The Shadow of a King (Shadowland Book 2) (37 page)

BOOK: The Shadow of a King (Shadowland Book 2)
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'My name,' began Uther, 'is Usher Vance, and mine has been a long and interesting life… or so I've been told in company such as this.' Brushing back a strand of hair, Usher gazed about at the small audience of expectant faces and settled himself more comfortably.

'So many years I have lived and so many things I have done and seen…'

The old lady walked over and put another log on the fire, and it crackled and spat as the villagers drew closer to the warmth. Outside, the wind howled, rustling through the thatch above, the first sign of the storm approaching. Usher Vance settled and took a sip from his leather cup, happy to be sheltered, warm and in good company.

'This shall be a story the likes of which you will no doubt never have heard before. Many years ago in a village not so far from here, there was once a young man, I shall not say who, but he fell in love with a girl of the most uncommon beauty. So in love were they, that they flew to the moon in a boat made of petticoats and kisses… and this is true I tell you, not so easy to find enough petticoats of course… but the kisses, well… they came so very, very easily.'

Author's Note

I hope you enjoyed The Shadow of a King, if you haven't already read it, the first Uther book Shadowland is also available as both paperback, e-book and is also now an audio book narrated by the awesome Ioan Hefin.


I also have another series that you can read, either in paperback or ebook, the first in the series is The Flight of the Griffin, its pure fun fantasy following the quest of four young adventurers who live on a boat named
The Griffin.


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Happy reading!




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The Shadow of a King
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