The Ride (17 page)

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Authors: Jaci J

BOOK: The Ride
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            Happy took Mini away. Got her crying, wailing ass out of here. Peaches is helping the old bartender clean up the blood. Cali is standing behind me rubbing my back. Melli is talking with a prospect. I'm sat on a stool like a fucking catatonic mess. What the fuck just happened? With a loud crack the front door kicks open. Tank, Gin, Rampage, Stitch, and Sargent walk in looking anything but happy. Gin turns hard eyes to Peaches. “Get ya ass off that god damn floor baby. Go on with Rampage. Be right behind ya,” he says his words softening when he sees the edge in Peaches face. Nodding she fallows Rampage out. Stitch wraps his arms around Cali kissing her forehead. “Head out with Tags, yeah?” She smiles softly and goes with Tags without a fight. Melli fallows suit and leaves without a word. Oh fuck. All eyes turn to me. None of those eyes look happy to see me. Tank heads right for me, Gin on his heels. Stalking across the room with purpose his eyes never leave me. Pushing his was into my personal space he doesn't give me a chance to react. Looking down at me with mean hateful eyes he shouts, “You know who that motherfucker was? You go n' pick a fuckin' fight with him. You stupid? You askin' for it? Now I got a mess to clean the fuck up.” I've never seen him this mad. Face stone, muscles bunched with tension, jaw ticking, hands fisted and shaking. Those eyes that always look at me with lust, with care, with softness show nothing but cold hard wall. “Calm the fuck down man,” Gin warns Tank sternly. Tank gives one swift head shake basically telling Gin to 'shut the fuck up and back off'. Shaking my head in disbelief I stare up at Tank unsure what to say or how to act. I'm still trying to figure out what just happened. “You fuckin' crazy bitch?” he hollers at me. The word bitch echoes in my head. The biker brat rears her ugly head. Bitch? Call me a bitch and watch me blow a hole in your head. “Fuck you! You fuckin' talkin' to me like this. You lost your motherfuckin' mind?” Finger hitting him in the chest. Staring down at me he tugs at his hair, eyes flaring with contained rage. “I hope to God you ain't screamin' at me right now,” he counters. “Fuck,” Gin mutters under his breath. Oh yes I'm most definitely talking to you. I lose it. Go of the deep end. Shit hits the fan. Gin even sees it. He steps towards me to guard Tank from what he knows I'm about to do. “You want a motherfuckin' fight? You got it asshole. You think I can't break you, try me,” I clip at him. My body humming with anger. All that adrenaline channeled into Tank. For a moment he seems stunned, head snaps back in shock, eyes widen. Taking a step towards me I step towards him, ready to go rounds. “Don't fuckin' touch me,” I sneer at him. Stepping closer Gin gets in our way. “Sis, bring it down. Don't do some shit you'll regret.” Glaring at Gin, he gets the hint and steps back. Tank growls, “don't
tell me not to touch you. Girl, you are mine.” Taking another step towards me he looks like he's ready to pounce. Putting his hands on Tanks chest to stop him Tank looks ready to kill Gin. “You've lost your God damn mind Tank,” I tell him. Looking at Stitch I give him a pleading look. Nodding his understanding he walks up to me wrapping an arm around my shoulders. “Let’s go,” I tell him. Tank looks murderous. He looks like he wants to rip Stitches arm off and feed them to him. Good, fuck him. Without a backwards glance I leave with Stitch wondering how an amazing night went so bad so fast.

            Lying in the extra bedroom at Cali's I'm a fucking mess. Not sure how this went so horribly wrong. One minute we're all having fun, the next Tank's killing guys. Tanks blown up my phone, calling and texting as soon as I set foot out the door. Finally I had to turn it off. I couldn't take the constant ringing. I'm trying really hard not to egg him on. Trying not to start a fight. It's been a few hours and I've started to cool off, calm down. I just don't understand what he expected me to do? Go running and crying to one of them? To back down? Not stand up for my family? I wasn't raised that way. That's not me. I hear Cali's concerned voice, “oh shit.” Fallowed by Stitches, “calm the fuck down before you go in there all mad as fuck 'n shit.” A loud bang fallowed by Cali again. “Leave her be.” I don't have time to react the bedroom door flies open with a loud crack as it meets the wall. He's good at breaking doors. Tanks big body filling the doorway blocking out the hall light. I don't have to see his face to know he's still seething. “You,” he growls pointing at me. “Get your fuckin' ass up and on the back of my God damn motherfuckin' bike.” Lunging for me I dodge him. Jumping up and onto the bed I move away from him. He's not about to start throwing demands out at me. I'm not that girl. “You got it twisted; I'm not the girl you yell at. You can fuck right off asshole!” Striding towards me he makes a grab for my hips. Backing away I smack at his hands. I'm slowly becoming unhinged. He's driving me mad. Cali's standing in the door way now looking like she's unsure what to do. Stitch takes one look, shakes his head and leaves. “Baby, I ain't playin' with you. It'd be best you shut your fuckin' mouth and do I what I tell,” he rumbles down at me. Jumping off of the bed away from Tank I duck around Cali and into the hall. Holding up a hand to Tank Cali says calmly, “I'd suggest you leave her be. You don't know Lil like I do. You're only makin' shit worse for yourself.” Tank stares at Cali like she's lost her ever loving mind. Looking back up at me he lets the defeat seep through the hardness. He knows he's not winning this. “Baby,” he drawls in frustration. Cali turns her concerned eye to me. “You good boo?” she asks me. I'm good aside from wanting to throttle the shit out of Tank. “Yeah.” Nodding she leaves us alone. Tank standing in the room looking at me like a he doesn't know me and me staring back like I don't know him either.

            “Got some education for your ass, I'll put it down for you if ya need it Lil.” Nodding my head I hold fast. “You can't expect me to see a motherfucker hit my girl and not go ape shit.” Sitting on the chair backwards staring at me, hands in his hair, face hard and unforgiving. I'm standing by the door ready to bolt at any provocation. “Doesn't give you the right to flip the fuck out on me. Don't get it confused that was me being me.” Arms crossed defiantly around myself I listen to that deep drawl tell me how it is. “Yeah, babe, it does. You think Gin wouldn't have done the same for you? That brother fuckin' loves you girl. What 'bout Stitch or Happy? Those motherfuckers would have done it. Low woulda lost his shit. Woulda shot up the whole God damn place, us including if we got in his way. We ain't lettin' no man touch a women no matter she club property or not. And you girl are club property,” he says lamely, like I don't fucking know. Shrugging my shoulders I try for uncaring. Sighing with annoyance he scrubs his hands over his face roughly. Yeah you're wearing my patients down too buddy. “Listen baby, ain't no man puttin' hands on a women 'specially my girl. You can throw your fit, stomp around n' shit. But truth is you're mine and ain't nobody, and I mean nobody layin' hands on you. Ever.” Standing up he steps towards me that smirk eating at this lips, “now getcha ass on my bike.” Shaking my head I step away. “You're not about to reprimand me for having Peaches back. She's my fuckin' family. I will
stand up for her, for all of them. You think that's the last time, you're sorely mistaken.” Groaning with a vexation he throws his hands in the air. “You think I want you to back down, take shit form any motherfucker? You're wrong. … Can't just go spoutin' off at the mouth whenever your little heart desires Lil. Sure babe run your mouth to me, Happy, but any other man that ain't in a Disciples cut, you shut the fuck up.” His face serious, tone stern. Taking a deep cleansing breath he continues, “Me or another brother's there fine talk all the shit you want. Spit that shit 'till you're blue in the face angel. Smack, kick, hit whatever and whoever the fuck ya want. We got your back always. You alone or with the other girls you keep them pretty lips closed. You got me?” he asks pointedly, staring me down with a face that leaves little room for argument. “Yeah, yeah.” Shaking his head in irritated amusement he grumbles under his breath. “You're gunna kill me baby. I swear to God. Always worryin' 'bout you has got me antsy and on edge. Don't ever want to see somethin' happen to you, that shit
kill me.” His words hurt my heart. They hit me hard. For a moment his eyes turn sad. Looking tired and worried. The truth of the matter is he cares and he's worried about me. He wants me safe. I'm used to it from the other guys, but from Tank it's new. I've always had a hard time taking orders from anyone, but with Tank it brought out my fight. He cares about me and I need to remember that. Taking a step towards him he reaches a big hand out to me snatching me up and hauling me to him. “You're comin' with me. You got me?” he growls into my hair, face in my neck. Nodding I give in. “I got you.”




            Saw that racist puke raise a hand to my girl I lost my fucking shit. My mind just went right out that fucking door. The need to break his fucking neck clouded my judgment. No motherfucker touches my girl and lives to tell about it. Hit her and you're going to be begging me to let you get your next breath in before I rip your fucking head clean off your body. I had to put that shit down for her. Had to educate her. She wants to fight about it with me, fine. She can fight until she's blue in the face. But I'm not relenting. I don't give a flying fuck who my baby wants to fight with while I'm there. She wants to spout off to anyone, good I'll let her go. I love my Lil fired up anyways. She's alone, without me or a brother she better keep that beautifully dirty mouth of hers closed, or she and I will have problems. Mad Lil makes for some madly wild sex. That girl gives it to me as good as I give it. Takes what I give her and asks for more, no I take that back she demands more. That bitch doesn’t ask, she tells. That fucking body like a damn drug to me. She's always got me feining and hungry for her. Pounding into the sweet warm body has my fucking mind blown. Shit just all makes sense when I'm in her. Everything feels right. Big perfect tits bouncing around for me. Biting the fuck out of her lip. Those beautiful eyes hot and wild. Sweating, breathing hard, and enjoying every second of my baby. It's never been like this for me. I could fuck a bitch and still think about other shit. Not with Lil. If she's anywhere near that's all this motherfucker can focus on. Fuck it, she's not around she's still all I can think about. It's a fucking illness. She's all I can see. “
… Harder, baby,” that sweet voice rasps into my neck shouting all kinds of dirty shit. I like my baby dirty and wild shit turns me the fuck on. “Fuck me harder. Motherfucker,
give it to me
!” Those little hands digging into my back drawing blood. Biting on my shoulder my baby makes it hurt and I love it. “Fuck, baby …
.” That sweet tight pussy the best I've ever had. I want to stay buried balls deep for life. Never will I find it any better than this right here. Something worth dying for. Wet, warm, and soft squeezing the fuck out of my dick. Hands wrapped up in that long hair. I can’t get enough of those juicy lump lips. Hitting her hard. Digging deep. Long tanned legs wrapped around my body holding the fuck on. Rocking into her body good. I fuck her hard, give it to her good. Her soft body giving into me. Taking everything I give her. Pressed against the wall just inside my place I fuck her like my life depends on it. We couldn't even make in past the front door. Hell I couldn't even get it together enough to get those lace panties off of her. They're still around one ankle.  She started clawing at my clothes and it was all over from there. She got it right here not two feet from the front door. Pounding into her hard I can feel her letting go. That pussy gripping the fuck out of me. Fuck that shit is good. The dirty words stop. Her body goes soft on me. I know I've got her. “Give it up for me baby.” Those quiet moans and whimpers make me fucking hard as hell. Shit drives me fucking crazy. Pounding into her harder I work for that orgasm. Baby always makes me work for it. “Please Tank …
.” she begs desperately. Those eyes closed tightly, lip between her teeth. Love when she begs me. I love it even more when she starts screaming for me. “Baby, yeah.” Lost in that pussy. Lost in her body I let myself go. Gave my girl three, it's my turn. Pounding into her I let that shit go. Spilling into that body. She's mine. Her body, mine. And I fuck her like she is.

            My phone ringing from the nightstand startles me awake. Why don't I turn that shit off? I can't help the angry growl. That shit woke me from a dead sleep. Lil's warm naked body wrapped all around me. Her naked back to my front. Wrapping my hands in her hair I tug her face back to mine. Kissing my baby before I heave out of bed. “What?” I bark into the phone. A short bark of a laugh fills the phone. “You kill Lil or did you fuck and make up?” Gin's amused voice rumbles into the phone. “That shit better not be why you fuckin' woke me up and pulled me away from Lil, asshole.” His deep laugh annoys the shit out of me. Is he always this God damn annoying? “Glad you didn't kill her man. Kinda love that bitch.  … Anyway shits all fucked up with a shipment.” Fucking hell. I am not in the mood for this shit. I just want to take my ass back to bed and back to my baby. “Where the fuck is Low? He can't handle this shit?” Gin laughs again. Apparently I'm a funny motherfucker at two in the God damn morning. “He's on a run. It's you brother. Rampage is already there. We're at the warehouse waitin'.” With that he hangs up. Fuck, forgot Low's not around. Jesus Christ. “You leavin' me?” A soft little voice says from beneath a mass of blankets on my bed. Leaving her? That shit doesn't sit well with me, the way she says it. I'm not going anywhere. Not on her fucking life. “Nah baby got somethin' to handle real fast.” She shifts in the bed, rolling over to face me. “I'll be back. Rampage is here. Get some sleep, yeah? You need anything you call me.” I can make out her nodding her pretty little head. “Yeah.” Clothes on, slipping on my shit kickers I head for the door. “Tank?” Turning back Lil's sitting up looking at me. Those big browns blinking up at me in the muted light from the bathroom. Fucking beautiful. “Please be careful. It'd kill
if anything happened to
.” Giving me my words back. That shit hitting me right in the heart. Girl knows how to make it hard for me to leave her. “Baby, yeah.”

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