The SEAL Next Door (Alpha SEALs Book 5) (5 page)

BOOK: The SEAL Next Door (Alpha SEALs Book 5)
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Someday—one day far, far off in the future—he wanted to own a place down by the water.  Maybe here, maybe back in Virginia Beach.  Just anywhere he could feel the sand beneath his feet and the ocean breeze on his face.  And hell if he couldn’t see a woman like Brianna right there with him.  Imagine that.

“I’ll have a rum and coke,” Brianna said to the bartender.  Matthew ordered a beer and guided her toward a vacant stool.

“There’s only one seat,” she protested.

“I’m fine,” he assured her.  Hell, after beating feet all over the damn planet, he sure the hell could stand here at the bar next to a pretty lady for an hour or two.

A college-aged girl in a skimpy dress and sky-high heels bumped into him as she walked by, and she turned to apologize.  “It’s fine, darlin’,” he said.  Brianna stiffened from her perch on the stool, and Matthew raised his eyebrows.  Was she upset he was flirting with another woman?

The bartender brought over their drinks, and Brianna took a tentative sip of her rum and coke.  Hell, she’d need a few more of those if he wanted her to relax and forget about things for the evening.  He took a swig of his beer and leaned over to talk to her above the blare of the music.  Her floral scent accosted him, invading his senses and making his mouth water with desire, but it was too late to pull away now.  Her green eyes met his, and suddenly he felt lost in her again.  Helpless to some imaginary pull she seemed to have.  Would always have.

“Think your parents were upset that we left?” he asked, his voice gruff.  He straightened up slightly, watching as her blonde hair rustled slightly in the breeze coming off the water.

“They were glad your folks came over.  It’s been a lot dealing with Beckett’s injuries, flying back and forth between here and Walter Reed.  I think they were happy for the company.”

“It’s been hard on everyone.  Your folks especially.  Mom couldn’t wait to hustle us over there tonight though,” he added with a chuckle.

“Yeah.  I got the impression they were trying to push you and me together.”

Matthew leaned against the bar and raised his eyebrows, his heart beating faster.  Brianna looked flushed sitting on the barstool beside him, but he wasn’t sure if it was from the alcohol, the crowd around them, or the idea of the two of them together.  Which was absurd, anyway, because she was Beckett’s sister.  Besides, he was leaving again in two days, and who knew when the hell he’d return.  He wasn’t about to start something up that he could never see through.

He raised his beer to her.  “To our mothers, darlin’,” he said with a wink.

She turned an even deeper shade of pink but toasted him.  Interesting.

“So tell me about this marketing position you have.  Last time I talked to Beckett, it sounded like you were pretty hot stuff.”

Brianna laughed nervously and shifted on the barstool, crossing those long legs.  The dark denim hugged her curves, and his mouth watered at the thought of her legs wrapped around him as he drove into her.

Making her come.

What the hell was wrong with him?  This was Brianna.  He’d never so much as kiss her, let alone have her in his bed.  Beneath him.  Begging.

He shifted as his cock hardened.

“Oh, Beckett was just bragging.  Most of the other MBA candidates in my graduating class have entry-level marketing positions.  I was managing this account, but….”

“But what?” he prodded.

“I don’t want to bore you with the details,” she said, flitting her hands nervously.  “Tell me about you.  You’re up in Virginia now or something?”

“Little Creek,” he agreed.  “The Naval base near Virginia Beach.”

“And, uh, will you be stationed there long?”

“Hopefully so.  My team is the best—one of the best,” he added, thinking of Beckett.  “A few of my buddies are even coming in for Beckett’s homecoming.”

“Wow, seriously?”

“We’re SEALs.  He’s a SEAL, and he’s like a brother to me.  Those guys have my back, on and off the battlefield.  It’s an honor for them to be there to show support at his homecoming. Lots of guys in his condition, well….”

“They don’t survive,” Brianna said quietly.

Matthew shook his head.

An upbeat song came blasting over the speakers, and Matthew decided he’d had enough of the somber mood.  Plucking Brianna’s drink from her hand, he ignored the surprised expression on her face and helped her down from the barstool, his large hand closing around her slender waist. Wordlessly, he led her over to the dance floor, loving a little too much the way her small hand fit in his.  Like it freaking belonged there or something.

Other couples were happily laughing and swaying to the music, and it was about damn time the two of them let loose and had a little fun.  They’d gotten away from their parents tonight for a breather, not to dwell on things they could never change.  Dancing with Brianna, watching her tempting body sway to the music, would be dangerous, but Matthew wasn’t so sure he could entirely stay away from her.

Chapter 5


Brianna laughed as she and Matthew danced to the beat thumping over the speakers.  He was surprisingly good on his feet for such a large guy, and she noticed more than a few women stealing glances his way.  His large frame towered over hers, and even on the crowded dance floor, no one bumped into her with Matthew right there.  His shirt stretched across his broad chest and shoulders, and the jeans he wore showcased muscular thighs.  But it was the shimmy of his hips that drew her attention.


This man would be amazing in bed—no doubt.

There was a small amount of dark stubble covering his jaw, and she unwittingly imagined what the feel of his whiskers rasping across her skin would be like.  If she was smart, she would turn around and high tail it back over to the bar, grabbing a second drink.  She’d do anything else but dance with the one man she’d dreamed about for most of her life.  A smile spread across his full lips as he watched her dancing, and his green eyes sparkled.  This was the Matthew she remembered—fun, carefree, easygoing.  Always up for a good time.  Most of the time they’d spent together growing up had also involved Beckett.  It was rare that she was ever alone with Matthew.  But tonight?  This was almost like her dream come true.

“You’re a good dancer,” Matthew shouted above the music.

“You too.  Where’d you learn to dance like that?”

Matthew laughed.  “You have to learn to dance when you’re chasing after girls.  While the other guys would sit around looking uncomfortable, I’d be the first one out on the dance floor.”

Brianna shook her head.  Yeah, that sounded like Matthew.  Even as a teenager he had a trail of girls chasing after him.  Had he ever had to pursue anyone?  Unlikely.  Matthew was a man used to calling the shots—having his way.  If we wanted something, it was his.  He’d seemed annoyed that she wouldn’t let him drive her baby earlier.  But seriously.  She was a grown woman, perfectly capable of driving them around for the evening.  And there was no way she was letting him boss her around.  They sure the hell weren’t kids anymore.

She raised her hands up above her head, dancing in time with the beat and swaying her hips back and forth.  She felt Matthew’s gaze slide over her as she moved almost as if it were a caress.  Her breasts bounced up and down in the lightweight blouse she had on, and her shirt rose slightly up with her movements, revealing a sliver of her flat stomach.  Hell, she worked hard to stay slim.  Why not let loose a little tonight?  And with the way she’d wanted Matthew practically forever, without him giving her so much as a second glance, she felt a certain satisfaction at having him finally look at her that way.

The music pulsed louder, and she shimmied around, feeling freer than she had all year.  A breeze blew in from the ocean, and she lost herself in the music.  Her job didn’t matter.  Dealing with the events of Sunday didn’t matter.  In this one moment, she didn’t have a care in the whole world.  The song finally came to a conclusion, and she grinned up at Matthew, who’d seemed to be having as much fun as her.  A light sheen of sweat coated his skin, and he was real and raw and right in front of her.

Which was as close as he’d ever be.

A slower number came on, and before she could say a word, Matthew pulled her to him, his large hands spanning her hips.  Thick fingers trailed over her jeans—sexy, powerful, and fully in control.  Heat shot through her body at the way he handled her—like she was
to pull close.  To dance with.  She glanced up at him, breathless, and was shocked to see the heat burning in his eyes.  This was a mistake, such a mistake, but before she could pull away, he tugged her even closer and tucked her against his broad chest.  She stiffened as she inhaled his clean, musky scent and felt his hard body pressed up against hers.  Muscular arms wrapped around her, and he ducked down so his lips brushed against her ear.

“Relax, Brianna.  It’s just a dance.”


“Just once dance,” he said, his voice gruff as her body melded to his.  He held her gently as they swayed in time to the music, and she heard his pounding heartbeat beneath her ear.  Matthew holding her felt like coming home—like she was safe and secure and nothing bad could ever happen.  That was just a fairytale though.  Her brother was injured, she’d lost her job, and she’d moved out of her apartment.  Bad things happened every day, and one slow dance with the man she’d dreamed about since she was young wouldn’t change that.  One night with him wouldn’t suddenly fix things.

His large hand slid to the back of her head, his fingers twining in her hair, and as she gazed up into his green eyes, she was lost.  His grip around her waist tightened, and he managed to pull her even closer still.  Matthew’s arousal pressed against her belly, teasing her with every movement, and she felt a sudden dampness in her panties.  Damn she wanted him.  Needed him, even.  His head moved a fraction of an inch closer, his eyes locked on her lips.  The rest of the crowd on the dance floor seemed to evaporate.

“Brianna,” he murmured, his voice husky and low.

Abruptly, she pulled back, feeling dazed.  His eyes were surprisingly gentle as he watched her.  What was happening here?  She shouldn’t be dancing like that with Matthew—like they were together or something.  He shouldn’t be holding her that way.

She took a shaky breath.  “Let’s get another drink,” she suggested.

“Sure thing,” he agreed.  His hand lightly trailed down her arm as she turned away, almost as if he didn’t want to let her go, and goose bumps covered her skin.  He was barely touching her, but her entire body was buzzing with adrenaline and awareness.  For him.  If she wasn’t careful, she’d let him consume her.  And she wasn’t a fool—Matthew was a SEAL just like her brother.  He shipped out all over the world—or flew off on those damn loud planes that were always coming and going on base.  And just like Beckett, he’d never had a serious relationship that she knew of.  She could fall for him all over again, easily, but when he took off again, she’d be the one pining away for something that could never be.

Matthew’s fingertips grazed her wrist, but she kept walking toward the bar, knowing he would follow.  She tugged her hand away, breaking their connection, as she pushed her way back through the crowd.  It took all her effort not to turn back.




Half an hour later she was laughing hysterically as Matthew finished telling her a sanitized version of his latest deployment as they relaxed back at the bar.  Bugs crawling all over his tent, brutally hot weather, and day after day of disgusting MREs did not sound appealing to her.  At all.  But Matthew seemed to find humor in the situation—at least as he recounted his version of events to her.  As a SEAL, she knew he couldn’t tell her exactly where he’d been or what he’d been doing.  Heck, she never knew where Beckett was most of the time.  She didn’t even know where he’d sustained the injuries that nearly cost him his life.

But here, tonight?  None of that seemed to matter.  She finished her third rum and coke and watched Matthew’s green eyes light up as he continued the story.  Man, if he wasn’t so freaking gorgeous, she could almost pretend she was just out with a friend for the night.  That their slow dance earlier had never happened.  She was comfortable with him in the way it always was when you’d known someone forever—now if only her heart didn’t pound every time he leaned slightly closer to talk over the music.

Matthew’s phone buzzed on the bar, and he glanced at the text message that popped up on the screen.  “Just my buddies’ flight info for tomorrow.  Evan’s already here, like I mentioned, but Brent is flying in then.  Maybe Patrick.  They’re both on my SEAL team.”

“I still can’t believe they’re coming down just for Beckett’s arrival.  Some of his SEAL team will be there, too, but that’s different.  Most of your friends don’t even know him.  Please make sure to tell your friends how much we appreciate it.”

“Will do, ma’am,” Matthew joked, a gleam in his eye.

“Ma’am?” she asked in mock astonishment.

Matthew smiled with a slow, sexy grin that spread across his face.  Geez.  No wonder women were always falling head over heels for the man.  “Would you prefer darlin’?”

She laughed, trying to play it off.  She wouldn’t mind him whispering a whole bunch of sweet nothings in her ear.  Not that she’d ever cop to that.

“Hell, I can’t ever remember spending an entire evening alone with you,” Matthew admitted.  “It seems like Beckett was always around.”  He took a swig of his beer, appraising her.

“We did catch fireflies together one summer,” Brianna mused with a smile.  “Remember when Beckett broke his arm jumping out of that tree?”

Matthew howled with laughter.  “Oh yeah.  Think I dared him to do it, and he was mad as hell because he couldn’t swim for the rest of the summer with his cast.”

“He wasn’t too happy with you then.”

“We fought like brothers sometimes, but he’s the best friend I’ve ever had.”

The air between them shifted, and she knew they were both thinking about the what-ifs.  What if Beckett had never come home?  What if he wasn’t the wall standing in their way?  She stirred the tiny straw around in her drink.

“So what do you think Beckett will do once he recovers?” she finally asked.

“Well, active duty as a SEAL is out, for obvious reasons.”  Brianna saw a brief flash of concern cross his face, but it was gone just as quickly, and she almost wondered if she imagined it.  “He could get a desk job if he wanted to stay in the military.  There’re plenty of defense contractors up in the DC area, but I imagine there’s got to be some around base here, too.  A guy as dedicated as him will find something.  And hell, if that doesn’t work out, maybe you could hook him up with a marketing job.”

Brianna coughed, trying to mask her discomfort.  Yeah, she’d need to find herself one of those first, she thought wryly.

“Another round?” the bartender asked as he approached them.

“Sure, I could go for another beer,” Matthew said, his voice deep.  “Bri?”

She did a double take at his calling her by her nickname.  Some of her friends called her Bri, but to her family, it had always been Brianna.  She kind of liked the way it sounded in Matthew’s deep voice.  It was almost…intimate.  Like he had the right to call her something the rest of her family never did.  “Sure, why not.  I’ll have a beer, too.”

“Sure thing, darlin’.”   Matthew grinned at her, and she flushed.  Was he flirting with her?  Or was it just the alcohol talking?  She had a feeling he wouldn’t be teasing her like this if Beckett was around.  He certainly wouldn’t have pulled her close for a slow dance, tucking her against his chest like they were a couple or something.  If he was smart, he would’ve dragged her back to the bar when a slow number came on, not pulled her tighter in his arms.

But if he was going to shamelessly tease her tonight, then two could play at that game.  After all, all’s fair in love and war.

“So did you leave a girlfriend behind at Little Creek?” she asked with an innocent smile.

Matthew looked taken aback for a moment and then shook his head slowly.  “I’m not really the relationship type.”

“You never have been,” she agreed.

Matthew laughed, a loud chuckle that warmed her insides.  “Been keeping tabs, huh?”

“What?  No, nothing like that,” she protested.

“I don’t mind.  If I was the type of man to settle down, it would be with someone like you.”

She paused, her heart suddenly racing. Had he just admitted what she thought he did? “So you seriously don’t think you’ll ever get married?”  She nervously played with her near-empty glass, listening to the ice clink.  Why did his answer suddenly matter so much?  Like the whole world hinged on his response.

Matthew shook his head.  “We deploy all the time.  It works for some of the guys, maybe.  But I couldn’t leave a woman like that.  I’d worry about her, and I need my head in the game.  Guys make mistakes when their concentration is on something other than this mission.  On the other men on their team.  Plus, if I ever had kids….No, I just couldn’t stomach being gone with my family at home wondering what happened to me, where I was, and when I’d be back.  I wouldn’t put a woman through that.”

Brianna nodded, swallowing.  Her skin tingled, and her stomach did a strange little flip.  He almost looked regretful that he couldn’t be in a relationship…almost like he wished he could start something with her.  Matthew watched her carefully, and she took a sip of the beer the bartender placed in front of her.  This was crazy—the entire night had been surreal.  Dancing with Matthew earlier, having a little heart-to-heart now.  Tomorrow she’d wake up, and this entire conversation wouldn’t even matter.  It would be like it had never happened.  So why, at the moment, did it feel like her heart was being crushed by something beyond her control?  Matthew had left Pensacola years ago.  Why pretend they could be something now?

Matthew licked his lips, looking more than anything like he wanted to bend down and kiss her.  She knew he wouldn’t—couldn’t.  But for the brief second their eyes met, an understanding passed between them.  He could never give her what she wanted.  The crazy thing was, he almost looked like he wanted it himself.




Matthew walked Brianna back to the car an hour later, her keys dangling from his hand as he loosely draped his arm around her slender shoulders.  She felt small and fragile beneath the bulk of his arm, and he felt a strange urge to pull her closer.  To tuck her body against his and not let go.

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