The Secret Journey (3 page)

Read The Secret Journey Online

Authors: Paul Christian

Tags: #erotic, #erotica, #domination, #bondage, #sex slave, #sado masochism, #50 shades of gray

BOOK: The Secret Journey
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And yes, your breath is starting to come
faster, because you know I have what you need. What you need is
where I’m taking you, on this secret journey to the dark side of
your mind. Think about that for a moment, and think about your
body. Think about why your lips are dry, why your heart is beating
faster, why your crotch is getting damp. We still haven’t shocked
your mom here, honey. But you know what’s going to happen, just
like I know you. You know I’m going to take you just the way I want
to and you know you can’t say ‘No'. Not to me you can’t, you
couldn’t if you tried, though because you are who you are you’ll
try anyway, just to see if I let you get away with it.

So I’m not going to let you get away with it,
honey. We already established that back in part one. “Yes” is your
word, your only word, between these sheets, between you and I.
“Yes” is your word, and you’re going to say it now, say “Yes” for
me. And you can’t help but say it.

“Yes”, silently, subvocally, barely parting
your luscious lips but still moving them. Moving them because you
have to, to make this as real as it can be. Moving them because I
want you to, and because you want so much to be mine.


And yes, I know you. I know exactly where you
are right now, in your mind, in your body. I might as well be
watching you, watching you read this, watching this start to turn
you on. That excites you, doesn’t it? Excites you and scares you
too, and you can feel me right there, can’t you? You can feel me in
the room, feel my eyes on you, focused on you, reading your
thoughts before you think them. You can’t help but wonder where I’m
watching from, and though you know it’s impossible you still feel
it, still feel me there. And you can’t help but look around the
room to see where I am.

Go ahead, look around, check the door you
closed behind us. You can’t see me, but guess what? I
watching you, right here, right now, as I write this, as you read
it. I can see you, oh so clearly, see your breasts, soft and firm
and tempting, see your legs, your thighs, your round, inviting ass.
I can see your lips, already parted, watch you lick them. You’re
proud of your body, but it makes you shy to know I’m watching. You
want me to like it. I can see your eyes, see them flutter, see the
shyness that you haven’t felt in years. You’re a woman but being
watched like this makes you feel like a girl again, brings that
rush to your stomach.

Remember your first crush? Remember the long
nights, wondering, dreaming, wishing?
Does he like me? Does he
want me?
I can see the little tremors in your throat, in your
hands, I can hear the catch in your breathing. It turns you on to
know I see you and you want me to be turned on by the thought of
seeing you naked. And yes, honey, I’m going to see you naked
because you’re going to strip for me, you’re going to show me
everything, one piece at a time. And you’re going to make it good,
make it slow, make it sexy for me, yes you are.

So say it for me “Yes, yes,
!” You
know what I like to hear.

and we’ll release your body,
free your flesh from its confinement.

“Please,” and we’ll release your soul, turn
you into purified sex.

Say it. “Yes please, let me strip for you.”
Nobody’s watching but me honey, that’s why I had you close the

“Yes please, let me show you everything.”

Nobody’s going to know what you’re doing
here, honey, nobody but you and I. So take your top off, slowly,
slowly. Do it, before you read another word. Do it now. Right

Good girl, so sexy. Now get your tits out,
firm and full Are your nipples hard yet? Not as hard as they’re
going to be. Do you wear a bra? Let’s get that off too, reach up,
snap the clasp, shrug it off. That’s what I like to see. You have
such lovely tits, honey. Show them off for me, hold them up, offer
them, rub them, rub them hard, squeeze them. Remember last time?
Remember how they felt, remember how you felt, squeezing them for
me, pinching your taut, tight nipples, holding them up for me?

Let me tell you about your breasts, honey.
They’re beautiful, womanly, and they’re so much you. I don’t care
if they’re big or small, what matters is they’re warm and soft and
curved and ripe. So stick them out, show them off, prove you’re a
woman, show them to me, shake them, wiggle them, make me want them.
Oh yes oh yes, feel them move when you breathe, deeper now, and
faster. Feel them ache for my hands. Your breasts are meant for my
hands. Imagine for me now, imagine sitting on a pillow on the
floor, leaning back against the luscious couch, leaning back
between my legs, snuggled back with my hands on your breasts from
behind, rigid nipples sticking out between my fingers. That feels
good, feels intimate, feels warm and safe and close and right. It
feels right because it
right, because that’s the way it’s
meant to be.

You’re the woman, I’m the man, and my hands
belong on your body. That’s the connection, our connection, our
little private secret. You offer it and I accept it, simply,
naturally, as easy and refreshing as cool water on a hot summer

And there’s still nothing here that would
shock your closest friends, though now you might not choose to
share with Mom. But your friends aren’t here and Mom is a long way
away and right now it’s just you and me, and what I want and what
you need. And I don’t want your tits anymore, honey, I want your
ass. I want to feel it, firm and round and swelling. I want your
belly, so smooth and rounded. I want your long, firm thighs, honey,
so get your clothes off, get the rest of them gone, pants off,
skirt hits the floor.

What kind of panties do you wear? No, don’t
answer that because I don’t care. Underwear is a highway sign,
interesting only because it tells you how close you are to where
you want to be. So get rid of them too, honey, if you had any on to
start with. Panties off, and are you wet beneath them?

Slide your hand down to find out, and of
course you are, you’ve been wet since we started part two. You’ve
been wet since you picked up this book. You’ve been thinking about
it constantly, if you’ve even managed to put it down, it’s been in
your brain, in your mind. Every time you go through a door you go
through our door, every time you see something written you’re
reminded of these words. It makes it hard to concentrate, doesn’t
it, honey? It makes it hard to get your work done when all you can
think about is what I’m going to do with you next. Go on, ask for
what’s next. Say “Please,” you naughty little girl, all wet and
naked and so turned on.


” comes automatically now
doesn’t it? “Please” slips so easily from your lips. “Please, take
me, please fuck me, please use me.” Say it honey, say it right

“Please, take me, please fuck me, please use
me.” And now you’re going to show me just how much you need it.
“Please, take me, please fuck me, please use me.”

Now stand up, legs apart, stick your ass out,
stick your tits forward, lips parted, make it good. Do it, really
do it, honey, because it’s what I want you to do. Stand up, legs
apart, present yourself while you read. And you know what you’re
asking for here, don’t you honey? You’re asking for my arousal.
You’re on display now, showing it off for me, showing me that
, you are a woman,
you are
woman and
yes, yes,
you are going to give it all to me.

You’re saying, “See what you do to me, see
what I’ll do for you.”

You’re saying, “See what’s yours, take what’s

Yeah, you want me to want you, you need me to
want you, and honey you’re getting your wish because right now
there’s nothing in the world I want more than you, and the only
reason I’m not fucking you already, not slamming it into you so
hard you think the world will end, is because I want to string it
out, make it last. I want to see, want to know, want to
just how much you’re mine. Legs wider now honey, do it for me, feel
the moisture on your cunt. Legs wider, ass out further, tits out
further, and it’s getting difficult to read, isn’t it? Just a
little awkward here, and you can’t believe you’re doing this, but
you’re doing it, spreading yourself, posing for me, this man you’ve
never met. Not met yet, anyway.
There’s promise in that
word. Does that excite you honey, the thought that maybe one day
our journey will bring us together?

That’s up to you and it may be true, but it’s
also a question for tomorrow because what matters right now is legs
, bent right over, ass right up. Bend way, way over,
feel the stretch, feel yourself open up. Can you still feel my eyes
on you, honey? Legs wider still, do it, do it now, and you’d better
find something to brace against or you’re going to fall right over.
And we can't have that, can we honey, because then you couldn’t
read, could you? And we very much want you to savour every word,
every moment, every breath, every heartbeat of your time with me.
So get yourself in position on your bed, over your desk, against a
table, anywhere, I don’t care. What I care about is legs straight,
legs spread, ass up, bent right over with your eyes locked on this
book and your cunt throbbing and juicy and now it’s opening for me,
all by itself. Arch your back, you know the way, make it good, make
it hot, make me want it. Do it, fucking
do it.

Fuck that’s hot, honey. And now just think
about how you look. Think about my eyes on you, drinking it in,
narrow waist and flaring hips, breasts pointed at the floor by your
tight and rigid nipples, your graceful slender neck, your soft hair
and your ass, oh yes, oh yes, it’s all about your ass, upturned and
inviting, spread and vulnerable and offered up like ripe fruit.
Feel my eyes on it, on your swollen cunt, on your stiff little
clit, rigid now, peeking out from its cover, eager, oh so eager to
be touched, rubbed, pulled, pinched. Imagine the effect on me, how
that talks straight to the back of my brain, straight to my cock.
You need my words, but what I need from you is pure body language,
pure female sexual invitation, pure ass wiggling, cunt spreading,
wet, musky, eager desire. You need my words, but what I need is
your sounds, your moans, your groans, your desperate, pleading
screams of sexual need.

You know what I need so talk body language to
me, honey, ask for it with your ass. Make it say “I need you to
fuck me.”

Make it say “I’ll be anything for you, your
woman, your slut, your dirty little flirty virgin, or your easy,
eager whore.”

Make it say “I’m yours, all yours. I’ll do
everything you want just so long as you do it to me, and do it
hard, and do it fast and make me feel it, make me take it, force
me, fuck me, use me, abuse me, do anything, do everything just at
the end just please, please fill me up to overflowing
spray me,
fill me,
drench me, drown me in your
white hot juice.”

Yeah honey, work it. Work it hard while you
devour my words, let me see it, hear it, feel it. Work it so I have
to watch, so you own my whole attention.

Yeah that's the way. And I’ll bet you didn’t
know your ass was quite that eloquent but it is. It sends that
message to a thousand men a day, and nine hundred look and look
away before you catch them and ninety try to date you up, and maybe
nine have ever really touched you, but there’s only one whose ever
made you feel quite like
and that’s me and you haven’t
even met me. Yet.

There’s that word again. It
implies a future, but this journey we’re on is a long one and right
now is right now, and what I want
right now
is your pretty
little cunt, petals spread wide, glistening, open, eager, inviting.
Just slide a hand down there and do it honey, feel it open up for
me, feel how swollen it is. You can’t help but slide a finger over,
slide it up, slide it in. You can’t help but fuck yourself as you
present yourself for me, bent over, open, willing, wanton. You know
I’ll like what I see, and you do like to put on a show, don’t you

Yeah, show me; hump it, do it, in and out and
in and out, faster, faster, harder, and deep. Oh my God that’s
good, honey, that looks so hot. You didn’t even know you had this
in you, but I did. I do know you, and you understand that now, you
get the picture - well part of it at least. Think about how you
look there, one hand on this book, this thin thread of connection
from my mind to yours, and the other on your pussy, finger fucking
yourself to turn me on.

You didn’t forget that part, did you - that
you’re doing this to turn me on. You didn’t lose that point in your
eager, slutty self-love, in the one woman orgy you’re putting on
right now. You didn’t forget the point here is for you to please
the audience, like any performer, and yeah, you’re putting on quite
the performance right now. The only difference is, this isn’t play
acting, this is as real as it gets. Go ahead, fuck it harder, you
know you need it. Are you moaning yet? Are you tearing the breath
from your throat in gasps as your clit swells and longs to burst?
Think about that word – ‘yet’, think about how much more real this
is, how much more intense, more passionate this is than simple
boy-meets-girl. Think about how you’re giving yourself now like
you’ve never given yourself before and think about how you want to
make it even more real, think about how much more you need.

And you need a lot now don’t you honey? Hard
and fast and deep, so do it, fucking do it, take it, grind it, get
into it, show me just how slutty you can be. Get it off for me,
harder, faster. Scream for me, beg for me, arch for me. “Please,”
remember that word?

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