The Running Series Complete Collection: 3-Book Set plus Bonus Novella (6 page)

Read The Running Series Complete Collection: 3-Book Set plus Bonus Novella Online

Authors: Suzanne Sweeney

Tags: #Romance, #New Adult, #BEACH, #Contemporary, #Suspense, #FOOTBALL

BOOK: The Running Series Complete Collection: 3-Book Set plus Bonus Novella
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“It’s easy.  Come on, let’s try.  Or are you chicken?”  He flaps his arms like a chicken as he walks over to the television, turns it on and sets up the X-Box. 

“No, I’m not chicken.  I just have no idea what to do.”  This could get interesting, and I’m usually up for a good challenge.

“That’s OK.  I’m a really good teacher.  Just watch.”  He cues up a song I know, Pat Benatar’s “Heartbreaker”.  He’s sitting on the couch beside me and I can feel his body heat radiating.  I watch him very carefully as he concentrates on the music.  There are colored keys displayed on the screen and he masterfully matches the prompts.  The more he gets right, the faster they come.  “Are you watching?” he asks.

“Uh huh” is about all I can respond.  His fingers are moving gracefully over the keys with a smooth finesse.  He’s swaying to the song and it’s mesmerizing.  I get to really study his face and I start to notice some small imperfections.  For one, his nose looks like it’s been broken a few times which keeps him from being too perfect.  It actually makes him more attractive.

The song ends and now it’s my turn.  He places a guitar in my hands and starts scrolling through the play list.  “Pick one,” he tells me.

“How about ‘Livin’ on a Prayer’?”

“Bon Jovi.  Excellent choice.  Ready?”

I nod and the music starts.  I have no idea what I’m doing.  Colored keys are showing on the screen, but I have no idea where they are on the guitar in my hand.

“Let me help.  Place your fingers on these keys.”  He indicates a row of keys on the guitar where I’m supposed to rest my fingers.  “I’ll press the keys until you get the hang of it.”

Evan places his hand over mine and it’s almost like we’re holding hands.  He’s so close, I can feel his warm breath on my neck.  I can sense my own heat rising, and it’s intoxicating.  The music starts and I try to concentrate on the motions.  He skillfully matches the screen and I’m starting to catch on.  After a few minutes, he releases my hand and I’m playing.  This is fun!

“See? I told you I was a great teacher.”  He gives me a jab with his shoulder.  I grin from ear to ear.  He is a great teacher.  I wonder what else he could teach me.

Evan selects another song off the playlist.  Our first duet is an old Blondie song, “One Way or Another”.  I’m not great, but I can keep up to some degree.  It doesn’t help that our bodies occasionally touch as we play. 

We laugh and play together through a few more songs.  Each new song helps us become more comfortable around one another.  It’s easy to be with him.  He teases me when I can’t keep up and I accuse him of showboating.

“Break time,” Evan announces.  “Time to get ice back on that ankle.  I’ll be right back.”  He leaves the room to retrieve the ice pack and I watch him walk away. 

I check my phone for messages and sure enough, Auggie has sent me three messages wanting to know where I am and who I’m with.  The clock informs me that I’ve been here for over an hour.  My ankle is really feeling better and I know that means it’s almost time for me to leave.  Evan returns with the ice and he takes great care to wrap my ankle.

“Is that OK?” he asks.  “I want to make sure it’s not too tight.”

“No, it’s fine.”  After two bottles of water, my bladder is full and I need to find a bathroom, quickly. “Evan, do you think I could use your bathroom?”

“Sure.  It’s that door right around the corner.  Think you can make it on your own?”  He’s hovering.  It’s sweet.

I try to move as gracefully as I can, but it’s still a little tender.  At least I can put my weight down on it without crashing to the floor now.  I wave him off and call back to him, “I can manage.”

The guest bathroom is beautifully appointed with porcelain tile floors, white cabinets, and dark walnut wooden furnishings.  It’s Zen and tranquil.  The large mirror reflects my image back to me and I’m pleasantly surprised.  I splash a little cool water on my face, wash my hands, and head back to find Evan.  I take a deep breath and smile.  Fate has brought me here and for now, I’m glad.

My eyes sweep across the living room area and Evan’s nowhere to be seen.  Maddy is sound asleep in the middle of the room, alone.  I timidly call out, “Evan?”

“I’m in here.”  I follow his voice and find him in the kitchen rummaging through some cabinets.  He’s reaching high into a cabinet and his t-shirt rides up just enough so I can admire the contours of his well-sculptured back muscles.  His shorts hang low on his hips in a way that makes me want to put my arms around his waist and feel the warmth of his skin.  There’s no doubt he’s worked very hard to create this body.  He turns with a large bowl in his hand and I’m caught gawking.  A devilish grin sweeps across his face as he places the bowl on the counter.  He leans back dramatically and gives a big yawn with outstretched arms.  This time when his shirt reveals the skin beneath, I get a beautiful view of his taut stomach muscles and an incredibly sexy treasure trail leading right into the button of his shorts.  Two can play at this game.

“Hungry?” Evan asks me, still grinning.

“Nope. I’m on a diet.  I try to avoid the ... food ... that I know is bad for my health.”

“A little light snack never hurt anyone.  I’m sure I could find something that would temp you,” he continues.  I forgot how much fun it is to flirt.  Let’s see how long I can keep this going.

“Oh, sure, but I’d just regret it in the morning.  I’m actually pretty good in the ... kitchen ... myself.  Maybe I could make something for you.”  I lean on the island in the center of the kitchen, facing him.  I pull my elbows close to my side, exposing an abundant amount of cleavage.  “You’ve been such a wonderful host, I’d like to reciprocate.  What are you in the mood for?”

“Actually, I’m starving.  What do you recommend?”  He leans on the island directly across from me.  Our faces are mere inches apart.

I whisper, “That all depends on your particular tastes.  I could whip you up something sweet and simple or perhaps something more adventurous and unexpected.  I am a professional and I know how to please a man’s deepest hungers.” 

Evan throws his hands up in the air. “That’s it.  I surrender.  You win!”  The game’s over and I am quite proud of my performance.  I take a bow and ceremoniously hop onto one of the kitchen chairs nearby. 

Evan rinses some grapes in the sink and places them in the bowl between us.  The next hour passes by quickly.  We find ourselves laughing at the memories of our childhood and adolescent trials and tribulations.  It turns out that Evan is a really nice guy who’s easy to talk to.  Not at all what I expected.

Wanting to end on a positive note, I make the decision that it’s time for me to make a well-timed exit.  For the final time, I take off the ice pack and place it on the counter.  I take an experimental step or two and I’m good to go.

“Excuse me, Evan, I’ll be right back.”  I head out to the deck to collect Maddy’s water bowl and leash.  Evan’s eyes follow me as I make my way back to the kitchen and wash the bowl.  He quietly watches me flit around his kitchen, looking for a dishtowel so I can dry the bowl.  After I open a few cabinets, I identify the proper location, and I put the bowl away.

“I like the way you look in my kitchen, Juliette.”  His face takes on a serious expression, like there’s more he wants to say. 

“Evan, can I ask you one final favor?”

“Anything.  Name it!”

“My car is parked just around the corner on the street.  Would it be too much trouble for you to get it and bring it up to the house for me?  You’ve gone to so much trouble to repair my injured ankle. I wouldn’t want to ruin all your hard work by walking too far on it too quickly.”

“Oh, sure.  Toss me your keys.”  He sounds disappointed.  “You don’t have to leave, you know.  I haven’t even given you the grand tour of the house yet.  There’s so much more I’d love to show you.”

“Really, I have to go.  Sorry.  Thanks for the offer, though.”

“If you’re sure I can’t
you into staying,” he raises his eyebrows in a goofy way that makes me giggle.  “I’ll be right back with your ride, Cinderella.”

“My car is a lot like a pumpkin, Prince Charming.  You should have no trouble finding it.  Just hit the button on the key chain and it will light up for you.” 

Together, the three of us walk out the front door.  Evan quickly returns with my car and opens the door for me like a true gentleman.  I put Maddy in first and I turn to Evan before getting in.  I’ve really enjoyed my morning here and I don’t want it to end.  I just want to get one last look at him before I leave.

He puts out his hand and I reflexively reach out to shake his.  Grabbing my hand, he turns it over and kisses the back of my hand.  “It’s been a pleasure, Juliette,” and he releases me from his grasp.  My heart is beating so quickly, I swear he can see my physical reaction to his touch.

I watch Evan walk back into his house.  He pauses at the doorway and gives me one final smile before he disappears.

Chapter Four

Prevailing Winds

ortunately, when I get home, Auggie’s nowhere to be found.  I don’t think I could handle facing him right now.  What would I tell him?  I’m not even sure how I feel about today’s events.  Would he even believe me?

I have a few hours until I have to be at work.  It’s probably a good idea to stay off my ankle as much as possible, so I decide on a nice long bubble bath.  I put my iPhone music on shuffle and settle in for a relaxing soak.  Closing my eyes, I allow myself to relax in the aromatic scents that permeate the air. 

My mind is clear and I begin to sort the events of this morning into logical perspective.  A handsome, wealthy, successful man came to the aid of an injured stranger on the beach.  Any man with a good moral compass would have done the same thing.  He entertained me, fed me, and gave me shelter until I was well enough to leave.  Again, signs that indicate he is a gentleman and a generally kind person.  Then again, he was definitely flirting with me, big time.  But ... he didn’t ask me for my number or even my last name.  The final verdict? I met a nice stranger today who showed me kindness and compassion and I should not make any more of it than it actually was.

The music shuffles and a P!nk song starts playing so I lie back in the tub to enjoy.  The song is called, “Try”, and this time when I hear it, I truly listen to the lyrics.  OK – now I’m recalculating my conclusions.  There was definitely a desire and I think we both felt it.  I’ve had my heart broken before and it hurt, but it didn’t destroy me.  If I see Evan again, should I try?  Maybe.  The good thing is I don’t have to decide right now.

t’s Wednesday night and the bar is full.  Emmy, Derek and I are behind the bar on the patio again.  The DJ is playing a good mix of music and I find myself dancing behind the bar as I wait on my customers.  My ankle is strong and sure, thanks to the healing touch of my knight in shining armor.  With each new song, the three of us really begin to enjoy ourselves.  The tip jar is getting fuller, which encourages us on.

Derek doesn’t need any help to fill up his tip jar.  He’s tall, nearly six feet tall, and is built like a runner.  Not afraid to flirt with the women, he draws crowds and keeps them coming back.  A nice dance mix comes on, and Derek whisks me into his arms.  He’s lithe and graceful on his feet.  At the end of our song, Derek gives a bow, I give a curtsey, and we receive a rousing round of applause from our customers.

One of the head bartenders makes his way through the crowd and waves me over to him. “Juliette, right?”

“Yes, that’s me.  I’m sorry, I don’t remember your name.”  I hope I’m not in trouble for getting carried away behind the bar.  I immediately panic and imagine the worst – Jack, the bar manager, is displeased with me and I’m in trouble.

“That’s OK.  I don’t think we’ve met yet, actually.  I’m Marcus.  This was just delivered here for you and I wanted to try and find you.”  He hands me a large box imprinted with the name of a flower delivery service.  I thank Marcus, open the box, and tucked inside are a dozen bright orange Gerbera Daisies.  There’s a card with a short hand-written message.

Sweet flowers alone can say what passion fears revealing. ~Evan

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