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Authors: Kennedy Kelly

The Right Kind of Love (24 page)

BOOK: The Right Kind of Love
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So fucking tight. I couldn’t wait to get myself into her balls deep.

I left her sex and this time trailed kisses up to her body until I reached her ear. I still had my fingers inside of her, pumping in and out at a delicious pace.

I licked behind her ear and blew on it. She shivered under me. I used my tongue to trace around the shell of her ear before blowing inside. She seemed so fucking turned on, and I could tell this was adding even more to her delight.

I bit her on the neck only causing more moans from my little diva. She was fucking hot. I trailed kisses back down her body to her core. My fingers were still pumping at a delicious pace. In and out, in and out. I felt her tighten a bit against my fingers, and I could tell she was close. I hooked my lips around her clit and sucked and then bit. Then I lavished it with tender licks to sooth the pain and pleasure that my mouth brought to her.

“Damien, I think I’m going to come again.” She could barely talk and it was fucking beautiful.

While lavishing her inner thigh with sensual kisses, and then blowing on it, I saw goose bumps rise on her skin. She had the most incredible, flawless skin. I wanted to leave my mark on it so she would know it was me who brought her this much pleasure.

I couldn’t help but go back to her glistening pink lips and suck on her clit some more, my fingers still pumping. She arched up off the bed again and looked at me. Her breath was coming in uneven sprints.

“Oh, my,” she said to me and then laid her back down on the bed.

“Does this feel good, baby?” I started pumping faster, and I felt her tighten around them hard.

“Yes. Oh, yes!” She tightened again and then spiraled over the edge of oblivion. I took her clit in my mouth and bit it. She arched her body of the pillow and shouted her release.

So fucking good.

I’d just given my little diva two of what I hoped were the best orgasms of her life.

“I’ll be right back. I’m going to go grab a condom or two.” I gave her a wink and walked over to my dresser to get one.

I made quick work and was back in a second. I noticed Zeus was lying on the floor. His ears perked up when I came closer to him, and I could only imagine he smelled the sweetness of sex that permeated the room.

Sliding off my pajama shorts with my boxer briefs, my cock sprang free. Her eyes widened when she got a look at it. “Um, what do you have on your cock?”

“Oh, it’s called a Jacob’s ladder.”

She looked at me again with huge eyes and a raised eyebrow. My Jacob’s ladder was a bit of a unique piercing. It was a trail of piercings all the way from the tip of my cock down. It brought the woman so much pleasure that they usually couldn’t get enough. I could see her concern, though. She wasn’t very experienced. “Will it hurt me?”

“No, sweetheart. Let me show you how good it can feel.” I went back to the bed, sheathed myself, and then settled between her legs.

“Damien, I need you.”

“Okay, I’m right here.”

Slowly, I entered her body. “You feel so fucking good.”

She was tense at first and then I felt her relax. I began to slowly move in and out of her. The feeling was unreal. I knew I wouldn’t last long. As I slowly pumped myself into her, I looked into her eyes while she gazed into mine. I couldn’t believe this was finally happening. My girl had finally given herself to me, and it was fucking beautiful. Leaning my head toward her, I took her lips to mine for a deep sensual kiss, and then I began to pick up the pace. She was fisting her tiny fingers in the sheets, so I took them into my own and held them tight. It was another connection of our bodies.

“Are you doing okay?” I would pull out this second and not worry about the raging case of blue balls. I hoped to God that she wasn’t having any flashbacks.

“Yes, oh, yes,” she moaned. “You feel incredible, Damien. Holy shit.” My girl was enjoying herself and it made me smile even more.

“How does my piercing feel?” I said breathily.

“It’s incredible. It’s hitting me at all the right spots.” She closed her eyes and I could only imagine she was enjoying the sensations my body was bringing to her as I was on overload.

I began pumping my cock into her, going slowly, and then speeding up. We both had a light sheen of sweat on our bodies. I peppered kisses all over her face and forehead and let her know how special she was to me while giving her everything I had with my cock. 

Placing my lips over hers, I began to deeply kiss her while my cock worked at its own pace. I drove my tongue against hers until we were breathless and panting.

Sinking balls deep, I shifted my hips from side to side, and that did the trick. Flexing my hips and going in a circular motion made her go ape-shit. I felt her squeeze my cock, and then she came and came. Losing it after that, I unloaded. It was beautiful, sensual, and very sexy.

“Thank you. That was incredible.” I kissed her lips, soft and chaste.

“Thank you, Damien. You made my body come alive again. That was amazing.” She took her hand and caressed the side of my face. It was sweet.

So fucking sweet.

Something wasn’t adding up. I looked at her body again examining every square inch of her beauty. “Um, I just realized something, sweetheart.” This damn little diva had duped me.

“What’s that?”

“Well, if I remember correctly, you told me you had a tattoo. I didn’t notice any tattoos on you just now except for the one I gave you.”

She started laughing. Laughing so hard that she shook the bed. Looking at her, I could see the tears coming down her eyes from laughing so much. She was out of control.

“What? What’s so funny?” Her laugh was so infectious that I started laughing with her.

“Oh, my God, I think I’m going to pee.” She slid her legs off the bed and ran to the bathroom.

I certainly didn’t plan for our pillow talk to go like this.

She rushed back over to the bed and plopped herself down beside me. She was still giggling.


“I totally got you. I don’t have any other tattoos except the one you gave me. Which I love so much, by the way. I want another one after the baby is born.” I gently placed my hand over her body claiming her.

“I love seeing the ink I put on your body. Me and only me. But I must say that you’re such a stinker.” I started tickling her and she squirmed all over the bed while she giggled.

I stopped tickling her, and she was breathless. “Got you.” She tapped me on the nose.

“Yes, you most certainly did. I think it’s time for some sleep, but don’t be surprised when I wake you up in the middle of the night for round two and three.” And I meant every word. I would for sure be waking up my little diva.

“Oh, is that so? What if I don’t’ want to?”

“Trust me, you’ll want to. Now, come over here and let me snuggle you.” She moved into my arms and rested her head on my chest.

“Good night, sweets.”

“Good night, honey.”

Finally, we had fused our bodies and souls as one. And it was the best night of my fucking life. When she said she ‘got me,’ she had no idea that she actually did—in more than one way.




e had been living in our new home for one month and loved it. Every evening was filled with our passion as we consumed one another body and soul. The way we fit together was as if we were made for one another. None of my past relationships could even compare with what I had with Damien. What I felt for him was like nothing else. And I had to admit, without a doubt, I was completely and irrevocably in love with this man. We hadn’t said I love you to one another, but I had a feeling he shared the same feelings.

He hadn’t slept in his bed once since we moved in together. He was always in mine, and I preferred it that way. It was comforting to go to bed wrapped around him, and then to wake up next to him in the morning and see his smiling face.

I still hadn’t made a decision whether or not I was going to keep the baby. Reality was that I didn’t have that much time to make a decision. But if I decided to keep it, I needed time to get the nursery ready and fully prepare myself for motherhood.

My friends at work finally knew I was expecting. I couldn’t hide my bump any longer. I wasn’t huge, but with my height, it was obvious. Of course, they asked questions, but I kept my responses to a minimum. I’m sure they would be shocked if I gave him or her up for adoption. But I felt like it was still my choice, and I wouldn’t want anyone making my mind up for me.

Damien and I were in the car flying down the road since we were both a little late getting off work. I had a doctor’s appointment and we didn’t want to be late.

It was finally time to find out the sex of the baby. I had a feeling that seeing that little baby on the sonogram screen and actually moving around looking like a baby instead of the blob from the first one, would help me with my decision. It was scary. It was going to be one of the most life-altering days I would ever have. But I was ready. I was tired of being so stressed out and torn with what to do. I was tired of Wes continuing to take over my life.

Damien reached over and grabbed my hand in his. “How are you doing, baby?”

“I’m actually really good. Today is going to be a big day.” I rubbed his hand with my finger.

“I know, and I hope you realize that I’m here to support you one hundred percent.” He placed his hand on my swollen belly and gently rubbed it.

I knew it would shred his heart if I decided to give it up for adoption, but I had to do what was best for me. Maybe in time we could have our own baby together. I would be happy to give him that.

We parked the car, and then hopped out and headed into the hospital. My doctor’s office was located in the medical mall. I’d chosen a great doctor. He was one that came highly recommended by Reeve. At first, I didn’t know if I wanted to have a male doctor. However, there was nothing about him that intimated me. He was very thorough and had a nice bedside manner.

Walking into the office, I went straight to the receptionist and checked in. I took a seat next to Damien and then picked up a baby magazine and started to read it.

A nurse came to take us to the exam room, and I got settled in my gown while Damien read girly magazines. It was actually quite humorous. “Are you enjoying that magazine, Damien?” I chuckled.

“Don’t make fun, Sydney. This is some good shit. These chicks in here are hot and are showing a lot of skin.” He kept his eyes trained on the magazine.

“Hey, you better watch it, mister. I know where you sleep at night.” I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Is someone jealous?” It was his turn to laugh.

The doctor walked in saving us from getting into a little tiff. “Hi, Sydney. How are you feeling?”

“Oh, I’m doing good, Dr. Gordon. Just getting bigger by the day.” I placed my hands over my belly.

“Now that you are twenty weeks, are you ready to find out if you have a little boy or girl in there?” He brought the machine closer and turned it on.

“Absolutely.” Damien had set down the magazine and was giving us his full attention.

“Let’s get started, shall we?” He lifted up the gown and squirted the warming gel on my belly. Then he placed the wand on my belly and started moving it around. “See the baby? Here are her legs and head. She isn’t just a little peanut anymore.”

Did he just say she? “She?”

“Yes, you’re having a little girl.” He smiled warmly at me.

My heart swelled and the tears started to flow as I watched my daughter on the screen. My daughter. My beautiful daughter. I looked to the amazing man sitting next to me. His daughter. “Damien, do you see your little girl in there? She’s going to be daddy’s little angel.”

He looked at me after absorbing my words, and the biggest smile spread across his face. “Really? Are you saying what you think you’re saying?”

I wiped my hand on the back of my face to remove the tears. “Yes.” I gave him a warm smile, and he leaned over and kissed me on the forehead.

“Sydney, I want to see you back here in a month. I’m going to go now and let you two have your moment.” Dr. Gordon left the room.

“I can’t believe it. You’ve just made me the happiest man alive.” He got up from his chair and came over to me. He then pulled me into a warm embrace.

“I think I just got that jelly all over you.” He pulled away and I looked at his shirt.

“Damn, that looks like a cum stain.” We both started laughing.

Looking into his eyes, I felt like I had to ask him one last time. “Are you sure this is what you want? If you are, I will put you on her birth certificate as her father.”

“Yes, I want this more than anything in the world. I hope this will be the beginning of our family, and that one day, your belly can grow with my child. But in the same breath, I want you to know that I wouldn’t love this little girl any less. I promise to love her like my own.” He brought his lips to mine and placed a tender kiss on them.

We parted and I hopped up off the table. “Time to get dressed.”

“Or you could stay like that, and I could have my wicked way with you up against this wall.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

“As tempting as that sounds... and let me tell you it is tempting.”

“Fine,” he said with a pretend pout. “So I was thinking I would love to tell my parents that we’re expecting. They should be home by now. Can we drop by their house on the way home?”

“Sure, that would be fine. Bee is going to be over the moon tonight when she gets here, and I tell her it’s a girl and that we’re going to keep it. How lucky am I to be having a little girl and my best friend moving in with us today? I feel so blessed right now.” I grabbed my purse, and we headed out the door.

We were at his parent’s house in the driveway waiting to go in. I hadn’t been going to the family dinner since I started to show. Damien made up an excuse for me every week. They knew we were a couple, but this was going to be a huge surprise. Hopefully, it would be a good one.

“So, follow my lead, okay.” I had a plan and I wanted to make sure that he didn’t screw it up.

“No problem. I will totally support whatever you choose to say.” We got to the door and walked in, and Damien hollered, “Mom, Dad, you home?”

“In the kitchen, darling,” his mother called out.

We walked in, and she brightened up when she saw me. Then her eyes traveled down my body and they popped out. I guess there was no surprising her.

“Oh, my God, you’re pregnant?” She enveloped me in her arms and squeezed me tightly. Then she pulled away and kissed me on both cheeks.

“Yes, we found out a month ago. I’m twenty weeks now.”

She narrowed her eyes at Damien. “Why I’m just now finding out about this?”

“Ma, we weren’t ready to tell anyone yet. It was all so new to us, and we just wanted to keep it between us. I’m sorry.”

She swatted him on the arm. “Well, you should be. I can’t believe my boy is having a baby of his own.”

“Yeah, Ma, it’s pretty great. I’ve never been happier.” He gave her a gleaming smile.

“So do you know what you’re having, Sydney.” She looked hopeful.

“We do, but we’re going to wait until the baby is born to tell everyone.” I had changed my mind since having the sonogram. I at least wanted it to be somewhat of a surprise to everyone.

She clapped her hands together, and then gave me another hug. “I’m so happy for you, sweetie. I’m going to be a grandma again. We’re going to throw you a huge shower.”

We pulled away. “I can’t ask you to do that.”

“Oh, nonsense, darling. We need to make sure you have everything you need. And what you don’t get, we’ll buy you.”

“What’s this I hear about a baby?” Damien’s father walked into the room and took in the sight of me. “Oh, I see.”

“Look, Thomas. Damien and Sydney are going to have a baby,” Luciana said with joy.

“That’s great.” He turned to Damien. “So does this mean you are going to get a respectable job, so that you can take care of your baby?”

“Dad—” Damien started, but I cut him off.

“Thomas. With all due respect, Damien does have a respectable job. He does very well for himself, and I’m very proud of him. And his baby will be, too. ” I placed my hands on my hips and he was quiet. I’d obviously silenced him.

“Thomas, you should embrace our son. He does quite well for himself.” Luciana tried as well.

“Nonsense, what he does is pure trash.”

“Dad, you’re wrong. I’m an artist. I put art on people’s body.” I looked at Damien. His jaw was popping, and his cheeks looked slightly flushed. He was obviously pissed, but I was outraged.

“You know, Thomas, I don’t have anyone. My mom and dad are dead, I’m not extremely close to my step-dad, and my grandparents passed away. You should be accepting of your son. You’re lucky you have one another. So your son doesn’t have a white collared job like Reeve, and he doesn’t serve his community as a police officer like Justice. But I’m here to tell you, he’s a good man. A very good man. You should be proud of him. You don’t know how lucky you are to have one another.” He furrowed his brows and I could tell the wheels in his head were working, and he was thinking hard.

“You know, Sydney, I’ve never not loved my son. I know he is working hard to make an honest living. It just isn’t what I would have chosen for him. But I should probably lay off the work talk because it would be much easier to have a father-son relationship.” He took Damien in his arms and gave him a manly hug.

“I’m so glad you two finally can see eye to eye. I’m thrilled to have my loves get along. This makes me a very happy mother,” Luciana said while a huge smile lit up her face.

“So, son, you and Sydney are pregnant?” Damien’s dad was finally catching up to what was going on.

“Yeah, Dad, and I couldn’t be happier.”

“Well, congratulations. It will be strange having an infant around here again.”

We only stayed at his parents’ house for a little while. We had to get back to the house because Bee was due in. I was so thrilled to finally see her again and over the moon that she was there to stay. We had a few hours to get the house picked up before she arrived.

We walked into our house and shut the door. Damien instantly had me pushed against the wall, his lips planted to mine, and his tongue plunging into my mouth. Our tongues did a tango with one another sucking and swirling. He pulled away and we were both breathless.

“You made me so hot today. First, telling me that I was going to be a daddy, and then sticking up for me to my dad. You lit this body on fire. I’ve been rock hard for a while now. I’m going to fuck you hard. Really hard.”

My sex instantly gushed and my nipples were hard as rocks. “Oh my.” I breathed as I felt myself get wet between the legs. My nipples started to strain against my lace bra aching for his touch.

He lifted me off the ground, and I immediately wrapped my legs around his middle. He carried me to the kitchen and set me down on the countertop. Kissing hot trails down my neck, he got to my breast and pulled them out of my bra and sundress. He ravaged my breasts in a way he had yet to do. He sucked on my nipple, nipping it just hard enough to make me jump, but immediately soothing it away with a stroke of his tongue. I could tell that it wasn’t going to be our typical love making. He was going to fuck me. Hard. And I welcomed it.

When he released my breast, he snaked his hand under my sundress and ran his finger across the lace of my panties between my legs. When he slid his finger beneath the lace and into me, my whole body shuddered in ecstasy.

BOOK: The Right Kind of Love
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