The Sacrificial Lamb (38 page)

Read The Sacrificial Lamb Online

Authors: Elle Fiore

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: The Sacrificial Lamb
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“No,” Domenic said around a mouthful of sandwich. He chewed thoughtfully for a moment and swallowed. “Everything was the same, like before.”

“Do you think maybe they stopped searching for us?”

“No. Carlo won’t stop looking. He has way too much to lose.”

“Oh. Do you think they’ll find us before we have to leave?”

“I don’t know, Alex. They haven’t found us so far, but that doesn’t mean much.”

Suddenly, her sandwich lost all its flavor, and she put the remainder down on her plate. Domenic scrutinized her as she picked up her glass of juice and took a drink. Alex looked down and pushed her sandwich around with her finger.

“What do we do if they
find us?”

“You’re going to hide, and I’m going to fight to keep you alive,” Domenic replied matter-of-factly.

“But I know how to shoot a gun now. I can help you!” The thought of Domenic in a shootout while she sat safe and locked in the room downstairs was unbearable.

“Alex, I taught you to shoot the gun as a last resort. That’s it,” Domenic said, frowning. “You would never survive a gun battle.”

“But if they killed you, I’d be good as dead anyway!”

they killed me. They’d have to get through me before getting to you.” Domenic’s eyes blazed green fire. “And I hope to God, you shoot the motherfucker who ever got past me if that happens.”


“It’s not up for discussion, Alex.”

“You’re willing to die for me?” she demanded, angry that he was closing off any further discussion.


“Why?” She held her breath as Domenic hesitated for a moment.

“Because, I promised you I would keep you safe,” he finally answered.

It left her unsatisfied. Alex wasn’t sure what she wanted to hear, but that wasn’t it.

“That’s it? Because you promised?”

Domenic had an odd expression on his face. It was as if he was weighing his words very carefully. He reached across the table and took her hand, gazing at her intently.

“I asked you to trust me. Do you?”


“Then trust me when I tell you, I have a good reason for making sure you live.”

“You can’t tell me why?” she asked, confused and hurt that
still didn’t trust her.

“Not right now, but I will. Okay?”

Alex considered arguing more, but she didn’t want to fight with Domenic. He had a pleading look on his face, and she caved. “Okay,” she sighed.

Giving her a small smile, Domenic let go of her hand and finished what was left of his lunch. Alex looked at her own sandwich, but she had truly lost her appetite. She decided to not even try and began to tidy up instead.

When everything was done, Domenic put his arm around her shoulder and turned her into his chest. “Everything will be fine,” he said, his voice soft against her ear.

Alex nodded her head and snuggled in deeper. He rocked her from side to side and placed tender kisses on the top of her head. They stayed like that a few minutes before heading back into the living room. Domenic flopped down on the couch, and then she remembered to retrieve the radio in the bathroom, putting the music on low.

“Want to learn some self-defense?”

“I guess,” she said listlessly, shrugging her shoulders.

“We’ll do something different.”

Domenic got up and moved the small table out of the way. Alex stood in the middle of the open space waiting for him. He walked behind her, took her by the waist, and put the edge of his hand against her neck as if were a knife.

“You want me to escape a knife hold?”

“Exactly. Now, there will be a few moves where you could hurt me so be careful, hmm?” Alex tittered at the idea of being able to hurt Domenic.

They went over the exercise a few times until she was more accustomed to how to move. Domenic had her pretend to hold a knife on him as well so he could show her better how to exert the proper pressure to the wrist. This went on for a couple of hours and then they took a break. The rest of the afternoon they spent relaxing.

Dinner was a quiet affair, and soon they were back to lounging on the couch. The radio had been playing all afternoon, and now another DJ was starting his shift. He announced that he would be slowing things down, and “Earth Angel” by The Penguins began playing.

, I love this song!” Alex said, reminiscing. “My father used to put me on his feet when I was little and sing it to me.”

Domenic cocked his head to one side, looking at her speculatively. “Dance with me.”

“Don’t be silly.” She laughed.

“Come on.” Domenic stood up and held out a hand. “I’ll let you step on my feet like your father did.”

“Um, yeah. I weigh a little bit more now!”

“Please?” He widened his eyes at her and blinked guilelessly.

Alex groaned. It was never fair when he looked at her that way. She found herself standing up and putting her hand in his.

Domenic pulled her close and wrapped her arms around his neck. She put her head against his chest, and they swayed together to the song. As it turned out, Alex didn’t need to place her feet on his after all. Domenic ran his hands up and down her back, and she played with the hair at the nape of his neck. Alex felt like she was at high school dance as they moved in a little circle in the middle of the living room.

When “Earth Angel” ended, she went to pull away, but Domenic tightened his hold as the next song began. She recognized the opening notes of “If You Leave Me Now” by Chicago. To her surprise, Domenic started singing the lyrics in a low voice.

Alex mouthed the words along with him, listening to his voice as it carried over the music coming from the radio. During the chorus, he held her even tighter, as if imparting a significant message. Begging her not to go. To stay with him always.

As the final notes of the song played, she looked up at Domenic, and he gazed down at her tenderly. Alex went up on her toes and brushed her lips against his. Without saying the words, she knew now why he would be willing to sacrifice his life for hers. He caressed her face, confirming her thoughts.

Alex moved away from him, leaving him in the middle of the floor as she went to shut off the radio. She returned, taking Domenic’s hand, and led him to the bedroom to show him what words could never say.


“I H
in over four years,” Domenic said, his voice low in the quiet of the room.

Alex stirred against him. He felt more than saw her face turn up to him from its resting place on his chest. She remained silent, however. He stared at the ceiling, wondering where to begin. It felt like the right time to tell Alex what had happened between his sister and him.

“Over eight years ago, Carlo started showing up at my condo, using veiled threats. He used to ask about Bianca all the time, as if he cared about her. But I knew the truth. I knew he was using her to get to me. It worked.” He stopped speaking for a moment as he remembered the conversations outside his condo.

“When I was about to go back to school,” he continued, “Carlo showed up and asked me to work for him. I thought he was crazy at first, but I was also scared that if I said no, something bad would happen to Bianca. I knew she would never be safe as long as he lived, so I agreed. That’s when I started to make my plans to get rid of him.”

Alex gave him a brief squeeze. She still remained silent, as if she knew he just needed to get everything out in one shot. Draw out the poison, so to speak.

“I finished my undergrad and then continued school to get my MBA. Carlo financed it, even though I didn’t need his help, with the promise he’d take it back in trade.

“While I was in school, I could still keep in touch with Russell and Bianca. Neither of them knew what was going on, of course, but then Carlo started making comments about it. He knew Russell was enrolled in the Police Academy. So I started to pull away from them both. From everyone.

“They didn’t notice at first because it was gradual, and Bianca and Russell were too into each other.” Domenic stopped, collecting his thoughts. “The spring before I joined the Liseni officially, I stopped visiting, stopped calling, and stopped taking their calls.”

Everything was spinning out in front of him as he relived it once again. Over the years he had stopped thinking about it as frequently, but the pain remained the same. Bianca had been the only family he had left, but he would rather never see her again, knowing she was safe, than put her and Russell in jeopardy. His sister didn’t know that, however.

In his mind he saw himself approaching his condo, unlocking the door…

Domenic stepped inside. His security alarm didn’t engage, and he had his gun in his hand in seconds. All of his senses were attuned to the fact someone was in his home. Had Carlo figured it out? Did he know that Domenic was going to betray him? That he was planning to kill him once he had firmly wormed his way into his organization?

Crouched over, he burst into his living room, and pointed his gun straight between Bianca’s startled eyes.

“Domenic!” she exclaimed, her hands fluttered up to her face, which had gone white with fear.

“Bianca? What the fuck are you doing here?”

“I came to see you! Why do you have a gun? What the hell is going on?”

Domenic cursed to himself and reholstered his weapon. Leave it up to Bianca to sneak into his condo while he was out. His heart was hammering in his chest, both from the extra adrenaline pumping through his system and from the knowledge he could have just killed his sister.


“Look, you have to leave.

“I’m not leaving till you tell me why you haven’t been taking my calls.”

“I’ve been busy, okay? I don’t have time to mess with you. Get out.”

“No.” Bianca’s face had that stubborn, resolute expression that always drove him nuts. She could be hugely annoying when she set her mind to it. He didn’t know how Russell put up with her for long periods of time.

“Bianca, this is the last time I’m telling you. Leave.”

“No, Dom. You’ll have to call the police to get me out of here. I hope you have a good explanation for that concealed weapon.”

Domenic glowered at Bianca and turned away from her, rubbing his eyes. How the hell was he going to get her out of here? It wouldn’t do at all for Carlo to find out about this. He was certain he was under surveillance until he trusted Domenic more. This day had been rapidly approaching, and he dreaded what he had to do next.

“Do you know what Dad did for a living?” he asked, turning to face Bianca, his head cocked to one side.

“He was a businessman,” she answered promptly.

of business?”

“I don’t remember,” Bianca replied, looking perplexed. “What the hell does Daddy have to do with anything?”

“God, you were so fucking sheltered,” he sneered. “A businessman!”

“What are you—”

“Daddy’s little fucking princess!” he continued, cutting her off. “He would have died before letting you know.”

“Letting me know
?” Bianca had started to get exasperated, but he pushed on.

“Bianca, are you fucking stupid? Dad ran one of the most notorious mob families in Chicago!”

“Ha-ha, Domenic. I suppose you think that’s funny.”

“What’s funny is that you didn’t even notice.” He snickered. “How old were you when Dad died? Thirteen? Old enough to fucking read the signs.”

“You’re a filthy liar,” Bianca whispered, her lips going white. “How dare you say something like that! Mom would roll in her grave.”

“Mom knew! We all knew, except for you, Bianca!” he said, mocking her. “Walking around all the time with your head in the clouds. Ask Russell. Even he knew.”

“Russell wouldn’t have kept that from me!”

“No? Looks like you’re wrong. Ask him.”

“Why are you
Bianca screamed at him. She had gotten up from the couch, her hands balled in fists, shaking with fury. “You’re fucking

look like a lie to you?” he asked, unsheathing his gun and grabbing Bianca by the arm. Domenic placed the barrel of the forty-five under her chin, and she whimpered. He detested himself then, but knew he had to scare her away from him forever. “Does it? Do you think I’m fucking lying now, Bianca?”

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