The Sheik's Furious Bride (Love By Accident) (13 page)

BOOK: The Sheik's Furious Bride (Love By Accident)
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“Why is the palace in such disrepair?” she finally got up the nerve to ask.

He finished off his chicken, wiped his mouth with the linen napkin and leaned back in his chair before answering her. 
“Because there are too many other things to fix.”

It was an abrupt answer, but she started to understand.  “So why
is this room
so well decorated?  And what’s with the gold faucets and silk bed covers?”  She blushed when his eyebrow went up at her mention of the bed.  She felt like a puppet and he the master as he pulled her sexual tension strings so easily. 

“Perhaps I wanted you in a bed covered in silks.” 

She couldn’t maintain his gaze when he said things like that.  Her mind completely shifted away from the bullet holes in the walls and murals to
picturing herself
naked in a silk clad bed, moving underneath him just as she’d done earlier in the morning.  She looked away as her breathing increased, trying to pretend the image didn’t affect her.  “I suspect there is more to the story
what you’re trying to gloss over

“I can’t imagine why you would think there’s anything more significant than you being in a bed with me and silk.  Your skin is better than silk,” he said smoothly, his eyes moving away from her face and down her bare arms but she didn’t know that since she refused to look back at him.  He didn’t mind at this point.  Her lack of observation gave him the freedom to let his eyes move over her at his pleasure.  He saw the small points under her sleeveless blouse and the blush that covered not only her cheeks but her throat and chest as well.  He liked that about her, her inability to hide things like that from him. 

“Are you going to tell me what’s the significance or just torment me?”

“Why do you consider my words tormenting?” he asked softly.  He was watching her eyes now, seeing the dark lashes
delicately against her skin as she hid her eyes from him. 

“Because you enjoy my discomfort.”

“Why are you so uncomfortable when talking about sex?”

“We aren’t talking about sex.  We’re talking about….other things.  Sex is much more….clinical.”

He chuckled and shook his head.  “There won’t be anything clinical about what we do in that bed once I get you there next week.”

She took a deep breath and shook her head.  “So what’s on the agenda for tomorrow?”

He smiled slightly and looked over her across the small table. 
“Besides me trying to convince you to shorten our engagement?”

“Yes, besides you wasting your time with arguments that won’t make any difference on how I feel.”

He rubbed his lips with his thumb slightly, watching her carefully.  “Who says I’ll be arguing?”

She glanced up at him, confused.  “You just said…” and then she understood. 

His grin widened at her confusion and he leaned forward, resting his arms on the side of the table. 
“If you say words aren’t effective, there are many other ways to show you that delaying the wedding might not be a good idea.”

stared at him for a long moment until his meaning sunk into her preoccupied mind.  It was odd that she hadn’t understood him instantly since her mind was in the same place as his.  She nervously
picked up her fork and played with the utensil, even though they’d finished their meal.  She
needed the fork only because she
needed something to do with her hands
as well as an excuse to avoid looking at him
  Deciding that the current subject was too much of a mine field, she thought that changing the subject was the best plan of action instead of responding or arguing.
  “What are you doing tomorrow?  Besides trying to convince me to
move up the wedding?” she stated quickly.

He smiled, but accepted the change of subject
and leaned back once again, relaxing against the colorful cushions
.  He mentioned several meetings, road inspections,
planning committee with the future hospital administrators and several other issues he had to deal with. 

“That sounds like a very full day.  When do you plan to sleep?”

He chuckled.  “When I’m with you?”

Her breath was shaking once again. 
Why she was flustered by him suggesting they sleep together was a mystery.  Perhaps because she suspected that he meant they wouldn’t be doing much sleeping? 
“Not gonna happen,” she finally said
, only slightly breathless this time

Was she becoming inured to his teasing? 
Unfortunately, she knew
he wasn’t really teasing. 

He shrugged.  “I will continue to make my point until you give in.”

She leaned forward, looking down at her plate and the remaining food, considering her next words carefully.  Would he answer her?  “What makes you so sure I’ll give in?”

thought about telling her that she wanted to give
but she was just being stubborn
at this point
.  But instead, he stood up and came around the table.  With one swift move, he pulled her into his arms, absorbing her gasp of surprise in his own mouth as he quickly took possession.  His tongue invaded, his hands moved against her lithe body and he didn’t relent until he received the response he was looking for.  When she sighed and leaned against him, her hands no longer pushing against his chest, he pulled back slightly and looked down at her
, his point made

“I’m so sure you’ll eventually give in because of what happens each time I touch you, Isla.”  When he saw the surprise in her eyes, he moved back
to her
, bending low and kissing her deeply.

He’d meant to just make his point and kiss her, then pull away
and give her the space she needed in order to reconcile herself to their
.  But she fought him once again, for all of three seconds before she was once again pliant, moving against him.  She wasn’t just participating in the kiss.  She was demanding more and he was more than happy to comply.  Her reaction continued to astound him and he found he couldn’t pull away this time.  She was here, she was more than willing and she felt too good in his arms to stop.

His hand slipped underneath her blouse and when his fingers found her skin, running along her slender waist and strong back, she shivered and pressed her body against his hand.  She seemed to freeze for a moment and
was about to pull away and stop, but then he realized that she was waiting for his fingers to move again.  He lifted his head and watched her face, her eyes closed and her mouth open in surprise as his fingers moved once again.  She gasped and her hands gripped his shoulders when he slid his fingers against her skin.  He couldn’t seem to stop, wanting to feel more of her, waiting for her reaction
and thrilled when he received it. 

A part of him thought it ironic that they’d just entered into the agreement to leave the wedding as is and less than an hour had passed before she was in his arms again.  But he
’d also known
that, making a deal with this woman to allow him to kiss her would end up here, just like this.

With deft hands, he slowly unbuttoned her blouse, giving his hands better access to her soft, beautiful skin.  He wanted to touch her everywhere, compare the softness in one area to another and se
e if she felt differently when he
touched her in one place versus another. 

Her little gasps and sighs were driving him wild.  He plundered her mouth while his hands slid the shirt off her shoulders, letting it float soundlessly to the ground behind her
.   He then explored more freely, touching her stomach, her rib cage, her back and smiling when he found a spot on her back that made her arch into his hand. 

He didn’t want to move too quickly, but when she turned her body slightly, as if to try and put his hand on her breast, he couldn’t hold back any longer.  He allowed his hands to move upwards, cupping one perfect, beautiful breast.  His thumb explored the lace covered globe while his mind registered that she fit his hand perfectly. 
He kissed her tentatively, exploring her mouth and the sweet taste of her breath.

that she was kissing him back, but her hands were only holding his shirt.  He wanted her to touch him, to feel her soft, pretty hands on his skin.  He wanted that so desperately that he quickly unbuttoned several of his shirt buttons himself then pulled her hand towards his hot skin, loving the way her fingers immediately started exploring his chest.  Her hands felt so good he almost had to pull her hand away.  He didn’t, but only because he distracted himself with once again touching her and watching her reactions as his hands moved back to her breasts

When his thumb rubbed against the lace covered nipple, then his index finger slid underneath to touch that glorious nub
the fabric, he heard her cry out and her head rolled backwards.  He loved the way she shivered in his arms and decided that
it was probably time to take this

Hussan bent down and picked her up, his arms under her bottom which brought her breasts exactly where he wanted them.  As his mouth nuzzled her nipple, his teeth pulling the fabric out of his way, she wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs automatically went around his waist, holding her there just as effectively as his arms were. 

He walked into the bedroom, ignoring the door as
his mouth continued to taste
that sweet
.  When he was back inside, he carried her over to the bed, laying her down.  As soon as her back hit the silk fabric, he sucked at her nipple and almost smiled when she screamed at the desire that action incited within her. 

Damn, he loved it when she made noises like that. 

He couldn’t stop himself as he moved from one breast to the next,
similar responses and his lust was stronger than he’d ever imagined it to be. 

He moved down her stomach, his hands moving to the button of her slacks and eliminating that barrier.  He
knew that this was her first time with a man, and he was determined to make this the most incredible experience possible.  He kissed her flat stomach as his hands slid her slacks down her legs, pulling her pretty lace underwear along as well.
in the very near future, he was going to wrap this woman up in lace and satin and enjoy her lush figure in all of
glory, taking his time to look at her and appreciate one of the great works of art.  But right now, he wanted to taste her and see her climax in his arms, to feel her throb around him. 

When he moved down her body, kissing a path to his goal, she writhed underneath him, her fingers tangling in his hair.  He couldn’t believe it when she opened for him automatically and he smelled her soft, sexy scent.  And when he kissed her there, she sprung up, her hands trying to pull his head away from the intimacy.  But he wouldn’t let her.  He was relentless and within moments, she was no longer fighting him but had fallen back against the silk sheets, arching into his mouth. 

In less time than he would have liked, she was splintering apart, shattering in his mouth and he loved the way she sprang up tight as a bow against him, then sighed as the climax eased up and she relaxed back down. 

Her fingers were still in his hair, but her hands were limp.  Her whole body was limp in fact.  Hussan stood up, a fire
him that was so
he could barely stand the flames.  He controlled himself though.  She was wet, hot,
for him but he knew it would still take time to ease into her.  He stood up, tore his own slacks and boxers off, tossing them somewhere behind him, all the while watching this lovely mermaid in a sea of sheets that were now tangled around her from the writhing she’d just done during her second climax of the day.  And it wasn’t over.  Not by a long shot, he told himself. 

As she lay on the bed, relaxed in the afterglow of her orgasm, a sexy, small smile on her gorgeous face made him almost laugh out loud.  He leaned down, his arms taking his weight as he loomed over her, his dark head bending low and kissing her back to awareness. 

“What are you doing?” she asked, her smile growing wider as her arms lazily moved back up to his shoulders.  Her body instinctively arched into his hands as he smoothed her skin across her stomach. 

When his mouth covered her breast once again, she was no longer so complacent.  She gasped and shifted against him, her body arching away from the bed.  “Please no more,” she cried out, but her hands were already pulling him closer and Hussan complied.  He shifted his weight, moving so that he was positioned above her. 

“Much more,” he growled out, lifting her knee higher and making more room for himself.  His erection probed her softness and he closed his eyes to regain some control when he felt her heat and wetness against him. 
He slid smoothly into her core, finding only a small amount of resistance and then he buried himself inside of her. 

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