The Scandalous Billionaires Collection (13 page)

Read The Scandalous Billionaires Collection Online

Authors: Drew Sinclair

Tags: #hot romance, #steamy romance, #billionaire romance, #billionaire boss, #billionaire series, #billionaire bad boys series, #billionaire collection, #billionaire bundle, #billionaire alpha male, #billionaire bad boy, #billionaire bad boys, #billionaire romance collection, #billionaire steamy romance, #billionaire alpha male romance, #billionaire alpha romance

BOOK: The Scandalous Billionaires Collection
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"Then what's this all about?" He asked,
turning the laptop around to face her. A still image of the video
clip with himself, Beth Lindsay and Chauncey Tales was on the

Shit. Damn you Suzy.

Melissa thought quickly.

"That's just research." She said. "You've
already done your obsessively thorough background check on me, so
I'm just evening up the odds here."

Jason read out the accompanying message.

Make sure you dress sexy tomorrow. You've
got competition.
Exclamation mark."

Melissa's embarrassment began heating up into

"Don't you have any respect for people's

"Dr. Price, please. You're the one snooping
around on the internet looking for information about
you consider gossip taken from the Fame TV channel to be reliable

"It's just a stupid link my silly little
sister sent to me."

"Not so silly that you didn’t take her

"What are you talking about?"

"She said dress sexy and boy did you nail it.
Skimpy t-shirt with peekaboo panties and odd ankle socks? Don’t
tell me that wasn't calculated to put a rod in my pants and make me
drag you into your bedroom. I think I like your sister

The thought of a sexual predator like Jason
having an interest in Suzy put Melissa into protective big sister

"Leave her out of this Mr. Demovic, she's
just a kid."

"She's a lot more than just a kid. I'd say
she's a very brave woman who's shown extraordinary strength."

"What do you know about my sister?"

"Everything. Just like you said, I ran an
obsessively thorough background check. I know that Suzy is on a
kidney dialysis program while awaiting a donor organ. I know she's
had this condition for four years and that she puts on a very, very
brave face about it. So I'm not sure 'kid' is the right word to

Melissa sat down opposite Jason. He might be
a sexual predator, and she had no complaints about that for
herself, but he was making sense about her little sister. More than
she wanted to acknowledge.

"Maybe you're right. Maybe I haven't given
her enough credit. So look, she sent me this link because I told
her I had a date with you today and it turns out she knows
everything about you."

"I'm sure it's all entirely true." He said
with good natured sarcasm.

"She just sent me that clip because she's
excited that I've even met you and forget about the fact that I'm
going on a date with you. She's a huge fan of yours if that means
anything to you."

Jason's face had become serious and
unreadable again.

"I guess it wouldn't." Melissa continued.
"After all, you have all those women chasing you around all the
time and that skinny girlfriend of yours, God help her, so what's
one poor little sick girl to you."

Jason shook his head.

"You're confusing me Dr. Price. I don't have
a girlfriend and that's partly the reason why I'm here. I didn’t
say this was a date. Not just a date anyway and as for your sister,
it's not that her interest in me doesn't mean anything, it's just
that I have never thought of myself as having 'fans'. Enemies yes,
people who envy me or people who are out to get something for
themselves, but not fans. It's an interesting thought."

"Well you've got one in my little sister. She
knows more about you than I do. In fact, to be quite honest with
you, I had no idea who you were when you walked into my office and
I still don’t really know you any better than I did then. Not even

Melissa found it oddly awkward to refer to
their sexual experience despite how recent it was.

"Come on." He stood up. "Today will change
all of that. We're going to get to know each other very well over
the next few days."


Jason sighed. "We've lost enough time Dr.
Price. Not that it wasn't a wildly thrilling time--"

"That's what I mean. What was that in there
just now?"

He looked very serious as he walked to her
side of the table and then went down on his knees in front of

"What are you doing?" Her body had become
rigid with anticipation.

"He put his hands around her ankles and moved
his head down to her knees. She felt his breath on her skin and
tingles of desire skittered upwards between her thighs causing her
to take a sharp breath in.

"That," he said, looking up at her with his
lips almost touching her knees, "was just for starters. I didn’t
want all that tension hanging over us on the ride to the airstrip.
Plus I've wanted you down there," he nodded very slightly towards
her abdomen and pussy, "ever since I laid eyes on you." He applied
the gentlest of pressures to her ankles, sliding them almost
imperceptibly apart.

Her heart was racing, her engorged clitoris
pounding and raw from her recent release.

"How did you know I would even let you?" She
said. "What if I had just told you to get out and never come back

His hands pushed a little harder and she
longed for him to take her again, deeper this time, more

"I knew you needed it Dr. Price. I can tell.
I can always tell. I may not understand myself as well as I
understand women and their uh…" he searched for the right word,
"needs." he said with deadly seriousness and then pulled her feet
suddenly away from her, straightening her legs and separating her

"That's why I need your help. This is more
than a date. I need your help, but as you won't take me on as a
client then I need to get it some other way."

He pressed his full lips to the inside of her
right knee and then to her left. Melissa arched her back in
response and pushed her hands down onto her thighs. A tiny moan
escaped her.

"That doesn't sound like blackmail to me." He

Melissa straightened up again and drew her
feet in.

"Am I free to go then? If I say I want a rain
check on this 'more than a date' thing then you'll get out of here
and I don't have to worry about what Jason Demovic the powerful
billionaire is going to do in order to get his way?"

He released her ankles, stood up again and
straightened his shirt and jeans. Melissa felt disappointed. His
performance in the bedroom had been spectacular but this damnable
teasing left her wanting more, aching for more.

"You want me to blackmail you, don't you?" He

"Nonsense." She blustered.

"You're getting off on this." He smiled.

Melissa stared at him, daring him, wondering
just how true that statement really was.

"Okay Doctor Price, what if I told you I knew
enough about you and your life to make you beg to get inside that
car with me and do anything I want you to for the rest of the day.
Anything I please." He had that crazy serious look again that was
thrilling and terrifying at the same time. Melissa wasn't sure she
wanted to call his bluff, but short of just caving in and going
with him meekly she wasn't left with much choice.

"I'd say you were deluded Mr. Demovic. I'd
say you're lost and I'd say you need my help a lot more than you
think you do."

"So you're little sister is a 'fan' of mine,
is she?"

is. To me you're a lost little
boy who needs his mommy to look after him." Melissa smirked, trying
to match his annoyingly provocative smiles.

Come on Demovic, let's see how tough you
really are.

"How do think your little sister would like a
visit from this lost little boy who needs his mommy?"

Melissa's heart jumped. She knew only too
well what that would mean. A visit from a bona fide gossip TV
celebrity and super hot eligible billionaire bachelor would rock
Suzy's world. Her little sister's social life had been nil since
the onset of her illness and all she did these days was shuttle
back and forth from her apartment to her hospital bed. It would be
an unforgettable life experience to have someone like Jason visit

"You would do that?"

"No. Not a chance. I'm far too busy and we
have a jet waiting for us. Maybe you can find another celebrity
billionaire to do it."

Melissa's mouth hung open.

"You are going to use
blackmail me? My sick little sister?"

He held her incredulous gaze steadily.

"Do you think I got to where I am today by
being soft hearted? I'm who I am because I'm not afraid to be a
ruthless bastard when I want something. I told you that I would
make you beg to get in that car with me and do anything I want you
to do for the rest of the day. Now are you going to do it by
yourself or do I need to call your little sister and get her to
make you do it?"

"I won't beg." She said.

"Shame. I was looking forward to meeting your
little sister." He walked towards the door.


When he turned around there was just the
tiniest smirk across his lips. He raised one eyebrow.

"Okay." She said. "Let's do it. I'll go with
you, but you owe Suzy a visit."

"Not good enough." he turned to leave

"What's wrong with that?"

"I said beg, not order. You need to learn
some humility Dr. Price. I can't have an arrogant therapist working
with me, professionally or otherwise. Now are you going to ask me
nicely or not?"

She rolled her eyes and sighed loudly.


"I didn't hear you and that was very short.
It also sounded insincere, as though under duress. You can do
better than that. Now try harder, try longer and do it with
feeling. "

"Please." She said louder. "Please visit my
little sister."

"Beg to be let inside of my car."

"God damn it, okay. Please let me spend the
day with you. Please let me come with you. Is that enough?"

"Very nice. That was better, although there's
certainly room for improvement. Come on. Let's go."

"We visit her now."

"Impossible. We have a schedule and the jet
is on standby. That costs money so our plans aren’t flexible."

Melissa stood up. Now she was ready to play
the game. She would have gone anyway but this was even better. She
walked over to him and stood very close. She could hear his
breathing begin to speed up.

"Do you still have that hard on?" She

He didn't move.

"I asked you a question Mr. Demovic. Do you
still have that hard on?"

"Yes." He croaked and then cleared his

She sank down to her knees.

"Then maybe I had better address myself to it
instead of to you. In my experience as a psychotherapist it's
become pretty clear to me that there's a certain kind of man who
only thinks with his dick. Questions like this are better put to
the one in charge, isn’t that right?" She spoke the words directly
to the obvious bulge in his trousers.

"Now I'm going to ask very, very nicely." She
put her hands to the outside of his hips as she spoke. "Please let
me come with you in the car. Please let me spend the day with you.
Please get that idiot Jason Demovic to visit my little sister and
do it right now, or the deal is off." She kissed her fingers and
then blew it onto his bugle before slowly coming to her feet

Jason looked strained, choked.

"Fuck." He said slowly. "The jet can wait.
Let's go."



Chapter Eight


Suzy didn't feel like answering the door today.
Although physically she was in surprisingly good shape after her
dialysis on the previous day, emotionally she was down. Despite her
brave face and positive attitude there were days when she couldn't
help but feel that she had been given a raw deal in life. Today was
one of those days.

Meanwhile her uptight big sister who she
loved more than anyone else in the world was spending the day with
a famous hottie billionaire that half of America dreamed of getting
into bed with.

She tried to ignore the doorbell but whoever
it was just wouldn't go away.

"Suzy. Open up. It's me, Melissa, your big

That caught her attention. But it couldn't
be, Melissa should be well into her hot date by now. What the hell
could she be doing here outside her apartment?

"Suzy? Are you okay? Jesus, I better get in
there, she might not be well."

She heard the rattle of her sisters spare set
of keys to her apartment--she visited regularly and often stayed
over, but she never,
came over unannounced.

"I'm coming, I'm coming. Hold on." Suzy

She walked slowly to the door. The dialysis
had certainly taken its toll and she hadn't slept well after the
late night conversation with Melissa. It also hadn't helped that
she had spent hours subsequently surfing the internet for gossip
and tidbits of information on the Demovic brothers.

She opened the door still looking sleepily
down towards the ground. The pair of feet in front of her weren't
female. Not standard female anyway.

Her gaze followed the legs up to the waist,
then the chest.

This was definitely male.

She continued on up to the neck, the chin,
and then to a smile that was instantly familiar.

The pair of intense brown eyes that finally
met hers slicked through the fog of her bleary state of mind. How
could they not? She had spent half the night looking at pictures
and video clips of the man who stood on her porch, towering over

"Oh. My. Freaking. God."

"Hi Suzy." Jason said as though he had known
her for years. "You're looking great today."

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. Oh. My.

She turned away from the door and shuffled to
the kitchen.

"Is it alright if we come in?" Jason peered
in through the doorway and then gave a quizzical look back to
Melissa who was grinning from ear to ear. This one thing alone
would make it all worthwhile. Screw that asshole client and screw
the ethics committee. Screw David. And what the hell, screw Jason
Demovic as well. All she had ever wanted to do her whole life was
try to help people, including that screwball who had filed the
formal complaint against her.

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