THE ROUGH MATING OF A VAMPIRE (The Vampire Coalition: A Short Prelude)

BOOK: THE ROUGH MATING OF A VAMPIRE (The Vampire Coalition: A Short Prelude)
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The Rough Mating Of A Vampire (The Vampire Coalition: A Short Prelude)
By J. S. Scott
Copyright© 2012 by J. S. Scott
All Rights Reserved
Smashwords Edition


Table of Contents

Title Page

Rough Mating Of A Vampire

Sample Chapter For Ethan's Mate

Chapter 1

Kristin Sparks shivered as she felt the female hands spreading oil over her body. She would be mated tonight, and she was being prepared for her joining with her vampire mate.

She’d bathed, and her skin already felt like silk, but the women continued their preparation, massaging the oils into her skin. It was ceremonial, part of a ritual that had existed forever for the vampires.

Kristin sighed. Tonight...Adare Connor would be hers for eternity. She shook her head slightly, still barely able to believe that she was his mate, the keeper of his soul.

She was a human, one of the chosen mates for a vampire. All vamps were born male, because contrary to popular lore, they were not the ‘undead’. A vampire male was a living, breathing creature that eventually found his human mate: a female born with his missing soul tightly entwined with hers, making her his fated partner.

Yes…vamps needed blood to survive, but they were not the creatures of legend, beings that were brought back from the dead. They were alive in every way, except that they lacked the soul that would only be found when they encountered their chosen female mate. Kristin would transfer Adare’s soul to him tonight. Half hers, half his. They would both hold a half of the other's soul with half of their own, making them complete. They would be united as one.

Adare had waited three hundred years for her, and he had already given up hope of ever finding his mate. It happened. Sometimes, for any number of reasons, a male vampire never found his mate and usually ended up fallen- embracing his darker side. She shivered involuntarily, so very glad that Adare had been spared that fate. He had a strong will and a very good heart, which had helped him hang on and not give in to his darker side before she had found him.

She still remembered her shock and resistance when she found out who she really was. The mate of a vampire. But by that time, she had already lost her heart to Adare. He had courted her sweetly, sensually, seducing her with his charm and addicting her to his strong, hard body. Adare was an alpha male, dominant and demanding, especially in bed.

Kristin smiled slightly, still finding it hard to believe she was drawn to his dominant personality. She had been a successful businesswoman and she had liked to be in control of every aspect of her life. Or so she thought…

She knew she was actually drawn to
. To
. Yes, he
possessive…but he was also tender, adoring and protective. The need for control in bed was part of his nature, especially during the courting and mating. She had never realized that, as his mate, the need to submit - to give in to his dark pleasures - was part of her, part of her genetic make-up. With his soul entwined with hers, his needs were also her needs, and it was a part of her that had stayed buried until Adare had awakened her desire to relinquish control to him, finding her own power in a whole new, satisfying way. Kristin loved every part of Adare. Even the darker parts.
Maybe...especially the darker parts.

The three women getting her ready for the mating ceremony were chattering away with excitement, but Kristin was having a hard time following the conversation. She smiled and nodded, oblivious to what was really being said. She was too busy anticipating the coming events.

She had to admit she was just a little bit anxious. She knew the mating would be rough on a level she and Adare had never experienced. Once her mark touched Adare's…he would be ruled by carnal instincts and his need to possess and own her would be animalistic. Adare had explained everything to her, but it was still a bit daunting.

A vampire male felt the mating instinct from the moment he touched his human mate. The overwhelming need to dominate, to possess. During the actual mating ceremony his control would be obliterated and he would be held prisoner by the desire to dominate, until his newly formed, newly transferred soul had found its home inside of his body. He would still be an alpha male after the mating, but the need to dominate his mate would lighten up a bit after they were joined and their souls had settled. The vampire would be at peace…most of time…as long as his mate stayed happy and healthy. Until the ceremony...he was controlled by his needs. Once the ceremony had started, once the mating marks had touched, so starting the transfer of souls, Adare would be uncontrollable. Kristin knew Adare would be totally wild and untamed. It would be different from his usual lovemaking.

Kristin knew that Adare loved her, adored her. He showered her with all of the affection she would ever need and she wasn't afraid of him. He was a part of her and she loved him unconditionally. She enjoyed his dominant side.
Enjoyed it immensely.
There was something inside of her that rejoiced in the fact that his need for her triggered his unbridled passion. However, she looked forward to this night, knowing that once the ceremony was over he would finally be happy and content.

It's just the ceremony that’s making me nervous.

Kristin closed her eyes and thought of Adare, missing his large body and his touch. Her golden vampire. His eyes were dark, but his hair was a mixture of various shades of blonde. She could almost feel the silky texture of it running through her fingers. She needed him and longed for his touch.

She opened her eyes as the women pulled a long, sheer gown over her head. She lifted her arms and it dropped over her body, hiding very little of her curvy, petite figure. She could see the fiery red thatch of hair between her thighs, which had been groomed and cropped during her preparation.

Her need for Adare overshadowed her fear and she willed the time to pass quickly so that she could be united with her mate and they could both finally find peace in their union.


Adare Connor paced the small room with long, impatient strides. Damn it! He wanted his mate!

Need clawed his insides, making him unable to sit. Unable to think. His mind was full of Kristin.

Christ! How he loved his fiery-haired, green-eyed temptress. He was lucky…so damned lucky. His mate was perfection, inside and out, well worth the hundreds of years he’d had to wait, thinking he had missed his chance.

He had only been parted from her since sunrise this morning, but it felt like forever. He needed her scent, her taste, everything that was uniquely Kristin.

His cock had been hard for hours. All he had to do was think of her and he was instantly blue-balled and desperate to be inside her.

He wanted this mating desperately, but at the same time he felt a twinge of fear. He had watched many matings, stood as witness to many such gatherings - they were fierce and carnal. At the time it had been like watching a documentary, as he had lost all sexual drive and the ability to have sexual relations at the age of one hundred. It had all roared back with a vengeance the moment he had touched Kristin, and he had suffered the agony and ecstasy of the lost desires since that miraculous day.

He was a dominant vampire, but his greatest desire in that domination was to please her. Every orgasm she had, every sweet cry of pleasure heightened his own. Her pleasure was his.
They were mates

Would he please her now? Would the joining be desirable or painful for her?

He was the oldest vampire to ever find his mate. Most of his brethren were mated soon after the age of a hundred years. He knew his mating instincts were stronger and more intense because he had waited so long for Kristin.

He had asked other mated males and every single one of them had sworn that the mating ceremony had been a pleasure beyond explanation.

Adare was now cursing himself for not asking if the pleasure was
on the


Kristin followed the women from the luxurious preparation apartments, her stomach in knots. She had been poked and prodded enough...she was ready - beyond ready - for Adare.

The light, diaphanous material of her gown floated and moved with her body as she slowly walked behind her female guides.

She hadn't been to the mating chamber of the large, ancient castle that stood as a meeting place for the vampires, but she knew the ceremony would be witnessed. She wouldn't see the observers, but they would be watching.

She felt the moisture between her legs as she walked toward the mating chamber. Other vampires and mates would be watching Adare claim her. They would witness the fierce possession.

Kristin paused as the three women stopped and stepped aside, motioning her through the door in front of them.

Adare waited within. Her heart flip flopped as she stood at the door, observing the room where her explosive mating with Adare would take place.

The room was oval, completely dominated by a large bed covered in red silk that was elevated on a platform. It wasn't a large room. In fact, it wasn't that much bigger than a bedroom and it felt intimate. The comforting atmosphere made Kristin relax as she entered, her eyes searching for Adare.

He was there, leaning against one of the walls, his stance casual, but his eyes fierce. He wore only a leather g-string that did very little to cover his amazing assets, his cock trying to burst from the minimal confinement.

She swallowed hard, longing to free him. He was so handsome - as nearly all male vampires were - but she found Adare to be superior and she almost laughed at her biased opinion.

He’s my mate. I have eyes for no one else.

His skin had been oiled and his muscles gleamed in the candlelight - the room was entirely lit by candles adorning a ledge that ran completely round the circular walls.

Above the ledge were windows. She felt eyes on her and Adare, but the windows were darkened. She could see no one, but she could
the watchers.

Kristen called to him with her mind, even though she knew she should not. The intimate communication would make things harder for him.

Yes, love?
His deep baritone replied immediately, speaking only in her mind, communicating as all true mates communicated.

Nothing. I just needed to feel you.
Silly, but she just needed to touch his mind, feel their intimate connection.

He didn't answer back and she heard a strangled sound between a growl and groan. She snapped her mind closed, unwilling to provoke him, berating herself for giving into her totally selfish need to touch his mind with hers. He had a very narrow margin of control at the moment and he wasn’t himself. She could feel it, sense it.

"Strip her." Adare's command was verbal, directed at the women who had escorted her to the room.

One of the women stepped forward and raised her hands to the neck of Kristin's flowing gown. As she unfastened the ties that held it in place she asked Kristin solemnly. "Do you consent to this mating with Adare Connor?"

"I do." Kristin answered softly, her eyes meeting Adare's. His eyes were nearly black instead of their usual dark brown, filled with a darkness that she had never witnessed in her mate’s gaze.

The gown dropped and she was left naked. She knew her body glistened in the candlelight, still shimmering lightly with oil.

"Leave us, now." Adare grunted as he dismissed her attendants. The women left the room, closing the door behind them. Kristin heard the heavy lock click into place.

It’s done. No turning back.

Not that she
ever turn back. She was highly aroused just from looking at Adare. So strong. So large. So incredibly male.

"Come to me," he ordered as his back came off the wall. He stood straight and tall as he waited for his mate.

She went to him without hesitation, stopping directly in front of him. He towered over her, looming large and muscular, as he started the ceremony.

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