The Rocker That Needs Me (The Rocker...) (22 page)

BOOK: The Rocker That Needs Me (The Rocker...)
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I was sound asleep when I felt him climb into bed with me. Sighing happily, I turned over and snuggled into my husband.

Strong arms pulled me even closer, and a scruffy jaw rubbed against my cheek as he brushed a kiss over my lips. Drake had been on a two week tour on the West Coast for the last two weeks, and I had missed him horribly. FaceTime and Skype just didn’t cut it when I was so used to having the real thing holding me close every night.

“I missed you,” he whispered gruffly.

“Missed you more,” I told him, raising my hand to stroke my fingers through his shoulder-length hair. “I’m so glad you’re home.”

“Next time you are coming with me.” I didn’t get to go on tour with him often. School got in the way. Now that I was getting my Masters in Psychology it made touring harder on him because I didn’t have a minute to spare so I could go with him.

“Only if next time isn’t in the near future.” I told him, fighting a yawn. I was exhausted. Sleep was my best friend these days. Normally, I would have been all over my husband after being without him for two whole weeks. And while I was already more than ready for him, I craved sleep even more.

“Emmie said something about a European tour in a few months,” Drake murmured. “I’m not going unless you go with me.”

My eyes snapped open and I pushed up to a sitting position before reaching over to turn on the lamp that sat on the table on my side of the bed. “You can’t go.”

Drake frowned up at me. My tone was forceful and I hadn’t meant it to be, but then again, I hadn’t been expecting to have this conversation at one o’clock in the morning. I had planned how I would talk to him about this, and now Emmie’s tour plans were messing with it.

“Why not?” he asked, his brow cocked in that way that always made my mind blank.

“Because…” I sighed. “I have to tell you something.”

“So tell me.” He reached for my hands and entwined our fingers. The smile he gave me was full of all the love I knew he felt for me, the darkening of his blue-gray eyes attesting to how much he wanted me. “Then come here so I can make love to my wife.”

I bit my lip, not scared of his reaction, but disappointed that I was telling him like this instead of how I had originally planned. “Fate decided it was time.”

His brow furrowed for a moment as he tried to make sense of what I had just said. When it hit home, his whole face lit up. “Really? Oh my God! Angel, that’s amazing.” He pulled me down across his chest, being extra gentle as he kissed me. “I’m so happy,” he whispered against my lips.

Tears spilled from my eyes as I hugged him close. “I just found out yesterday,” I told him. “The doctor said that he thought everything looked great.”

He pulled back, upset by my tears. “Why are you crying, Angel?”

“Because I didn’t think it was going to happen, and now that it has, I’m so happy I can’t contain my emotions.” It felt like we had been trying for an eternity instead of just eighteen months. I knew that other couples had to try even longer to get pregnant, and I had even been prepared for it to never happen for us. But now I was overcome with so many emotions I was in overload. “I’m so happy, Drake.”

“So am I, Angel.” His eyes were glassy with his own suppressed emotions. “I thought the day that you married me was the happiest day of my life, but this…this is perfect.”

“I want to tell Layla.” It had been hard not to tell my sister my news earlier that day when she had called. I hadn’t told anyone about the baby because I wanted Drake to be the first person who shared in my joy.

“Can you wait to call her in the morning?” He was rubbing my back in that way that always told me in was about to ravage me.

All thoughts of calling my sister faded, and I raised my head to meet his kiss. “I love you, Drake.”

His tongue skimmed over my bottom lip. “I love you, Angel.”



I woke alone in bed.

Frowning, I turned over and glanced at the clock on Lana’s bedside table. It was after two. I had slept half the day away without meaning to. The flight home last night had really taken it out of me. Lana’s news and the lovemaking that had followed drained me of what little energy I still had.

Groaning, I got out of bed and jumped into the shower. I needed to shave but decided to let it go until later, not wanting to spend another second away from my angel. Plans were already forming in my head. Take my expecting wife out for a nice late lunch, buy her a million things, maybe even do a little shopping for the nursery…

The thought of a nursery made me stop. Lana and I were still in the same apartment with Shane in one of the other bedrooms. Maybe it was time to find our own place? I would have to talk to Lana about it and maybe get Emmie to talk to some realtors for us.

After my shower, I tossed on boxers, old jeans, and a newer Demon’s Wings T-shirt. I could smell something delicious coming from the kitchen, and my stomach grumbled, telling me I hadn’t had a home cooked meal in two weeks. I opened the bedroom door…

Laughter was coming from the kitchen, and I frowned when I recognized it as Layla’s. Jesse’s deeper chuckle joined in followed by Lucy’s giggles. I had just seen my band brother the day before as we had parted ways at LAX at the end of the tour. He hadn’t said anything about coming out to New York.

I stopped just outside the door to the kitchen and looked in as the crowd milled around the island. Lucy was munching on cookies that were freshly baked. Jesse, never able to resist something freshly cooked by Lana, was stuffing his face with the chocolate chip goodness as well. Layla and Lana were leaning against the counter by the dishwasher. They hadn’t seen each other since Christmas and it was now May.

If I knew you guys were coming I would have gotten up,” I told them as I stepped into the kitchen. “Hey, pretty girl.” I dropped a kiss on top of Lucy’s head then pulled Layla into my arms for a tight hug before kissing my angel. Finally, I turned to face my friend, band brother, and now my brother-in-law. It had taken Jesse a while to fully forgive me for what I had done to Lana—fuck, it had taken me a while to forgive myself—but things were finally back to normal with us. “Did you miss me that bad, bro?”

“So bad, man.” He snorted.

“Actually, we had some news that we wanted to share.” Layla said, and I turned to glance at her. She was smiling in a way that made me want to smile back. She looked over at her husband and the love shining in her eyes was only a mirror of what I always saw shining back at me when I looked into Lana’s. “I thought that you guys would want to know that you are going to be having a couple nieces or nephews coming at the end of the year.”

I blinked, not sure I had heard her correctly. Maybe my brain was still half asleep. “You’re pregnant?”

“Yes.” She grinned at my dazed look. “I’m pregnant and…”

“It’s twins!” Jesse exclaimed, pride and love coating his words.

My gaze went to Lana who seemed to be more dazed than I was. Tears filled those whiskey eyes, and I rushed to pull her into my arms. “Okay?” I murmured.

Layla’s excitement seemed to evaporate. “I’m sorry, Lana. I’m so insensitive. I should have realized that this would hurt you. You lost your baby…” She broke off, her chin trembling. “I just wanted to share our happy news with you.”

“No.” Lana shook her head at her sister. “I’m happy for you. So happy!” She scrubbed at her face. “And we have news of our own.” She looked up at me and smiled through her tears. “We’re having a baby too. Our due date is December fifteenth.”

Layla gasped and then squealed. “Oh. My. God!” She pushed me away as she pulled Lana into her arms. “My due date is December sixteenth!”

“What?!?” Lana was laughing now, and the two sisters started jumping up and down in their excitement. “Layla, that’s crazy!”

It was almost surreal, how happy I was as I watched my angel and seeing how happy she was in that moment. There was nothing in the world I would ever want more than to see her smiling. In that minute, I knew just how lucky I was. I had everything I would ever want, ever need right in front of me.

Jesse pounded me on the back. “Congratulations, man.”

With a grin I turned to my friend. “You too, bro! I’m thrilled for you. Good work on the twins.”

“So I’m going to be an auntie and a big sister. That is so cool,” Lucy said, still munching on cookies.

My plans for the day were tossed out the window, but as I fell into bed that night with Lana, I didn’t care. I was too happy, too content to worry about anything else but the perfect, warm ass snuggled into my aching crotch. “Thank you, Angel.”

She was already half asleep. “Hmm?”

“Thanks for making me the happiest man in the world.”

She sighed happily and pressed back against me. “You deserve it, babe.”

Yeah, I thought as I closed my eyes. I was finally realizing that I really did deserve it.


Upcoming Books By Terri Anne Browning


The Rocker That Loves Me (Shane)

The Rocker That Holds Her (Nik)

The Rockers’ Babies

The Rocker That Wants Me (Axton)









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