The Science Of Love: A Billionaire BWWM Romance (14 page)

BOOK: The Science Of Love: A Billionaire BWWM Romance
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breasts were starting to expand with the hormone change. David had
loved his wife’s body, now he was going to have even more to
love. She had gone to sleep early and he could feel the warmth from
her legs next to his. He leaned over, kissed Jada’s lips and
went back to thinking about what he wanted to do.

wanted Jada to make the presentation to the board of directors in
favor of pumping the money into Simmons’ pilot plant. She had
the charm, the charisma and the features to hold he board captivated
and get them to agree. All she would need to do would be to take the
scientific concepts needed to describe how the Simmons’ reactor
worked and bring it down to the board’s level. The people she
would be talking to were computer and internet mavens, not nuclear
physics experts and they had very little understanding of the
generation of electric power. But they all could be persuaded once
they saw the money involved.

watched Jada turn over and heard the beads in her braids make a
slight sound as they collided with each other. He had spent extra
time decorating her hair with beads and went on the internet earlier
in the day to find out how to do it. He’d done it several times
before she was pregnant and would love the sound they made when she
was on top of him. Her hair would clink in sequence to her orgasms.
He had wanted to record the sound the beads made while they were
making love, but she wouldn’t let him. It was enough to know
they were there and he had spent loving hours putting them in place.
Jada wouldn’t even allow him to take nude photographs of her,
much to his disappointment. He had wanted to put a tasteful semi-nude
one of her over his desk at work, but she canceled that idea in a

love your body,” he had told her while kissing her nipples one
evening before she was with child. “I just want something to
always remind me of you. I’d even pay to have someone paint
your portrait lying on a shag rug. I just want to always capture the
moment we first made love.”

always have those memories, David,” she told him. “You
should too. A picture or a painting would share it with too many
people. The only person I want to know how intense our bedtime love
is ourselves. No one else needs to know.”Time was growing close
to finish the funding of Simmons’ reactor. He had informed
everyone interested in it that without any further support, it would
be scuttled. There wasn’t any nuclear waste to be concerned
about so the project could be halted at any time. It was crucial they
bring the investment issue to the board. The money the dating sites
were bringing in had built the company into one of the largest ones
in the world, but David could see the new rivals popping up and
finding a better way to deliver the same service he did.

need you to talk to the board,” he told her one night. Jada was
wearing a loose nightshirt and David was in bed with her, massaging
her back. She was in the sixth month of the pregnancy and he was
doing everything he could to ease her through the process. David had
spent an entire hour rubbing her down while she sat upright to
relieve the tension on her back. He looked down and saw her stomach
move from the inside.

see,” he said, “
Jadin Lee
agrees with me.”

Davada Simpson
trying to tell me it’s not a good idea,” she responded.
They hadn’t been able to come up with a good name for a boy or
girl, so Jada had suggested a blend of both names. David liked the
idea and came up with one for a boy while she created the girl’s
name. Although the doctor told them it was possible to know the sex
of the baby, nether wanted to know until the child was born. All they
wanted to know was that their child was healthy. So far, Jada hadn’t
suffered any problems.

need you to make the presentation,” he told her. “They’ve
seen me too often. They don’t want to see me anymore. You are a
fresh face they won’t mind looking at. Everyone loves you,
dear. Maybe not as much as I do, but they’ll listen if you do
the speaking.”

really not in the best shape for making presentations,” she
told him.

don’t have to stay up there long and you can sit down when you
get tired,” he explained. David pulled off her nightshirt to
have access to the rest of her body. He took off his robe so he could
have all the contact he wanted with Jada and tossed it on the floor.
Massaging her shoulders with some oil, he kissed her neck and put his
lips on her ear lobe. She moaned when he nipped it. He was erect, but
there wasn’t much he could do about it now.

she told him, “you are so hard and I want to help you.”

moved her hand back slightly and took him in her grasp. She squeezed
just a bit and heard him let out a sigh. She’d taken care of
him several times before this way, but this was the first time she’d
done it while she was carrying the child. She loved him and wanted to
give him a little ease. But she couldn’t do it the way which
was her favorite: in the SUV outside a movie theater at night. He’d
taken her to a late show after her evening classes were over where
there were no people in the audience and had her leave her panties in
the vehicle. They had sat in the back row and she’d use a
bucket of popcorn to hide his hand between her legs. No one had come
into the theater, but the smirks they caught from the ushers made
them wonder about security cameras. They’d never tried that
again and she’d finished him in the SUV. After that evening
they always made sure to have paper towels in the glove compartment.

took care of him again with her hand that evening and she told him
when to climax in his ear. Knowing the mother of his child could be
dominant when she wanted was exciting and all it took for him it
reach orbit. Lying in the bed with her, he finally convinced Jada to
make the presentation to the board of directors.

you could do it anyway,” she told him, rubbing his chest with
the hand she’d used to stroke him.

what happens if nothing goes according to plan?” he said to
her. “I need their confidence. I have yours and you have mine,
but one negative attitude could ruin everything. We don’t need
someone grumbling to the media if the test doesn’t go one
hundred percent. They need to understand we’re in this project
for the long term.”

spent the next few weeks working on the presentation with Jada when
he wasn’t at the office working on the company. He hired a
full-time nurse to come stay with her. Jada was out of school, having
just finished her current term. She was planning on taking some time
off to be with her baby and her professors understood. A few of them
offered to help her name the baby, but she told them her child would
not be named Quark, Strangeness or Charm.

Jada and
David finally finished the presentation she would give the board of
directors the night before she was to make it. They loaded David’s
laptop computer with all the necessary data and chart presentations.
Just to be on the safe side, they backed the presentation up on both
a flash drive and a cloud server on the internet. She was nervous and
still adjusting to her first pregnancy. He helped her go to sleep
that night by rubbing her feet.

took the nurse with them to the board meeting but had her take the
SUV and park it while waiting on stand-by. Neither David nor Jada
anticipated any problems with her delivery, but they wanted to have
it just to be safe. They would have had her inside the conference
room with them, but both were afraid the appearance of a nurse would
detract from her presentation.

The air
was warmer that day and she walked up to the podium wearing a long
dress which gathered beneath her breasts and hung down loose to
conceal her tummy. It was similar to a nineteen century empire dress
from the regency period in England. She wore open sandals Jada could
slip in an out off since her legs had started to swell. She ended up
giving most of the presentation barefoot anyway.

began with a chart showing the projected energy demands on the world
broken down by continent. She moved onto the current needs and
projected outputs of all world’s energy production. She showed
how every system in use was costly and produced too much pollution or
was inefficient. And then she moved onto thermonuclear power. She
noted a few members of the board wince at the word “nuclear”,
but quickly explained the difference between nuclear fission in use
which created radioactive waste as a by-product and nuclear fusion,
the method use by the sun to produce heat which had no radioactive
waste. Jada talked about the problems which had plagued every attempt
to achieve and contain nuclear fusion temperatures and showed how Dr.
Simmons was on the verge of creating the first nuclear fusion pilot
plant to produce electricity.

If he
did not get the funding he needed to take the project to the next
step, the plant would have to be terminated. All the work
accomplished so far would be wasted until someone else took the torch
and ran with it. Yes, there were projects underway to build a
successful Tokamak reactor, but they were financed by governments and
wouldn’t produce any useable nuclear plasma for years. Simmons’
pilot plant was close to operational. If he achieved a controlled
thermonuclear reaction, they would have the most advanced method of
electrical power production ever created. And the most efficient.
But, best of all, it was non-polluting.

finished by sitting down on a chair, as she was feeling tired from
carrying the baby and it had moved a few times while she was giving
the lecture. She took a sip of water and looked at the board.

finished by offering to answer any questions the board might have.
Most of them were from a financial standpoint. What would happen if
the plant didn’t do what it was supposed to do? When would they
be able to get a return on their investment? Was there any liability
involved with the plant? Did Simmons have a record they could all
look into? Jada answered all the questions the best she could,
although the technical questions were the best she could do. They
seemed satisfied and then adjourned the room to discuss what she had
presented to them.

went over to his wife and comforted her. He also checked her pulse
and, unknown to anyone else in the room, her blood pressure. She was
fine and doing quite well, considering the barrage of questions she
had just endured. They looked up to see the board filing back into
the room after having been gone for a few minutes.

convinced us,” and older man, who was the chief finance officer
said to her. “We’ll back the investment. But we want some
kind of guarantee.”

do you mean?” said David who was sitting next to his wife
holding her hand.

want your guarantee that if this doesn’t work out, if he can’t
generate enough electricity from this reactor to be profitable,
you’ll sell your controlling interest in the company to us and
step down.”

looked at his wife, kissed her and agreed.

may have just signed away everything,” he told her on the way
home, “but I’d gladly do it again for you.”

night they slept soundly. David had begun listening to her at night
to see if there was anything he needed to watch for, but her
pregnancy was proceeding normally. The nurse would check on her every
few hours then go back to her room. The doctor had held out the
option of Jada having her baby by caesarian, but they both agreed it
would be best for her to do it by natural childbirth.

The next
day, David phoned his stockbroker and told him to contact Dr.
Simmons’ wife on the island and find out how much they needed
to finish the pilot plant. He was ready to put the full amount of his
wealth behind the project. His broker was a little shocked, but new
the pilot plant’s return on investment had the potential to be
bigger than anything else he had on the table. Simmons’ called
David personally to thank him for the vote of confidence.

Over the
next two months, the investment money poured into the project on the
island. David received daily progress reports. Simmons was able to
hire more acolytes to his facility and the test date was moved up by
a month. The final phone conversation David had with Simmons was
hopeful in that the scientist felt they had more than an even chance
to hold the plasma long enough in a magnetic bottle to create a
thermonuclear reaction. But only a final test would let them know.

became listless in the final weeks of her pregnancy. David would take
days off just to be with her and walk around the neighborhood. The
nurse was constantly managing her vitals and let David know his wife
was doing just fine. Jada finished decorating the nursery and David’s
parents offered to come over to his house and help out. David told
them it was Okay, he would let them know if more help was needed.

He was
awoken one night by Jada who told him the baby was ready. David had
everything on standby and managed to get the nurse and her into the
SUV to reach the hospital. He had no trouble reaching it and the
doctor was already waiting. They had been waiting for this day for

stayed in the delivery room with Jada as the baby was brought into
the world. The doctor announced a daughter and David kissed his wife
whose hand he had held all the way through the delivery. Davada
Simpson Jones weighed a healthy eight pounds and four ounces. Once
the doctor made sure Jada was healthy, he brought the baby to her and
let her hold their daughter. David took a picture of them both and
sent it to everyone on his email list. By that afternoon the picture
was all over the internet.

BOOK: The Science Of Love: A Billionaire BWWM Romance
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