The Scale (Martha's Way) (15 page)

BOOK: The Scale (Martha's Way)
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Minka noticed many women at the bar glancing in their
direction, but the men seemed oblivious to any stir they caused. Instead they
were talking and laughing with no care in the world until two women dressed in
form-fitting dresses approached them. It was Adam who turned, flashed them a
dazzling smile and ordered each of them a drink. She watched him pull one of
the brunettes into his arms and whisper something in her ear. The girl laughed,
ran her hand over his chest and walked away.

“Adam is ruthless,” Jason said in a low tone. “I promise you
he will hit on you before the night is over. Beautiful women are his

She doubted very much she fell into that category. She
smiled and allowed Jason to lead her to the group. Her sister and Claire were
quick to come to her side. Jason released his hold on her as he stepped away to
talk to his friends. Although she had met each one of the men the night of the
engagement party, tonight felt as if they were seeing her for the first time
and greeted her with a warm welcome.

“How are you, Minka? I see you’re feeling better,” Forrest
said with a warm smile. His eyes twinkled with mischief just like his friend’s.
Even though he was handsome, Minka found him disarming and soothing. She smiled
back at the doctor. Ever since the night she’d passed out at the engagement
party and woke up with him taking her pulse, she had liked him.

“Yes, much better. Thank you for coming to my rescue the
other night.”

He looked over his shoulder at Jason,
smiled back at her. “Jason was quick to react. I’m glad I was able to help.”

Blake stood up to place a kiss on her cheek just as Jason
placed a hand on the center of her back. Jason didn’t do it on purpose—he had
no clue of her inner turmoil—yet she froze.

“You look beautiful, Minx,” Blake said with a smile before
reaching for his fiancée. “All of you ladies look so beautiful. We are lucky

The man with the jet-black hair cleared his throat before
taking her hand in his. He focused his look on her as he brought her hand to
his lips. “I’m Adam.
Ciao, bella
His chestnut-colored eyes swept over her body. “My friend
is a lucky man to have you in his arms tonight.”

Her body grew warm from the compliment. Deep down, she knew
he was being polite and even teasing, but the admiration still felt good and
left her slightly lightheaded.

Claire pushed Adam away and shot him a warning look. “Adam,
the player; one day, I hope you fall in love so hard it leaves you breathless,”
she said, laughing.

Adam laughed good-naturedly, then leaned forward and placed
a kiss on Claire’s cheek before pulling her into his arms. Laughter broke
between them. Minka wished she could see Jason’s reaction to determine how he
was reacting to the two of them together like that. As his hand slipped back
into hers, she turned to face him. He smiled at her with no sign of concern
regarding the banter going back and forth between Adam and Claire.

“How about a drink before dinner?”

She nodded in response. He brought her hand to his lips
before approaching the waiter.

Aware her sister was watching her, Minka glanced toward her.
As Jason stepped aside Keely moved from Blake to approach her.

“Come on, sis; let’s go powder our noses before dinner.”

Without a word, she followed her sister down the hall to the
restroom. Once there and not quite sure what to expect, Minka reached into her
purse and searched for her lipstick.

“You look beautiful.”

The words sounded sincere and genuine. “Thanks.
You too,” Minka acknowledged.
Her sister looked elegant in a
fitted organza black dress.

“Jason is eating you alive.”

They were both facing the mirror. Her eyes darted to Keely.

“Be careful, if you don’t want to get down and dirty. I hear
women have a hard time saying no to his charms.”

“It’s not like that. He’s just being polite.”

Keely placed her lipstick back in her small purse. “There
are many words I can use to describe Jason Montgomery. Loyal, determined, and
silly at times, but, my twin, polite is not one of them. I’ve known him for
about three years now, and I’ve never seen him being polite to anyone or for
anyone’s sake.”

At a loss for words, Minka looked down at her purse. Keely
reached over her shoulder to readjust the strap of the dress.

“You look gorgeous,” Keely repeated with a proud smile.
“You’re my younger sister,” she grinned, pointing out the seconds’ delay of
Minka’s birth. Yes, even at birth Keely had come out first. “It’s my job to
look out for you. Jason is fun. He’s rich, super-good-looking, and I’m sure
he’s great in bed.”

Oh boy, they were going there. Minka shifted her body with
discomfort. “God, Keely, I wish you would stop talking about Jason.”

Deep laughter escaped her sister’s throat. She rolled her
eyes. “Fine, I’ll stop. But, on a serious note, have fun with it. Enjoy the
attention, but take it for what it is.”

They stared at each other. Her sister was looking out for
her and probably had every right to do so. She was part of their circle and
used to Jason’s ways. But Minka felt her sister was cutting her short. “You
don’t think I’m pretty enough for him, do you?”

Keely looked momentarily lost and crushed. A look of pain
swept her face. “Why would you say that?”

Minka shrugged, regretting she had chosen this time to be honest
with her sister.
“Never mind.”

“Jason doesn’t commit,” Keely explained. “Women are nothing
but a body to him. I’ve seen him with women. He makes them feel special,
beautiful. But, days later, he moves on to the next. That’s who he is.”

Okay, so they had no chance. She already knew that. It just
hurt hearing it from her sister. “Well, lucky for me, I’m only here for two
weeks,” she spat. The defiance in her voice carried a level of anger she didn’t
know she could project.

“Minka, I just don’t want you to lose sight of the situation
and make more of it.”

She gaped at Keely. In her own way, she was sure her sister
meant well. But, standing there with her sister, Minka couldn’t help but feel
Keely was selling her short. It was clear her sister thought she was incapable
of dealing with a man like Jason.

“Do you want Jason?” Her voice was harsh and fueled by
anger. The words surprised her.

The high arch of Keely’s perfectly shaped eyebrows was the
only hint of astonishment. But even then she quickly recovered and let out a
rich chuckle over the absurdity of the question. “I’m in love with Blake.”

“That’s not an answer,” Minka challenged.

Keely squared her shoulders and met her gaze. “I have come
to love Jason and all of Blake’s friends, but I’m in love with Blake Alexander.
I want him and no one else.”

Minka witnessed a flash of pain in her sister’s eyes. “I’m
sorry, Keely. I just thought…”

Keely gave her a shaky laugh. “I think that’s the most
honest you’ve been with me our whole lives. It hurts, but I welcome it.”

For a while neither woman spoke; the only sound that existed
between them was the ticking of the large clock on the wall.

“I’m sorry,” she offered again.

Keely smiled and looked a little more relaxed. “You know, I
just don’t want to see you hurt by falling in love with him. I’ve seen women
fall for Jason. He has no problem walking away.”

“I’m here for two weeks. I’m not going to fall in love with

Her sister laughed, not a menacing tone, more like an
Oh poor Minka, what makes you think you can
resist him?
of laughter. “I’ve seen women do
that, you know. Fall for him within days. You’d think two weeks is too short,
but he’s charming. They all are, but Jason more so.” She paused and smiled
sweetly at Minka. “If he hurts you of course Claire and I will bring damage to
his pretty face.”

At that, Minka had to laugh. The idea of Keely and Claire
wrestling Jason to the ground and torturing him seemed impossible, but she
believed her sister would at least try. “I’ll be fine. I can take care of

Keely nodded with understanding. “After you guys do the
deed, I want to hear all the gory details.”

Minka cheeks scorched with embarrassment. She quickly tried
to avert from her sister’s probing gaze. Too late, she was too slow. She stood
exposed, like a wide open book for Keely to flip through. And by the big grin
on her face, it was obvious the cat was out of the bag.

“Oh my!
This morning…” her voice trailed, as if remembering
the state Minka was in when they met for brunch.
Her hands covered Minka’s. “Last night, you were with Jason.”

Minka lowered her head and focused her attention on the gray
tiles. Her brain scrambled to find a logical excuse. No way could she let her
sister know how Jason had made her feel. She gradually raised her head to meet
her sister’s prying stare, silently confirming all of her suspicions.

“Shit, Minka!” Keely exclaimed. “Now it all makes sense. The
way he looks at you. Why he came after you back at the inn. Did you guys go at
it on my bed?” she asked but didn’t look one bit annoyed over the idea.

In spite of herself, Minka chuckled. “No.” There was no need
to mention he wanted to or the kiss they shared. “It was just one time.”

“Just once.”

“Well, more than once,” she corrected, and Keely looked
“But, just last night.”

“But, you’re going home with him tonight. I can tell. The
sexual tension is quite intense.”

“He asked for one more night,” she admitted.

Her sister’s lips curved into a smile. “You screwed his
brains out.”

“God, Keely, must you be so crass?”

“Jason doesn’t chase women. Usually it’s the women begging
for more.” She chuckled. “Believe me, I’ve seen it.”

Minka shrugged the idea away. Jason wasn’t chasing her. He
had made a request and she had obliged. Not out of necessity, but because she wanted
him just as much as he wanted her. “I appreciate you worrying about me, but I
can handle Jason.”

“I believe you. Come on, let’s go back. I’m sure he’s
stirring in his pants right now.”

Minka rolled her eyes, embarrassed at Keely’s outrageous
comments. “Why do you always talk like that?”

Her sister wrinkled her nose. “Don’t you love it? Let’s go
back to our men.”

Minka opened her mouth to remind her sister she didn’t have
a man. Jason belonged to no one, especially her, and then thought better of it.
She followed her sister out of the restroom and found Jason at the bar. He was
talking to a pretty blonde with his arms crossed over his chest, confirming her
sister’s words of his ways with women. Upon noticing her, he excused himself
and walked to them.

Keely touched her shoulder and stared right at Jason. “My
sister is in your hands. If you make her fall in love with you and she gets
hurt, I will personally cut your pretty

A little whimper escaped Minka’s throat. Worse, Jason looked
like he was enjoying the situation.

“What makes you think my balls are pretty?” he challenged.
The smile tugging his lips broke into a grin, completely enveloping his face.

Keely glared at him, her hazel eyes blazing almost amber
with determination. “Save the charms for her.” She glanced at Minka who could
only stand there in silence. “Just remember what I said.” With that, she
sashayed away into the dining room.

With weak arms and legs, Minka didn’t have the power to move
away from Jason. He leaned a little closer.

“Your sister is like a bulldog,” he said with good humor.

“I’m sorry. She figured it out.”

He shrugged. “We’re adults. Would you rather I take you back
to your hotel tonight?”

That was her chance to close the door, to walk away from
this insanity. He would understand and leave her alone for the rest of her stay
here. Something she realized she didn’t want. “No,” she answered, her voice
holding certain firmness. “I want to be with you.”

He pulled her into his arms and pressed her close to him,
making her feel the evidence of his hardness. “I can’t wait to rip that dress
off you later.” He tilted her face to his and brushed his lips against hers.
“Just don’t fall in love with me. I don’t want my
cut off. I like my balls.” He grinned.

Once again, her shyness fell away; Minka wrapped her arms
around his neck and looked into his eyes and smiled at him. “I promise I


Chapter Eleven


“Don't let the number
on the scale tell you how beautiful you are.”

Steve Maraboli


“Minka, please tell me you don’t have a boyfriend at home.”

Adam, as Jason warned, flirted with her at every opportunity
presented, but Minka noticed it was harmless and he was doing it to get a rise
out of his friend. And since he was easy on the eyes, she played along.

“Nothing serious.”

Adam gave her a satisfied smile. “Great, after you dump
him,” he said, signaling to Jason, “I will gladly show you how to truly have
fun. Jason can be a bit of a stiff.”

“That’s not what your mother said.” Jason grinned.

Adam didn’t look bothered by the comment. “He thinks my mom
is hot.”

“She is hot.” Both Forrest and Blake agreed.

Adam shook his head. “I’ve been dealing with this since
childhood,” he explained, unfazed. “My mother is a former Miss America.”

Well, that explained his good looks.

Stories of their childhood were told throughout the night.
Minka learned the original foursome consisted of Blake, Jason, Forrest and
Claire. They grew up on the island while Adam grew up in Italy and spent his
summer vacations on The Vineyard. Claire was the youngest out of the crew by
three years and, according to Jason, the snot nose who always felt the need to
tag along with the boys.

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