The Secret Lives of Housewives (21 page)

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Authors: Joan Elizabeth Lloyd

BOOK: The Secret Lives of Housewives
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She glanced down. She was still wearing the jeans and tailored shirt she'd been wearing for her day at the mall with Angie. Sexy? “I'm wearing jeans. How is that sexy?”

“You always look sexy and hot to me. Right now you're so tailored, but I know what goes on beneath those classy clothes. I'll bet that, if I had X-ray eyes I could see your nipples get hard and your pussy swell and twitch.”

His smile was almost demonic, and Cait found it incredibly exciting. He was wearing only a pair of lightweight sweatpants and she could see his hairy chest heave with excitement. She glanced at his crotch and saw the large bulge. She knew his cock was large even when flaccid, but he was obviously very excited right now.
I do this to him
, she thought.
What a gas
. “You look really hot, too,” she said. “I can see your big cock.”

His smile showed his white teeth as he reached down and rubbed his palm over his erection. “This is for you, baby,” he said. “Take your shirt and bra off. I want to see your tits.”

His blunt words aroused her still more and she quickly pulled her clothes off. She knew she shouldn't be with him, but it was almost as though she couldn't help herself. She'd just be super-extra-careful. Her breasts were amazingly sensitive, the nipples swollen and tight until they were almost painful. “Rub them!” Hotguy snapped.

She swirled her palms over her nipples, loving the feel of both her breasts and her palms. “Now the pants!” he said.

Soon she was naked, her cheeks chilled by the leather of her desk chair. “Spread your legs so I can see your pussy while you rub yourself.”

She loved the pure power he exuded so she put her heels on the edge of the chair so the camera could get a full view of her crotch. “You, too,” Cait said, her breathy voice barely audible. “I want to see you.”

“You do, do you?” he said, still rubbing his cock through his sweatpants.

“Yes,” she whispered.

“Tell me why?”

Why? “I like to look at you.”

“You like to watch me jerk off, right?”

There was a slightly nasty edge to his voice. Strange. He was being a bit more abrasive than usual today. “Yes, and you like to do it while I watch.”

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I guess I do.” He pulled down his pants and revealed his large erection. “This is for you,” he said, wrapping his fingers around himself and stroking. “Now what have you got for me?”

Cait reached between her legs and massaged her clit. “This,” she purred, relaxing now that he was backing off. She loved it when he dominated her, but there was a limit. Smiling, she reached into a small drawer in the computer desk and pulled out a small paper bag. Today she had a surprise for him. “I've got something for you,” she said, pulling out a bright red vibrating dildo. “I bought this for us to share.”

“Oh, baby,” Hotguy said, his gaze flicking from her hand on her pussy to the large dildo. “That is so hot.”

She twisted the knob at the base of the vibrator and rubbed it around her pussy. She could barely contain her orgasm, but she wanted to tease Hotguy for a little while. She inserted the tip of the dildo between her inner lips and gasped as it filled her, buzzing inside her body.

“Shit, baby, that's dynamite.” His hand moved faster.

For a few moments, the two masturbated in silence, until Hotguy said, “I'm going to come. You ready to see me spurt?”

“Go for it, baby,” she said. “I'm going to come, too.” Cait felt the spasms fill her as she watched Hotguy's cock fill his hand with semen.

“Oh, Cait, you are truly the best.”

The word brought a small part of her brain back to earth. She hated it that he knew her name, but the afterglow of her orgasm felt too good to ruin with worries so she forced her negative thoughts from her mind. “You are, too,” she said, meaning every word. Logan, even at his best, had never made her feel the way Hotguy did.

“That was quite a trip,” he said. “By the way, I've been wondering, are you a Valentine's baby?”

“Valentine's? Why would you think that?”

“The two-fourteen beside your name. Loverlady214. I thought it might be your birthday.”

“Nope. Just a number.” Actually it was her house number but she didn't want to tell Hotguy that. She was being careful, just like she promised herself she would be. She idly glanced around Hotguy's room as he said, “You know I might be visiting your part of the world to see my cousin sometime soon. Maybe we could get together.”

“I don't think so.”

“Why not? We could have some real fun together. After all, we're pretty compatible.”

“Let's just keep it on the screen, okay?”

“I'd really like to be with you for real. It wouldn't have to be at your place. We could get a motel room or something.”

“No. I'm sorry but I'm not interested in seeing you in person. This is exactly what I want. Okay?”

She could see his shoulders slump. “You're saying I'm not good enough to be with?”

“I'm married and very well-known around town here. There's no way I could do anything so dangerous. I've got to run now.”

“A quick cyber-fuck and then you run off?”

“I have to. My husband will be home soon.” He wasn't due until midevening, but Cait was starting to feel very uncomfortable.

“I hate that we have to cut this off so quickly,” Hotguy said, a lewd expression on his face. “I'll bet you're good for several more orgasms.”

“See you sometime soon.” No, she wouldn't. She'd never see him again. Too bad, but she couldn't risk it. She knew that now. Cait quickly signed off, shivering slightly. Seeing him had been a really bad idea and she vowed she wouldn't do it again. It took several minutes for her heartbeat to return to normal, both from the sex and the nervousness, but slowly her body calmed.

She wandered into the bathroom to wash the dildo, then put it back in its usual hiding place in her lingerie drawer. Okay. She had to admit to herself that she'd put it in the computer desk hoping she'd get to play with Hotguy344. It was like some kind of addiction but she vowed that she would do without. Maybe she'd find someone else on-line. That was a good idea. She'd find another erotic chat room and hook up with someone else. It certainly didn't have to be Hotguy.

As she dried the dildo, a picture of Hotguy's room flashed through her brain. It looked like a bedroom, his bedroom. Too bad she'd never see it again. No, not too bad. It was a good thing. He was too complicated and dangerous. Why, she wondered, wasn't he at work? She kept forgetting that there were four hours' difference between New York and Fairbanks. It was only one-thirty there and Hotguy worked nights. Then her brain flashed on the clock beside his bed. It had said five-thirty. She'd seen it but hadn't focused on it until that moment. Five-thirty. That was strange. Why would he have a clock set to her time zone? Unless it was his time zone, too.

Fairbanks? He said he lived there, but what proof did she have that he actually did? Was that a lie? Was he here in the eastern time zone? Shit. Her entire body trembled. No. It couldn't be. He was four time zones away. Wasn't he?


In New Jersey, Nick signed off the chat site and brought up the phone directory for Westchester County, New York. He had made Cait uncomfortable today and he had the feeling that he wouldn't be able to meet her on-line any more. Well, that would be all right. He'd do things his way.

He knew she lived north of New York City, and since it was obvious from the fancy room he could see behind Cait that her husband earned big bucks, he probably commuted. A few clicks and he was on a site where he could access the local phone book. He'd tried this before, but Johnson was such a common name that hunting for her address had done him little good, so now he made a few assumptions. He decided to try 214 as her house number. Many people had to add numbers to their screen names since most of the plain ones, like Loverlady by itself, were already taken. The easiest numbers to remember were birth dates or addresses, and 214 wasn't her birthday.

He clicked several times and typed in what he knew. Sure enough, there was a Logan Johnson at 214 Sheraton in East Hudson, New York. He found some official stuff about the town, then accessed the local paper and flipped through several issues on-line. He found a picture of Caitlin and Logan Johnson at some local fund-raiser several months earlier. It was her.

Gotcha, Cait Johnson of Sheraton Avenue, East Hudson, New York. He clicked on an icon on his computer's desktop, and with a few more clicks, the scene he and Cait had just lived replayed on his screen. He zoomed in, and while he watched her beautiful pussy fill the screen, he rubbed his already erect cock until he came again. Now that he knew who and where, it was just a matter of time before they got together, up close and personal, as they said on TV. Until then he would relive their last two meetings over and over again.


t finally felt like fall in East Hudson. The day was more typical of November than early October: winds gusting at over thirty miles per hour, temperatures in the low fifties and rain for a sixth straight day. Just before noon, four women dashed from the 3Cs to the diner and shaking off like wet dogs, slid into their normal booth. “God, I hate this. We had such beautiful weather until last Monday, then whammo.” Monica made a rude noise and motioned to the rivers of rain cascading down the window. “Even my trusty umbrella doesn't help when it's this windy.”

“I'm starting to grow green mold,” Cait said, “and to add insult to injury, instead of drought, the radio's now screaming about flooding. I don't think we can ever win.”

“I know that diner coffee has become our personal taboo but today I need my hot, brown liquid,” Monica said, and the others nodded sagely. When the waitress arrived, they each ordered a sandwich and coffee.

“Okay, first order of business. Angie, tell us about the new you,” Monica said.

Angie told the other two about her day with Cait. “So what happened when Tony saw you?” Cait asked. “I'm dying of curiosity.”

“He was floored,” Angie said, playing with a strand of reddish brown hair. “For several beats he stared at me, then said, ‘What happened?' I told him and he stood and applauded.”

“He really did that?” Cait said, her grin wide and triumphant.

“He did. He said he's been wanting me to do something with myself for a long time but he was reluctant to say anything.”


“He was afraid he'd make me feel like he'd insulted me. He never wanted to make me feel less than I am, but he's wanted me to spruce myself up for a while.”

Cait looked at her. “I see you're wearing another new shirt.”

“Actually it's not new. This”—she smoothed the collar of a soft navy and white striped cotton blouse with a navy tank top underneath—“was in the back of my closet. Tony actually went through all my stuff with me and pulled out several things that I'd stopped wearing.” She grinned ruefully. “This dates from before the twins were born.”

“Well, I'm proud of you both,” Cait said. “So tell us, when he saw the new you, did he jump your bones?”

Monica could see the flush on Angie's face. Over the months the women had been getting together, Angie had gotten more used to blunt conversation but it still made her face redden. “Yeah,” Angie said. “It was like I was a new me.”

As the sandwiches and coffee arrived, the other three women clapped softly. “Bravo, Angie,” Cait said.

“Way to go, girl,” Eve chimed in. “Are you all set for the party tomorrow?”

“Strangely enough, I am,” Angie said, warming her chilled hands on her coffee cup. “The house is as clean as it's going to get and I've got enough food and drinks to feed a small army. If the weather cooperates, Tony's parents fly in early this afternoon and the festivities begin with a pre-party party tonight at Frank and Linda's.”

“I'll bet they'll all be astonished with the new you,” Eve said.

“I hope so,” Angie said, with an irrepressible grin, then her face sobered. “There's been a scary incident since I last saw you,” she continued, her voice much more serious. “There was a shooting at Tony's school.”

The three women put down their food and leaned forward. “He's okay, right?”

“Yeah,” Angie said. “He's fine. It was in another part of the building.”

“Oh, shit. I think I saw it on the news on TV,” Monica said. “I had no idea that was Tony's school. They said it was some gang war thing?”

“Always,” Angie answered. “This was some gang kid whose girlfriend was supposedly fooling around with some guy from another gang. No one knows how he got the gun into the building through the metal detectors, but he did. Shot the other guy in the belly. One kid's in intensive care and the other's in jail.” Her head shook slowly. “I just don't get it, and it totally freaks me out. Tony said cops were climbing all over the building but they still don't know how the gun got in or where it got to after the kid shot up the place.”

“Shit. That's really scary,” Monica said.

“He's just a high school teacher but right now I feel like a cop's wife, worrying whether my husband is going to come home from work at the end of the day,” Angie said with a shudder. “He's more determined than ever to get out of that school, but he's got nothing lined up. Frankly,” she said, taking a large swallow of her coffee, “I can't wait. I would love him to quit and work with his brothers until he finds another teaching job but he keeps talking about his pension and benefits. With a family, it's doubly difficult to move around. I think the powers that be count on that. He's been trying to get a transfer, at least, to a school in a better neighborhood, but he's so good with these tough kids that they want to keep him right where he is.”

Monica could tell how upset Angie was by the length of her diatribe. Seldom before had she talked about her personal life in such detail. “Is there anything any one of us can do to help Tony with his job?”

“I wish there were,” Angie said, “but it's something that we'll have to live through. I tell myself that the chances of something like that happening again are miniscule, but still…”

“We're here for you, babe. We all are. Moving right along,” Monica said, deliberately changing the subject, “I got wind of some good news this week.”


“It seems I'm up for partner at Conroy & Bates.”

“That's fabulous. Congratulations,” Cait said.

“It will mean more work but lots more money, too. It's not only a piece of my action, but everyone else's as well.” She had long since realized that she could be happy about her six-figure salary without making her friends envious. Grinning, she continued. “It would take my annual income quite a bit higher into the six figures.”

“That's wonderful,” Angie said. “I can't even think in those numbers.”

“What about your vow to relax a little? Remember your doctor's words?”

“I do, but I can do it. I won't stop my yoga and lunches with you ladies. I'll just work harder during the days.”

“How does Dan feel about it? Would it mean more time in the city and less for him?”

“I don't know what it would mean, but I haven't really had a chance to tell him yet. I am a little worried about how he'll take it. I'd be making more than he does.”

“Do you think he'd mind the salary differential? Is he that ego involved, that shallow?” Cait asked.

“No,” Monica said as she picked up her sandwich, then put it down again. “He's not that way. I think he'd be happy for me.” Her voice lowered. “I think he really cares.”

“There's something more bothering you, though,” Cait said.

“Yeah. I'm worried about his reaction if he finds out how I get business, how I entertain clients.”

“You mean your outside activities?” Eve said.

“Let's put our cards on the table here,” Monica said, leaning on her elbows and staring intently at the other three. “I'm a whore. Okay, it's for a good cause, my business, but if we were to call it what it is, it's prostitution. I sell myself.”

“Don't say it like that,” Angie snapped. “You're doing what you need to do in a very tough business. That doesn't make you a whore.”

“That's putting a nice spin on it, Angie,” Monica said, “but whatever you want to call it, it embarrasses the hell out of me where Dan's concerned. I don't want to tell him why I don't come home many evenings. I don't think he'd view it as ‘doing what I had to do,' as you put it.”

“Maybe he won't find out,” Eve said.

“Maybe he won't, but I'm still lying, even if it's only a sin of omission. I don't have the courage to talk to him about it, though. I want things to go on the way they are, light, close, but not too close.”

“So keep it that way,” Cait said. “Be happy together. Tell him about the partnership and have a really hot celebration. You don't have to do anything more for the moment.”

Be happy together. Could she? Could they? Her relationship with Dan was getting more serious by the day and she thought Dan felt it, too. Could they do this? She wanted both, Dan and the partnership. If she had to choose, which way would she go? In the past, becoming partner was everything she'd ever wanted but now Dan had become terribly important. “Yeah. That might work, at least for the moment.”

“Where was he this morning?” Angie asked. “I missed gazing fondly at his buns.”

Monica had missed him, too. “He got back from California late last night and he's sleeping in this morning.”

“At your house?” Cait asked with raised eyebrows.

Monica couldn't suppress her grin. “Yes, at my house.”

“Was it good last night?” Cait continued.

“Enough third degree, and yes, it was good. It always is. Moving on to other topics, Cait, what's up with Hotguy?”

Cait quickly sobered. “I've decided to cut it all off completely.”

“That sounds like a good idea,” Eve continued. “At least he doesn't know where you live or anything.” When Cait didn't respond, Eve said, “Does he?”

Cait shuddered. “I think he might know more than I'm happy with.”

“Even if he knows, he's in Alaska so what's the harm?” Angie asked.

Cait took a long swallow of her coffee and sensing she had more to say, the others remained silent. “I'm not sure he is in Fairbanks,” Cait said as she set her cup down. “While we were playing early this week, I saw a clock on his table. It was set to our time. Alaska's four hours earlier.”

Eve's expression tightened. “You think he was lying about where he is?”

“He might have been. I've been thinking about it and what better way to ease someone's mind than to say you're so far away. He might have just been suckering me along.”

“That's pretty scary,” Angie said. “How much does he know about you?”

Cait hung her head. “If I were being honest, I don't know what I might have let slip. If he's computer savvy he might be able to find out where I am.” She slugged down another long swallow of coffee.

“Do you think he'd really want to see you in person?” Monica asked. “After all, I assume you made it very clear that this was an Internet thing only.”

“I did, several times. Why would he want to find me if he knows that I don't want to have anything to do with him?”

“You're probably right and that's probably that,” Monica said.

“I hope so, but I wish I could be sure.”

The others murmured their agreement. After several minutes of idle chat, Cait asked, “Eve, did you decide what to do about Mike?”

“What I decided and what I did are, unfortunately, two different things. I was determined to tell him that I didn't want to see him again, but I couldn't do it where someone might hear. I waited until we were alone, in our hotel room Tuesday at lunchtime.”

“Bad idea.”

“I know, but I couldn't think of anywhere else.”

“The inevitable happened, I assume from your expression,” Angie said. “You didn't tell him.”

“I didn't. I tried, but he looked at me and…”


On her way to the hotel she'd picked up sandwiches and drinks as she always did, and was sitting on the room's only chair when Mike used a card key and opened the door. “God, Eve, I've been so hungry for you since the last time we were here. You've been difficult to get ahold of.”

“I'm sorry, Mike,” Eve said. “I've been busy.”

“I understand but I got some time Sunday afternoon to call and I thought we could play. I got your answering machine.”

She had heard the phone and since not too many people called her over the weekend, she had let the machine pick up. “Hi, baby, it's me.” Mike's voice had echoed through the apartment. “It's Sunday at about two-thirty and I'm parked in the elementary school parking lot, eager to talk to you. If you're there, pick up.” There was a pause, then the voice continued, “Well, I guess you're not there. I'll try you on your cell. See you Monday in the office, and Tuesday in our usual place.”

“I was out,” Eve had said, shifting in the motel chair. “Sorry I missed your call.”

“I tried your cell phone but I got a stupid message,” he said, sounding petulant.

“I guess I forgot to turn it on.”

“Well, we're here now,” Mike said, taking her hands and guiding her to her feet. “I'm not really hungry. For food, that is.”

“Mike, I've got to talk to you,” Eve said, feeling the warmth of his hands against hers.

“Can't it wait?” Mike said, placing her palm against his erection. “I want you very much.”

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