The Rock Star and the Girl From the Coffee Shop 2: Under Pressure (11 page)

BOOK: The Rock Star and the Girl From the Coffee Shop 2: Under Pressure
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Her hand worked in unison with her tongue, up and down while her tongue circled.

Releasing his second ball, she moved back up on him. Her tongue swiped at the tip of his cock, licking off the pre-cum that was beginning to drip down the side of his shaft.

Her tongue circled the head of his shaft and prodded at the slit on the head; it was quickly greeted with another pearl of cum, which she licked up.

“Mmmm. Love how you taste,” she murmured as she continued to tease and taunt his throbbing member.

Oh. Dear. God
. He pulled with more strength against the restraints. He longed to thrust his hands into her hair and pull her lips down fully onto him. When she finally finished her teasing and took him completely into her mouth, the tension was so bad he nearly came then and there. He tried to distract himself as she took him in. But damn, it was hard – so hard. Each time her head bobbed downward she’d moan, softly sending delicious shivers through him.

“Hanna. Oh God, Hanna! I’m going to come.”

She continued on as if she hadn’t heard a word he’d said. His hips began to thrust up into her mouth, and just when he thought he couldn’t hold back a second longer she released him and sat up.

“Huh? What? I almost…” He squirmed and pulled at his bindings. The pressure was too much; his balls felt so hard and heavy they were pained.

Wiping her mouth with her index finger, she swung her leg over his hips and lowered herself onto him. He groaned loudly as she sank onto him, her warm, tight pussy stretching to accommodate his girth.

“Mmmmm,” she groaned as she placed her hands behind her on his thighs and began to move on him. Her modest breasts bounced, and her hair bouncing wildly around her head as she began to ride him fast and hard.

He moved with her, thrusting up each time she came crashing down. He was close. So close. Seconds away. Her pussy began to tighten around his cock, as she felt herself preparing to release as well.

“Oh fuck. Yeah, that’s it, come for me, babes.”

She opened her eyes and their gazes locked. He could see her passion in those

beautiful green eyes and it sent him spiralling over the edge. He groaned loudly, pulling at the restraints as he sent a stream of his seed into her welcoming womb.

She slammed down onto him a final time and cried out as her pussy quivered around him and she also reached climax. A gush of her juices slithered down his cock and dripped onto his lap as they came down from their sexual highs together.

“Damn, Hanna. What would I ever do without you?” He hadn’t even realized he’d

spoken the words out loud until she opened her eyes and a wide smile spread across her face. Flipping her silken curls over her shoulder, she leaned over him and kissed him softly.

“You’d have to settle for some random groupie?” she teased.

He laughed and kissed her back. “Nope. I’d never be able to settle for anyone other than you, babes. Only you.”

Chapter 11

Keeping her eyes closed, Hanna raised her hands over her head and stretched,

moaning softly. Her entire body was sore, but it was a good sore. A really good sore. She slowly opened her eyes and looked to her left. Bo was sleeping soundly, stretched out on the other side of the king-sized bed. His beautifully sculpted chest was bare. Her eyes drifted down his body, admiring the view until the blanket covering his groin, which was slightly tented, stopped her journey.

She was tempted to cuddle next to him and go back to sleep, but a grumbling in her stomach convinced her to get up. She glanced over at the clock on the wall. 6am. Much earlier than she’d normally be up. She smiled as she slid from the bed and stood. Of course, considering the workout he’d put her through for close to two hours the previous evening, it was no wonder she was hungry.

After taking a quick shower, pulling her hair back into a ponytail and getting dressed in a pair of jeans and t-shirt, she made her way down to the lobby. She was about to head for the restaurant that had already begun to serve breakfast when she remembered there was a deli across the street from the hotel. Deciding she’d rather have something quick that she could take back to the room, in the hopes she could wake Bo in a way that would start his day off very well, she opted for the deli.

After spending the previous day not being recognized and not wanting to disturb Tyson at such an early hour, she felt confident in breaking one of Bo’s cardinal rules and leaving the hotel on her own. If he found out he’d growl a little, but would get over it.

As she entered the deli, her stomach growled for what seemed like the tenth time since she’d awoken when the sweet smells of deli meats tempted her nose. After making a quick selection of a ham and cheese sandwich on a baguette, she spent ten minutes trying to communicate what she wanted on the sandwich while wishing she’d taken French classes in school.

Changing her mind about taking the food back to the room, she found herself sitting at a table near the window, watching the city awaken and people scurrying down the sidewalks on their way to work, or whatever the day had in store for them. It was relaxing to be unknown – invisible. Feeling good and full, Hanna finished the sandwich and had begun to stand when she spotted Tyson exiting the hotel.

She glanced down at her watch. 6:30am.
What’s he doing up so early?

Crumbling her napkin in her hand, she watched him make his way to a newsstand on the same side of the street as the hotel and examine the papers. After a moment of examining them, he grabbed a stack and paid the vendor.

Hanna’s brow creased.

What the hell?

Instead of taking the papers back to the hotel, Tyson walked over to the nearest garbage bin and tossed them in.


Standing, she tossed the napkin and paper plate in the garbage and exited the deli.

Instead of approaching Tyson, she hung back, keeping on the opposite side of the street and many paces behind him, attempting to remain out of sight.

Tyson proceeded to continue the procedure of buying papers and tossing them out at three more newsstands and corner stands. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know what he was doing. She became more curious with each paper thrown out on what the headline must say for him to go through this morning task, no doubt on Bo’s orders.

When Tyson decided to cross the street and repeat the process of buying and tossing out papers on her side of the street, she decided to find out.

“Yeah. All of them.” Tyson passed twenty euros to the vendor, grabbed the papers and spun around to come face to face with Hanna.

“Morning, Tyson.” Hanna plastered a smile on her face, despite her mixture of

curiosity and simmering rage.

“Hanna.” He tucked the papers under his arm, blocking her view of the headline.

“What are you doing up so early?” A look of guilt crossed his face when he spotted her eyes on the papers.

“Funny, I was about to ask you the same question.” She pointed to the newspapers.

“What’s with all the papers?”

“I ummmm.”

Not waiting for him to come up with an excuse and lie to her, she grabbed one from the stack under his arm and flipped it open. No big surprise to her, she expected the story.

It was written in French, but she got the gist of it. Two women, similar looking. One a supermodel and the other average. Blah, blah, blah. It wasn’t so much the article that bothered her so much as the picture of him and Nadine.

He’d explained the situation behind the photo and Hanna had no doubt what he’d said was the truth, but from the angle the picture was taken it really looked as though they were in an intimate relationship.

“It doesn’t matter, Hanna.”

“Of all the times for them to take a picture…” she shook her head in exasperation.

“We’re in Paris. This is just bullshit reporting.”

Hanna lifted her eyes from the offending photo to meet Tyson’s gaze. “It
bullshit reporting. But it doesn’t keep people from believing it.”

“You’re her? Her? You her?”

Her frown deepened as she peered around Tyson to see the face associated with the female voice. It was a young woman, perhaps 19. The cashier of the newsstand gave her a wide smile and held up a French version of People magazine. Encouraged by Hanna’s attention she scurried over to her and Tyson, magazine in hand, and thrust it under Hanna’s nose.

Hanna was familiar with the article the woman had been reading. It was an interview with Bo on his relationship with Hanna and the strains on a relationship when in the public eye. It was an excellent article. It was a genuine interview and not a hatchet job meant to “shock and awe.” Hanna respected the magazine for that.

The girl looked down at the paper in Hanna’s hand and pointed to Nadine. “I don’t believe.” She shook her head, frowning. “You’re much more beautiful.”

Hanna found her agitation beginning to slowly fade.

“I love Bo. He wouldn’t. No,” the girl said, shaking her head a little harder. “Bo wouldn’t cheat. I know.”

Glancing up at Tyson, Hanna couldn’t help but smile. At least one fan was on her side. Maybe the perception wasn’t as bad as she’d thought. Maybe the negativity of the press hadn’t gotten to the fans like she’d feared.

“No, he wouldn’t,” Hanna confirmed.

But the press is doing their best to make it appear that way
, she mused.

She passed the paper back to Tyson. “Go throw those out.”

“My pleasure.” Leaving the two women alone, Tyson left to dispose of the offending papers in a trash can several feet away. Hanna was surprised to feel a weight being lifted from her shoulders just seeing the papers being placed where they belonged.

“Can you sign?”

Turning her attention back to the young woman, she noticed the clerk had produced a pen and was pointing toward one of the pictures of her and Bo that was accompanying the article. It was a good picture of the two of them in Central Park sitting on a park bench, holding hands. It warmed her heart seeing it.

“Of course.” Taking the pen from the young woman, she quickly scribbled her name next to the picture in the blue ink. It was the first autograph that she’d ever been asked to sign. It made her feel like she was important after all – like for once in her life she was being accepted. It felt good.

You’re not the dorky teenager you were in high school, Hanna
. She scolded herself silently. For the first time in a long time she was actually starting to believe it.

“Thank you so much!” the girl squealed when Hanna passed her back the pen and


“You’re welcome.”

“You ready to get back?” Tyson asked, taking his place at her side.

Hanna looked around them. The morning was beautiful and not a soul was paying

attention to either one of them; it was as though they didn’t exist. The day couldn’t be more perfect; even the shitty article couldn’t get her down today.

“No. Not yet. Let’s go for a walk.”

Tyson frowned, looking down at his watch.

Laughing, Hanna swatted at his shoulder. “Don’t worry.” She pulled her phone from her jeans pocket and waved it before his eyes. “He’ll call if he wakes up before we get back. And I’ll get kudos for taking you with me. It’s a win-win.”

Tyson threw his hands up in the air in defeat, although there was amusement in his dark eyes. “Lead the way then, girlie.”


“You know what?”

“What?” Bo looked down at her as they walked down the steps of their final museum of the day. It had been an exhausting, yet incredible day. They’d visited the catacombs, gone inside the Palace of Versailles, visited a half dozen museums and were now finishing their day with a nice little walk.

“I’m so glad you insisted I didn’t bring my purse.” She looked over her shoulder at Tyson, who was trailing behind them and carrying a number of shopping bags in his hands, and grinned. “Tyson’s arms are already full without adding my purse to it.” She gave Tyson a wink and he groaned, rolling his eyes at her.

“In all seriousness, though. Are you sure I can’t carry some of those?” Reaching the sidewalk, Hanna stopped and turned to Tyson, attempting to grab some of the bags from him.

“No Ma’am. I’m fine.”

“You sure?” She was feeling guilty. Sure it was his job – sort of. But she was feeling incredibly lazy watching him carry her gift shop purchases.

“He’s sure,” Bo said, taking her hand and giving it a tug. “Besides, you’re going to need your hands free for our next stop.”

“Huh? I thought we were going back to the hotel. Get a little swim in before supper.”

“We’ll do that, too. But after a few quick stops.”

They walked a few blocks and as they rounded the corner, she was confronted with a string of boutiques lining both sides of the street. “Oh, you bugger. No.”

“Come on. Pick one. Or several. Time for you to replace that replica bag you bought on the streets of New York for the real thing. Maybe replace that watch as well.”

Hanna rolled her eyes at him. “I have no idea what you have against my Louis

Vuitton handbag.”

“The fact it’s cheap imitation leather to start. You let me pamper you with some new clothes, now its time to replace those accessories as well.”

Hanna huffed. She looked down at her clothing, wishing she'd worn some of her new clothing, instead of the hand-me-down attire she was sporting now. A plain white t-shirt, jeans and sneakers. Hardly high-class attire. “I’m not exactly dressed to shop in the luxury district. I’m dressed like a hobo right now.”

“First off, the purse is already falling apart. And secondly, I’m also dressed like a hobo and I couldn’t care less.”

Laughing, Hanna gave his hand a squeeze. “But you’re Bo Savage, honey. And you

look incredibly hot dressed like a hobo.” She made a point of eyeing him up and down, which caused a bout of laughter to erupt from him.

“But fine. Let’s go.” Despite her protest her heart was thumping in her chest. Before Bo came into her life, she’d never owned anything expensive. Luxury items weren’t items girls who worked at coffee shops owned. Boy, how things were changing. They walked past the shops, Chanel, Prada, Christian Dior, until they reached Louis Vuitton.

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