The Rock Star Next Door, a Modern Fairytale

BOOK: The Rock Star Next Door, a Modern Fairytale
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The Rock Star Next Door


By Lily Silver



The Rock Star Next Door



Copyright Lily Silver 2012




All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any manner without the written permission of the author, except in brief quotations used in articles or book reviews.  This is a work of fiction. All characters are a product of the aut
hor’s imagination.

Table of Contents

About the Author

Books by Lily Silver

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty One

Chapter Twenty Two

Chapter Twenty Three

Chapter Twenty Four

Chapter Twenty Five

Chapter Twenty Six





Chapter One


LEX . . . 

The name evokes raw, har
d driving music, sensual vocals
and erotic lyrics. 

LEX; a s
eductive enigma,
feared by parents and revered by the millions of t
eens who hold his darkly
ambiguous lyrics as sacred verse. Lex ‘Master of Seduction’ is on
sale everywhere. Buy it today;
take home the bold thief of hearts

“Pure hype.
” Alexander Coltrane,
of music legend, tossed his publicist’s latest
blurb about his new CD on the glass patio table. “
Where does
he come
sipped his coffee and gazed
out at the Malibu shoreline.

“I thought it was clever.” Dave Winters returned with a smile.

Lex ran a finger about the rim of his mug. His bad boy persona had been th
e delight of fans and the
nightmare of parents for close to
a decade. His concerts were banned in
the more conservative Southern Baptist communities in the early years, givi
ng his career further notoriety
and padding his bank accounts
as CD
sales skyrocketed. According to the fanatical right, Lex was considered the current purveyor of sensual eroticism in the music world, in the
grand tradition of Elvis and Madonna

Hell, every wannabe garage band in America hoped their work would be singled out by the religious right for vilification. It was a sure ride to the top with free publicity f
rom preachers denouncing them from
the pulpits while kids raced out to buy the forbidden fruit.

“Rolling Stone wants another interview.” Dave interrupted his thoughts. “I told them you were still on hiatus, exhausted after the last world tour.”

“Stretching it a bit, aren’t we?”  Lex straightened in his chair as a figure on the beach gre
w nearer. “That was a year

Disappointment filled him as he realized the lone figure jogging across his patch of beach was not the anticipated beauty he watched for every morning.

could hardly tell the media
you’re holed up in Malibu, nursing your
wounds after the
lawsuit.” Dave looked at his watch and closed his briefcase.  “It would help if you would make a few social app

“So I can have microphones shoved in my face, asking me about Crystal and how I feel about the bitch
, if I’m still in love with her?

ou have to
move on, mingle w
ith people. What about Cassie Munro,
the one on all the makeup commercials. I could call her, set something up.”

” Lex set his
mug on the table and stood
. “The last thing I need in my life is another fashion model.
h, don’t do that, you’ll mess my hair
No-no-no, smears the lipstick

  He preened with a falsetto voice. “Crystal was an expert at killing the romance, particularly if the
re was the slightest chance someone
might see her with her hair rumpled, be it a bellboy or a taxi driver.” He opened t
he sliding glass patio door.
Dave stood up, taking his silent implication that this meeting was over.

could call Jean Roundtree. S
he’s back from location from the
Death by Chocolate
shoot in Costa Rica. She’s dying to meet you.”

“Rumor has it she’s gay.
” Lex escorted his manager through the living room to the front door as they spoke.

“Since when?” Dave raised a brow. “She just broke off with Devon Gray, that
hot new
British ac
And hooked up to him, s
he was the envy of every woman in America under the age of thirty.”

“Now she’s living with that
comedienne, Desiree’ something or other. They plan on
getting married soon
adopting a baby.”  He winked, giving his friend a superior grin. “You really should
keep up with those gossip rags
, old man

“Sensationalism a
nd s
candal, that’s all they are.
According to them you have a passel of unclaimed bastard children spawned by groupies on every continent, and just look at what a sad sack you’ve become. You’ve not made a single p
ublic appearance for over six months
and with your final CD release you really need to milk the publicity--”

“I don’t need to be fixed up with another anorexic model or actress in love with my fame or my money, thank you very much

“You won’t find that ‘s
oul mate’ you keep pining for hiding out
in Malibu.”

“Who k
nows? Maybe she lives next door.

Lex deadpanned as he gestured to the luxurious tri-level home next to his own. He hadn’t actually met the elus
ive beauty residing there
, but
he had a man on the inside
working out that small detail.

Settling into his Cadillac convertible, Dave gazed speculatively toward the neighboring seaside villa. “It’s rented to a Jack Kelly. Either you’r
e slumming with his housekeeper
or there’s someth
ing you’ve neglected to tell me.
” He
to Lex
he backed out of the driveway. “I’ll connect with the Stone
call you with the details

Lex meandered into the kitchen. Blueberry
muffins were cooling on a baking rack. H
is housekeeper had just taken them out of
the oven. H
e grab
bed one
llowed her to refill his mug. He
returned to the patio overlooki
ng the beach to resume his post
watching for the girl next door to emerge for her daily walk.

He couldn’t recall the name of the band that had recently taken up residence in the house, but twins made up the lead, identical twins who were taking the music industry by storm. The
band just completed a national
tour and were
riding the
wave of popu
larity and success.

Lex checked his watch
with a frown
was always out by nine, walking her little black dog along the beach, her luscious legs bared,
and her
feet caressing the low waves.  A brilliant flame would be blowing behind her, tantalizing him as his fingers itched to caress those vibrant coppery tresses. 

His mentor
taught that in the beginn
ing every soul was male and female, but in ancient times
the soul had b
ecome separated, cut into two halves
. Lex hadn’t believed the tale at
it seemed
no different than other
legends and myths of various cultures.

And then
the dreams started. Strange, alluring visions of a woman so hauntingly beautiful and yet, fragile, lonely, yearning
for him to find her, to
rescue her from the darkness that followed after her like a deadly pall. When he encountered her spirit in his dreams, he felt an immediate recognition, a sense of coming home, of completion, just as Ravi ha
d said would be the case when he encountered his soul mate.

Gradually the
image materialized as the dreams progressed, going from a golden red blur of soft light
with a lovely, enthralling voice
to be
come young woman of exotic,
fragile beauty. She had waves of glowing copper hair, ivory skin, and deep, penetrating turquoise eyes. He thought she was a figment of his imagination--until he saw
her photograph in a magazine some
months ago. It was the very same face, the same
eyes that beckoned him
in his dreams
to find her

Lex retrieved the latest
Rolling Stone
from the pile of magazines on
the patio table. S
he was
on the cover
, beautiful and
refreshingly free
of that fatal feminine
so po
pular among the
To Lex
, and
millions of other
obsessed men
was a
shy, lovely girl next door
with a young Sandra Bullock

Her twin brother was positioned behind her with a wicked gleam in his eyes. Both wore only jeans
as off camera fans blew
their magni
ficent manes of identical
about them in a swirl of sed
uctiveness. Jessica had
her knees
drawn up
to hide h
er breasts. She was hugging her knees
, facing the camera with a demure smile.
Her brother sat behind her with his legs spr
ead out and his arms raised with
biceps flexed, his face a snarl of victory.
It was a work of art; a visual masterpiece capturing two people who were identical in every way, separated onl
y by their contrasting gender

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