Read The Revelation Online

Authors: Lauren Rowe

Tags: #erotica, #suspense, #romantic comedy, #hot, #billionaire, #steamy, #trilogy, #new adult

The Revelation (32 page)

BOOK: The Revelation
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He pulls back. “What were we talking about?”

“Miss Westbrook.”

“Oh, yeah.” He lays a quick peck on my lips. “Jonas
became Miss Westbrook’s after-school helper, and to make a long
story short, she did this crazy, amazing thing he hadn’t
experienced in a really long time: she was nice to him.” He shrugs.
“And that’s pretty much it—well, and she was smoking hot, too.” He

“But how do you think she convinced him to speak? A
year’s a long time.”

“I don’t know exactly what she said or did to him
when they were all alone in that classroom, but whatever it was, he
adored her. She could have asked Jonas to fly and he would have
figured out how to sprout wings.” He sighs. “All I can say is it’s
a good thing Sarah’s not some kind of evil madman bent on
destroying the universe because if she were, we’d all be screwed.
The boy would figure out how to do it for her.”

“I think the feeling’s mutual.”

Josh nuzzles my nose again. “Don’t tell Sarah, but
Jonas is gonna pop the question.”

I’m floored. “

Josh grins broadly. “He’s been sending me photos of
rings this whole past week. Hang on.” He rearranges me on his lap
so he can grab his phone from his pocket. “See?”

I look at his screen—and sure enough, Jonas has
texted Josh countless images of diamond rings, all of them bigger
than my head.

“Holy Hope Diamond, Batman,” I say.

Josh laughs. “Which one do you think Sarah would
like the best? Jonas won’t leave me alone about it.”

I scroll through the images, shaking my head. “Hell,
if I know. They’re all freaking spectacular—oh, wait. No.
. Wow.” I point to a princess-cut dazzler that, for whatever
reason, screams “Sarah” to me. “She’s gonna totally freak out.”

“Bless you.” Josh grabs his phone from me and shoots
off a quick text to Jonas. “You just saved me from hours of
torture, Kat. Thank you.”

“When’s he gonna ask her?”

“In two weeks—he’s taking her on a surprise trip to
Greece right after her final exams.”

I gasp. “He’s gonna ask her in
? Oh my
God.” I clutch my heart. “Oh my shit, Sarah’s gonna crap her pants.

“You ever been there?”

“No, remember? I’ve only been out of the country to
Mexico and on a cruise to the Caribbean. I told you about the
cruise and you said the only way to travel by sea is by private

Josh laughs. “I said that? Oh my God, I’m such a
douche sometimes.”

I laugh.

He nuzzles my nose. “So get this, babe. Jonas is
planning to make poor Sarah hike to the top of
—because, he says, she’s ‘the goddess and the muse’”—he
chuckles happily—“and then he’s gonna make her jump
mountain and paraglide down to the beach—and
he’s gonna ask her.” He laughs heartily. “So fucking Jonas.”

“But Sarah’s deathly afraid of heights.”

He touches my hair. “Well, sucks to be her, then. He
wants to create some kind of

My brain tells me I should smile and laugh, but my
eyes unexpectedly fill with tears instead. Oh my God, I’m a hot
mess. I cover my face with my hands. What the hell is wrong with me

“Kat? What’s wrong?” He looks genuinely concerned.
“Why are you crying?”

I shake my head and laugh at myself through my
tears. “I’m just so happy for Sarah,” I say, but even as I say it,
I’m not sure if this completely explains my sudden (bizarre) tears
(though, of course, I am insanely happy for Sarah). “I dunno, maybe
I’m just so freakin’ relieved Sarah’s okay—I was so worried about
her when she was attacked.” Another true statement—but, again, I’m
not sure this is the source of my tears. “Or maybe I’m just
sloppy-drunk. That was a really strong drink, Josh.” I

Or maybe finding out Jonas is gonna propose to Sarah
made my heart pang for myself, if I’m being brutally honest. Maybe
my heart clanged so forcefully inside my chest cavity when Josh
said those words, the sensation literally brought tears to my

Josh looks at me funny for a long beat.

I feel like I’ve said something wrong. Or, at least
something awkward. I didn’t just now say my deepest thoughts out
loud, did I?

After a moment, Josh grabs my face and kisses me
passionately. Whoa. This is quite a kiss.

“You’re a good friend,” Josh whispers into my lips,
his passion obviously surging all of a sudden. “I like that about

“Josh,” I breathe. His kiss has ignited me.

He rises off the couch, taking my fluttering,
swooning, aroused body with him—and I throw my arms around his

“Okay, Party Girl with a Hyphen,” Josh says, his
eyes blazing. “Time to finish the tour of my house. Next stop: my


Chapter 26



“Wow. Katherine Ulla Morgan’s finally gonna be in my
bed,” Josh says gleefully. “Glory be.”

I giggle, peel off my clothes, and crawl into Josh’s
luxurious bed, my skin on fire. “Hurry up, Joshua William Faraday.
Don’t keep Katherine Ulla Morgan waiting.”

“I’ll be right there. Just getting some music cued
up.” He glances at me from across the room, his blue eyes
smoldering. “Another one from James Bay. I can’t get enough of this

As the song starts playing, Josh joins me in bed,
his erection straining as he crawls over me—and in a flash, his
warm skin is covering mine.

“Hey, gorgeous,” he says softly, his muscles bulging
as he rests his forearms on either side of my head. “Welcome to my

“Thank you. It’s a pleasure to be here.”

The song is swirling around us, filling the room
with words that seem to have been written especially for
us—especially for this moment. Did Josh select this song as some
sort of coded message to me—or is it just coincidental that James
Bay is singing to us to “Let It Go” and reveal our truest selves to
each other?

“I love it,” I murmur as Josh’s lips gently press
into mine.

He moans his agreement into my mouth. “Me, too.”

Goose bumps erupt all over my body. These words are
making my heart pang.

Josh raises my arms above my head, pins my wrists
together with one of his large palms, and proceeds to slowly kiss
and touch his way down my arms all the way down to my mouth, where
he sucks my lower lips and teases me mercilessly for a while with
tender kisses, until finally leaving my mouth for my breasts. Oh
God, I’m already writhing with pleasure and we’re just getting
started. His lips leave my breasts and trail down to my belly,
where he swirls my belly ring in his mouth, and then moves on to
laying soft kisses on my hip bone and pelvis.

“You smell so good,” he breathes. “I’m rock hard for

I’m on fire.

When his lips finally move to the sensitive folds
between my legs, I let out a long, low moan, already on the cusp of
climax, and when his tongue finds my clit, I grip the sheet and
arch my back, my body clenching and releasing forcefully.

“You’re amazing, baby,” he says, his mouth lapping
at me. “I love the way you get off.”

When my orgasm subsides, he works his way back up my
body, kissing, sucking, caressing, massaging, and licking me into a

I’m enraptured.

His face is suddenly in mine. Oh God, I could stare
into those blue eyes forever. The room is spinning. He cups my
cheek in his palm and presses his warm skin into the full length of
my body. “I can’t get enough of you, baby,” he says.

“I’m addicted, Josh,” I reply. “I’m totally addicted
to you.”

He slides his fingertips between my legs, brushing
my wetness gently until I’m squirming and yelping with arousal, and
I return the favor, touching him exactly the way he’s touching
. We kiss and kiss, caressing each other gently
as we do, until both of us are trembling and making sounds of
extreme arousal.

I feel transported. I can’t think. I can only
I wrap my legs around him, pressing my body into his.
“Please,” I breathe. I’m trembling with desire. “Please. I want
you, Josh. Please.” I’m using a phrase I’ve used with him before: I
want you. But this time I mean it in a new way. This time, I’m
telling him the bare truth: I want
, not just sexually. I
want him to be mine in every way. I’ve never ached like this
before. My heart hurts. “I want you, Josh,” I say again. “I want
you so much it hurts.” Oh my God, I feel like crying, I want him to
be mine so, so much.

“I’m all yours,” he says. He parts my legs and
slides his hardness inside me, burying his shaft deep inside me,
kissing me deeply as he does, stroking my hair, sucking on my lower
lip again, thrusting his body slowly in and out of mine—and all of
it as “Let It Go” continues to swirl around us.

I caress his ass and dig my fingers into him and he
responds by thrusting passionately into me. “Why do you always feel
so fucking
?” he asks, his voice strained.

“Josh,” I breathe. But that’s all I can manage. I’m
feeling too overwhelmed to say more. With each thrust of his body,
each time his chest rubs against mine, each touch of his lips, my
heart feels like it’s physically reaching outside of my chest to
join with his.

Sex with Josh has never been like this before. He’s
fucked my brains out many times, made me literally pass out with
pleasure, but this feels different. It doesn’t feel so much like
me, it feels more like he’s... what was that
word he used when he talked about the way Jonas loves? It feels
like he’s

I’ve no sooner had the thought than I’m jolted with
a palpable electric current. Holy hell, it’s like someone flipped a
switch on our mutual circuit breaker.

“What the fuck?” Josh says softly, his body moving
with mine.

Oh my God. He feels it, too?

that?” he asks, his voice

“I don’t know,” I choke out.

He touches my face and kisses me, his passion
spiking. “What the fuck are you doing to me?”

I shake my head and press my palm into his chest,
right onto his mother’s name. “I don’t know.”

As the song builds, so does the crazy electricity
between us. It feels too big to contain, too pleasurable to

Suddenly, I don’t want an inch of separation between
us. I want all of him. Every inch. I hitch my legs up higher around
his thrusting body, as high as I can manage, trying to coax him
into the farthest recesses of my body and he responds by guiding my
thighs to his shoulders. And that’s all it takes to send my body
releasing with an orgasm so pleasurable, it makes my eyes

“Yeah, baby,” Josh says, his passion obviously on
the verge of releasing. “Oh my God. You’re amazing, babe.”

In one smooth movement, Josh pulls out of me and
rearranges us. Suddenly, he’s on his back and I’m on top of him,
straddling him, riding him. His hands are all over me. His face is
intense. I grab his finger off my breast and suck it

He moans and thrusts underneath me with increased

I’m vaguely aware the music has moved on to the next
song on James Bay’s album. He’s singing about “craving.” Oh God,
these words were written for us, too. I’ve been craving this man
since the minute I laid eyes on him.

Our movement becomes heated. Josh is thrusting into
me, grabbing at me, groping me, kissing me, groaning, and I’m
gyrating my hips wildly on top of him, rubbing myself against his
hard shaft as I do. He touches my clit and massages me—and I
absolutely explode with pleasure.

“Yeah,” he chokes out as my body undulates around
his cock, over and over. “Get it, baby.”

Right on my heels, Josh jerks underneath me, his
body releasing into mine. “Oh God,” he groans. “Holy fuck.”

As Josh comes, I gaze at him from my perch on top of
his body.

I love watching his features contort from pure
pleasure. I love seeing every muscle in his body tense and tighten
and then relax. My eyes drift across all the swirling ink
decorating his skin—to his abs and chest, glistening with

His body is quiet now. He’s all done. His blue eyes
are fixed on mine. Oh, those eyes. I trace his eyebrow with my
fingertip and he blinks slowly, obviously completely spent. I lean
down and kiss his lips gently and then trail gentle kisses along
the length of his jaw, to his ear, and then down to his neck. I
inhale the scent of him and swoon. Oh my effing God, I cannot get
enough of this man.

I kiss and lick his chest tattoo, each and every
letter, and then I let my tongue migrate down his torso to his
little fishy swimming in the river and then down to the deep ridges
in his abs. I kiss every letter of his “overcome” tattoo along his
waist and let my tongue explore the sharp “V” cuts above his pelvis
as the song swirls around us, giving voice to what I’m feeling deep
inside. After a while, my mouth finds his nipples, then his neck,
his jawline, his lips. We kiss passionately for a long time until,
finally, we pull away from each other and stare into each other’s

My head is reeling. I’ve never experienced sex like
this. This was something new—the perfect alignment of heart, body,
mind, and soul. It took my breath away.

Josh wraps a lock of my hair around his finger and
sings along softly to the last chorus of “Craving” straight to the
end of the song. Another song on the album starts, and at the first
chorus, it becomes clear what this new song must be called—“If You
Ever Want To Be In Love.”

Josh stops playing with my hair. “Excuse me for a
minute, PG.” He abruptly guides me off him, hops off the bed, and
practically sprints toward his bathroom, leaving me in the bed
alone with my mouth hanging open, listening to the rest of the song
by myself.

BOOK: The Revelation
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