The Secret of the Stones (20 page)

Read The Secret of the Stones Online

Authors: Ernest Dempsey

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Mystery, #International Mystery & Crime, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Financial, #Military, #Spies & Politics, #Political, #Thrillers, #Pulp

BOOK: The Secret of the Stones
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two old friends exchanged knowing glances as Joe headed toward his own
“That is a whole other
story, my dear,” he replied.

Sean continued, “maybe later.”

hate inside jokes,” she pouted and shut the door in Sean’s face.

couldn’t help but laugh.
night, then.”
The smile was still
on his face five minutes later as he drifted off to sleep on the sofa.




Morris woke from some of the deepest sleep he’d ever had.
Sunshine poured through the bedroom
window of his condo as his eyes struggled against the bright light.
On the nightstand, his cell phone was
ringing and vibrating in the odd, circular dance that phones do when they’re on
hard surfaces.
He reached over and
grabbed it, glancing at the caller ID to see who’d awoken him at such an early
Whoever was calling him was
doing so from a number he didn’t recognize.

is Morris,” he answered groggily.

voice on the other line sounded extremely fatigued.
“Hey, Trent.
It’s Lynch.”

been working all night?”
The sound
of Lynch’s voice woke him up a little.

I’m actually on my way home.
Just didn’t want to call from an office
line at this time of morning.
few too many ears around, if you know what I mean.”

A common misconception was
that cell phones were monitored more closely than land lines.
When cell phones were monitored, it was
usually specific suspects who were already being watched by the police.
The lines in the office, however, could
be permanently tapped.
Trent had
asked Lynch not to let anyone know what he was investigating and so far, the
young cop had done well.

what you got for me, Lynch?”

couple of things,” he answered promptly.
“First, Hartsfield said the IAA jet is still in its hanger and has been
for nearly a week.

all the airlines report not having a Sean Wyatt on board.
It is possible that he has some kind of
fake passport or documents as an alias, but I doubt it.”

means he probably didn’t leave the country.”
A good sign, but the fugitive could still be anywhere.
“What else did you get?”

are a few people here and there that he runs with, but for the most part, he’s
a loner.
I guess when you live
most of your life in foreign countries looking for ancient artifacts, you can’t
have much of a social life.”

rubbed his face.
“So no real
associates other than Schultz?

The voice on the other line
“Can’t say I blame him for
the girlfriend thing, though.”

do you mean?”

several years back, when Wyatt was in college, he was in a motorcycle
His girlfriend was on
the back.
She died on the spot.
He only had a few scrapes and
That’s gotta mess with
your mind for a long time.”

was new information.
happened in the accident?”

was glad he at least had something to share after working all night.
“Apparently, they were on their way to
the movies and passed through a busy intersection.
Some moron shot right through a red light and smacked into
the bike.”

contemplated the story.
“How was
Wyatt not hurt?”

one of those weird things.
The car
barely missed hitting his left leg, but hit her square on.
Wyatt was thrown about twenty feet, but
left the scene with only minor injuries.
The report said she was killed almost instantly.”

That’s rough.”

Lynch went on after yawning.
any rate, Wyatt finished college and disappeared for a few years, as I’m sure
you know.”

“So, there’s no one else connected
to this guy?”

Except some guy up in
He’s a park ranger
up there at that Indian mound state park, Etowah or something like that.
Found a few pictures of them together
and looked him up.
Name’s Joe
McElroy, in his mid fifties.
and his wife have a cabin in the woods up there about twenty minutes from the

mind snapped awake instantly.
have the address of that cabin?”
His voice had lost its scratchy sound.

I got it here somewhere.”
There was a silent moment as the cop on
the other end of the line was busy looking through what Trent imagined to be a
small pile of papers in the passenger seat.
A few seconds later Lynch came back on, “You ready?”

wrote down the address quickly with a pen and notepad from the nightstand.
“Anything else I need to know?”

I don’t really think that this McElroy
had anything to do with what’s been going on, though.
He was on duty at the park all day yesterday.”


The young cop’s tone of
voice made it sound like it was a routine thing.
Good kid.

continued, “From what I can tell, McElroy is probably your best bet.”

Morris agreed while getting out of bed
heading toward the bathroom.
a quick shower, he would be on his way north.

I get a unit out there to the McElroy place?”
Lynch broke into Trent’s thoughts.

I’m already on my way there.
Just get some sleep.”

Sorry I couldn’t find anything else,

did great, Lynch.
Trent hit the end button on his phone
while he turned on the water.

showered quickly and threw on some clothes, barely drying off.
A few minutes later, he was out the
door and in his car, flying down the street toward the interstate.


Ridge Mountains


highway from Cartersville to the Track Rock State park is a rolling and twisty
stretch of road, bending in and around the Blue Ridge Mountains.
During the warmer months, motorcycle
enthusiasts frequent the area in search of the fantastic mountain views and
curvy asphalt that make for a spectacular ride.
Autumn in the area also provides some of the most vibrant
colors in the country with trees of red, orange, and yellow spiking the color
spectrum of the forest.

Allyson, and Sean had arrived in the mountainous region only thirty-five
minutes after leaving his cabin, and the sun was shining brightly in the
mid-morning sky.
Joe had gotten up
early and made an enormous pancake breakfast for his guests.
Sparing no thought to gluttony, he made
eggs, a bowl of fresh fruit, hot maple syrup, and turkey sausage to accompany
the flapjacks.

and Sean had barely taken the time to chew the delicious food.
They’d been extremely hungry, not
having eaten a meal since the previous day’s breakfast.
Sean had slept well on the soft couch,
insisting that Allyson take the guest bed.
Of course, Joe had said he would sleep on the couch, but
Sean couldn’t allow his friend to follow through with that generous offer.

of the drive so far had been spent in silence; the three companions were either
too tired to talk or still in a post-breakfast coma.
After looking out the window at the passing countryside for
a while, Allyson broke the quiet.
“Thanks again for the food, Joe.
It was amazing.”

more than welcome.”
He grinned
across the center console at her.

continued guiding the truck through what the locals called, “God’s
With the amazing views,
the passengers in the truck could understand why.
“I wonder why more people don’t visit this area,” Allyson

do get a fair share of visitors coming through here, but it certainly doesn’t
get a lot of the publicity state parks in the West get, or even as much as the
ones in the Northeast.
Can’t say
that I mind that, though,” Joe looked over at her in the front passenger
“I kinda like it quiet up
Too many people comin’ and
goin’ might take away from the beauty of the place.”

guess,” she returned to staring out across the rolling valleys from their high
vantage point.

the back seat of the truck, Sean had been checking his voicemail messages for
the last few minutes.
Odd, he
thought, that Detective Morris had called several times trying to get a hold of
Morris should have gotten the

in the rear-view mirror, Joe noticed the perplexed look on Sean’s face.
“What’s goin’ on, buddy?
You okay?”

Sean slid his phone closed, “just checking my messages.”

sure everything’s alright?”

is fine.
A detective from Atlanta
PD called a few times.
Said he
wanted to ask me some more questions.”
Sean stared at his phone.
“Not sure what’s going on.”

turned around.
“Was it the same
guy you talked to the other day?”


had a serious look on his face.
wonder if they heard something from the people that took Tommy.”
His country accent seemed to get deeper
with the grave tone that accompanied the statement.

Sean contemplated.
“Or he still
thinks I had some part in his disappearance.”

can’t believe this cop thinks you had something to do with it.
Tommy’s your best friend.”

listened to the conversation patiently.
He understood exactly what Sean was saying, and it made sense.
The thought that the police were probably
looking for them caused him to speed the truck up a little.

know,” Sean said with resolve.
“But right now, I guess I am the most logical suspect to the cops.
That just means we have to figure this
thing out so we can find Tommy and whoever has done this.”

the wheel, Joe was increasingly becoming more nervous.
Maybe it was paranoia from the thought
that he could be aiding fugitives, but he could swear that the silver sedan
behind them was tailing them.

had turned back around to face out the front of the truck.
She ended the conversation by saying,
“Well, I don’t think you as a suspect makes any sense.”

appreciated the confidence she had in him.
He decided not to continue the talk.
It was probably better that he not
mention some of the other evidence that the police were inevitably looking
The main motive the cops
probably had was that if Tommy died, Sean inherited control of the entire IAA
and the enormous fortune that went with it.

Morris had more than likely thought of that before anything else.

up in the front seat, Sean saw that Joe was noticeably uneasy.
He leaned forward and put his hand on
the driver’s shoulder.
“What’s the
matter with you?”

was busy checking both mirrors.
The sedan that he’d thought was following them had gotten closer and was
only a few car lengths behind.
Sean didn’t need a response.
His friend’s eyes told him exactly what was going on.
Just as he was turning around, he saw a
black barrel held by a gloved hand extend out of the passenger side of the
silver vehicle.

his mind cleared of all other thoughts and his years of training kicked
“Get down!”
He shouted at Allyson who had certainly
not seen the danger in the car behind.
To make sure she obeyed, Sean grabbed her head and shoved it

are you doing?”
Allyson started at
him, angry at the gruff behavior. Then she saw him pulling the gun out of his
She risked a peek in the
side mirror just as the glass exploded.
The sudden blast brought a scream from her mouth.

He barked again.
This time, she did as told while
another round of bullets thudded against the tailgate of the pickup truck.
Then, two hit the back window, sending
a spider web across its surface.

didn’t say anything.
His focus was
on the curvy road ahead.
swerved the truck back and forth across the lanes, trying to give the attackers
a more difficult target.

the chase speeding up, both vehicles were reaching speeds that were certainly
unsafe on the dangerous, tight turns of the mountain road.
Guard rails ran along the side of the
highway, but they hardly seemed enough to stop a few tons of metal from
blasting through and into the chasm beyond.

rolled down his window and bent his body sideways, bracing his back against the
front of part of the door.
two arms extended, he squeezed off a salvo of bullets at the pursuers, sending
a few through the hood and another grouping into the windshield.
The driver of the car slowed down
slightly and duplicated the maneuvers Joe had used a few seconds before instead
of keeping the car steady.

get ‘em?”
Joe yelled as Sean
climbed back into the seat, ejecting the empty clip and replacing it with a
practiced ease.

Sean’s breathing had hardly changed at all.
He’d no sooner spoken than the clinking sound of more
bullets hitting the truck interrupted him.

remained tucked away in the front passenger seat, unsure of what she should be

slid across the bench seat to the other side and lowered the window.
With quick precision, he released the
clip from his gun, replaced it with a full one, then braced himself again and
leaned out into the wind.
shots he fired this time were at the gunman, shattering the mirror at the man’s
waist. Sean had hit his thigh.
Momentarily, the assailant leaned over, grasping his now bleeding

himself back into the cab, Sean shouted at Joe.
“Mac, I got an idea.”

I wanna hear it?”
Another volley
of projectiles pounded the truck, one missing Joe by mere inches, piercing the
He reacted by lurching
the truck to the right.

I tell you, slam on the brakes and let them hit us!”

Are you crazy?!”
His beady eyes were wide with doubt.

do it,” Sean insisted.

Joe mumbled.
Then he raised his
voice, “But you’re buyin’ me a new truck!”

acknowledging the comment, Sean reached back out the driver’s side rear window
again, this time only peppering a few shots at the car.
He turned his head around to look at
the road ahead, the wind blowing hard in his face.
Joe steered the car around a sharp corner, edging over into
the other lane, the force nearly pulled Wyatt out of window. The road
straightened out briefly, but another curve approached rapidly about a hundred
yards ahead.

just before you get to that turn, hit the brakes!”

didn’t say anything.
He didn’t
need to.
Sean arched his body out
the opening again and launched a few more bullets.

on, buddy!”
Joe shouted back.
He looked over at Allyson who was
bracing herself for the collision.

slammed on the brakes.
Sean braced
himself against the back of the seat as the truck quickly lost velocity.

driver of the pursuing car did not expect the brash move and swerved
immediately to avoid the stopping pickup.

Sean turned out the window unleashed a flurry of bullets into the exposed and
now off balance gunman of the passing car.
Crimson liquid erupted from his neck as he slid back in
through the window, grasping pointlessly at the wounds.

another gunshot resonated from the front seat of the truck.
Sean saw the bullet hit the driver in
the shoulder, causing the attacker to jerk the steering wheel left.

feeble guard rails gave way easily to the head on force of the speeding
There was a brief sound
of metal grinding on metal as the car vaulted over the edge of the mountain and
disappeared from site.

eased the truck to a stop, feeling very awkward at the moment.

face was stunned as he peered into the front seat.  What he saw
was Allyson sprawled across his friend’s lap, arms extended out the window
holding a Glock 9mm.

He asked with an eyebrow raised.

was busy trying to pull herself off of Joe, who just stared at her with
his mouth agape.

she said sliding her gun back into a concealed jacket pocket, “I may have
hidden a few details.”
shrugged and gave a flirty smile.

just shook his head.  “You mean, like, all of them?”  He couldn’t
help but chuckle as he reached for the door handle.

three simultaneously opened the doors, got out of the bullet riddled vehicle,
and stepped over to the now mangled railing.
Just beyond it, the mountain dropped off down a steep cliff.
At the bottom, probably five hundred
feet below, the undercarriage of the smoking car lay motionless, facing the

snorted, “In the movies, don’t those things usually blow up?”

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