The Secret of the Scarlet Stone (A Gabby Girls Adventure Novel, Book One) (5 page)

BOOK: The Secret of the Scarlet Stone (A Gabby Girls Adventure Novel, Book One)
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Gabrielle’s eyes widened with shock. “Ms.
, I didn’t mean it—really,” she sputtered.

raised a suspicious eyebrow as she looked over at her. “And exactly what are you sorry for?” she demanded sharply as she paused from wiping her blouse.

Gabrielle looked over at her silently.

“Well? Speak up, young lady,” Ms.

Silently, they stared at each other suspiciously; the
was broken by a light knock on the door.

quickly straightened her blouse. “Come in!” she barked impatiently.

A short, plump girl with very pale skin and long golden blonde hair slowly entered the office. She fiddled self-consciously with her cardigan as Gabrielle looked over at her curiously.

impatiently rapped her knuckles on her desk. “Quickly, Jessica, don’t dilly-dally. I don’t have all day.”

Jessica’s bright blue eyes bulged nervously as she gawked at her. “I-I’m sorry, Ms.
,” she stuttered as she timidly gestured towards Gabrielle. “But I’m here to pick up the new student.”

looked over at the large clock on the wall. “Hmm, I didn’t realize that it was getting so late,” she mumbled.

she looked over at Gabrielle
“Gabrielle Martin, this is Jessica Owens. Jessica has been assigned the task of showing you around the
cademy and answering any questions that you may have.”

With relief, Gabrielle quickly scrambled to her feet
bolting for the door.

“And Gabrielle—” Ms.
said sharply.

Gabrielle stopped cold in her tracks, looking back at her defiantly.

“Our little conversation is far from over; we will definitely finish it at a later time. Now
you are dismissed

Gabrielle darted out of her office.

Jessica followed Gabrielle out of the office and into the hallway, nervously shutting the door behind her.

Staring strangely at Jessica, Gabrielle quickly plucked
out a cherry lollipop from the top of her left ponytail. “Hey, you look very familiar
ave we met before?”

I don’t think so,” Jessica stammered as her eyes shyly roamed to the lollipop stuck in the center of Gabrielle’s right ponytail.

Gabrielle frowned
“Are you sure?”


pretty sure,” Jessica stammered nervously.

Gabrielle gave her a doubtful stare, “Hmmm
f you say so.”
Then s
he gave her a friendly smile as she handed the lollipop over to Jessica.

Jessica’s blue eyes darted around the hallway as if expecting someone to jump out and grab her. “No
thank you,” she replied as she backed away from the lollipop as if it were a slithering
poisonous snake.

Gabrielle rolled her eyes with exasperation
“Hmmm, somehow I just knew that you were going to say that,” she replied teasingly. Smiling mischievously, she reached up and plucked the
out of her right ponytail.

She waved the lollipop tauntingly in Jessica’s face
“I have another one right here

and don’t give me any of that baloney about being on some silly diet,” she said teasingly.

Jessica’s blue eyes popped open with surprise
“But how did you know that I’m on a diet?”

Gabrielle’s forehead crinkled with puzzlement
“Funny, I really don’t know

it just popped into my head.”

Jessica shuffled from side
you see

tepmother has put me on another dreadful diet—for
the umpteenth time—and
he would absolutely kill me if she found out that I ruined it again by eating candy.”

Gabrielle smiled, leaning in close as if she w
imparting some great secret. “Number one, your
tepmother is not here right now,” she whispered
“And number
a little candy won’t hurt you
will it?”

Jessica giggled softly
revealing her colorful braces. Self-consciously, she quickly slapped her pale hand over her mouth to hide them. “Thanks
Gabrielle, but I better not,” she mumbled.

Gabrielle shrugged her shoulders and shoved the lollipop snugly back into her right ponytail. “Okay, but you sure don’t know what you’re missing because this lollipop is awesome.”

She quickly
the other lollipop, popp
it into her mouth

my absolute favorite,” she said as she rolled her eyes skyward with pure delight.

Jessica bit her bottom lip nervously
“I hope you don’t think that I’m awfully impolite

why do you have lollipops stuck in your ponytails? I mean
I’ve never seen anyone do that before.”

Gabrielle smiled widely
of course you haven’t seen anyone do that before
I’m an original

never duplicated
you see!” she crowed boastfully.

t’s just my thing
I love candy, especially lollipops
I would eat a ton of them
but my Grandma Celeste only allows me to eat two a day, so I started sticking them in my ponytail

you know, easy access so when I need them, I could easily get to them,” she continued
“So, after a while, sticking them in my ponytails just became my thing
. S
ome days it

s apple lollipops
some days

but my absolute favorite flavor by far is cherry.”

Smiling matter-of-factly, she quickly walked away and down the hallway, all the while humming happily.

Jessica’s forehead crinkled with surprise as she watched Gabrielle abruptly walk away.
She hurried to catch
up with her
“Gabrielle, wait up for me
. R
emember, I have to give you the tour of the
cademy,” she said breathlessly.

Gabrielle looked over her shoulders
smiling widely
“Whoa, relax
okay? You sound just like Ms.
. Girl, you
loosen up a bit if you’re going to hang with me,” she said jokingly.

Jessica looked around the hallway nervously
“Shush! Ms.
might hear you.”

“Shush? No one shushes me!” Gabrielle shouted with mock anger.

“I’m sorry

I didn’t mean—”

Gabrielle giggled loudly
Jess, I’m just playing with you. You’re r-e-a-l uptight. Thank goodness Gabi
Gab is here to help you have a little fun,” she smiled
“By the way, I hope you don’t mind me calling you Jess?”

Jessica smiled with obvious relief and shook her head no.

Gabrielle grinned widely
. A
nd you can call me Gabi
all my friends do.”

Jessica bit her lip
I’m sorry for being so uptight
. I
t’s just that the other girls have already warned me that you better not make Ms.
angry,” she whispered, gulping nervously as her eyes darted around the hallway
“They said she could make your life around here pretty hard if you cross her.”

Gabrielle rolled her eyes with exasperation
“And you really believe all that hogwash?” Her hazel eyes narrowed with conviction
Jess, no one has that much power—especially over my life. I’m not worried about Ms.
or anyone else at
for that matter.”

Jessica looked at her with pure admiration
“Wow, I wish I could be as brave as you are,” she gushed in awe.

Gabrielle smiled hugely
“You can and you will. Just stick with me

he looked at her playfully
“Okay, so where to next?”

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