The Serenade: The Prince and the Siren [Daughters of the Empire 2] (BookStrand Publishing Romance) (42 page)

BOOK: The Serenade: The Prince and the Siren [Daughters of the Empire 2] (BookStrand Publishing Romance)
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—Giacomo Puccini,
La Bohème

He didn’t understand a thing about her
. She wanted to walk out on him and not look back, knowing that he would regret it for the rest of his life.

And she wanted to show him rapture like he could never imagine.

She was certain he had bedded the most skilled paramours. And she was just as certain that she could erase them from his memory.

“I can give you something no other woman can give you, Alejandro.” Nicolette glanced at herself in a gilded mirror on the wall. In the reflection she saw her exotic, elongated eyes and black hair flowing over her shoulders.

He was accustomed to beautiful women. She had something more to give him. “
If you let me
,” she added softly in her most seductive voice.

“I have no doubt about that.” He swallowed, backing up.

. I give all of myself to every moment, holding nothing back. It is who I am.” It was her gift and it was her scarlet letter, the means by which she was both labeled and repulsed.

She thought she saw perspiration develop on his forehead even as she moved toward him, and he retreated.

Returning her eyes to Alejandro’s, a sudden fervent longing to be with him forever washed over her. As different as they were, it was as if they completed each other.

“The reality is that there is no future for us, Alejandro. I am not as naive as you might think. All we have is
. We can delight in it, or we can let it pass us by.
.” She was never one to let an experience pass her by.

“How well I know that, Nicolette. I wish you would not remind me. It serves no purpose.” He closed his eyes momentarily, and she saw his jaw tighten.

Searching his eyes, she saw her own desire mirrored there. How long she had waited to see it. She knew now that she loved him, possibly that she had always loved him. She had been attracted to him since the first moment of seeing him. Against all instincts and reason she had fixated on him, unable to leave him, even as the opening-night curtain awaited her.

No, it went back further than that
. When she had first seen him in the palace of the sultan as a child.

Even then, just seeing him for a few seconds had touched her deeply. She had been drawn to him, as if by divine design.

And now, nothing was real to her except the desire in his eyes.

She took her hand and ran it along his cheek, the roughness satisfying somehow, as was the harsh gasp that escaped from his lips.

…don’t…” For some time now in those eyes she had seen isolation, contempt, and sadness. But there had been a change. She would have been satisfied to see
reflection—proof that he had connected with something, with anything. To see his longing
for her
thrilled her.

“Please don’t
what, Alejandro
?” she asked coyly, delighting in the effect she was having on him.

“Please…don’t…touch me!” He grabbed the wrists of her hands and then, as if he could not help himself, pulled her to his chest, leaving no space between them. He released her and turned away from her, letting his head fall.

“I have no idea what tomorrow will hold. I only have today. And today I wish a night of pleasure with

He had been correct in saying that she didn’t give the future a second thought. There was too much joy to be had in the present. She made a circular movement around him until she faced him again.

He groaned even as she moved the palms of her hand along his muscular arms. The sensation of feeling hard muscle under the palms of her hands was heavenly to her. And she could see that her small movement caused a response. She moved her hands to his chest. And then she did the unthinkable—she ran her hand along his hips, and his eyes opened wide.

“I have few to no concerns about pregnancy. I know your reputation, and I have no doubt that you are in possession of French letters.” He grabbed her wrists again, but this time he held her at a distance, apparently afraid of where her hands might stray.

“Nicolette! How can you know about those? It isn’t decent!”

“Not decent?” She laughed. “How ridiculous! It would be far more indecent to become pregnant as an unmarried woman.”

“Of course, but you shouldn’t even know about…”

“Why, Alejandro? Do you prefer your women to be ignorant? Having a suffragette grandmother who provided contraceptives to the women of her village as a young lady and parents who never concealed any truth from their children, I am well aware of Goodyear and Hancock’s invention in the 1840s, improving further upon French letters.”

“French letters,” he growled, “are for use with…”

?” she asked, smiling, even as his expression was aghast. “I am well aware that French letters are so associated with prostitutes that many gentlemen cannot brook the thought of using them with their partner, believing that it infers she is a prostitute. When, in reality, it is merely a selfish and antiquated thought!”

“I would never dream of…”

“Of actually pleasing me?” Nicolette smiled widely.

“I can please you. Have no doubt on that score.”

“I have seen no evidence of it, Alejandro! People can say or think whatever they wish about me. I know who I am.”

And she knew this was possibly the only man she would ever love.

“We would never have spent any time together if you had not been concerned about what other people think, Nicolette.”

“Stop making excuses, Alejandro.
No one will know
,” she whispered. “It hurts no one for us to experience ecstasy in this moment.”

“That’s where you are wrong, Nicolette. I would know. And it would hurt both of us in the end.”

“I understand,” she replied, gently kissing his face. “Every time you were passionate, it has turned out badly for you. First your parents and then the actress who sold your letters to your father. You have had, and will continue to have, more than your share of betrayers. But you must learn to trust someone—and to trust yourself. Allow yourself to receive love.” She brushed her lips against his, and the electricity was instant.

A look of confusion crossed his face, as if her words startled him.

She bit her lip. She should not have spoken of love. “I didn’t mean…” she murmured.

” Alejandro pulled away, picking her up and setting her on the chair. He began pacing frantically, as if his energy were uncontainable. He clenched his fist in the air as he turned to face her. “I want you so much that I almost fell for it, Nicolette. Listen to yourself.”

“The words slipped out. I didn’t really mean…”

“You are telling me that if I compromise your virtue, I will receive love,
loved?” He laughed, even as he stood before her completely aroused. Her eyes opened wide. “Believe me, every inch of me wants to believe you. Would that it were so. But it is quite the opposite.”

“You have such a peculiar view of things, Alejandro. Don’t you understand that love is a gift from the
?” She raised her eyebrows.

“And if I gave in to my desires and compromise you…” He took her hands and held them lightly. Suddenly his expression turned somber, and he dropped them, letting his own hands fall to his side. “I would never be a whole man in your eyes. It would be an empty reward.”

“Please disappoint me, Alejandro, I beg you!” Her frustration grew decidedly. How could she get through to this man? She
gotten through to him, and that very fact was causing him to pull away.

He grew very still, and his eyes almost bored a hole through her. “I would not disappoint you, I can assure you.”

“Trust your passion,” she whispered. “Do not let your mind take over every time you start to feel. Cease needing to be so

“I am not perfect, and I will never be perfect, Nicolette. I see that now. But never ask me to stop striving every moment of the day or to abandon my ideals.” Alejandro shook his head, scowling. “Every time I am in error, someone may go without food, medicine, education, or even
. Someone may die. Are fifty-five thousand Spaniards sufficient proof?”

“Alejandro, you wanted the music to heal you. It cannot.” She touched her hand to her forehead. “Only you can heal yourself. No one can give you what you will not receive. You must embrace this moment. You must embrace yourself. You must
. This entire performance was for nothing. It did not help you at all.”

“That is where you are in error, Nicolette.” He took her by the shoulders and pulled her up, holding her at a distance from him, his expression pleading. “You gave me exactly and precisely what I needed. I owe a huge debt to you and am at your service for the rest of my life.” Gently he kissed her forehead even as he closed his eyes, and for a moment time stood still.

My heart and soul are yours
,” he whispered.

“Mine?” She noticed that he had omitted his body from that which was at her disposal. Still, his words shocked her. Did he mean it? “You no longer live for Spain?”

“Quite the contrary.” He laughed. “My goals are the same as ever. Only now I bring my heart to it. I am more for España than ever.”

“More than you were? I don’t quite picture this. I
to picture it.”

“Now I am a whole man, and I owe it to you,
mi cielito

My heaven

“If that is the case, Alejandro, show me what your need looks like.” She looked up into his eyes. She could tell that he wanted to hold her but, instead, was using his arms to keep her at arm’s length. “Put yourself first and foremost for one moment in time. Live not for Spain, not for me, but
for you
, if only for a brief time.”

“It would not be that brief.” As he stared at her, he seemed to be fighting with himself. His voice was deep and resonant, and she felt it whirl inside her.

“Alejandro, I may never see you again. I want you to ask yourself every day not ‘what is my duty?’ but ‘what would give me joy today?
What do I need?’
” She stroked his cheek.

He looked into her eyes, and she saw a burning desire there. “Princesa, it does not matter what I need. It matters what España needs. And, right now, it matters what you need.”

“Excellent,” she purred as she ran her hands along his chest. “Then give me what I need.” She threw her arms around him, and her lips captured his. His body melded to hers, and she was surrounded by his desire for her, as if the dam had burst.

Chapter Twenty-Six

That sounds so glorious

That sounds so beautiful

Never have I heard or seen such a thing

—Amadeus Wolfgang Mozart,
The Magic Flute

What came over me?
He must be a sorcerer. Nicolette was beside herself with shock. She had thrown herself at Alejandro like a wanton.

She had become the person he believed her to be. She had…
Oh, God, I wish I had

In the end he had picked her up, called for his bodyguard, and demanded that she be taken home with what appeared to be the greatest of will.

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