The Rising Sons Motorcycle Club (33 page)

BOOK: The Rising Sons Motorcycle Club
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“The larger group is heading for Sin City.” Anticipating disapproval, Gunner raised his hand. “I know. I know. We don’t leave the state—that’s the Golden Rule. In this case, we gotta break that rule. We need to put out a fire. It’s in Nevada now, sure. But it is coming.”

“How many men they got?” Boss asked. Gunner liked the eager tone in his voice.

“We’re not too sure. That actually brings me to my next point. We need soldiers. Open enrollment for a few hard-hitting missions. You know someone that rides and likes a good fight? I wanna see them tomorrow night.”

Trask took over. “I’ve only got three or four guys up in Davis, but they are on their way. We’re gonna set up the cops in the meantime. I only need three or four people for that—and Raven, of course.”

At hearing that, Raven’s heart jumped. She’d thought that Trask would be heading into battle across state lines. She didn’t want to be separated from Gunner. She didn’t want to get a phone call that something terrible had happened. She tried to lock eyes with Gunner, but he seemed to be avoiding her on purpose.

Instead, he nodded. “I’ll be leading the fighters into Las Vegas. Captain has some inside info that should lead us to the guy Vegas has running the crew. His name is Carlos Maldonado. He’s a fixer for some of the casinos, and he seems like he knows how to get a crew together. If we can find him, we can get him to talk. He’ll lead us to Vegas.

“Unless someone’s got something they’d like to add, I think we’re about done. Same time tomorrow, and I want to see some mercenaries here. I’m not riding to Nevada with less than twenty-five. Understand?”

The bikers in the circle nodded.

“Everyone scrounge up some guns. Most of our stuff got destroyed in the attack. I know we all have something hidden in our back pockets. It’s time to pull them out. It’s time to avenge Bear.”

The Rising Sons cheered Gunner, accepting him as their leader. He looked to Trask. The two saw understanding in each other’s eyes. They were brothers and leaders both.

Raven waited until only Captain and Gunner were left. They were discussing some kids they knew who might be interested in joining up for an old fashioned vendetta.

She couldn’t hold her tongue anymore. “I know I have to stay in Bakersfield and deal with the cops, but why aren’t you staying?”

The older biker knew when to back away and give the two some space. He headed back toward the table for another cup of coffee. Gunner put a hand on Raven’s shoulder. “Trask and I talked about it. We came to the conclusion that with less people in Bakersfield, it makes more sense to have a more experienced fighter.”

“Horseshit!” Raven fought back the tears that were welling up in her eyes, “Why not just keep a few more men here?” She couldn’t stand the thought of losing Gunner, and that was what this arrangement felt like to her.

“Hey, hey.” He pulled her to a chair and the two of them sat down. “You don’t have anything to worry about. We’re going to have plenty of men. I want to overpower them and bury them so far underground that no one will ever come after anyone associated with the Rising Sons again. We are out to make a statement. I’ve got some of the toughest fighters coming with me.”

She couldn’t face him, so Raven kept her eyes on the floor. “I’m just worried. These guys are tough. I saw it firsthand. They had no fear of death whatsoever.”

“I know that, babe. I’m not going to let anything happen. I’m going to come home with the job done. Do you trust me?” Gunner’s voice was quiet and soothing. He didn’t care that his brother could hear him. She was far more important than his hard attitude and reputation.

“Of course I trust you. It’s them I don’t trust. Some gang of paid mercenaries.”

“We’re going to have mercenaries, too. We gotta play by their rules. I won’t leave a single one alive. That was a mistake they shouldn’t have made. I know these men; my brothers. If even one of us was left alive, we’d come after them. It’s the mistake
made with Vegas. We won’t make it twice, and neither will they.”

“I’d rather be there fighting.”

He nodded. “I know you would. Please don’t misunderstand me. I don’t blame the cop thing on you. You saved Bear
your brother’s girl. It’s just the cost of doing business, I guess.”

She felt the lump grow bigger. Raven knew it was the cost, but part of her still blamed herself. “Yeah…”

Gunner looked up. “Hey, Cap. I’m gonna stay a little while longer and talk with Raven. I’ll get her home.”

“Sounds good to me. I’ll see y’all tomorrow.” Captain tipped an imaginary hat and headed out.

Raven and Gunner talked for a little longer. He eased her fears, and they rode back to his place. Raven didn’t put up a fight. She wanted to feel reassured and wrap her arms around her man as he drove.

They made love and fell asleep holding each other close.

She woke up to texts she knew were coming. She still dreaded it, but the plan made her feel a little more secure.

Hey there, firefly. We need to meet.

She wished that she had never met Allan. He was nothing but trouble. The club would have found another way to get Bear out of jail, and someone else could have come up with an address for Jenny’s kidnapper.

There were two more sent not long after.
Midnight. Los Bandoleros.
Raven liked that one. The club had the advantage there.
You come alone.
That one didn’t mean anything to Raven. She’d have protection.

She thought about her response for a minute as Gunner lay snoring into the sheets beside her. Nothing eloquent came to mind, so she sent back a simple,

She fell back to sleep and woke to Gunner’s hands at her sides. She smiled and stretched, kicking the thin sheets down her body. She told him about the texts, and Gunner nodded. “Big day ahead of you, huh?”

“Yeah,” Raven said hollowly. Gunner grimaced, sensing her nerves.

“It’s gonna be all right. If we gotta deal with the cops tonight, that means you’ll have plenty of backup if things go wrong.”

She hadn’t thought of that. They weren’t heading after Vegas until Captain got all the intel. They would have the strength of the Rising Sons plus all the mercenaries on their side. Her fears disappeared. “I hadn’t thought of that.”

“You’ll have the might of the Rising Sons Motorcycle Club at your back. We’ve taken some licks lately, but we still have a trick or two up our sleeves.” He ran a finger down Raven’s arm, and she burst into laughter when he got to her armpit.

She clamped her arm down over her body and swung her feet to the floor. “Breakfast?”

“I am hungry, but toast can wait.” Gunner grabbed her and pulled his beauty back into bed.

After sex and breakfast, Raven got on the phone with Trask to plan the night’s operation. “He wants to meet at the bar at midnight.”

After almost a minute of silence, Trask came back to her. “We can swing that. One of our guys had a hunting rifle with a decent scope. Did it go up in the fire?”

Thinking back to the warzone that had been her Saturday night, Raven answered, “I don’t think so. I forget who has one, but they said there was no point, since it would all be close combat.”

“Thank God for small miracles. Gunner will know who owns it. We’re gonna need it. Lucky for you I have a rifle marksmanship medal floating around my place somewhere.”

“What’s the plan?” Raven’s heart was racing. She feared it would keep up that pace all day.

“We’re gonna wire you up. Get them on record saying something we can use to blackmail them. If they try and take you, we’ll have to move in. I’d rather not, but we’ll see how things go down. I’m gonna be across the riverbank. We’ll have crews stationed on either side of the bar, about a half mile away.”

Raven nodded. “One request.”


“I want Gunner there.” She waited to hear his response. Raven knew he was thinking it over hard.

“No promises, but I’ll see what I can do.”

Just before ten P.M., Raven stood near the door as a line of bikers filed in. She gave them all solemn looks but wanted to beam from ear to ear. The turnout was far better than anyone had expected. They would have more than thirty people filing into the church basement.

Gunner and Raven had rearranged the chairs to face one side of the room. Even still, there weren’t enough chairs for everyone, so she and ten others stood at the back of the room. She looked out the door and didn’t see anyone else headed down the hallway, so she closed it and gave Gunner the all-clear. He nodded to her.

“Goddamn. Hell of a turnout.” He looked around. A lot of the new recruits were still talking to each other. “And now is the time we shut the fuck up.” They did.

“That’s better. Let’s get one thing clear: this isn’t some boy’s club for jerkin’ around. This is an organization of men. You will follow the rules, and you will follow the orders of your superiors. I promise you action and a fight, but you have to promise us respect and loyalty. Anyone that can’t handle being a man, just let us know, and we’ll gladly help you find the door.

“I’m not interested in wasting time. I am interested in destroying a threat and bringing glory back to the Rising Sons Motorcycle Club.”

Gunner went on with his speech, but Raven’s mind wandered. She thought of the only other woman in the Rising Sons. Faith was an honorary member. She rode, but she had no interest in jobs or violence. She was the white side of the yin and yang. She made sure everyone’s ol’ lady was treated well.

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