The Romance Challenge, Complete Series Box Set: BBW Hot Alpha Billionaire Romance (6 page)

BOOK: The Romance Challenge, Complete Series Box Set: BBW Hot Alpha Billionaire Romance
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Curiosity would drive her, I knew. Her
computer was always on, and I heard the keys clicking, then a giggle. My
shoulders dropped a notch.

"They're cute. Such big eyes."

"Yeah. Hey, maybe sometime you can come
down here with me, right?" My never-ending quest to get her interested
enough in something to leave the house.


"Listen, I've got to get back to
work. I'm going to sit at the reservation desk and observe the employees."

"Have fun."

She was lost in her social media world
now. Though I'd rather she talked to people live or on the phone, her Internet
friends kept her mind active, so I didn't discourage that activity. We said
goodbye, I got dressed, and headed out.





Amber had a secret. When Rose interrupted
us this afternoon, her face turned white as a sheet. Something about her
sister. Shannon, the Chicago office supervisor, told me Amber helped take care
of a sick mother. So she had a sister to deal with too? No, the look in her
eyes this afternoon combined worry and fear. Like she was hiding something and really
didn't want me to hear that message.

I didn't care if Amber had personal
issues. She had her shit together enough to do her job very well. Whatever went
on in her home life didn't matter to me as long as it didn't affect her work.
So why was I so curious? Because I wanted this project to succeed and didn't
want anything to fuck it up, that's why. Maybe. Or maybe because when Amber
walked into the conference room, looking hotter than hell in those cute shorts,
I wanted to know more about her.

Somehow, I didn't think that was going to
happen. She shared very little of her personal life when we communicated,
except about Pumpkin. I knew way too much about that damn cat. Cute cat, actually.
Only because she made him that way. Her creativity showed when he got brought
into our emails. One of the reasons I enjoyed our online conversations.

Smart woman, too. She said she'd type up
her notes while at the front desk, so the employees would act more natural, maybe
even forget she was there. And she had a good understanding of people. When I
lost my cool with Julia, she stepped right in. I handled that poorly, but when
the bookkeeper questioned my decision, told me there was no reason for an
audit, my first thought ran to deceit.

Damn it, I didn't want to think that way,
didn't want to believe everyone here had something to hide. Another reason to
keep Amber close by as I interacted with the staff.  She read people well,
talked to them well, brought out the best in them.

 Amber seemed to be happy, except for that
call this afternoon. When I saw her at six though, she looked more relaxed. I'd
left her at the registration desk with Lora and went back to my office to grab
a file. I'd get her to open up tonight, find out more about what made Amber
tick, during dinner at one of my favorite places, Bayview Grill. Casual, but a
step above flip-flops and shorts.

I wanted Amber to get to know the area,
the people. I got the impression she didn't travel much. I'd have fun showing
her around the island during her stay here, and maybe we'd head all the way
down the islands to Key West one day, maybe do some snorkeling another time.

As I dressed for dinner, an image of her
in a swimsuit popped into my mind.

Oh, hell no. Do not think about Amber in a

Too late. My imagination revved up and quickly
filled in the details. She'd be the kind to wear a sexy one-piece. It would be
cut up the side to show off her long legs and scooped low in the front so I
could see cleavage. That girl had a fan-fucking-tastic rack on her. How was I
going to keep from staring at her chest while she was here?

I sat down hard on my bed.
Man, get a grip
I did
have time to think about Amber's body. Or her smile. Or how
good her hair smelled. She was not here for my pleasure and I had to
concentrate on work, and to make Bay Paradise show a profit. A large profit.
I'd take care of my sex life when I got back to L. A.

Fuck, dinner tonight, maybe a mistake. But
we'd be out in public. I'd keep my mind off her body. We'd spend an hour or so
talking about work. I'd find out she had the table manners of a wild orangutan
and this crazy attraction would disappear.

That's what would happen. 




"Is your sister okay?"

"What?" I paused, my drink
midway to my mouth.

"That phone call, this afternoon. About
your sister?"

Crap, I should have known Nathan would
ask. I'd been so busy rushing around getting ready for our dinner, I didn't put
together any sort of cover story.

"That. Right. My sister calling about
my mom. I mean, the nurse, Vicky, who takes care of my mom called. And my
sister needed something. It's fine, I took care of it. I'm sorry again for the

Nathan said nothing, just took a sip from
his beer. But the way his brows drew together, I could tell he didn't believe

"It's not a problem. As I said, your
hours will be irregular working here, so when you need to take care of
business, do so. How do you like the crab cakes?"

Good, he wouldn't pry. "They're
great. You've been here to the island before this trip, right?"

"Yes, several times, when I was
planning to buy Bay Paradise Resort."

"Do you personally visit every
property you want to buy? How would you know all the details of operating each
different business? I did some research and most hotels are run by a management

I knew the guy was a billionaire and found
it odd that he'd be here, doing this aspect of the work, in person. Maybe my
question was rude. He frowned. Damn, he looked fine, even when he did that. He
hadn't shaved tonight and had that five o'clock shadow going on that sent all
kinds of hot to my lady parts. He left the top down on his convertible on our
drive to the restaurant, after checking that it was okay with me. Since I'd put
my hair up in a clip, it was, and that cool breeze touching my face felt
awesome, and left his hair sexy-messy from the wind.

"No, I rarely spend so much time at
any business I purchase. This property is somewhat different than what I normally
buy. Another drink here, please." He signaled our server and pointed to me.

Whoa, glass empty. I'd plowed through that
first drink pretty quick. It tasted good, and I was kind of nervous, being
alone with Nathan. We got along so well online, but in person, this tension
boiled between us. I found him immensely attractive, so that was scrambling my
brain. Maybe he picked that up, and it annoyed him. Whatever, I wish I could figure
it out and stop it. I wanted to go back to that comfortable relationship we

"These are on special, so you get an
extra one." The server plunked two more of the yummy drinks in front of

"Do you want one?" I slid a
glass across the table to Nathan.

"I'll stick with beer." He
nudged it back.

"Tell me about some of your other
business ventures. Don't you have a restaurant in Italy?"

That kept the conversation going until our
meals arrived. We both liked to cook, it turned out, but didn't have the time.
Once we got talking about food, we relaxed. I totally enjoyed the meal, and the
whole funky atmosphere at the Bayview Grill. Casual enough so I didn't feel
intimidated, but clean and with upscale menu items. The service was fast and
friendly and our meal ended too soon. I stood to head to the restroom, and nearly
fell over.

Uh-oh. How much alcohol did I suck down in
those fruity drinks? Nathan was occupied getting out his wallet and didn't see
me stumble, thank the Lord. In the bathroom, I splashed cold water on my wrists
and neck. I'd be okay. He was driving, and we would go straight back to the
hotel. I could maintain. That's just what I did not need, to look like a total
idiot, getting drunk on the first night in town.

Walking carefully, I made it to the front
door, then we headed to his car.

"Do you want me to put the top up

"No, leave it down." The breeze would
slap alertness into my fuzzy brain. I bent to open my door, teetered on the
cutesy sandals with the semi-heel I wasn't used to wearing, and fell flat on my


Nathan was at my side in seconds.
"Are you okay?" He reached a hand to help me up.

We had to stop touching. Even in my slightly
inebriated state, that jolt sizzled through my body when I grabbed his hand.

"I must have found a slippery patch.
I'm fine, really." Embarrassed as all get out. I held onto the car, and
Nathan looked at me closely.

"Are you drunk?"

OMG. What should I tell him? I'd lied
enough for one evening. "I might be a little tipsy. Those drinks were
stronger than I thought. I'm not used to that much alcohol in such a short time
and I didn't taste it through the fruitiness. I'm sorry."

In the dim light, I couldn't quite read
his expression, but he had a frown on his face. Well, great. I was making a piss
poor impression so far. Maybe I'd throw up on his shoes, to really round out
the day.

"My fault. I know they mix the drinks
strong here. I should have warned you. Let me help you into the car."

"I'm okay. Honestly. Not drunk drunk,
just sort of wobbly. A cup of coffee might help."

"Nope, that makes you a wide-awake
drunk. I've got the perfect solution." He steadied me as I slid into the
car. "You up to a drive?"

Okay, not mad at me, that was good. Where exactly
would we take a drive? Did I care? "Sure."

He made certain my seat belt was fastened,
stopped at a convenience store and got a bottle of water for me, and away we

"Put on whatever music you

I pushed the buttons on his radio until I
found a station playing eighties rock. I'm a sucker for the oldies. I remember
listening to them as a kid and dancing around the house with Michelle. Nathan
nodded his approval of my choice, cranked up the volume, and we drove. Nice and
fast once we got out of the busy area and reached an open expanse on Overseas
Highway. He was right. Between the water, the music, the wind whipping at my
hair and face, the tipsy feeling subsided after fifteen minutes.

We reached the entrance to a park that was
closed and Nathan pulled over to the side of the road.

"Feeling better?"

"Yeah. That's a great way to perk up."

"It is. Come on, let's take a walk
around the park. Exercise is good too."

He opened my door and held out his hand.

"Really, I'm okay now. I can walk by

"Humor me. It's dark and I don't want
you to fall."

His strong, warm hand felt good, so I took
it, and let him lead me into the park. "Won't we get in trouble for being
here after closing?"

"Only if we get caught, and I don't intend
to get caught."

I must have looked scared because he

"Don't worry. I made it a point to
talk to the police when I came down here. They know me and won't give me a hard

Money could buy a lot of things, including
immunity to laws. I sure hoped he wasn't breaking any more serious regulations than
trespassing in a public park at night. We wandered past a grassy area, a
playground, and tennis courts until we came to a beachy spot.

"Shoes off," he ordered, and
removed his sandals and rolled up his pants. "It's not flat sand in the
bay, so step carefully."

My cutesy heels were already wet. I'd have
to get another pair of sandals, more flip-flop-ish, if everything we did around
here involved water. I slipped my shoes off and turned up the hem of my pants



"Roll them up higher or they'll get

Good thing I'd worn a pair of loose gauze
pants. I did what he said, then took his proffered hand again and waded into
the Florida Bay with him. The water lapping on my calves made me laugh out

"Bet you don't do this in Illinois in

"No, we sure don't. This is, I can't
even tell you how great this is."

I lost myself. Between the wind making the
palm trees dance, the smell of ocean and fresh air, the feel of Nathan's hand
holding mine, I'd gone to heaven. And I didn't want to leave. I shut my eyes
and turned my face up to the sky. Nathan stopped moving.

"You go ahead. I want to stay here
and turn this into a postcard."

"A what?"

Oops, did I say that out loud? Now I'd
have to tell him about my weird little habit. "Sometimes, when a moment is
so perfect, I try to record it in my mind, and picture how it would look on the
front of a postcard. This is one of those times. Corny, I know."

He was quiet, but didn't let go of my
hand. "Not corny. A perfect idea, one I should do. Sometimes, I forget to
stop and enjoy the moment."

We stood for I don't know how long, but
eventually, a horn honked loud and a dog barked, bringing me back to reality.
"Guess we should go."

He gave my hand a squeeze. "We'll do
this again."

I about floated on the walk back through
the park and the drive to Bay Paradise Resort, utterly relaxed and blissfully
happy. Nathan parked and got out with me, insisting on walking me to my room.
My executive suite had its own private entrance, complete with a cute little
outdoor table and chairs. Lush foliage surrounded the whole building, creating
an intimate setting at the doorway. We stood there for a moment and I dug in my
purse for the key card.

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