The Shadow Girls (21 page)

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Authors: Henning Mankell

BOOK: The Shadow Girls
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She left very quickly, before Humlin had a chance to really say goodbye.

‘I can walk you to the tram,’ Tanya said.

‘I think I can manage to find my way,’ Humlin said.

‘It’s better if I go with you. You might be attacked.’

‘Who would do that? I didn’t think Haiman knew I was out here?’

‘I’m not talking about someone like Haiman. He’s nice. I wish I had had a friend like Haiman in Tallinn. But there are gangs out here, guys who aren’t used to people like you. They could get angry.’

‘Why would the mere sight of me anger them?’

‘You make them feel like they’re nothing. Like they’re black and you’re white.’

Tanya escorted Humlin to the tram stop.

‘How do you think it went?’ he asked her.

‘Fine,’ she said.

‘I was very moved by what you told me on the phone.’

‘What does that mean, “moved”?’

‘I was touched.’

She shrugged.

‘I just told you what happened, that’s all.’

‘I think there was a lot you didn’t tell me.’

‘There’s your tram.’

She turned her back and started walking away. Another unfinished story, he thought. I can only see the back of it. She’s going back to the Yüksel apartment to sleep, unless she’s got some robberies planned. He put his hand in his pocket to make sure he still had his keys, then got on the tram and went down to the Central station.


He was home by ten-thirty. Humlin unlocked the front door and was prepared for the fact that Andrea might still be awake and ready for a fight. She walked out to meet him in the hall. He noticed to his relief that she did not seem angry.

‘Sorry I’m home so late,’ he said.

‘That’s all right. We have company.’

‘Company? In the middle of the night? Who is it?’

Humlin thought with horror that perhaps his mother had dropped by.

‘Is it Märta?’

‘No. Come out to the kitchen,’ Andrea said.

Humlin did not want company in the middle of the night. What he wanted was sleep.

He went out to the kitchen. A girl was sitting across from Andrea, with a cup of coffee in front of her. She was smiling.

Tea-Bag had returned.


to find Tea-Bag in his kitchen. How long had she been there? What had she told Andrea? What would he tell Andrea about why he hadn’t mentioned Tea-Bag’s previous visit when Tea-Bag left? He foresaw a whole host of difficult questions.

‘This is unexpected,’ he said carefully.

‘Tea-Bag has told me quite a remarkable and shocking story,’ Andrea said.

I don’t doubt it, Humlin thought. If her name really is Tea-Bag and not Florence. At this point I don’t believe much of what people tell me, particularly not if they are young female refugees.

Andrea frowned at him.

‘Why don’t you say hello and sit down? I thought you two were friends?’

He sat down and nodded kindly in Tea-Bag’s direction without looking at her.

‘Why have you never talked about her brother?’ Andrea continued.

Warning bells went off in his head.

‘Her brother?’

‘Why are you giving me such a funny look?’

‘It’s not a funny look. I just don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m tired.’

‘Adamah? Who has the restaurant where you often eat lunch? I’ve never heard of either one of them, of course. I don’t know
why you are always so secretive about your life. I would think you would have enough of being mysterious with your poetry, but you insist on weaving these inexplicable subtexts into your life as well.’

‘You’ve never told me you thought my poetry was mysterious before,’ Humlin said.

‘I’ve only used that word every time you publish a new collection. But we’ll talk about your poetry another time. I just want to come with you next time and have some African food. Adamah seems to be quite something, both as a chef and a person.’

She’s probably not the only person who’s never heard of Adamah or his restaurant, Humlin thought. I just hope Tea-Bag didn’t say anything about having slept in our bed.

‘It was nice of you to let her sleep here since she had lost her ticket and couldn’t get back to Eskilstuna.’

The phone rang and Andrea left the kitchen. Humlin leaned over to Tea-Bag – who was still smiling – and quietly shot a string of questions at her.

‘When did you get here? What have you said? Why are you going to Eskilstuna? Why do you disappear the whole time? What happened in Hallsberg? Why do you come out to Stockholm when we have arranged to meet in Gothenburg?’

The questions just poured out of him. She didn’t answer, just took his hand as if to calm him down. He pulled it back.

‘Don’t do that! Andrea is insanely jealous.’

Tea-Bag looked affronted.

‘I just wanted to show you I was happy to see you. Why would she be jealous of me?’

‘That’s beside the point. Why did you come? What have you said? Why did you disappear? You have to answer these questions.’

‘I always tell the truth.’

‘Who is Adamah, and what restaurant is she talking about? I never eat African food.’

‘You should.’

‘I should do many things. Why did you say you were going to Eskilstuna?’

‘That’s where I live.’

‘You live in Gothenburg.’

‘Have I ever said so?’

‘That was where we met. In Gothenburg, or more precisely Mölndal and Stensgården. That’s where your friends live. You can’t turn up at a reading in Mölndal or Stensgården if you live in Eskilstuna.’

‘I never said I lived in Eskilstuna.’

‘You just did. What happened in Hallsberg anyway? Why did you leave the train? Can’t you understand that I was worried?’

But Humlin had to wait for his answer. Andrea came back.

‘That was Märta.’

‘What did she want?’

‘She’s coming over.’

‘I don’t want to see her.’

‘That’s not going to be a problem.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘She doesn’t want to see you either. She’s coming over to see me. She made a point of saying that she’ll leave at once if she sees you.’

‘Then why does she have to meet you here? Can’t you go over to your place?’

‘She needs some advice for the book she’s writing.’

‘She’s not going to write a book. What kind of advice?’

‘She wants suggestions for how a nurse could use her expertise to kill people.’

‘And why does she need to know this in the middle of the night?’

‘Anything your mother does normally happens after midnight.’

Andrea changed the subject by turning to Tea-Bag.

‘Jesper will help you make up the sofa bed in the study. I was planning to go home to my place tonight but now I’ll be staying after all.’

I don’t even count, Humlin thought. She’s not staying for my sake but for the sake of my crazy mother.

Tea-Bag got up and went to the bathroom.

‘Why does she have to spend the night?’ Humlin asked.

‘There are no trains to Eskilstuna at this hour.’

‘She doesn’t live in Eskilstuna. She lives in Gothenburg.’

‘Her brother Adamah lives in Eskilstuna.’

‘I want to know what happened. Did she knock on the door?’

‘Why are you so nervous all of a sudden? What have you been getting up to in Gothenburg?’

‘I’ve already told you everything.’

‘Everything you’ve told me has been completely disjointed and incomprehensible. She was sitting in the stairwell when I came back from work. She asked about you. She wondered if you were back from Gothenburg yet. She told me she was forced to cancel her plans and get off in Hallsberg.’

‘Did she tell you why?’

‘No, just that it was necessary. But I imagine you probably said something objectionable. She’s very sensitive.’

‘So am I.’

‘What did you say to her?’

‘I didn’t say anything. She told me her story of how she came to Sweden. Then I closed my eyes for a while. She disappeared.’

‘Think of cycling across all of Europe.’


‘I thought you said she told you how she managed to get to the border through northern Finland?’

Humlin realised there was no point in asking more questions. Tea-Bag’s story was as full of contradictions as Tanya’s. He wondered more than ever which story really belonged to whom. If anyone could have cycled over the border at Tornea it was Tanya and not Tea-Bag.

‘Help her make up the bed. Märta will be here soon. We’ll sit in the kitchen and I’ll keep the door closed. I’ll tell her you’re sleeping.’

‘And how am I supposed to sleep knowing that my mother is sitting in the kitchen with you plotting how best to kill me?’

‘You silly man. She loves you. Why would she want to kill you?’

‘Because she’s off her rocker.’

‘She’s writing a book. I think it’s wonderful that a person her age has that kind of energy and drive.’


Humlin brought sheets and a blanket to the study and made up the sofa bed. Tea-Bag came in wearing his robe. He turned away while she removed it and crawled into bed. That was when the front doorbell rang. Tea-Bag made a startled sound and seemed frightened.

‘It’s just my mother.’

Humlin closed the door to the study and sat down in his chair.
Tea-Bag lay in bed with the covers pulled up to her chin. He saw her gaze travel over the wall-to-wall bookcases.

‘This is where I write my poetry,’ he announced.

‘You don’t happen to have a book about monkeys?’ she asked.

‘Not that I can remember.’

She seemed disappointed.

‘What are most of these books about, then?’

‘People, I guess.’

Then he took the plunge.

‘What happened that made you get off that train?’

Tea-Bag didn’t answer. She started to cry. Humlin felt like an oaf.

‘Shall I leave you alone?’ he asked.

She shook her head and Humlin stayed put. It was as if he were holding her book in his hands again, waiting for it to be opened.

‘I got scared.’

‘Were you scared of me?’

‘Nothing from the outside frightens me any more. My fear comes from inside. I heard my father’s voice. He told me to run. I couldn’t see him, but I knew I had to do as he said. I ran as fast as I could and I didn’t look back.’

‘Then what?’

‘The fear went away. I hitched a ride all the way back to Stockholm.’

‘And what’s all this talk of a brother?’


‘You say you have a brother by the name of Adamah. He has a restaurant where I often eat, apparently.’

She turned her back to him and curled up so that all he could
see was her braided hair against the pillow. In a few seconds she had fallen asleep. He looked at the contours of her body under the covers and thought about what she had said:
My fear comes from inside. I heard my father’s voice. He told me to run
. Humlin turned off the light and carefully opened the door. He tiptoed over to the kitchen door. His mother’s voice was loud and authoritative. He fled to the bedroom.


When he woke up in the morning the other side of the bed was empty. It was half past seven in the morning. Andrea had already left. He got up and walked to the study. Tea-Bag was also gone. The train ticket he had bought her was lying on the floor. She’s disappeared again, he thought. I still don’t know why or where she’s gone.

The phone rang and when he heard on the answering machine that it was Anders Burén he picked up.

‘I hope I’m not calling too early?’

‘Writers work best in the morning.’

‘I thought you said writers worked best at night. But that’s not why I’m calling. I’ve just returned from my monastery. For a meditation retreat.’

Humlin knew that Burén went out to some monastic health spa in the archipelago about four times a year. Rumour had it that the place was run like a private club and cost a small fortune in membership fees.

‘And did you think of a way to raise the prices of my White Vision shares?’

‘White Vision is unimportant.’

‘Not for me.’

‘I have had a brilliant idea. We are going to make you an incorporated company.’

‘What are you talking about?’

‘It’s very simple. We start a company and call it “Humlin Magic”. I own fifty-one per cent, you forty-nine. The company consists of your publishing contracts and copyrights.’

Humlin interrupted him.

‘For an author to even try to present himself as an investment opportunity he surely has to be someone who actually makes money. The only incorporated authors I know are ones who write crime fiction. Which I do not.’

‘You didn’t let me finish. Your contracts and the like are negligible in this context.’

‘Thank you.’

‘What I mean is that
will be the company’s biggest asset.’

‘And how does that work?’

‘We divide you up into shares and sell you. It’s the same principle as selling timeshares in a mountain retreat.’

‘I’m not sure I enjoy being compared to a holiday rental.’

‘Where’s your sense of imagination? I thought writers had imagination.’

‘I use my imagination to write books.’

‘Don’t you see what a brilliant idea this is? People buy shares in you, in your future books. I’m thinking the first public offering will bring in around fifty million. We’ll divide you into a thousand shares. People with money like new ideas. Then the board of directors will meet once a year to decide what you should write. If the worst comes to the worst we’ll declare bankruptcy, liquidate the company, wait until you write something good and then try again.’

‘When I hear the word “liquidate” I think of the Mafia and tough guys executing unpopular members by shooting them in the neck. I take it all this is your idea of a joke?’

‘On the contrary, I am already drafting the first mission statement for “Humlin Magic”.’

‘You can go ahead and stop wasting your time right now. I have no plans to sell my soul.’

‘No one wants your soul, Humlin. I am simply suggesting a way to make the most of your value as a writer. Nothing more. Think about it. I’ll call you back in a few hours.’

‘I won’t be here. How are my shares?’

‘They are wonderfully stable. At yesterday’s closing they were at fourteen fifty.’

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