The Scandalous Billionaires Collection (44 page)

Read The Scandalous Billionaires Collection Online

Authors: Drew Sinclair

Tags: #hot romance, #steamy romance, #billionaire romance, #billionaire boss, #billionaire series, #billionaire bad boys series, #billionaire collection, #billionaire bundle, #billionaire alpha male, #billionaire bad boy, #billionaire bad boys, #billionaire romance collection, #billionaire steamy romance, #billionaire alpha male romance, #billionaire alpha romance

BOOK: The Scandalous Billionaires Collection
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The phone hovered over his back for a moment
as he began thrusting slowly towards her, but then it fell from her
hands. She didn't see where and couldn't pull away as his arms
encircled her and drew her down to the bed.

Was this right? Was there any difference
between allowing him do this while asleep and her climbing on top
of him while he lay prostrate in her bed?

The ethical dilemma began to slip away as the
male body pressed against her own, setting her wildly on fire. His
rock hard abdomen pressed against her soft pubic mound and his cock
stiffened between her legs, pressing the satin pajamas to the lips
of her crevice and causing her to groan with desire.

All she had to do was lie back and let him
have his way, it would be so easy.

But what about Kyle? He was still rotting in
a cell somewhere.

"Zachary no." She said gently, still not
wanting to wake him up, but he kept on going.

"Zach, please." She began pushing him away,
but he was so strong and she was so turned on to him it drained her
of the will to resist. She couldn't leave it any longer, if she let
him excite her further there would be no turning back. She began to
wriggle vigorously to extricate herself from his grasp, pushing
down on his shoulders to get out from under him.

"Zach, you have to stop." The huge man was
too focused and she couldn't quite escape, there was no other
option, she pushed his head back with one hand and slapped him hard
across the face with the other.

"What the...?" He came to with a dazed look,
Suzy was locked in his arms, his chin at about the level of her
breasts, one hand pushing against his forehead.

He released her and jumped off the bed.

"What are you doing here?" He said in a
rushed, scared voice.

"I'm in bed, trying to sleep. What are
doing here?"

He looked around hastily, blinked, ran his
hands through his thick tousled hair.

"Jesus Christ, you let me in here?"

"You came in here, how could I stop you?"

He looked totally bewildered.

"Don’t believe me? Again? This time I can
show you."

"What are you talking about?"

She looked around for her phone.

"This time I have it all on camera."

He watched as she searched in the folds of
the bed linen.

"What are looking for?"

"My phone. You'll see. I have it all here,
Zachary Demovic, room invader and stark, buck naked."

He looked down at himself, only realizing now
that he was completely exposed. Suzy located the phone and began
searching to play back the clip.

"Oh crap." She said. It was still

"Give me that thing." Zach made a dive for it
but he was still unsteady from being woken up from his sleep walk.
He tumbled wildly across the bed. Suzy jerked the phone out of his
reach and his long, naked body sprawled across hers, his long arm
stretching up to grasp the phone.

The pair grunted and rolled to and fro, their
bodies tangling up in the bedclothes. He caught one of her wrists
and pinned it to the bed while his hips pressed against hers and
forced her thighs open but she wrapped her legs around him and
clamped hard to prevent him from moving higher.

"It's no use Suzy, you can't get away. Just
give me the phone now and we can forget this."

"No way, it's my phone, my bedroom, so all
you need to do is get out of here right now."

They stared into each other's eyes for a
moment, each one as determined as the other not to back down.
Meanwhile Zachary's hand was creeping inexorably higher towards the
phone. Within moments he would have it.

Then Suzy felt him go suddenly rock hard
between her legs.

"You filthy dog." She screamed and then threw
the phone under the bed as far as she could. Zachary jumped up from
her and began searching the ground, his engorged member bobbling
around in the moonlight. Suzy jumped to the ground between Zachary
and the bed and used him as a base to push the bed aside with. In
seconds she had the phone and was on her feet, standing next to the

She pointed the camera at him and the flash
filled the bedroom with light as she captured the image of him on
his knees with his member in full salute.

The act enraged him and she ran from the room
with the furiously excited male in hot, naked pursuit. Within
seconds she had crossed the living area and made it to his bedroom,
darted into his bathroom and then locked the door.

Zachary pounded angrily outside.

"Come on Suzy, grow up. Just show me what's
on the phone and we can forget about this. Obviously you're right,
I must have sleep walked into your room just now and last night as
well. I believe you now."

Suzy thought frantically. Could she even show
it to him? She couldn't be sure of what exactly she had recorded,
it had all been so surreal. She had said things too before she
dropped the phone, but then it had continued recording. She would
need to watch the whole thing again before she decided if he could
see it or not but he wasn’t giving her that option.

"If you don’t unlock the door I'll have my
security guys come in and open it. Do you understand? It'll take
them all of five seconds."

She had to send it somewhere, but to who?

"If you do anything with that video clip I
will have no option but to take legal action." He said, as though
reading her mind.

Suzy didn’t answer.

"I'm calling security now." He warned.

"It's okay." She said. "I'm coming out now,
but you have to promise not to touch me."

"Of course not. I don't know what just
happened in there. I must have been sleep walking, exactly as you
said. You have my word, I won’t lay a finger on you."

"And you have to promise to let Kyle go."

"That crazy idiot? No way."

"Then I'm keeping my phone."

"I'm calling security."

"I'm posting the video to Facebook and

"Sure you are. You wouldn't be so crazy."

"Try me. And see just how crazy I really

"I'll press charges."

"Never did Paris Hilton any good."

He sighed, thumped the door in frustration
one more time and then conceded defeat.

"Okay. He can go."

"No charges. He can go back to the US with no
record of this, no repercussions."

"No charges, no repercussions. All friends
again. Now will you please come out and show me that video?"

"Call your guys and tell them you want the
charges dropped. I want to hear it for myself."

"I can't do that Suzy."

"Do it or I hit the send button."

"I can't do it because he didn't go to jail.
We let him go down in the lobby. I have no idea where he is

Suzy's heart raced. How could she even
believe him? How could he even prove it?

"That's how it is Suzy, whether you choose to
believe me or not."

"Okay." She said. "I'll have to take your
word for it, but so help me if it's a lie then I am going to make
such trouble for you with Jason and Melissa. Do you hear me?"

"I hear you. Now just come out Suzy, for
God's sake. Let's try to act like grownups here."

He waited.

Finally the door opened a crack and Suzy
peeked out to see that Zach was no wearing boxer shorts and a

"Are you going to be nice?" She said.

He held his hands up. "Of course. I'm

"Okay then." she pulled the door open and
stepped outside. "You really need to get some help with that sleep
walking thing. You could end up anywhere."

She held the phone in her hand close to her

"Maybe you're right. Now can I please see the
video you took of me while I was asleep?"

"You still sound angry."

"I'm not. I just want to see proof that I was
sleep walking. This is all very weird for me and I'm curious."

"Why can't you just believe me?"

In a second he had snatched the phone from
her hand.

"Zachary, no, that's not fair!"

She struggled to get her phone back but he
held it high above her and waited until she had given up jumping to
try and reach it. With one big hand he pushed her away from

"Now we'll see what really happened. Sure I
may have stumbled into your
bedroom, but how did I
end up on top of you? That's the question we need to ask here."

"Stop! You do not have my permission to look
at what's on my phone."

"I didn’t give you permission to film me
either. I think I'm going to need a copy of this for myself Suzy,
and possibly one more for my legal team as well."

"Don’t you dare Zachary Demovic, don't you
dare or I'll--"

"Or you'll what?" He grinned at her, smug now
with the feeling of being back in control.

Suzy glared at him, hot with resentment and

"You promised me." She hissed. Zachary looked
down at her and when he caught her eye a shiver of unexpected fear
and excitement ran through his powerful body.

"Be nice Suzy, be nice. Remember, if you want
Kyle released from that hell hole of a jail--"

The flash of rage in Suzy's eyes froze the
tongue in his throat.

Chapter Sixteen

Lying on the ground gave everything a new
perspective. Suzy was over him and looked immensely tall and
powerful from that angle. The pain between his legs was like
nothing he had ever felt before.

It was several seconds before he realized he
no longer held the phone.

"Suzy," he croaked, "I was only joking."

She was fumbling with the phone.

"Don’t send that, goddamn it." He shouted at
her. In his pain he managed to grab her ankle and jerk her to the
ground, pushed her on her back and forced his way between her legs
again. He didn't want to risk a repeat of the blow to his crown
jewels that had left him on the floor. He held one of her small
hands with his own and grabbed her other wrist with the other.

This was it, they were down to hand to hand
combat to see who would come out on top.

Suzy continued to struggle but both of them
knew it was useless now. Their lips were against each other and as
he grasped the phone in his right hand they pressed together and
both of them kissed, hard, sending an involuntary wave of mutual
desire coursing through them before they separated again and Zach
rolled over with the phone in his hand.

She tried to punch him somewhere soft but
this time he was ready for her and in an instant he wrapped his arm
around her, pinning her arms by her sides and lifted her on top of
him while he searched her phone for the video clip.

She felt his hard body against her soft
behind again as she lay helplessly on top of him. She needed to
keep on fighting but God how she really just wanted to give in,
tell him to take the phone, the video and anything else he wanted
from her.

But the fighter in her just wouldn't let

"You're too late." She said. "I already
deleted it before I opened the bathroom door. There's nothing to

He released her angrily.

"Then why the hell were you fighting me and
why the hell did you punch me in the balls?"

"Because you lied to me. You said you
wouldn't touch me and then you took my phone from me. You deserved
that punch and trust me I'll do it again the second I get the
chance unless you give me my damn phone back."

Zachary thought for a moment and then lowered
the phone. Her small hand reached out to his and he released it to
her. The touch of her hand sent more electricity through him than
the embrace he held her in. In all his experiences with women, this
one had to rank up there with the craziest and the most unique.

"You have your phone." He said. "Now let's go
to bed."

Suzy was momentarily excited, then shocked.
She pushed his arm away.

"The last thing I want right now is to go to
bed with you."

"I mean to our separate beds. With the doors

"Of course." She said, stung with
embarrassment. "That's what I meant too."

"That doesn't make any sense."

"None of this makes any sense. I'll see you
in the morning."

Suzy returned to her room and sat down on the

Oh Christ.
She thought.
Is this
trip ever going to end?

Chapter Seventeen

Six Months Later


"I feel so proud of you right now." Melissa said to
her little sister. Suzy sat back in her chair in surprise. The
waiter came with the check and Melissa took it from him.

"This one's on me." She said.

"No way, this place is expensive and you're
not making the money you used to."

"Yeah, well, I can afford this, so please.
Just let me. It’s been ages since you let me treat you to

"So it turns out I'm a good fundraiser and
can pay my own bills. Who would ever have guessed?"

"I always knew you had it in you. That whole
thing with Zachary was just a huge mistake. I can't tell you how
sorry I am--"

In the six months since Suzy had turned her
back on her fiasco of a job at Demovic and cut all contact with
Zachary, Melissa had taken to apologizing for the whole episode at
every available opportunity. It was beginning to drive her sister
slowly insane.

"Stop right there. I don't want to hear it
any more. You do not need to apologize for what happened between me
and Zachary Demovic."

"What exactly did happen?"

"Don't ruin this Melissa. I told you I don't
want to talk about it. Things are going well for me now, all that
craziness of six months ago is like another time, another life. I
know Jason is a great guy but that billionaire world just isn’t for
me. I'm happy right here--in the real world--working to protect
animals, raising money for them and making a living while doing it.
is a dream come true. One year ago I wasn't sure if I'd
be alive in twelve months time and now thanks to whoever that donor
was I have all of this. I would just love to know who it was so I
can thank them personally and try to repay the debt I owe to them.
Not that I ever could of course, but if there was anything I could
do for them, anything at all…"

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