The Sextet Presents… By Male Order [In Days of Olde] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (12 page)

BOOK: The Sextet Presents… By Male Order [In Days of Olde] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Too fine for our limited funds,” Thomas added.

the problem. I was wondering why you were both so quiet as we checked in.” She sighed, forgetting that her men might be more open and accepting than most males, but they were still men. “Don’t you both realize that all I have belongs to you, too?”

money, love.” Alec moved to stand beside Thomas. “’Tis up to you to decide how to spend it. Ye need not waste it on us.”

“Waste it? You believe I’d
it doing nice things for our family?” She almost stomped her foot in frustration. “Of all the pigheaded
things to say!”

After holding in her emotions for so long, Hope could no more contain them than a man could stop a speeding train with his bare hands. “How can you not know how much you both mean to me? I promised to love, honor, and cherish you!
of you, I’ll remind you! That includes sharing my fortune—a fortune I would know nothing about if you hadn’t come into my life!”

“It’s still
money,” Thomas said. “Alec and I are simply paupers.”

“Aye,” Alec drawled.

Walking the length of the room and back again, throwing her hands in the air to punctuate her angry words, she let her feelings tumble out. “It isn’t
money. It’s
money. You’re my husbands now! I love you both! What I have is yours. Didn’t you both promise to be with me for richer and for poorer? I’ve known poorer. So have both of you. What’s wrong with us sharing the richer? The money would mean nothing to me without you! We’ll have a child to provide for now too! We can give her nice things—things I never had as a child.”

She stopped pacing and faced them, putting her hands on her hips and scowling. To see them both smiling back at her took the wind from her sails. “Have you both come to your senses?”

“Seems we have.” Thomas stepped up to her, taking her hand and brushing a kiss across the back of her knuckles.

Alec did the same with her other hand.

“So I finally said the right thing to make you both understand?”

“Aye, lass,” Alec replied. “Ye did.”

“And what, pray tell, was that?”

“You said you love us.” Thomas tugged her closer and worked on the tiny pearl buttons of her bodice, opening them one by one.

“But I’ve told you that already,” Hope insisted.

“No, ye have not.” Alec moved behind her and started removing her skirt.

Her body flooded with warmth. These men now belonged to her. No, she couldn’t shout it from the rooftops, although she wanted to. But in private, she could claim these two handsome men as her husbands. “Then let me say it again. I. Love. You. You’re my husbands now, and I will not leave you until I draw my last breath.”

As they quickly divested her of her clothes, she tried to help them remove theirs. When all she was left wearing was a camisole and pantaloons, Alec scooped her into his arms and carried her into the bedroom. Thomas followed, shutting the heavy door behind them.

The massive canopy bed was set on a dais. Such a beautiful setting to make love to her husbands for the first time. “Has it dawned on either of you that we’ve been too exhausted traveling for either of our marriages to be consummated?”

“Since it’s all I’ve been able to think about,” Thomas replied, “then I’ll have to say yes. It
dawned on me.”

Alec set her on her feet. In his haste to remove her camisole, he ripped it wide open. When Hope looked down at her torn garment and frowned, he said, “I shall buy ye a new one.”

His mouth claimed hers in a passionate kiss as Thomas removed the rest of his clothes and turned back the covers on the bed. He came up behind her, reaching around to untie her pantalets as Alec palmed her breasts. Her pantalets pooled around her ankles, and she kicked them aside.

This time, Thomas picked her up and set her on the bed. He dropped his breeches and lay down at her side while Alec crawled onto the other side of the mattress. He stretched out beside her as well and rolled to face her, propping his head on his elbow as Thomas did the same.

Both of their cocks were hard and ready. Hope wasted no time in wrapping her fingers around both of them, savoring the hissing breaths her husbands gave her in response. “I want you both. Inside me. Now.”

Alec shook his head. “We must woo you first.”

“Woo me? I’m your wife. There’s no need—”

“Oh, yes, my love. There is,” Thomas said. “You are a wonderful gift, and we want to show you how much we appreciate you.”


Thomas was confused when her whole body stiffened and she withdrew her hands.

“Gift,” she whispered. “You’re speaking of the money.”

“After the little speech you just gave us, that’s what you think?” Thomas shook his head and grabbed her hand. He led it back to his erection, as did Alec. “If every cent were stripped away, we would still have a gift. We’d have
. I love you, wife. Just as I love Alec. You two are the world to me.” He touched her lower belly. “As this child will be too. Nothing else matters.”

“Wife.” Alec smiled. “Our wife.
wife. I love you, Hope Buchanan.”

“Buchanan?” Thomas’s smile fell to a frown. “Her name should be Hope Cameron.”

Her smile made Thomas forget his anger. “I wish I could take both your names. Alas, it would make the next step of my plans for us difficult.”


“I don’t wish to speak of them now.” She stroked the men’s cocks, and Thomas forgot what they’d been discussing. “Make love to me, husbands.”

In all the intimacies they’d shared, there was one Thomas had not yet done, one he’d never had the chance to do with any woman. Leaning over, he kissed her belly, moving her leg so he could set himself between her sweet thighs. “Let me give you pleasure, Hope. Let me give you the deepest of kisses.” His hand moved to cup her mound as his fingers combed through the brown hair crowning it.

Alec kissed her mouth, the beautiful exchange of his tongue with Hope’s stoking the passionate fire already burning in Thomas.

He gently separated her folds, staring at the pink jewel that would give her pleasure. Unable to wait any longer, Thomas ran his tongue around the nub, learning her taste and marveling in the tangy sweetness.
Like fine wine
. Then he set about learning all her secrets.


Alec chuckled against Hope’s lips, pleased to see Thomas stretching his wings, just as Hope was. She sucked hard on Alec’s tongue as Thomas loved her with his mouth. When she finally broke away from the kiss, he nibbled the soft spot where her neck met her shoulder, moving down to lick the valley between her breasts before pulling one of her taut nipples into his mouth.

Hope writhed, her fingers tangling in Alec’s hair as Thomas worked his magic. She bucked beneath them as she cried out in pleasure.

“I can’t wait any longer,” Thomas said, rising over her and lifting her legs until she wrapped them around his hips. He thrust his shaft deep inside her, and Alec swore he felt their connection as if he were a part of it, knowing his turn would come.

Thomas stopped moving, his gaze catching Alec’s. “Join us.”

Since Hope wasn’t in any position where Alec could claim her bum, he shot Thomas a confused quirk of his brow.

“Me. Fuck
, Alec. Fuck me while I fuck our wife.” He slapped his behind.

“Oh, yes,” Hope said, her voice still full of wonder. “That would be delightful. Please, Alec. Make us all one.”

The mattress dipped as Alec moved behind Thomas. “We should shift to make this a wee bit easier.”

“Shift?” Hope pushed up on both elbows to stare at him over Thomas’s shoulder.

Thomas obviously understood. He slowly withdrew from Hope’s cunt, his penis slick with her fluids. “Better yet,” he said. “I’m quite wet thanks to our Hope. You may consummate
marriage to her while I fuck you, Alec.”

Alec’s cock twitched at the erotic suggestion. He hopped off the bed, grabbed Hope’s legs, and dragged her to the end of the mattress. Then he spread her thighs. “May I take you now, love?”

“Yes. Please, yes.”

Her cunny was hot and wet, squeezing his cock as snug as a glove. He stroked her body a few times before Thomas’s hand settled on his buttocks. Alec stilled, smiling down at Hope. “Now, we shall truly be one.”


Hope could tell the instant Thomas’s finger was inside Alec. His whole body reacted, his cock growing even larger inside her. Already close to another release simply from the beauty of the giving and taking of the erotic pleasure, she couldn’t stop a tear from leaking from the corner of her eye.

Alec opened his mouth as though to speak, but all that came out was a moan.

Thomas’s expression was one of sheer delight, which meant his cock was deep inside Alec. “Did I hurt you, love?” Thomas asked.

Alec shook his head.

“Then let’s give this a try.”

The three found the perfect rhythm. Thomas would push into Alec, forcing him deeper inside Hope. She felt as if she was truly making love to them both.

While she wanted to enjoy each thrust, her climax rapidly approached. She raked her fingers across Alec’s shoulders and raised her knees to take him as deeply inside her body as possible.

Thomas shouted first, as he always did when he came. Hope was only a breath behind, and she cried out as her body spasmed around Alec’s cock, milking his seed as he groaned his orgasm.

She drifted back into herself slowly, sheltered between her husbands in the big bed. Alec’s arm was draped over her middle and Thomas’s muscular thigh was across hers. Her contentment was complete.

“I believe you mentioned something about
, Hope,” Thomas said.

“I have piqued your curiosity?”

“Aye,” Alec replied. “Both of our curiosities.”

The time had finally come to enlighten them. “As you know, we’re bound for San Francisco. But what I haven’t revealed is what we will do when we arrive.”

Thomas kissed her cheek. “It won’t matter, so long as we’re together.”

Alec nodded. “Quite true.”

“I will be Thomas’s wife,” she announced, baiting her men.

“But ye’re also my wife,” Alec said with a stern frown.

“Not in San Francisco. There I must be Thomas’s wife.”


She crooked her finger, bringing him close enough to kiss. “I did not mean to prick your temper. In the privacy of our home, I am
Mrs. Buchanan and Mrs. Cameron. But if we plan to start a school—”

“A school?” Thomas pushed himself up to loom over her. “What are you talking about?”

“I have purchased a mansion with enough rooms that we can start our own school. So you see, I cannot brag to the world that I have
handsome husbands. Teachers may not be so very wicked.”

“A school.” Thomas smiled. “One where I may teach what I wish and not fear dismissal.”

“One where I can teach girls the skills they need to be independent and make a way in this world,” Hope added. “And one in sore need of renovation. Alec can put his touches in each and every room. The entire second floor will be our home.”

Thomas pressed a kiss to her lips. “I love you, Hope.” Then he looked to Alec. “And you, Alec.”

“As I love both of ye.”

Her heart near to bursting, Hope smiled. “I was truly blessed when my uncle sent both of you to me.”

Alec chuckled. “I wonder what the good father would think of seeing the three of us as we are now.”

“Surely he’d be scandalized,” Thomas said.

“Knowing my uncle,” Hope replied, “he would be

“You truly believe that?” Thomas asked.

She nodded. “With all my heart. All he ever wanted was for me to be happy. And with the two of you, my life will be filled with happiness.”










Elizabeth Raines makes her home in Indiana. A fan of all genres of fiction, she enjoys blending her love of science fiction with romance in the books she writes exclusively for Siren Publishing. Her favorite movies are 
Pride and Prejudice
Love, Actually
, and she spends far too much time watching shows like 
The Tudors
Mad Men
. Elizabeth has been happily married for almost thirty years and tries to express that kind of enduring love in all her stories, hoping to help all her heroes and heroines have their own happily ever afters.



For all titles by Elizabeth Raines, please visit

BOOK: The Sextet Presents… By Male Order [In Days of Olde] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
6.8Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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