Read The Secret's Out (Hawks MC: Caroline Springs Charter, #1) Online

Authors: Lila Rose

Tags: #MC, #Romance, #threesome, #m/m/f, #erotica, #suspense, #family life, #drama, #action

The Secret's Out (Hawks MC: Caroline Springs Charter, #1) (6 page)

BOOK: The Secret's Out (Hawks MC: Caroline Springs Charter, #1)
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They’d heard?


I watched as Parker actually smirked. “Good to see someone has her back.” He looked to me and asked, “How’d someone like you get involved with an MC Club?”

Eli chose to answer for me. “She’s our prez’s sister-in-law.”

Parker raised his brow again. “So many things I don’t know about you, kid.”

With a tight smile, I shrugged. “I could say the same for you, Parker.”

He laughed. “That you could.”

“Why haven’t you helped Josie before?” Eli asked in a rough tone.

“Eli,” I scolded.

“No, it’s all good. I’m not around much. When that dick came here, I helped get rid of him, but I’m not her babysitter. I couldn’t follow her around and even if I wanted to, I had shit to deal with myself.”

“Parker, I would never expect you—”

“Honey, it killed me to see the pain in your eyes. I wanted to help. I wanted to follow you and beat the shit out of anyone who did you wrong. But I was hardly here and when I wasn’t here, it ate me up inside thinkin’ of the crap you were going through. You’re a beautiful star, Josie, you don’t deserve any of it.”

Goodness gracious.

It was the most I had heard Parker talk and what he’d said blew me away. Never would I have thought Parker thought of me while he was away.

Looking to the floor with heated cheeks, I said, “You did help. You kept our home safe for me to be myself. For me to have a place I could feel protected in and for that, I thank you.”

“No need for thanks, kid.” Looking up, I saw a smirk upon his face. “I see I lost a chance that I never really had, but wanted.”

Biting my bottom lip, my hand went to my chest as my heart beat hard behind it.

What was he saying?

“You two had better take care of her where I couldn’t,” Parker said. With my eyes wide, he walked up to me. Caden and Eli tensed. “You deserve happiness, honey. I hope you find it.” My body stilled when he raised a hand and gently ran his fingers across my cheek.

“Back off,” Caden growled.

Parker laughed. “Yeah, yeah. I know a claim when I see one...” he looked from my eyes to Caden and then Eli, “or two.” He shook his head and finished with, “I’ll be seeing you, kid. Or not. I’ve got to head out of town.” He stepped back and it was then I noticed his bag by the front door as he made his way to it.

“Parker,” I called. He turned. “Um, take care.”

He sent me a wink and a smile before walking out of the apartment.

It was obvious the day wasn’t over with surprises.

“I don’t like that guy.” Eli sighed. Caden nodded in agreement. I quickly bit my bottom lip to hide my smile and headed to the kitchen beside the living area. Our apartment was bigger than most in Melbourne, holding three bedrooms, one bathroom, a living room and separate kitchen. The laundry room was shared between the other three apartments and situated down in the basement. I loved living there. The apartment, even being owned by a man, had an appealing décor. The walls were a soft yellow. The furniture was mostly wooden and seemed handmade instead of store bought. It was peaceful.

“Would anyone like a coffee?” I asked, heading straight for the kettle. I knew I needed one. Hopefully, it would help me stay alert.

“Thanks, precious,” Caden said as he sat at the small four-seated table.

“Love one, sweetheart.” Eli smiled, also sitting down, only he turned his chair backward to straddle it.

“Good, and then you can both explain how you heard about my troubles and why you both came...not just for a visit, I’m presuming.”

As I fluttered around preparing our drinks, I caught the eye roll from Eli and a smirk from Caden, which they gave each other.

They would soon find out that in the last two years, I’d grown somewhat of a backbone...only those who were important in my life would probably tell. I still, of course, had trouble with people I hardly knew. Trust was something to earn and was not freely given. The two men at the table I trusted deeply, with my very soul. So they would get to see how I had grown into a woman.

Turning from the bench, I set their coffees in front of them and then claimed my own chair between both of theirs. Raising my eyebrows, I waited.

Caden scoffed. “All right, precious. All we know is that somehow Talon found out that you were having some troubles from people at school. He asked us to come here and check it out, see if we could help.”

Eli leaned into the chair more to catch my eye. “What I want to know is why you thought you’d deal with this on your own in the first place, Josie?”

“Billy,” Caden growled.

“No,” Eli barked. He stood from the chair and paced the small space behind the table. “You have people who care about you, sweetheart. You don’t have to deal with shit, fuckin’ pathetic crap, being dished out by some fuckin’ loser.” He stopped and turned to me. “All you had to do was call. Why didn’t you? Shit, how long have you been dealing with it all on your own?” He stood above me with his hands balled into fists. He didn’t like what I’d been going through. He didn’t like the thought of me on my own.

Slowly, I reached out and wound my hand around his fist. Shock registered on his face, his eyes flaring and then, once they settled, he unwound his fist and entwined our fingers.

I smiled up at him before my gaze went to Caden. My arm slid onto the table. I held my hand palm up for Caden’s. He didn’t hesitate and he also seemed surprised by my willingness to want to touch them. Silly men, didn’t they know they were my home. They were what helped keep me going. At school, it had been too soon for them to touch me, especially after being held violently against Scott’s body. However, now I was in my home, it was on my terms. I knew they wouldn’t push me for more than what I was willing to give.

“It was stupid of me really. I wanted to prove I could do this... I guess more to myself than anything or anyone. I wanted to know I could live out in the real, tough world on my own, without my security blanket, my family who go above and beyond to protect me. I-I still want that...but, I know now that what I want above everything
more important than anything. I want my family.”

“You want to go home to Ballarat?” Caden asked.

“Yes. Only not yet. I have four months left before school ends for the year. I do have the opportunity to transfer my degree to an open university course, so I can study from home. But then...yes, then I want to come home to Ballarat.”

“You know we won’t leave you with that dickhead still harassing you,” Eli stated.

Smiling sadly, I said, “I can’t have you both here for that long. You both have lives of your own. I won’t ask you to put that on hold and stay to bodyguards for that amount of time. I could ring Talon and ask him to send a prospect. Then at least Talon won’t be losing two valuable employees and members.”

“I’ll talk to Talon about it,” Caden said.

“Pick,” Eli barked.

A meaningful look passed between them and Caden once again said, “I’ll talk to Talon about it.” Eli then nodded and sat back down at the table without letting go of my hand. “But first, our girl needs to call home.”

“What?” I whispered.

“Precious, your parents are worried about you. Call them,” he said, sliding his phone over the table. I stared down at it. When I didn’t reach for it, Caden picked it back up and pressed some buttons. He placed it back on the table and it started ringing.

“Hello?” my mum’s voice said.

“Nance, Pick here with Eli
and Josie

“Darling?” Mum’s uttered, her voice catching.

“Hi, Mum. I’m so sorry for worrying you. I promise I won’t do it again.”

“Oh, Lordy, my son-in-law is a miracle worker and sending two handsome men. Amazing. Sweetie, how are you?”

“I’m good now, Mum.” I smiled at the phone.

In the background we heard boomed, “Is that Josie? Give me the phone, woman.” There was a shuffle and then Dad’s voice was on the line. “Baby girl, is this actually our daughter who we haven’t heard from in a long time?”

Giggling, I said, “Yes, Dad. Caden and Eli are here also.”

“Who?” he snapped.

Rolling my eyes, I said, “Pick and Billy.”

“Yo, Rich.” Caden said.

“S’up, Rich.” Eli smiled.

“You boys there to take care of our baby girl?”

“Course,” Caden said.

“You boys gonna keep your hands to yourself?” Dad demanded as we heard in the background from Mum, “I hope they don’t.” Dad covered the phone and said something to Mum and then into the phone, “Well?”

“We’ll try, Rich.” Eli smirked and winked at me while my cheeks heated.

Silence on the other end.

And then, “Well, shit, at least you’re being honest. You know what will happen if you screw her over.”

“Dad, I’m still here.”

“Quiet, Josie. The big guys are talkin’.”

“Mum,” I called loudly.

“Richard, give me the phone,” Mum snapped.

“No, I’m talking to the guys. They need to know they’ll be effed up if they cause our daughter any harm, even of to the heart.”

“Don’t be stupid. They’ve been in love with her since she was seventeen.”

Goodness me.

Was that true?

Looking to the guys to see their reactions, they’d both adverted their gazes from mine and kept blank expression so I couldn’t tell.

Still, the phone call was just getting strange. It was time to end it. “Mum, Dad, we have to go. Um, I love you both and I promise to talk soon.”

“Love you, sweetie. Take care and make sure you practise safe sex.”

Heck it to hell.

“Shut up, Nancy. Love you, too, baby girl, but do not listen to your mother. Sex leads to a huge amount of trouble. Look at me, I married mine.”

“Richard!” Mum snapped before the call disconnected.

Sighing, I slid the phone back to Caden. “That...was

“Remind me to leave the phone call just to you,” Caden said with a nod.

We all heard the front door come open. Eli was standing in seconds. His hand going to the back of his pants.


I reached out to Eli, laying my hand on his arm. “It’s just Simone, my friend and housemate.”

Who was beautiful. Would the guys notice? Would they want...her?

She came striding into the kitchen and halted in the doorway. “Um...hi.”

A giggle escaped me to see the shock on her face. Her mouth actually dropped open. “Simmy, this is Caden and Eli,” I explained.

“Hey,” Caden said with a smile.

Eli sent her a chin lift before sitting back down.

Caden and Eli...? Holy shit, woman. You’ve been holding out on me.”

A blush crept onto my cheeks and then deepened when Eli teased, “
Eli and Caden, sweetheart?”

Simone scoffed. “Ah, yeah, she talks about you two all the time.”

Let me die right now.

I wanted to hide my face, but I didn’t and I was glad I didn’t because then I would have missed the look, a look I didn’t understand passed between Eli and Caden.

What did

“Now I know why you left uni early, Josie. Totally understandable to leave for your guys’ visit. You two staying long?” Simone asked as she sat at the only spare seat left at the table.

“Not sure yet, have to speak to Talon.” Caden smiled.

Simone paused to take notice of that smile, like many women would. “Josie’s brother-in-law, right?”


“Cool. While you’re here, you guys going to deal with the jackarse?”

“Simone.” I glared.

“We’ve already dealt with one by the name of Scott, that him?” Eli asked after taking a sip of his coffee.

“That’s one, but not the major dickhead.”

“Simone,” I snapped.

“What?” She raised her hands in the air and then thumped them back on the table. “They need to know. It’s why they’re here, why I spoke with...” She sat back and slid down in her seat a little, whispering, “Shit.”

I gasped. “
told my mum?”

She shook her head. “Not really.”

“Nancy rang your phone. You didn’t pick up, Simone did. Nancy rang Talon and then asked us to come. We were more than willing, precious. No one fucks with Hawks, babe. You know this,” Caden said.

Simone told my mum everything, my foster mum, my only mum really. That explained what Mum had said before. Part of me was hurt and annoyed that Simone went behind my back. Betrayed even. And I knew she saw that written on my face as she looked at me. Her stare turned apologetic. She mouthed

Ashamed was also high on my list of things to feel. I was ashamed that I didn’t put a stop to it all in the first place. God, it took my friend to open up to
family on my behalf. It should have been me. Instead, I was being stubborn, thinking I could deal with it all on my own. The tears I shed nearly every day should have told me to pull up my big girl panties and seek help. My family had always wanted to be there for me. I knew that, yet I kept them away...for what? Nothing.

At least they were with me now. They had my back. I had their trust and love.

“I’m sorry,” I said to Simone. “I’m sorry I wasn’t the one who reached out for help from my family. I’m sorry it took you to do it. Most of all, I’m sorry for having you worry about me when I should have dealt with it.”

She reached across the table for my hand. It was fast, so I flinched, only she ignored it and took hold. “You weren’t in the right mind space, honey. I know you wanted to try and deal with it all on your own, but I couldn’t stand seeing you lose yourself more and more each day. I wasn’t enough to keep you afloat. I knew you needed more, you needed your family.”

Tears shined in my eyes. “It was cruel of me to put you through that. But Simone, you helped to keep me going each day. You helped me in many ways, and seeing Caden and Eli today...the tightness in my chest eased. Having people who are a part of my family here already feels wonderful and it makes me feel safe. Still, you have to know, honey, you are a part of my family as well.”

Her smile turned bright. “You know I love ya, honey.” She looked to both men and cleared her throat. “But we’re probably getting too emotional for these badarse bikers.” She stood from her chair, her hand falling from mine. “Where are you two staying? I could always share my bed.”

BOOK: The Secret's Out (Hawks MC: Caroline Springs Charter, #1)
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