The Shadow of the Pomegranate

BOOK: The Shadow of the Pomegranate
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About the Book

Whilst the young King Henry VIII basks in the pageants and games of his glittering court, his doting queen’s health and fortunes fade. Henry’s affection for his older wife soon strays, and the neglected Katharine decides to use her power as queen to dangerous foreign advantage.

Overseas battles play on Henry’s volatile temper, and his defeat in France has changed the good-natured boy Katherine loved into an infamously callous ruler. With no legitimate heir yet born, Katharine once again begins to fear for her future…

Praise for Jean Plaidy

‘Full-blooded, dramatic, exciting’

‘Jean Plaidy, by the skilful blending of superb storytelling and meticulous attention to authenticity of detail and depth of charaterization has become one of the country’s most widely read novelists.’
Sunday Times

Arrow Books
ISBN 0099493152

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Epub ISBN 9781446411575

Published by Arrow Books in 2006

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Copyright © Jean Plaidy, 1962

Initial lettering copyright © Stephen Raw, 2005

The Estate of Eleanor Hibbert has asserted its right to have Jean Plaidy identified as the author of this work.

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First published in the United Kingdom in 1962 by Robert Hale Ltd

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ISBN 9780099493150 (from Jan 2007)
ISBN 0 09 949315 2



About the Book



Praise for Jean Plaidy

About the Author

Further titles available in Arrow by Jean Plaidy

I: ‘Sir Loyal Heart’

II: The King’s Indiscretion

III: The Secret Life of Thomas Wolsey

IV: Spanish Intrigue

V: Murder in Pamplona

VI: The French Disaster

VII: The Perfidy Of Ferdinand

VIII: Henry at War

IX: The Flowers of the Forest

X: Bessie Blount

XI: The French Marriage

XII: The Open Rift

XIII: A Venetian Embassy and a Cardinal’s Hat

XIV: The Death of Ferdinand

XV: The Princess Mary

XVI: ‘’Prentices and Clubs’

XVII: The King Triumphant


Praise for Jean Plaidy

‘A vivid impression of life at the Tudor Court’
Daily Telegraph

‘It is hard to better Jean Plaidy . . . both elegant and exciting’
Daily Mirror

Vanity Fair

‘One of our best historical novelists’
News Chronicle

‘An excellent story’
Irish Press

‘Spirited . . . Plaidy paints the truth as she sees it’
Birmingham Post

‘An enthralling story of a grim period of history, told with rare skill’
Aberdeen Press and Journal

‘Sketched vividly and sympathetically . . . rewarding’

‘Among the foremost of current historical novelists’
Birmingham Mail

‘An accomplished novelist’
Glasgow Evening News

‘There can be no doubt of the author’s gift for storytelling’
Illustrated London News

‘Jean Plaidy has once again brought characters and background vividly to life’

‘Well up to standard . . . fascinating’
Manchester Evening News

‘Exciting and intelligent’
Truth Magazine

‘No frills and plenty of excitement’
Yorkshire Post

‘Meticulous attention to historical detail’
South Wales Argus

‘Colourful . . . imaginative and exciting’
Northern Daily Telegraph

‘Effective and readable’

‘A vivid picture of the crude and vigorous London of those days’ Laurence Meynell

Jean Plaidy, one of the pre-eminent authors of historical fiction for most of the twentieth century, is the pen name of the prolific English author Eleanor Hibbert, also known as Victoria Holt. Jean Plaidy’s novels had sold more than 14 million copies worldwide by the time of her death in 1993.

Further titles available in Arrow by Jean Plaidy

The Tudors

Uneasy Lies the Head

Katharine, the Virgin


The Shadow of the


The King’s Secret Matter

Murder Most Royal

St Thomas’s Eve

The Sixth Wife

The Thistle and the Rose

Mary Queen of France

Gay Lord Robert

Royal Road to Fotheringay

The Captive Queen of Scots

The Medici Trilogy

Madame Serpent

The Italian Woman

Queen Jezebel

The Plantagenets

The Plantagenet Prelude

The Revolt of the Eaglets

The Heart of the Lion

The Prince of Darkness

The French Revolution

Louis the Well-Beloved

The Road to Compiègne

Flaunting, Extravagant


The Queen of Diamonds

Chapter I

n the royal bedchamber at the Palace of Richmond the Queen of England lay alone. ‘She should rest now,’ the doctors said. ‘Leave her to sleep.’

Yet, tired as she was, Queen Katharine, who was known to the people as Katharine of Aragon although it was ten years since she had left her native land to come to England, had no desire to sleep. It was long since she had known such happiness. She had come through humiliation to enjoy the greatest esteem; she who had once been neglected was now courted and treated with great respect. There was no woman in England who was accorded more homage than the Queen. During the month just past she had celebrated her twenty-fifth birthday; she was reckoned to be handsome and, when she was dressed in her jewelled garments and her lovely hair with its tints of reddish gold fell loose about her shoulders, the looks of admiration which were bestowed upon her were those given to a beautiful woman, whether she were Queen or beggarmaid.

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