The Sacrifice (45 page)

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Authors: Mia McKimmy

BOOK: The Sacrifice
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entered from the other side of the stage. She

d never seen
more breathtaking. He was every bit as majestic as his mother. He looked
surreal as he took a seat on the throne beside the queen.

When the music stopped, Cy and his
mother stood and faced each other.

Cygan Cieran Turgeon,
” the queen said. “Do you solemnly promise to
govern the Sivadian race to the best of your ability?”

“I solemnly promise to do so.” Cy

“Do you solemnly promise to uphold the
laws of the Sivadian race?”

“I solemnly promise to do so.”

“Do you solemnly promise to preserve,
protect, and defend the Sivadian race, placing them above all others?”

“I do solemnly swear these things
before you, Queen Mother, Royal Council, and the Sivadian people. I will uphold
these oaths until the time of my death, or it is deemed time for me to step
down, foregoing the kingship to my rightful successor.”

A Royal Councilman brought forth a
sword lying on a crimson pillow, and handed it to the queen. “Here is the royal
sword, which King Cieran asked that you, his rightful heir, receive at the time
of your coronation. By accepting this sword, it signifies that you will protect
the race at all costs, as your father did, and his father before him.”

Cy took the sword by its hilt and laid
it across his heart. “I do solemnly swear to protect the race at all costs, as
my father did, and his father before him.”

Royal Councilmen brought forth a crown, also lying on a crimson pillow. Cy
knelt before his mother as she took the crown from the pillow. “I hereby crown
you, King of the Sivadian race. Let your hand be your strength. Let justice and
judgment, honor and mercy be your soul.” She placed the crown on Cy

head. “May our king live forever.”

Cy rose and faced the crowd. As everyone
stood, the cacophony of voices shouted. “Long live the king! Long live the
king! Long live the king!”

As Riana watched Cy, tears stung her
eyes. She was so proud of him, and her heart so full of love she could barely
contain it.

“Thank you for your warm reception,”
Cy said, addressing the crowd. “I am greatly honored to become your king. As
most of you already know. Our enemies took my life-mate—your future queen and
me captive, from which we narrowly escaped with our lives. Of all the
privileges that come with serving as your king, I have none greater than
honoring those who were courageous enough to come to our rescue.

“Of all the honors one can receive,
there is none higher than the medal for valor. Sadly, some of those we honor
today gave their lives during this conflict—their last full measure of devotion
to our race. In the face of danger, these Sivadians possessed unwavering
courage and selflessness in their duty to eradicate the enemy.”

Cy called everyone receiving honors to
the stage, along with family members who were accepting medals for the fallen.

Iggy looked at Riana with wide eyes.
She patted his arm to calm him and whispered. “You stay here for now. Cy will
call you up after them.”

But I don’
t want to go by myself.”


okay, Iggy. Don

t be frightened. Try pretending no one else is
around, it

s just you and Cy.”


try, but I don

t think it

ll work.”

Cy faced the group, addressing them as
a whole. “For strength of will, and courage of heart in the face of battle, I
hereby honor you with the medal of valor.” He called each person forward. As
they knelt before him, Cy repeated the phrase again and placed the medal around
their neck.

medal was a gold circle, symbolizing Earth. A star set atop the circle, the
edge inlaid with bloodstone, symbolizing Sivadia and the tears shed for its
loss. A scene of the great Sewol Mountains of Sivadia was engraved into the

s solid gold center. Those mountains were the last
place any Sivadian set foot before their planet

s destruction. The metal
hung from a crimson ribbon, bearing the royal emblem.

When everyone returned to their seats,
Cy looked at Iggy and Riana. A slight grin lifted one corner of his mouth.
“There are a couple more medals I have to give. These two are the bravest,
the youngest heroes I
have ever had the pleasure of knowing. Lily Magnolia Paolos and Ignasha
Laufeyson, will you come up here, please?”

and Iggy looked at each other wide eyed and jaws slack. Neither of them knew
Lily would receive a medal. Riana and Kyra had decided to withhold that bit of
information. It was hard enough dealing with Iggy

excitement. If they

d known Lily was getting one as well, they would

bounced off the ceiling all week.

As Lily reached Cy, he bent to greet

Hello sweetie.

threw her small arms around his neck, giving him a big hug. The audience burst
into laughter. The fact that he was dressed in his kingly attire, didn

intimidate her in the least. To her, he was just Cy, someone she loved.

straightened and looked at the audience. “This little lady was also taken by
our enemy. Even though she went through a frightful ordeal, my young friend
never lost her courage. In my opinion, that is the true definition of bravery.
Someone who is strong in the face of danger and does whatever it takes to come
out on the other side. That is exactly what Lily did, and why I am awarding her
a medal for bravery. Cy reached down and placed the medal around Lily


Riana wiped tears from her face, and
glanced over at Kyra, who was doing the same.

Cy and Lily kissed each other on the
cheek. “Will you stand over there by the queen mother?” he asked.

motioned for Iggy to come closer. He stood ramrod stiff, as if his feet were
frozen to the floor. Cy moved closer and put his arm around Iggy

shoulders. “
I am
proud to present to you, Ignasha Laufeyson. If it were not for the
actions and
courage of this individual, Lily, my future queen Ayriana,
and I, would have lost our lives. For that, I am eternally grateful.

“That is why the Royal Council, the
queen mother and I, your king, are in agreement that Ignasha Laufeyson is
hereby conferred the title of honorary member of the Sivadian race.”

Council rose to their feet and applauded. The entire room followed. Iggy looked
out at the audience with a frightened expression. He would take on a feeder
five times his size, but this crowd of well-wishers caused him to paralyze with
fear. Riana read Cy

s lips as he whispered to Iggy. “It

okay. They are doing this in your honor.”

Cy waited until the crowd settled
before continuing. “Ignasha will not only be an honorary Sivadian, he has
agreed to become a member of our family, and will live with Ayriana and myself.
Anyone who treats him as anything less than royalty, will answer directly to

stepped away from Iggy and picked up the final medal. “For strength of will and
courage of heart in the face of battle, I hereby honor you with the medal for
bravery.” Cy placed the medal around Iggy

s neck, and asked him
to stand with Lily.

“There is one last thing I would like
to do. Ayriana, would you come up here, please?”


heart leapt to her throat.

guess Lily

s wasn

t the only one
getting surprised.
she reached Cy, he took both her hands and kissed her lightly on each cheek.

is my life-mate, Ayriana. I am proud to announce that in a few short weeks, she
will honor me by becoming my wife, and your queen.” Riana

stomach knotted as everyone stood, applauded, and then shouted. “Long live the
queen.” After the third exclamation, the audience took their seats.

“Thank you,” Cy said to the crowd.
“Now, it is time to celebrate. If everyone will meet in the second floor
ballroom, we have food, drink, and music. Enjoy your evening.”

guided Riana off the stage. “You didn

t tell me you were
going to do that,” she said, doing her best impression of being stern.


t see a reason to make you nervous about an
introduction.” He pulled her into his arms and kissed her senseless. Her body
melted into his as every cell came to life and called out to him.

” Lily and Iggy sang out in unison. “Can y

stop now, so we can go eat?” Iggy asked.


re starving,” Lily added.

and Riana smiled at the two of them standing there,
so patiently
waiting. Cy reached over and tussled Iggy

s blond curls. “Come
on, guys, let

s go eat.”

And dance, don’t forget dance,
” Lily said happily pulling Iggy forward by one


Chapter 45


Riana and Cy stood at the entrance to
the banquet room greeting people as they entered. She had shaken more hands in
the last hour than in her entire life.

nudged Cy and pointed to Lily and Iggy on the dance floor. He twirled Lily
around and around, causing the full skirt of her dress to fan out like an
umbrella. The joy radiating from them warmed Riana like the noon sun on a
spring day. “They

re having a ball,” Riana said.

walked up beside her. “I think that

s about the sixth
song in a row they

ve danced to. Are you sure that boy doesn

have ADHD? He can

t seem to sit still for long.”

“Trust me, this
his calm mode. You should see him after he

s shifted from an
insect. And, don

try carrying on a conversation with
him. You

re lucky to understand a word every other

male dressed in a black tux was last in the line of greeters. “
Thank God,
” Riana whispered to Cy. “I

m ready to sit, have
something to eat and enjoy watching the kids dance.”
She glanced back at
the dance floor. Iggy

s dance moves ground to a halt and his face no
longer held the joy of only moments earlier.

turned and looked behind her to see what had frightened Iggy. Something heavy
knocked her off her feet and slammed her against Cy. A large, golden-brown blur
flew past, and landed on top of the man who

d been at the end of
the line. The huge lion released a loud roar, and then its mouth surrounded the

s throat. Blood sprayed as the lion jerked back,
revealing a large opening in the man

s neck. The lion
collapsed on top of him and didn

t move again.

turned and searched for Iggy. The air left her lungs when Lily ran toward them
alone, screaming Iggy

s name. Riana and Cy pulled the lion off the man.
A knife was imbedded in its chest. Lily threw her body across the lion and

“Iggy!” Riana screamed. “We need to
get him to a medical facility.”


s a
clinic on the next floor.” Cy, Oz and two other Protectors hefted Iggy

lion form off the floor. The crowd gathering around the scene separated,
allowing them to leave the banquet room.

they entered the clinic and laid Iggy on the exam table, a large explosion
vibrated the floor. Oz

s cell rang and he stepped into the hall to

and her mother started hunting supplies to remove the knife in Iggy


need to see what

s going on,” Cy said, and then followed Oz.

Moments later, Cy came through the
door with Oz on his heels. As she took in the change in their demeanors, time
ground to slow motion. Both were red-faced and angry.

hell I will!” Cy snapped. “I

m sure they

re trying to break
Vind out. I

m not going to hide and let that happen!”

pulled Cy to a halt. “You are no longer a Protector. You

the king. I can

t guard you and fight at the same time. And I have
no intentions of letting another king die on my watch.”


right, Oz. I
king, and if I say I

m going, then I am

shook his head. “God, you

re as stubborn as your father.”


going on?” Riana asked.


under attack. That explosion came from the dungeons,” Oz answered. “I need to
round up the Protectors and get down there. I don

have time to argue with you, Cy. Once they’re finished working on Iggy, find
your mother and take them all to the safe-room.” He kissed Analae

cheek and left.

braced around Iggy

s wound with gauze. As Analae eased the knife out,
Riana slipped the gauze over the entry wound and applied pressure.

moment the knife left Iggy

s body, he changed back to his natural form.

peaked beneath the gauze and then looked at her mother. “
I don’
t believe this. It

s already healing. We don

even heal this fast.”


mother came through the door. “I just saw Oz and he said we

headed to the safe room. What can I do to help?”

“Nothing,” Cy answered. “Are there any
medical supplies inside the safe room?”

queen nodded. “There

s enough of everything to hold up there for a
month if need be.”

Good, let

s go.” Cy picked Iggy
up, and they followed him down the large hallway.

Iggy tried to convince Cy to put him down so he could walk, but Cy
ignored his complaints. They entered a hidden passage inside the queen

office. She punched a code into the door and it opened. Riana looked around the
large space. It was as large an apartment. Cy laid Iggy on one of the couches,
only to have him spring to his feet as if nothing had ever happened to him.

looked at Riana. “I have to go.”


not staying with us? I guess Dad

s rant about not losing another king did
absolutely no good.”


t, sweetheart. If we don

stop Vind from escaping, we

ll be looking over our shoulders for the rest of
our lives.”

The queen looked at Riana with a
softened expression. “It will be fine, dear.”

clamped her teeth together. The urge to tell her future mother-in-law it had
been to long since she’d looked into Vind

s evil eyes was
overwhelming. One glance was all it took to know  what he and his army
were capable of. But, Riana wasn

t going to say that. It would sound too

pulled Riana into his arms and kissed her forehead. His lips lingered for a
second. She couldn

t stop tears from filling her eyes. Her heart was
screamed for him not to go, to stay with her where he

be safe. But it wasn

t in his nature to stay behind while everyone
risked their lives to keep them safe. “Cy, please be careful and come back to
me,” she managed to get past the lump in her throat.

framed her face with his hands and wiped the tears with his thumbs. “I will,
baby. Do not open this door until I call and tell you it

safe.” Riana nodded. Cy kissed her forehead, then left the safety of the room
and her arms. She held herself back to keep from screaming his name and running
after him. Her fear for him consumed her ability to think clearly. With Cy

coronation and Vind behind bars, she thought her days of watching him walk away
to fight the enemy were over, that she could enjoy life without constant fear.

guess I was wrong.

ran up to Riana with Iggy on her heels. She wrapped her small arms around Riana

waist and looked up at her with sad eyes.


s another thing I thought I would never have to see again—fear on
these children

s faces. She and Iggy have been through enough
traumas to last a lifetime.


be sad, Riana. Cy will be okay,” Lily said.

“I know, sweetie.” Riana tried to
sound convincing.


ve gone with them,” Iggy said forcefully. “They
need my help. I can go places none of them can.”


m sure you want to help, but you had a severe
injury. And there are a lot of Protectors here. They can handle whatever is
going on down there.”

pulled back the blanket they

d wrapped around him to reveal his chest. Riana

mouth opened and closed. There wasn

t even a mark left at
the wound site.

See, I

m fine. Good enough to help them fight.”

Riana ran her fingers over the smooth
skin where the knife wound was only minutes earlier, and then met his hazel
eyes. “Iggy, how did you know that guy was about to stab Cy?”

had a black aura. Feeders have black auras that match their eyes. His eyes

t black, but I knew what he was—that he was about
to do something to one of you. As I ran to warn you, he pulled something shiny
from his jacket. So I shifted into something large enough to take him down. I

t going to kill him. But when he stabbed me, it
just kind of happened.”

shook her head. They were lucky Iggy paid attention. She

been so tired, she didn

t pick up on the fact that something was off.
“Well, you

re a hero,
, Iggy.”


why they need me. Can I go help them fight?”

needed to come up with an excuse fast. There was no way she would allow Iggy to
get hurt again. It was important for him to feel needed. That

one of the reasons Riana had asked him to help her in the new Sivadian hospital
she and her mother were starting. “Iggy, Cy wanted you to stay here to protect
us—in case someone finds a way inside.”

tilted his head and then stood a little straighter. “Oh, I can do that. I

stand over there and guard the door.”

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