The Scandalous Billionaires Collection (33 page)

Read The Scandalous Billionaires Collection Online

Authors: Drew Sinclair

Tags: #hot romance, #steamy romance, #billionaire romance, #billionaire boss, #billionaire series, #billionaire bad boys series, #billionaire collection, #billionaire bundle, #billionaire alpha male, #billionaire bad boy, #billionaire bad boys, #billionaire romance collection, #billionaire steamy romance, #billionaire alpha male romance, #billionaire alpha romance

BOOK: The Scandalous Billionaires Collection
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Unless he wanted to fuck her.

Get a hold of yourself Zach. Jesus Christ,
this is Suzy you're talking about here.

He took a deep breath.

"Why would I even require a woman for more
than three weeks?" He said. "When one night is all I ever

Suzy twitched in response. One night with
him. Just one night and then she would ruin his life. He would beg
for more after she unleashed seven years of pent up adolescent
sexuality on him in one torrent of desire. If he could even speak
to beg for more he would count himself lucky and then she would
fuck him again, and again, and again, within an inch of his
billionaire life.

"It took you a while to think that answer up,
didn't it Zach." She said. "Although admittedly it was under thirty
seconds. I bet you finish a lot of things in under thirty

His cock gave a massive involuntary twitch as
she glared at him. The challenge to his ego, his prowess, his
sexual ability was something he couldn't resist.

Her hot eyes threatened to burn a hole in him
with their anger and desire.

His nostrils flared and he took a long hard

"Okay then,
Ms. Price
, if you really
are going to be my personal assistant, then I will need you to
arrange a meeting with the Governor of New York State for this
week. Make sure it doesn't conflict with anything else I have
planned. I also need to meet with all my heads of department before
the end of the week and I need to be in Rio for an internet
security conference to give a key note address at this time
tomorrow. You had better get to it."

Suzy lurched. He was giving her the job?

"And one very important thing Ms. Price."

She nodded mutely, staring up at him and
causing his cock to stiffen again.

"If you need any help do not, under any
circumstances, come to me. Catherine can help you. Why she can't
just do this job for me anyway is something I will never

"Maybe it's because she knows it's the worst
gig in this whole organization. I bet she wouldn't touch this hot
potato if she was wearing asbestos gloves."

He took a step closer to her but she didn't
back away.

Stand up to him, don't let him walk all
over you
, Catherine had said.

If it was something Suzy was good it, it was
standing her ground. Kidney failure hadn't beaten her and this
scared little boy in billionaire's clothes wouldn't either.

He came very, very close to her and she felt
her whole body tingle. He was really quite huge despite the refined
corporate appearance and she still had the memory of his arms
around her not one, not two, but three times last night. The memory
of his rock hard abdomen and cock against her ass was still vivid
in her memory and then the incredibly dirty, sexy sensation as he
had let her go.

She gasped and nearly lost her breath--if he
came any closer she might waver and back away.

"You've got a smart little mouth Suzy." He
paused, looking down at her. "A smart little mouth and a pretty--"
He pulled himself up, she was an employee now. He had taken her on
and the last thing he needed was a sexual harassment lawsuit from
his possible future sister-in-law.

"Pretty what?" She pressed him, still looking
up at his heaving chest. Without meaning too she was giving him the
sexiest come fuck me eyes he had ever seen. His cock twitched
wildly and he took a step back. The little girl who had nearly
broken his heart with sympathy when he had first met her was in
fact a very highly spirited woman and an inexplicably sexy

He had misjudged her. Totally. By miles and
miles and that was nothing like him at all.

"You have a pretty good line of come-backs."
He improvised. "But I'm telling you now that you won't last a month
here, maybe not even a week. You'll quit and run out of here like
the scared little girl you really are and then Jason can find you
an easy job somewhere in a mail-room lost in the underworld of
'Demovic Towers'. That's if you're lucky enough to still be able to
convince him to hire you to do even that."

Her eyes stared up at him.

Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me. I dare you.
He imagined them saying to him.

He took another step back.

"I've got work to do Ms. Price. You have my
instructions, get to it." He backed away from her carefully. The
blunder of withdrawing from her slowly the night before and the
sensation on his cock, inflaming it to even greater desire, was
still vivid in his memory.

For Suzy's part she felt absolute relief. If
he had come any closer she might have… no that would be ridiculous.
She took a deep breath and dropped the gaze that was
unintentionally causing Zach so much pain.

"Yes Mr. Demovic." She said quietly. "I won’t
let you down."

"I hope not." He murmured. "I'll be back at
1pm for lunch. Make reservations in Ricardo's across the street.
We'll have a working lunch together and one more thing; tell
Catherine to get you out of those rags. You're my PA now so you
can't dress like

He left before she could deliver a riposte
and she sank back down into the marshmallow chair, exhausted. The
bastard was probably right. If every encounter with him was as
intense as this then she would never make it to the end of the
week, maybe not even to the end of the day. And what the hell was
it he had asked her to do anyway? Hell, maybe she wouldn't even
make it to lunchtime. Despite her defiant reactions when Zach was
in front of her challenging her, she felt overwhelmed and defeated

"Susan?" She heard Catherine's voice. "Bravo
girl, that was amazing."

She looked up and saw the woman's kind face
in the office doorway.

"Amazing?" She said incredulously.

"Yes, really, really amazing and very
impressive. I watched it all from across the hall. I've never seen
anyone stand up to Zach like that before and get away with it. How
did you do that?"

"Do what? I'm exhausted already and I have no
idea how I'm going to do all the things he asked me to do today.
I'll be fired before the bread arrives at Ricardo's."

Catherine gave a sparkling laugh, like
bubbling champagne; she was all light where Zachary was all
smoldering darkness.

"You never stepped back an inch honey--he was
in your face, literally, and you stood your ground on your very
first day. No-one and I mean
has ever done that
before. Girl, I have never seen him run like that before! I don’t
know what you did to him but I think you have that man wrapped
around your little finger."

Catherine beamed an innocent, playful smile,
as though it were all just a silly game. Suzy couldn't help but
smile back. After all, when you put it like that…

"I told you I had a feeling about you Susan,
didn't I?"

"I'm still screwed either way Catherine. I
really have no idea what he wants me to do for him today or how I'm
supposed to do any of it."

Catherine laughed again.

"Oh that old stuff honey? Don’t worry about
any of that, his whole itinerary is already planned for months in
advance. I take care of all that stuff; all you have to do is be by
his side, take all the flack, keep him on the rails and report back
to me if he gets in trouble. I've been his real PA for years, I
just can't deal with that crazy ego of his. The only reason I stay
here is because the money is great, really the best in town for
what we do and also, well, I've known these boys since they were in
short pants they really are good boys, all three of them. Not many
people really knows how good. Zachary is just a little lost right
now and he needs someone to guide him."

Catherine stopped speaking and stared
intently into Suzy's eyes. She found she couldn't hold the older
woman's gaze for long and struggled to keep her eyes lifted. She
had hardly any memories of her own mother but something in these
woman's eyes, the way she stared at her… she couldn't help it, the
tears came flooding out and she fell into Catherine's arms.

"There, there honey, there, there." The older
woman repeated softly. "There, there, there."

"I'm so, so sorry. So sorry." Suzy said as
soon as she had regained control of herself. "I don't know what's
come over me--it's been a crazy twenty-four hours."

Catherine smiled her wonderful smile and
shook her head.

"Get used to it Suzy, every twenty-four hours
is crazy with the Demovic brothers and Zachary has a lot on his
mind as always. One of his pet projects is suffering severe delays
so he's not exactly Mr. Happy these days.
don't have to
apologize for a thing. Now come on, dry those pretty eyes of yours
and lets go shopping."


"If I recall that was the last request from
our Lord and Master and the only one that hasn't been taken care of
already. We need to get you looking like a Demovic employee."

"But I can't afford new clothes and anyway,
what's wrong with how I look now?"

"You look just fine honey, gorgeous even--for
any other software company in town, but the Demovic brothers are
the one and only ever lovin' rockstars of what they do and you have
to look the part if you are going to be next to Zachary Demovic in
all of his public appearances. Don't worry about the money, it all
goes on Zach's corporate card."

"Is that allowed?"

"He's the boss Susan. Come on, let's get

Catherine took her arm and led her to the
elevator. In spite of everything, this was sure going to be a day
to remember, it sure as hell beat sitting around on the sofa
watching gossip TV all day long.


Chapter Five

Suzy sat waiting for her boss in what was obviously a
very swanky restaurant. She had never heard of Ricardo's before but
clearly what was just an ordinary lunch for a billionaire was top
class luxury for every other human being. She couldn't quite relax
in the atmosphere of lavish expense and add to that the new clothes
and hair style that Catherine had chosen and she felt positively
off balance.

The food on the other diners' tables looked
delicious but she had no appetite at all.

After a short, but to Suzy interminable wait,
Zachary arrived at last. He had a distracted look on his face as
the waiter directed him to their table. When he arrived he looked
up from his phone and did a double take on his lunch companion.


She was sitting to attention. Of course he
wouldn't let the change go uncommented, but would he like it?
Despite her animosity towards him, she couldn't help but want him
to say something nice.


"Wouldn't it be better if you called me
Susan? Or better yet, Ms. Price, if we are going to be working

"Sure, if we were working together in the
1950s. I take it this is your first job Suzy."

She thought. He knew well she
had never been able to work due to her condition.

"You're the boss." She said, does that mean I
get to call you Zachary? Or maybe Zach would be more to your

He grinned. The truth was that he couldn't
help but love the challenge she was consistently giving him. He
still intended to scare her out of the job before the end of the
week so that he wouldn't have to wrestle with his desire to fuck
her all the time, but in the meantime, maybe he could have a little
fun. Not to mention the fact that at the moment sexy little Suzy
Price, the girl he wasn't supposed to touch but who was installed
right under his nose, was the only thing taking his mind off of
that damn stalled university campus project. After their spirited
exchange in his office earlier he had felt energized for the rest
of the morning and he was looking forward to seeing his new
assistant again.

Definitely a bit too much.

Maybe just once…
He allowed himself to
fantasize, but then bit down hard.
Don't kid yourself Zach. She
won't make it to the end of the week. Stick to the plan.

He would see to that. His brother and his arm
twisting, very convincing girlfriend had no idea what they had let
Suzy in for. The girl would be better off anywhere else in the
company--the last thing she needed was to be his personal
assistant. If they only knew what had occurred in her apartment the
night before…

And what exactly was that?
questioned himself.
Did something happen?

"Are you still there Zach?" Suzy repeated to
the distracted billionaire.

"Huh?" He looked down at her again, she
looked stunning. The transformation was complete. Last night she
had already changed dramatically since he had first met her; from
forlorn waif to full grown woman. Then this morning she had
appeared out of nowhere in his office like a fantasy girl from his
dreams looking all sexy and sultry in her little office outfit. Now
here she was; positively striking, jaw-dropping,
trouser-stretchingly delicious and dressed for success in a
corporate Goddesses power suit that he longed to see strewn across
his bedroom floor.

Whatever Catherine had done to her had
brought out her inner Goddess in full force and his manhood was
responding in kind.

The contours and elaborate piles of her hair
were pure elegance and revealed her long tapering neck; the
business suit was haute couture and emphasized everything to
perfection; her slim collarbones, her enticing cleavage, her
perfect waistline just waiting for his hands to grasp it.

He craned his head to see a little more and
yes, oh yes, by God that sexy, sexy little ass was just perfectly
gift wrapped like it was Christmas morning.

Suzy watched him with growing agitation.

"I'm sure you realize Zach, that that look
alone you just gave me could be described as sexual harassment."
She stared at him hotly while her nipples hardened against the lace
bra she and Catherine had chosen this morning. He had just barely,
but very obviously, gloated at her derriere, but as demeaning as it
should have been the hot response of her body was almost

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