The Secret Life of Bryan (17 page)

BOOK: The Secret Life of Bryan
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He was, without a doubt, incredible.

Slowly, holding his gaze, Shay stepped in and closed the door behind her. “Much better.” And with stark anticipation, she approached him. “Thank you.”


Bryan didn’t stand as she neared the bed. He was where he wanted them both to be, and he’d be damned if he’d leave it. She could join him. Right now. Before he exploded.

She stopped right in front of him.

Catching her trim hips between his hands, he pulled her to stand between his thighs. “We have a lot to talk about. But it’s going to have to wait until after.”

“After?” She smiled in a knowing, very female way.

“Damn right.” Bryan removed her shirt and let it fall to the floor behind her. Her breathing was fast and deep as he tugged her T-shirt from her jeans and inched it up. He got it only as high as her breasts when he had to lean forward and kiss her midriff. She started to pull back, so he crossed his hands over the small of her back and kept her still. She was all silky skin and womanly fragrance. He nuzzled his mouth, his chin against her.

He wanted to eat her up.

And he would.

Knowing that sent a wave of incredible heat through his muscles.

He stood only long enough to strip the T-shirt over her head. Shay was so tall that it would have been awkward otherwise. In just a bra and jeans, she looked delectable. Moments ago, Bryan had been in such a hurry. Now he wanted to savor the moment.

Eyeing her barely veiled breasts, he asked, “Do your panties match the bra?”


He’d figured as much. Shay was a matching lingerie type of woman. Thinking of the soft lace hugging her ass and crotch got his fingers working again, this time on the snap and zipper of her jeans. He slid off the bed, dropping to one knee in front of her. He worked the denim down her long, sleek thighs, held her with one arm around her hips, and told her, “Lift your foot.”

With her cooperation, he stripped off her sandals, then her jeans. When she was left in nothing but her underwear, Bryan slowly straightened and reseated himself.

Looking at her affected him so much, he didn’t dare touch her yet. “You are so beautiful.”

Her belly hollowed out with a deep breath. “I…I’d rather you like me than find me attractive.”

Sometimes the things she said made no sense to him. She’d told him that she got along well with her adoptive family, so why did being liked matter so much to her? During his impersonation of his brother, he’d learned about all kinds of insecurities with the women. Was this Shay’s insecurity?

Truthfully, he told her, “I like you a lot.”

She took another step closer and slipped her hand over his head, stroking his hair. “Do you mean that?” There was so much yearning in her voice that Bryan paused. “Or are you just saying it because you want to sleep with me?”

It wasn’t easy, but he managed to get his eyes off her body and onto her face. “Have other men lied to you to get you into bed?”

His question took her off guard, then she laughed and shoved him backward onto the bed while coming down over him. “You should have been a detective instead of a preacher, do you know that?”

His hands automatically went to her cute rear. Lush, soft flesh filled his palms and made his heart beat a little quicker. “Why?”

“Because you answer every question with another question. You’re always digging for information. And you’re incredibly suspicious.”

Part and parcel with his job, but Bryan wasn’t about to tell her that. She had stretched out on top of him, her breasts right there, her belly over his erection, her long legs tangled with his.

In one deft move, he flipped her beneath him. “I didn’t lie. I do like you.” He cupped her head, smoothed his thumb over her cheekbone. “But you’re still beautiful.”

“I don’t care about that.”

He shook his head in wonder. “Funny, but I believe you. If you were any other woman, I might not. But hearing you say it…I dunno. It rings true.”

“Take your jeans off.”

He wasn’t a man given to humor, but damn, Shay had him grinning a lot. Apparently she didn’t want to talk about her looks anymore. “Yes, ma’am.” He rolled to the side of her and did as she asked, even going one further and removing his boxers at the same time.

His cock was thick and hard, more than ready for her. “Better?”

Her incredible blue eyes were bright with inner heat as she stared at him with fascination and lust. She licked her lips and he groaned, anxious to feel that luscious mouth on his dick.

“Much.” And before Bryan could move, she was over him again, kissing his throat, his chest, while her hand snaked down his body.

He wasn’t sure he’d survive it. “Shay…”

“Shh.” She moved up and over him, cupping his face and kissing his mouth softly. “I haven’t wanted anyone like this in far too long.”

His eyes narrowed. “How long?”

Exasperation curled her mouth, but it wasn’t quite a smile. “Enough talking, okay?”

Fine by him. “Then let’s get you caught up.” He reached behind her with one hand and with the flick of two fingers, opened the back clasp of her bra. The cups fell forward, baring her breasts.

“Why, preacher,” she teased, “where’d you learn a trick like that?” And she shrugged the bra off.

The sight of her pale, silky breasts and tightly puckered pink nipples had his guts twisting with need. He needed her so badly, it hurt.

Since Shay seemed to enjoy it, Bryan wished he could continue to play. But at the moment, it was well beyond him.

Holding her waist, he pulled her down so he could reach her, and closed his mouth over one taut nipple. Gently, he suckled her, and never wanted to stop.

Shay inhaled sharply and he felt the stiffening of her thighs against his. What he’d imagined so many times became a reality, and he slid his hand down her slim waist, over the rise of her hip—and straight into her lace panties. Everything male within him quickened at the feel of firm, plump flesh, now his to claim. Perfect.

Heart galloping and tension coiling, he explored her from behind, palming one round cheek, letting his fingers sink between. She gasped, stilled in shock, and then he touched her swollen, wet lips.

They both groaned.

Bryan switched to her other breast, drawing that nipple in, sucking hard in reaction to his rising pleasure. Shay rocked against his hand while he insistently worked one thick finger inside her. So hot. So damn slippery wet.

“I’ve thought about doing this to you at least a hundred times,” he growled against her nipple. He worked his finger in deep, slowly drew it out again. Her muscles clenched, trying to hold onto him.

Pressing his finger inside her, he turned her onto her back so he could watch her face. Her pale hair spread out over his pillows. Her vivid blue eyes closed, her teeth sank into her bottom lip. Bryan watched every nuance of pleasure, excitement and need as it crossed her features.

She was close, he could tell. He worked another finger in, filling her, pumping into her, finger-fucking her while reveling in her reactions. Her neck arched and her fists clenched the sheets.

His hand was bathed in moisture, and he couldn’t wait a second more. He kissed her ribs, licked his way down to her cute little belly button, to the ultrasoft skin beneath it.

Shay drew a shuddering, uncertain breath. “Bryan?”

Gently, he pried her thighs farther apart. “I’ve thought about this, too. About eating you till you scream.”

She went mute, from embarrassment or excitement, he didn’t know. He didn’t care. Holding her legs open, he stared at her sex, flushed dark pink, swollen, her clitoris engorged. A groan rumbled up from deep in his chest and he licked her, from between her slick lips, up and over that ultrasensitive flesh.

“Oh, God,” she cried, arching hard, her legs trying to close automatically.

“No,” Bryan said, holding her still and keeping her sprawled wide for his pleasure. “I like looking at you. I like tasting you.” He cupped her hips in his hands and lifted her. Her scent was strong, spicy hot and intoxicating. He pressed his face into her, breathing deeply, plunging with his tongue, repeatedly flicking up and over her clitoris, again and again.

Her gasping breaths increased and she started to quiver, signaling the rise of her climax. Her muscles tightened, tightened…He closed his mouth around her sweet clit and sucked.

Her low, guttural scream nearly pushed him over the edge. He pressed his cock hard against the mattress and concentrated on not coming until he got inside her, until he could feel her contractions squeezing him tight.

Snatching up a pillow, Shay covered her face to muffle her cries, but Bryan still heard every raw, real sound. Her hips lifted hard against his mouth, her heels dug into the mattress. A rose flush bathed her body.

The moment she sank back to the bed, her trembles now tiny aftershocks and her breathing shallow and fast, he rose up and reached for a condom.

Shay still lay there, her legs open, the pillow hiding her face. She was by far the most beautiful woman he’d ever known, and she hid from him. He wanted to grin but couldn’t manage it. With the condom in place, he snatched the pillow away and flung it across the room.

“I want to see you.”

Sleepily, her eyes opened—and she held her arms up to him.

His finesse shot to hell, Bryan covered her, clutching her tight to his chest so that her heartbeat matched his, sealing her mouth with his, sinking his tongue past her lips. He thrust into her. Hard and deep.

Shay was so wet that it happened easily, naturally, as if they’d made love a dozen different times. Her nails stung his shoulders. Her legs came up around his waist, hugging him, letting him sink deeper still.

He knew he wouldn’t last but he desperately wanted her pleasure again. He slid one hand beneath her ass and tipped her up to give him the best penetration. She groaned into his mouth and struggled to match the rhythm he set. They moved together, more frantic by the moment, hard and fast and deep, and then Shay came again, longer, harder this time. He felt her sweat, tasted it as he opened his mouth on her shoulder and ground out his release with mind-numbing power.

Time seemed to stand still. The air in the room smelled heavy with their combined scents and the scent of sex. From shoulders to hips, their bodies were glued together. Shay’s legs slipped from around him to land limp on the mattress. He couldn’t pull away. Not yet.

He didn’t want to pull away—ever.

Needing time to gather his wits, Bryan kept his face tucked in next to hers. Sated, drained, emotionally rocked, he did no more than stroke her disheveled hair and contemplate what the hell to say.

He heard Shay swallow, felt her bend one leg to get more comfortable. “That was…” She sighed, shrugged, kissed his shoulder. “Incredible.”

Bryan grinned. Leave it to take-charge Shay to break the uncertainty of the moment. Rejuvenated by her praise, he turned his face to see her. “You’re incredible.”

Her eyes were closed, but her lips curled in satisfaction. “Help me do that again, and I might believe you.”

Laughing, Bryan rolled to his back and pulled her on top of him. She snuggled down and pressed her face into his throat.

After a moment, she whispered, “I hope this wasn’t a one-shot deal, Bryan.”

“No.” He trailed his fingertips down her graceful spine to her bottom. He loved touching her. He loved holding her. He loved…

Ah, shit.

“One time?” he asked with mock disbelief. “Hell, no. In fact, give me a few minutes and I’ll be ready again.”

She tweaked his chest hair, soothed the spot with gentle fingers. “Then do you mind if I doze off for a little while? It’s been such a busy day.”

He wanted to tell her to go ahead, that he’d enjoy holding her while she slept. But there were things they had to discuss first. “Sorry honey, but I do mind.”

She raised her face to frown at him. “Don’t tell me I’m too heavy for you.” She poked his chest. “I know I’m not exactly dainty, but you’re hard as bricks. More than sturdy enough to—”

His finger pressed over her lips, shushing her. “We need to talk.”

“Oh.” She retreated—not physically, but emotionally he saw her pulling back and it irritated him. They’d just shared mind-blowing sex—which she’d admitted to, for crying out loud—but she still wanted to keep secrets from him.

He supposed that, whatever problems she had in her life, it would take time for him to overcome them. He bit back his impatience and let her off the hook. “Remember I told you that I’d had a chat with Chili?”

“Oh, yeah.” Visibly relaxing, she scooted to his side and sat up.

Now that’s a distraction,
Bryan thought, looking at her naked body again. She was so unself-conscious with her nudity that it turned him on.



He shook his head at himself. “Let me take care of business first.” He left the bed and strolled into the bathroom to dispose of the condom. Calling back to Shay, he asked, “You want a drink or something?”

Several seconds passed and then she was there, standing outside the open bathroom door, still bare as a baby. “I could use something cold.” Her gaze was on his hands, watching him peel off the condom. “Want me to get us some drinks?”

Did nothing make her uncomfortable? “Why don’t we grab some clothes and stay in the kitchen?”


Why, indeed. “If we get back into bed, I’ll want you again.” He looked over her perfect body. The woman didn’t have a single flaw, as far as he could tell. “In fact, if you don’t cover up, we won’t even make it back to the bed.” He forced his attention to her face. “And we really do need to clear up some things.”

She seemed to think it over, then shrugged. “Can I borrow a shirt?”

“Help yourself.”

They went back into the bedroom and Shay pulled on the T-shirt he’d discarded. She was tall but slender, and it mostly covered her. Yet when she walked, he took tiny peeks at her ass.

Bryan pulled on his boxers. “Still want dinner?”

“Yes. I’m starved.” She wrinkled her nose. “But I don’t want you to spend your time cooking when we could be spending it other ways.”

BOOK: The Secret Life of Bryan
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