The Rocker That Holds Her (The Rocker...) (10 page)

BOOK: The Rocker That Holds Her (The Rocker...)
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Do you want it, Em?” I pushed her back against the pillows and spread her thighs wide. “Do you want my dick inside of you, baby?”

Yes.” Her voice was all breathy with need. “I want you deep, Nik.”

I gripped the shaft tightly in my fist and rubbed the tip over her damp folds. Her heat was scalding and I groaned at how amazing it felt. She trembled with each brush of my cock across her sensitive clit, and I was fighting not to erupt then and there. It was almost embarrassing, the way Emmie made me lose control so fast. Not even when I was a teenager had I been so quick to finish.

“I love you, Nik.”

Emmie’s whispered words were my undoing, and I sunk into her balls deep. Her legs wrapped around my waist, holding me deep inside of her. “Are you okay?” I managed between pants.

“Mm. Don’t stop. I need you, Nik.”

Baby!” I pulled half way out and slowly sunk deep, loving the way her walls clung to me like a second skin.

Harder,” she commanded. “Make me come, Nik.”

Fuck,” I couldn’t hold back as I started to piston my hips, jackhammering into her hard. Her nails raked down my back as she screamed my name over and over again. When I felt her walls starting to convulse, her nails dug into the skin on my shoulder blades, slicing my back open as she came all over my dick.


Chapter 14

Love At First Sight

I had forgotten to shut the blinds. I groaned and turned onto my stomach, using my pillow to cover my head. Sighing, I snuggled deep under the covers.

But I was awake now and memories of the night before had me sitting up in bed. My empty bed…

I frowned, not completely comprehending that Emmie wasn’t in bed with me. “Em?” I called out, hoping she hadn’t gone far.

“What?” she asked, walking into my room with a towel wrapped around her. Her long auburn hair was wet from the shower. The soft fragrance of lavender and vanilla filled the room, and I sucked in a deep breath, greedy for the scent that was so Emmie.

Are you going somewhere?” I asked, trying to force my attention on something other than the fact that I had an almost completely naked Emmie walking around my bedroom.

We both are.” She pushed her hair out of her face and sat down on the edge of my bed. “I have an ultrasound this morning and I want you to go with me. It’s time you met your daughter.”

I reached for her, pulling her down on top of me as I lay back down. “What time is the appointment?”

Green eyes lit with amusement. “Soon. We don’t have time for another round, baby.”

Figures.” I wrapped a few strands of her damp hair around my fingers. Right now it didn’t matter that there wasn’t time to make love to her again. I was content just to hold her like this. Fuck, I would have been content if the world decided to shut down and everything else turned to shit. I had everything I would ever want in my arms.

I kissed her long and hard before rolling her onto her back and lifting up on my elbow. “Still love me?”

Emmie raised a brow at me, full of sass. “Pretty sure I still do.” She giggled when I glared down at her. After a moment the laughter died and she bit her lip. “Do you still love me?”

Baby, my love for you isn’t going to change overnight.” I brushed another kiss over her lips. “Or ever. No one is ever going to hold my heart like you. Understand?”

She nodded but I saw a flash of uncertainty in her eyes before she pulled my head back down for another kiss. My body was begging for another round of lovemaking, but Emmie was already pushing me off of her as I reached for her towel.

“I have to get dressed and you need a shower.”

You can’t kiss a guy like that and just walk off, woman!” I called after her and was rewarded with the sound of her giggling again.

An hour later we were in an exam room waiting on the doctor and the ultrasound tech to come in. Emmie was sitting up on the table in a gown the nurse had given her and nothing more. To tell the truth I was nervous as hell and had no idea why. I had the picture that Emmie had been given from a few days before still in my wallet. I hadn’t looked at it much, but the few times I had, I had memorized every inch of the grainy picture.

To distract myself from my nervousness, I kissed Emmie as often as she would let me. Fortunately for me that was often. Unfortunately, I was rock hard and she wasn’t going to let me ravish her any time soon. I knew because I had already asked. Twice.

Her lips were swollen from my last kiss, and she licked at the bottom lip, seeming to savor my taste. “Will you be good?” she laughed, something that she had been doing a lot of this morning. “I’m not going to have sex with you when the doctor could come in any minute.” Her soft hands pushed at my chest with barely any force, her smile making my heart skip a beat as I watched her. “Nik…”

I stuck my bottom lip out in a pout. “One more kiss?”

Big, green eyes sparkled with happiness. “Okay, just one more.” Her arms slid up my chest and her fingers combed through my hair as she pulled my head down.

Yeah, it was official. I was completely addicted to this woman’s mouth. Groaning, I thrust my tongue inside, deepening the kiss. Scorching heat greeted me and my hands gripped her hips through the ridiculously thin material of her gown in an attempt to keep from touching her more intimately.

The kiss might have lasted for another hour if there hadn’t been a knock on the door. I heard it before Emmie could even comprehend what was going on and reluctantly stepped back from her. I was just turning around when the door opened and the doctor came in with a younger woman behind her.

“Good morning, Ember,” the doctor greeted Emmie before zeroing her gaze in on me. “Umm, and you are?”

Nik Armstrong, ma’am.” I offered her my hand. “I’m the daddy.”

Her eyes widened and then she smiled. “Great, I always like meeting the father if possible. But since you couldn’t be here yesterday it was nice that Jesse was able to come with Ember. That’s a pretty nice friend you have there.”

I grinned, sensing that the lovely doctor might have developed a crush on my best friend. “Yeah, he’s pretty amazing.”

The doctor turned her attention back to Emmie. “Is your bladder full?”

Emmie grimaced. “Pretty full.”

Good. We can see the baby better that way.” After introducing the tech, the doctor helped Emmie lie back and produced a blanket which she spread over Em’s legs before pulling up her gown. “I promise this won’t take too long. We just have to get measurements and I want to confirm your due date.”

I felt like I was in the way. The tech was busy punching information into her machine while the doctor continued to mess with Emmie to get her comfortable. I stood off to the side, aching to at least hold Emmie’s hand. My heart was racing and my palms were sweating. I was terrified.

The more I thought about the baby, the more freaked out I became. I had had a lousy father and there had never been anyone to ever show me how to be a good one. I was going to ruin this kid, I just knew it. She was going to think I was the worst dad in the world because I was such a douche bag.

The lights were dimmed and I didn’t even notice. I heard the three women talking but couldn’t tell you a word they said. I was trying to keep my cool, at least pretend for Emmie’s sake that I was okay.

The voices hushed all of a sudden as the room filled with a strong galloping noise. I frowned, focusing my attention on the screen where the tech was fiddling with nobs and buttons. The galloping was hypnotizing, and I found myself stepping closer to see what was making that oddly beautiful noise.

Like the picture Emmie had given me, it took me a moment or two to focus on what it was supposed to be. But after a minute I saw the outline of a hand as it swung back and forward as if waving at me. Then came the leg and of course the foot as it kicked out at some imaginary ball. My breath caught as I continued to watch my daughter on the screen.

“Everything looks good so far, Ember,” the doctor said as she pointed at the screen. “The baby is a good size and is measuring perfectly for your due date. Heart is strong and she looks very active. You should be able to feel her soon.”

I listened intently without taking my eyes off the ultrasound screen. The tech moved again and I lost the view I had of the baby’s leg and foot. But when she moved out of my way it was to find the head instead. I felt tears burning my throat and had to blink as they filled my eyes as well. My little girl looked like she was smiling as she looked back at me on the screen.

“She’s beautiful.”

Yes, she definitely is,” Emmie agreed and reached for my hand. “You’re going to be a great daddy, Nik.”

Before I could stop them my tears spilled over. Emmie knew me better than anyone in the world. I might have thought I was hiding how freaked I was, but she had known anyway. “You think so?” I whispered, wiping at a few tears as they rolled down my cheek.

“No, I know so.” She smiled up at me lovingly, making her that much more beautiful. “I love you, Nik.”

Not caring that we had an audience, I bent and brushed a kiss over Emmie’s lips. It wasn’t the kind of kiss I had been giving her before the doctor had come in—one that begged her to let me take her to bed. This kiss had nothing to do with passion and everything to do with how much I loved Emmie… and our daughter.


First Date

By the time we got back to the beach house the guys had gotten home. Emmie made lunch, and we ate in front of the television watching the DVD of the ultrasound that the doctor had given us before leaving her office.

It didn’t surprise me that my band brothers wanted to watch the video. It did catch me off guard a little when Jesse started to tear up. My best friend was a big old softie underneath all that scary rocker aggressiveness. Shane made a few wise cracks about the baby, but I could tell he was just as affected as Jesse was. Drake seemed the most apprehensive about it all, but he couldn’t keep his eyes from getting glassy when the baby stuck her finger in her mouth and kicked out like she didn’t have a care in the world.

If one of our fans had seen all of us, they would have dropped dead with shock, or maybe of laughter. The big bad boys of Demon’s Wings just didn’t come across as emotional pansies. But really, with the evidence of Emmie’s pregnancy waving back at us on the huge flat screen, that was what we were.

When the DVD was over I urged Emmie to take a nap. She looked beat and I hadn’t let her get anywhere near enough sleep the night before. As soon as I had her tucked into our bed in the master bedroom, I started working on the plans I had come up with the day before. It didn’t matter that we had sorted through the majority of our problems the night before.

Emmie deserved to be wooed. Starting tonight I was going to make sure she got everything she deserved.

I was just finishing up my shower when Emmie walked into the bathroom. She was cursing a blue streak, and I stuck my head out of the shower to watch as she rushed toward the toilet. She didn’t seem to notice me as she sat down and then moaned in pleasure. I frowned, concerned. “You okay, baby?”

She grimaced. “It’s never felt so good to pee before in my life.” She glared at me. “Stop looking at me like that! I’m trying to use the bathroom.”

Chuckling, I turned away, rinsing the last of my bodywash away. When the toilet flushed I lost my chuckle as the water turned scalding for a moment. “Em!”

I heard her giggling as she went back into our bedroom, making my grin return in full force as I turned off the water and reached for a towel. The sound of that woman’s laughter would always make me smile.

Emmie was snuggled under the covers again when I entered the bedroom. She looked content and still a little sleepy. I ached to climb into bed beside of her and spend the rest of the day making love to her, but I had plans that I intended to follow through with.

I walked over to the closet that I had hung my clothes in while Emmie was still sleeping. “Grab a shower, baby girl.” I told her as I pulled out a pair of slacks. I only had three pairs in my entire wardrobe. I fucking hated slacks, but the restaurant I was taking Emmie to tonight wasn’t the type of place that accepted jeans and a T-shirt as appropriate attire. “Then put on one of those sexy outfits you bought yesterday.”

She yawned. “Why?”

I didn’t turn to face her because I knew that I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from joining her in bed. “It’s a surprise.”

I’m not a fan of surprises, Nik.”

I grinned as I pulled a white T-shirt over my head and reached for my dark gray dress shirt. “Guess you will just have to deal, baby.”

A pillow hit me in the back, and I laughed out loud but still didn’t turn to face her. “Hurry up,” I urged as I bent down to get my boots. “You only have about thirty minutes before the car gets here.”

Car? What car?” she demanded.

I might have gotten a limo for tonight.” I had a vision of making love to Emmie on the ride home tonight. With her spread out on the long back seat and my head between her legs as I licked her toward orgasm after orgasm. My dick swelled at just the thought and I had to readjust myself so that I didn’t split the crotch seam of my slacks.

Thirty minutes!” She yelped and I heard her jumping out of bed. “You are such an ass. You can’t expect me to get ready in thirty minutes.”

Her distressed tone had me finally turning to face her. “Why not?” I had lived with Emmie for over six years now. It never took her longer than ten minutes to get ready for anything. She wasn’t like most girls who spent hours in front of the mirror before starting the day.

“Because…” She grunted. “Just because, Nik!” Emmie went into the bathroom, slamming and locking the door behind her.

I sighed. Now she was mad at me. What a great way to start our first date.

Terrified of making her angrier than she already was, I went downstairs to wait for her. Jesse was standing at the stove stirring something that smelled incredible. His eyes widened when he saw me. “Where are you going?”

I shrugged, pulling a beer out of the fridge. “I’m taking Em out to dinner.”

“Wow, look at you. Getting smart and shit.” He grinned and turned back to whatever he was cooking. “So I guess you won’t be eating any of my hamburger helper.”

Is that what that is?” I crossed over to the stove to stand beside him and looked down at the pan he was working on. Macaroni noodles, hamburger, thick cheese, and what looked like some green onion and red peppers were added to the mix. “Dude, that looks awesome. Save me some for later.”

BOOK: The Rocker That Holds Her (The Rocker...)
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