The Scarlett Legacy (3 page)

Read The Scarlett Legacy Online

Authors: K.N. Lee

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #New Adult

BOOK: The Scarlett Legacy
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beautifully drawn. The Gryphon was a majestic creature, revered in mythology from cultures all over the world.

Learning that they were real thrilled Evie.

Now it made sense why this creature kept appearing in her dreams.

Her stomach was unsettled. What Adelaide had revealed to her wouldn’t leave the forefront of her mind. Even though her family was in the middle of so much drama, this new revelation took precedence. All she wanted to do was go outside and find a secluded area where she could fly free once again.

Never reveal your ability.

Never fly around humans.

Always stash clothes where you can find them.

Adelaide had told her as much as she could in the short amount of time they had. So much information about her shifter side, and nothing about what she and Wes had done to protect her.

I’ll find out… in my own way.

She was good at that.

Father hated shifters, and so it made sense why her mother lied.

But now Evie knew why she felt the way she did. That empty hole was now filled. She could fly, in her human form or as a Gryphon.

Adelaide had tried to get her to shift, but Evie wasn’t quite ready. She’d rather enjoy the benefits without having to be a creature of myths and legends.

Lazy was what Adelaide had called her when she refused to shift.

Practical was what Evie had called herself in defense.

Why transform when I can do everything as a human?

Apparently she was more powerful in her animal form, but she was afraid to feel what that was like.

Evie actually looked forward to going home to learn more about her shifter side.

“That’s Edward Scarlett’s daughter.”

“The one that lives in the huge manor in the countryside?”

“The haunted one?”



“Yeah. Her family is in the mob. I’d stay away from her unless you want to end up dead.”

Evie cringed at hearing herself being talked about. Even if they did whisper, she could hear the two girls at the table next to her quite clearly. Sure they were right about her family being organized crime… but why did people think her house was haunted?

Her father had hosted some of the most elaborate parties in Scarlett Hall. It was a beautiful Victorian house, kept up with no expense spared. No matter if he ran an underground gambling ring, he made sure Evie was kept far from those things, and never let his business life spill into their home.

She shook her head and continued reading.

“They say her father was into some pretty bad stuff. That’s why he was killed.”

Evie’s face heated. She shot a glare at the girl that kept whispering about her family. Evie considered turning around and knocking them out of their chairs. Then she thought of how much trouble she’d be in if her secret got out.

She tensed.

Only if I used magic.

No one would learn of her secret if she walked over there and slapped them both. That was a purely human thing to do, right?

Still, it was a terrible idea.

Evie decided to tune them out and calmed herself by closing her eyes for a moment.

I’ll be free in a few more months,
she reminded herself.

She took a deep breath and ignored them. Her finger traced the outline of the creature that had an eagle’s head and a lion’s body.

“What are you up to?”

Evie slammed the book closed. She looked up to see Parker standing next to her in a navy button-up shirt and jeans.

“Jeez,” she said taking off her glasses and cleaning the lens on the hem of her purple pleated skirt. “You scared the crap out of me.”

His eyes read the title of the book. “Mythological creatures. Doesn’t sound like anything that’s going to help you with your trigonometry exam.”

“Lower your voice,” Evie said, standing from her seat at one of the tables in the back of the library.

She glanced at the girls that had been talking about her, seeing them stare at Parker. She tucked the book into her satchel and took his hand into hers. She pulled him along as they left the library.

Outside the sun tried to break free from the dark clouds that continued to gather. Evie already smelled the sweet aroma of rain.

They stood on the white stone steps looking out to the lush green quad that connected the buildings of Hastings-Albrecht University. The beauty of autumn was all around them. Trees were covered with orange leaves, the ground was littered with them, and Halloween decorations were set all over the campus.

There was no doubt that the town was excited about the annual Halloween party the town held. Evie began to wonder if she even wanted to attend with all of the media attention and rumors circulating Woodland Creek.

Evie clutched her notebook to her chest and held down her skirt as a gust of wind swept through the campus.

“Are you okay? You’re acting weird.”

Evie put her notebook in her bag and hugged Parker, burying her face in his chest. She breathed in the scent of his fresh-smelling deodorant.

“I’m fine. My nightmares are back.”

He rubbed her back and rested his chin on the top of her head. “I’m sorry, baby. Tell me everything.”

She shook her head and pulled away. “They don’t really make any sense. I just keep dreaming about my really disturbing stuff.”

Parker held her hand. “You sure you don’t want to talk about it?”

She bit her lip. There was so much she wanted to reveal about being a wizard, but making humans aware of their presence was forbidden.

Sighing, Evie started down the steps and to the stone walkway. “I just wish the whole trial with Hugh Prince will just finish up already.”

Parker followed her. “I know. At least he’s locked up for the time being. He can’t hurt anyone else.”

The whole Scarlett versus Prince family feud had gone on long enough. Her family had seen its share of loss, but the Prince family had lost even more. Both of Hugh’s sons had died in a car crash just a few days after her father’s death.

Now one patriarch was dead and the other was in jail for his murder. As if her family hadn’t suffered enough rumors of being cursed, now there was a murder and a scandal.

She was glad the public didn’t know how deep their family secrets went.

They walked together, in silence, along one of the paths. At least Parker held her hand, providing a small measure of comfort.

Evie kept her eyes down to avoid making contact with any of the students staring at her. They made a path for her, some silent, some whispering, as she walked by. She should have been used to the whispers, but they still bothered her. She wanted to run and be free of their judging eyes.

“Don’t you have another class to go to?”

Evie wanted to be alone. She needed to sort out her thoughts in silence before something bad happened — something she couldn’t control.

Things never seemed to go well when Evie couldn’t control her emotions, so she tried to keep her breathing even. Everything that had confused her while growing up all made sense.

She was both a wizard and a shifter.

she thought, shaking her head.
And I can’t tell a soul.

“I do. But it can wait,” Parker said. “I want to make sure you’re okay first.”

The sting of tears burned her eyes. She couldn’t let him see them. Who was she kidding? She couldn’t hide anything from Parker.

He pulled her around and held her face in his hands. “Baby, talk to me.”

Evie shook her head. “You wouldn’t understand, Parker. Your family is perfect. Mine is splattered all over the newspaper.”

Parker wiped her tears away.

“I do understand,” he said. “No one should have to deal with losing someone they love the way you did. I hate to say it, but with all that’s going on, you need a break from your family.”

Nodding, Evie wrapped her arms around his waist. “You’re right.”

“I’m glad you agree. Why don’t you bring enough clothes with you to my place? Stay with me for a while.” He grinned, anticipating her next question. “You don’t have to make a decision about moving in just yet.”

Evie couldn’t help the smile that came to her lips.


He kissed her. “Of course. I’m going to do my best to help you take your mind off all the madness going on.”

A buzzing sound caught Evie’s attention.

“That sounds like just what I need,” she said to Parker as she fished her cell phone out of her bag’s front pocket.

She checked her text messages.

Her face paled at what she read and turned away from Parker so that he wouldn’t see the message.

“Good,” he said. “I better get to my next class. You be strong for me baby. One more night in Scarlett Hall and I’ll be there to help you take your mind off things. Try not to obsess over the trial, okay?”

Evie slid her phone back in her bag, her eyes staring off into nothing. She swallowed and nodded slowly.

“Yes,” she said. “Sure.”

Parker left and Evie sped away from the quad. She needed to be alone.

Forget the trial, he says.

Take your mind off things, he says.

Evie’s fingers tingled as she swiftly left campus.

The words in her text message from her brother, Wes said it all.

Hugh Prince is dead.

If she didn’t get away before the news was out to the public, she’d be bombarded with questions, odd looks, or worse.

Evie could barely breathe when she reached her car.

Hugh Prince is dead.

She couldn’t stop repeating those four words in her head.

She squeezed her eyes shut.

Wes wasn’t kidding. They really did it.

The man that killed their father was dead.

Now we are even,
she thought.


you’re okay?” Quinn watched Evie as she stepped out of her afternoon shift at Carter’s Books and Gifts.

Evie nodded, offering a half-hearted smile to her best friend. They met up every Friday after her shift for coffee.

“I’m fine. Thanks for asking.”

“Crazy that he just died in his holding cell. From a freaking spider bite! How does that even happen?”

Evie shrugged.

You’d be surprised what could happen when you’re on my family’s bad side.

Quinn adjusted her red-rimmed glasses as she gazed at the gray sky. “It’s about to storm.”

Evie smoothed her wavy black hair down. “Well, let’s hurry over to Geek Beans.”

“Sure. I can’t stay out late tonight. I have to study for my Physics test.”

“Okay. I can’t stay late either,” Evie said as they made their way down Albrecht Street.

Quinn shook her head with an annoyed grunt. “You’re so lucky you chose English instead of biology. My physics class is killing me.”

“You’re right. I’m a writer. I’ll stick to the words.”

“How about you write me an excuse from my exam,” Quinn said with a sigh.

“I wish I could.”

Another wind brushed her hair across her face. A cool droplet of rain splashed on her nose. “Let’s hurry. I just felt a drop!”

Evie was glad she wore her ankle boots as they ran the rest of the way. A man held the door to Geek Beans open for them, and they hurried inside.

“Thanks,” Quinn said as she pulled her blonde hair back into a ponytail. A loud crash of thunder made her jump. “Whew. Close one.”

Evie’s eyes scanned the coffee shop for a seat somewhere discreet.

Geek Beans was one of the coolest places in town. Inside it felt like they weren’t in Woodland Creek. Appropriately named, all of her fellow geeks could hang out in a judgment free zone. With colorful tables that didn’t quite match, hanging plants, colorful artwork, and everyone with their tablets and laptops, it felt as if they were in a quaint coffee shop in Soho or something.

One day Evie would see Soho. She’d see the world and would forget this small town.

“What are you wearing to the Halloween party?”

Evie shrugged. “I haven’t thought about it yet. What about you?”

She breathed in the room’s delightful scent of roasted coffee beans, cinnamon, and apples. The low hum of chatter mixed with the sound of a guitar playing.

“Naughty nurse. Get it? Since I’m going to be a registered nurse,” Quinn said, nudging her.

Evie nodding, only half listening. She turned to see who was playing. Her eyes locked with the musician the moment she found him. It was as if he’d been watching her.

“Whoa,” Evie said under her breath. She couldn’t look away.

Something about him left her frozen in place. He had a familiar face, but she couldn’t place where she’d seen him before.

This was Woodland Creek, Indiana, where everyone knew everyone.

He strummed the guitar strings with grace. His voice made the hairs on her skin rise as he sang along to the guitar. She couldn’t look away. It was as if he held her captive in a spell.

With striking green eyes, tanned skin, and hair cut low on both sides and long on the top he looked like a model from a magazine. Within seconds, she imagined herself running her hands through his rich red colored hair while they kissed in the rain.

Evie felt her cheeks flush and turned away.

Where did that come from?

She’d never even dream about cheating on Parker.

Warnings flashed in her mind. Her skin started to feel hot. Her palms started to sweat.

Her eyelids flickered closed for a quick second, long enough for her to get a read on the stranger.


She opened her eyes to see him looking at her.

That’s odd,
she thought.

She could always read others, with minimal effort… or magic.

Something was definitely up with the stranger.

She grabbed Quinn by the forearms. “Get me a mocha latte. I need to run to the bathroom.”

Quinn nodded, a thinly arched blonde brow raised. “Sure. You all right?”

“I’m fine,” she said before retreating to the bathroom at the back of the coffee shop.

She made it a point to avoid looking at the handsome musician that she’d never seen before. He was definitely new, which meant soon every single girl in town would be batting her eyelashes at him.

Evie shook her head.

No. No. No.

Her mind recalled the stranger’s tattoos. An eagle stretched across his neck. She now knew where she’d seen him before.

Inside the bathroom, she went to the mirror. She checked her reflection. Her cheeks were still pink. She grabbed a paper towel and wet it under cold water. After patting her cheeks, she dug into her satchel for her lip balm. She dabbed it on her lips and looked at herself one more time.

Someone knocked on the door, breaking her from her thoughts.

“Okay,” she whispered to her reflection. “Just keep calm.”

She turned and opened the door to leave.

She audibly sucked in a breath.

There he was. He stood before her and smiled, leaving her unable to speak or move. He was taller than she’d remembered from her dream, and smelled as if he’d just eaten apple pie.

Silence passed between them as she stared into his eyes.

What do I do? What do I say?

“Hi,” she squeaked.

“Hello,” he replied. He looked over her shoulder. “Are you done?”

She nodded, wishing Geek Beans would create another bathroom so situations like this wouldn’t occur.

“Excuse me!”

She sidestepped around him and hurried to the table Quinn picked out by the bookcase in the corner. Once she sat down she buried her face in her hands and groaned.

The smell of the citrus bathroom soap wafted into her nose as she breathed in. “Dear God, I made a fool of myself. I just
stood there
!” Evie buried her face in her hands, smearing her glasses with oil from the palms of her hands.

Quinn paused the chewing of her croissant. She raised a brow. “What?”

Evie took her glasses off and wiped them with her shirt. Her shoulders slumped. She reached for her mocha latte and took a gingerly sip.

“Nothing,” she said.

Quinn chuckled. “Okay. Whatever.” She leaned in, her eyes bright. “Did you see the new guitar player? Tattoos, a great voice, and killer hair.”

Nodding, Evie took another sip, letting the warm liquid soothe her nerves. She closed her eyes.

Guitar player.

He was a musician. That explained the music notes from the dream.

“And what a face,” Quinn continued.

“Listen to you. You sound like you’re ready to give it up to a stranger.” Evie said, forcing a smile even though her heart was racing.

“Everyone can’t get a catch like Parker Drake,” Quinn said. She scrunched up her nose. “And don’t act so high and mighty. You just lost yours this year.”

Evie drank more of her coffee.

“Shush, Quinn,” Evie kept her voice barely above a whisper. She didn’t need everyone in the coffee shop to know she was once a twenty-one-year old virgin.

“So, he asked you to stay with him for a few days? Is that the beginning of moving in together? Spill the beans.”

“I don’t know. Maybe.” She didn’t want to reveal that he had asked her to move in yet. Quinn was a good friend, but a jealous one.

Quinn pursed her lips. “Oh. I see. That’s all you’re going to give me?”

“I can’t focus on that right now. There’s too much on my mind. But sure, it sounds nice. It will be a nice change.”

“Well good for you. I’m glad you guys are together. Even if you have less and less time for your best friend.”

Evie reached a hand across the table and placed it on Quinn’s. She smiled warmly. “You’re always going to be my best friend. No matter what. We will always be close.”


Evie nodded.

“Good,” Quinn said. “Or else I’d have to move Wendy up to best friend… and she’s nowhere as cute as you are.”

Evie laughed. Her smile faded as she sat back in her chair.

She watched the musician leave the short hallway that led to the bathroom and enter the main room. He paused a moment and looked around the room. When he saw her his eyes brightened, and he started to head their way.

Evie sat up straight, praying that she could keep calm and act as though everything was still normal. Quinn saw her expression and glanced over her shoulder.

“He’s coming,” she said.

“I know,” Evie said, barely moving her lips.

She watched him come to their table and pull a chair out for himself.

Evie’s face flushed as she watched him sit next to her.

Both girls were silent as he sat back and draped an arm around the back of his seat.

There was an awkward silence for a moment.

He looked at both of them and sat up quickly as if he hadn’t noticed them sitting there until now.

“Excuse my manners,” he said. He reached a hand out to Quinn. “I’m Avalon. Nice to meet you.”

He had an accent, a sexy one that made Quinn perk up. Even Evie sat up a little straighter.

Quinn shook his hand. “Quinn. Nice to meet you too.”

When Avalon reached out to Evie she shook his hand as well, feeling the warmth of his palm against hers. Along with the warmth, she felt a slight electric pulse run up her wrist and arm.

She gasped.

He was a wizard.

A quite powerful one.

She could tell the instant they touched.

Wes called it a gift. He couldn’t do it. He could do other things, but always said that she was lucky to know what kind of beings existed around her. As a child, Evie looked up to Wes. They’d play games that strengthened Evie’s powers. Mental games mostly.

She missed those days.

Evie examined Avalon from the shiny red hair on his head, to his expensive black shoes.

Being a wizard explained why she couldn’t read Avalon earlier. His form of power must have prevented it.

And by the shoes on his feet he wasn’t just a guitar player.

She swallowed when he caught her checking him out.

“I’m Evie… short for Evelyse.”

“Lovely name for a beautiful lass,” he said, and settled back in his chair once again. “Do you mind if I sit with you ladies for a bit? I find myself all alone on a Friday night, and you two seem like nice normal girls.”

Normal? I wish.

Evie faked a smile.

“You’re new to town,” Quinn said. “Where are you from?”

“Woodland Creek,” Avalon replied.

They both stared at him, neither believing his story.

“Oh,” Quinn said. “I’ve never seen you before. What’s with the accent?”

Avalon tilted his head and nodded, a lock of his hair falling into his eyes. He racked his hair back. “Aye. I was shipped off to boarding school in Scotland when I was a lad.”

Quinn peered at him, clearly still suspicious of his story. “What brings you back?”

He rubbed his chin. “Good question. A little business. A little pleasure.”

Quinn grinned. “Come to charm innocent Midwestern girls with your Scottish accent and guitar?”

He chuckled at that. “Not really.” He gave Evie a sidelong glance, making her subconscious of her white lock of hair. “I’ve come to bury my father, and see an old mate.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Evie said.


Evie folded her hands in her lap, eager to hear his answer to Quinn’s question.

One of the girls from Evie’s Asian history class stepped over. “Hi,” she said.

Avalon looked up at her from his seat.

“What can I do for you, gorgeous?”

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