

He liked the idea that she would be experiencing things for the first time with him.

As they walked out of the bathroom, Cody reached for her from behind and began placing kisses all over her body. Even though they had just taken showers, they went for another round on the bed. And this time, Ryan screamed Cody’s name.

BOOK: The Shore
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