The Shoe Box (4 page)

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Authors: Francine Rivers

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“What about Jesus?” Timmy said.

“Latasha has a baby brother,” one of the girls said. “Why don't you let her be Mary, and her baby brother can be Jesus?”

“That's a great idea,” Chuck said.

Most of the children were eager to be part of the play. Even Timmy, but he was too shy to raise his hand. Chuck noticed the look on his face when all the parts were filled. He asked his helper to get the children started in a game and took Timmy aside. “We could use another shepherd in the play,” he said carefully. “Would you like to be a shepherd?”

“I'd like to be a wise man.”

There were already three wise men, but Chuck thought about it and nodded. “You know, the Bible doesn't say how many wise men came to see Jesus. There might have been four. There might have been more than that. I'll talk to the lady making costumes and ask her if she can make one more for you.”

The lady was very pleased to make a costume for Timmy. She spent extra time on it because she wanted it to be very special. She made a long blue tunic that went to his ankles. She made a wide multicolored sash and an outer garment like an open robe of a beautiful brocade with purple and gold. Then she made a turban and put a big rhinestone brooch on the front and some colored plumes in the top.


Jesus is the Light of the World! New traditions have developed since our children became adults, married, and blessed us with grandchildren. One new tradition is going on a “city tour” to see Christmas lights. With the local newspaper's list of the best displays in hand, we pile in our daughter's van, put on a CD or tune in to Christmas music, drive through Starbucks for coffee and cocoa, and head off on a treasure hunt to find and enjoy the light shows. It's a fun way to celebrate Jesus' birth.


        6 zwieback
        2 eggs
        8 oz. sour cream
        2 or 3 onions, chopped
        3 lbs. ground round
        3 lbs. ground lean pork (boneless pork chops)
        1 tbsp. sugar
        1 tbsp. salt
        1 tbsp. allspice
        ½ tsp. pepper
        ¾ cup mashed potatoes

Soak zwieback in eggs and sour cream until softened; crush and mix well. Brown onions in a small amount of butter. Mix meats and spices together in large bowl. Add onions, zwieback mixture, and mashed potatoes. Mix well.

Roll mixture into balls the size of a walnut. Brown in a large skillet. Sprinkle more allspice on meat as it's cooking. Cover with water and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Do not boil.

hen the night came for the program, everyone was so excited that no one noticed that Timmy was still holding his old shoe box instead of the fancy wooden jewelry box he was supposed to carry onto the stage. Everyone did notice when he followed the other three wise men out of the wings and into the lights.

One by one the wise men approached the manger and left their gifts, but everyone sitting in the audience in the big church social hall was looking at Timmy. Timmy's mother had come to see him in the cantata. Mrs. Iverson, the social worker, had come as well. So had Mrs. King and two other teachers from Timmy's school.

They were all holding their breath when it came Timmy's turn to put his kingly offering before the manger, where the baby Jesus was sleeping. He looked like a small regal king in his royal garb, the turban and jewel on his head. The lights were on him, and the sparkles in the pretty clothes made him shine. He carried in both hands the old, worn shoe box with the red lid and the words
Running Shoes
and presented it with sol
emn respect to the child in the manger.

Then Timmy straightened and turned and smiled broadly at his mother, Mary and David, Mrs. Iverson, and Mrs. King and her two friends before he took his place among the other wise men at the far side of the stage.

They all let out their breath in relief, but they also sat wondering and watch
ing Timmy. He was singing with the choir, not the least bit concerned about the precious shoe box he had left on the far side of the stage. In fact, he didn't look at it once. And they'd never seen him look so happy.

The hymn Timmy and his friends sang in the cantata

What Child is this, who, laid to rest, on
          Mary's lap is sleeping?

Whom angels greet with anthems sweet, while
          shepherds watch are keeping?

This, this is Christ the King, whom shepherds
          guard and angels sing;

Haste, haste to bring Him laud, the babe,
          the son of Mary.

Why lies He in such mean estate where ox
          and ass are feeding?

Good Christian, fear, for sinners here the
          silent Word is pleading.

This, this is Christ the King, whom shepherds
          guard and angels sing;

Haste, haste to bring Him laud, the babe,
          the son of Mary.

So bring Him incense, gold, and myrrh,
          come, peasant, king, to own Him;

The King of kings salvation brings, let loving
          hearts enthrone Him.

This, this is Christ the King, whom shepherds
          guard and angels sing;

Haste, haste to bring Him laud, the babe,
          the son of Mary.

—William C. Dix

hen the cantata was over, his mother took his hand and went with him for Christmas punch and cookies. Mary and David went with them. So did Mrs. Iverson and Mrs. King and the two teachers who had come with her. They all said how proud they were of him and what a good job he did.

When it came time to go, Timmy's mother asked him if he wanted to go and get his shoe box.

“Oh no,” Timmy said. “I gave it to Jesus.”

They all were curious about what was inside the shoe box, but when they passed by the stage, they saw it was gone. Timmy noticed, too, but he didn't seem the least bit upset about it. In fact, he smiled.

My favorite Christmas music is Handel's Messiah. The music was composed in 1741 in twenty-four days, from August 22 to September 14. That such a beautiful work of music was written in so short a time is nothing short of miraculous! Messiah was first performed for charitable purposes in Dublin, Ireland, on April 13, 1742. Handel himself conducted. Ever since the work was heard, it has been a favorite.

I have several versions of the original and the Young Messiah, which I also love. I carry two versions in my car and listen to them while on the road. I also have a CD case full of Christmas music that I start playing as soon as Thanksgiving weekend ends. But Handel's Messiah still tops my list because of the amazing music and the even more amazing story behind it.

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